John Robert: Another Stealth Leftist

It appears that We-the-People, the US Constitution and the USA are now sunk. CJ Roberts has now shown his true stripes as a leftist. In order to do away with the true argument that the Congressional ruling establishing ObamaCare would be charged as a fee for being born and living in the USA, Roberts changed ObamaCare to a tax--which Obama had argued previously and intensely stated was not a tax--in order to mollify … [Read more...]

The Constitution & Justice John Roberts’ Liberalism; Can Romney Man-up?

Maggie Thornton Maggie's Notebook Today, the Supreme Court shows itself to be Liberal 5 to 3 with one Justice considered a swing vote. Unfortunately, the future of this country now depends on SCOTUS justices – not the vision of the Founders! Assuming Obama is out in January 2013, Romney may have three Court appointments to make (Ginsburg, Breyer, Kennedy). It will be imperative – a sobering task that will … [Read more...]

Founding Principles Never Included a Progressive Tax

By: A. Dru Kristenev and Toddy Littman How can we, individually and as a nation, continue to help others if we are robbed of the means to do so? The needs of so many are met by Americans through thousands of hope missions at home and around the world. They are missions both faith-based and secular that are supported wholly by individuals giving from their personal fortune, large or small. Ask yourself this, … [Read more...]

Dershowitz Doubles Down on Trayvon Martin Case

Accuracy in Media As part of a recent AIM Report, I wrote briefly about the release of documents last week in the George Zimmerman case. Zimmerman has been charged with second degree murder in the death of Trayvon Martin. But more has come out since then, and attorney Alan Dershowitz has stepped up his criticism of the special prosecutor in Florida who brought the charges. Here is what I wrote: As we are … [Read more...]

Felonies: Geithner’s IRS, Fast & Furious Abuse of Marxofascism’s Opposition

Contributor, CJinTX - @TelltheTruth1 Or, what would you call it? Enemies lists Directed malfeasance in processing non-profit applications Harassment of opposition applicants Excessive tax status for their propagandist non-profits Collaborating with fellow Marxofascist non-profit political operations, as if they were a part of their regime Leaking of opposition donors to their own non-profit ops I … [Read more...]

International Criminal Court Convicts Head of State, Liberia

Do We, the Sovereign People of the sovereign nation of the United States of America want the International Criminal Court to rule over us? Perhaps to convict our politicians, when they do not abide by global laws and standards? Perhaps any of the rest of us? Today, that is happening to Charles Taylor, the former elected leader of Liberia. CBS News reports the following: (CBS/AP) LEIDSCHENDAM, Netherlands - In a … [Read more...]

National Campaign to Vet Obama: Republicans, Investigate or Else

by Lawrence Sellin The Post & Email Our vote is the only leverage we have left No American should vote for any Presidential candidate, who will not adhere to the Presidential oath of office to “preserve, protect and defend” the Constitution. Barack Hussein Obama has not done so from the moment he raised his right hand, placed his left on the Bible and swore that oath on January 20, 2009. Article II, … [Read more...]

Obama Demands SCOTUS become Rubber Stamp for his Policies

Like the MCP (Master Control Program) in TRON 1, Obama has already sucked the life out of Congressional members.  That once co-equal (per the US Constitution) branch of the US Government is no longer viable and has become little more that a “me too” for Dictator-in-Chief Obama’s destructive and malevolent policies and behaviors.  Whether its members were threatened with harm or coerced with very-large bribes, they … [Read more...]

Obama’s March 16th Executive Order; Despotism in the Guise of Emergency Preparedness

The Declaration of Independence and the Constitution do not "hang by a thread."* They are simply being put on the shelf, as our globalist, Marxofascist (putative) president and those in whatever valences and connections conspire with him, to take advantage of the emergency of the day, whatever day, whatever shall generate it, or whomever may concoct it, and not let it "go to waste." What hangs by a thread, if … [Read more...]

Obama Syndicate‘s Panetta: Congress No Longer Relevant Governmental Body

Horrifically, what I wrote and warned about in 2008 (and since then in multiple columns) would happen if Obama was elected has now occurred. On 7 March 2012, backed up by Obama sycophant Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Gen. Martin Dempsey, the Obama Dictatorship’s Defense Secretary Leon Panetta (defense of and for Obama--only) advised the Senate Armed Services Committee that the Obama Administration had no  … [Read more...]

Obama’s Infanticide History; Illinois Expert Stanek Backs-Up Gingrich Claim

Update Follow-up post, here: "Gingrich Refers to Jill Stanek’s Moment of Passion with Born Alive Infanticide" This is a snapshot of Jill Stanek's running post, following Newt Gingrich's cheerful reminder to the Marxstream media about The One they religiously protect and his bloodthirsty record in Illinois. To say she is a hands-on expert in this matter is a grim understatement. We encourage you to … [Read more...]

Who Do these People Think they Are?

NoisyRoom Imagine you wake up tomorrow and this is not a Constitutional Republic anymore. It is now a dictatorship. Whoops! Already accomplished. Then imagine that you wake up tomorrow and the President and our elites have given away part of the US. Then imagine it was your state and your state and Senators weren't even consulted on it. In fact the deal was conducted in secret. Well, the nightmare is alive and … [Read more...]

The 4 America-Betraying Treaties Obama is Poised to Sign

Gulag Bulletin 4/29/2012: See the Sovereignty Campaign, Exploratory Committee (@SovCam) for a new initiative to protect our national sovereignty by vetting candidates for the US Sentate and House of Representatives. Nice Deb Republished with thanks, by permission, from February, 3, 2012 Could Obama really be on the verge of making our worst conspiracy theory nightmares about a “new world order” come … [Read more...]

Obama’s ‘Compromised’ Attack on the First Amendment

Compromise? Think so? Think again. Frank Hyland In issuing its latest controversial decree from on high - this one on contraception - the Obamanation has clearly, publicly, and intentionally crossed a line.  When it tells Roman Catholic institutions that they must provide contraceptives, what they are really telling Roman Catholics is that they must change their beliefs that the church has held for … [Read more...]

‘Obama is Betraying America!’ Dick Morris on 4 UN Treaties

Video, "Obama is Betraying America! Dick Morris TV: Lunch ALERT!" 2/1/2012 Caption by dickmorrisreports: As his Administration enters its last year, he is about to sign four treaties which surrender our sovereignty, enact gun control, cede the power to go to war to the U.N., and tell us how to raise our children It is of our core thesis at Gulag Bound that the American Sovereignties are being warred … [Read more...]

Follow Ron Paul’s Money too: Peter Thiel, Globalist, Bilderberger, GOProud Activist

Since this item in BuzzFeed Politics is short, we show it in its entirety: Ron Paul's Biggest Supporter Is A Bilderberger, International Financier World's collide.The gay libertarian tech investor Peter Thiel, enthusiast of post-national ocean states, backed the SuperPAC. Posted Jan 31, 2012 9:21pm EST The largest donor to a SuperPAC supporting Ron Paul is Peter Thiel, the sort of ultra-wealthy, … [Read more...]

Video: How the 1% of 1% of 1% of 1% is Taking Over, Town by Town

The occupy movement is indoctrinating and training revolutionaries against the "1%" but will they really come to understand who the very wealthiest and most controlling people are, in this world, and how they are using false-flag operations of many kinds, in order to achieve global hegemony? Will the rest of us? Video, "U.N. Taking Over City Councils Across America!"  To know more (and we all must know … [Read more...]

Court to Hear Obama Eligibility Challenge on Merits, First Time Ever, Jan. 26

Contribuotr: CJ in TX @TellTheTruth1 "This will be the first time ever, since this whole thing began, that it will be looked on, on merit." Those are the words of Carl Swensson, Republican Party Chairman of Clayton County, Georgia. "This" refers to an actual judicial hearing of the case against the eligibility of Barack Hussein Obama, Jr. to be, according to the United States Constitution, "Commander in Chief" … [Read more...]

Maryland County Leads Way out of Globalist ‘Sustainability’ Destruction of U.S. Property Rights

Maryland county charts a path out of Agenda 21 December 23, 2011 James Simpson, DC Independent Examiner Last February I wrote about how one brave county was taking the lead in fighting Agenda 21 – the United Nations “Agenda for the 21st Century.” The government of Carroll County, Maryland, was the first governmental organization to revoke membership in ICLEI, the U.N. … [Read more...]

Ron Paul Explains his Opposition to NDAA, ‘Citizens are Not Exempt’

We will let the Senator and presidential candidate speak for himself, pleased by his candor. Video: "Ron Paul explains his opposition to the NDAA 12/19/11" See attached categories and tags below, for more. … [Read more...]

Is the Constitution Partisan?

All public officials, elected or appointed, federal, state and local, take an oath to preserve and defend the Constitution. This is supposed to remind them and us that the Constitution stands above politics, and our primary loyalty is to the rule of law itself, not to any party, program or political agenda. But the dirty little secret of American politics is that the American left thinks this oath and this loyalty is … [Read more...]

US Not Headed Towards Euro-Socialism; it’s Far Worse than that

Are you as tired as am I about the talking heads--leftists, RINO and faux conservatives--advising us on an almost daily basis that “If we don’t stop it (presumably the government, Obama and maybe even Obama’s sycophant Congress) we’re heading for ‘European-style Socialism’.”  Ahhh…as if that were the only thing about which we have to worry. Of course, the truth is that the [former] USA is not heading for … [Read more...]

Defense Authorization’s Unconstitutional Aggression upon Citizens; TruNews Radio Notes

It was my privilege to record an interview with Rick Wiles of about the Disappear a Dissident (a.k.a., "Suspected Terrorist," a.k.a., "belligerent" in the "homeland") provision in the Defense Authorization Bill that passed the U.S. Senate last Thursday, by a 93-7 vote. It now awaits Congressional conference and a remedy is possible, if enough pressure is put on Congress. Here is a page that makes it easy … [Read more...]

Dear Sen. Ron Johnson, Are You about Money, or Freedom & Sovereignty?

I received an unexpected call tonight. Picking up the phone, I was invited to listen to and ask a question of Wisconsin's new "Tea Party" Senator in D.C., Ron Johnson (R). One by one, the questions and answers were about money, money, money.... I listened, but never got to ask the question I gave to the call screener. I was not surprised. Following is my email to the senator, after it ended. Sen. … [Read more...]

John McCain, Adversary of America in Congress, Fights to Detain Sovereign Citizens without Due Process

Over Thanksgiving weekend, an extraordinarily evil, Trojan Horse amendment was concocted for our current "Defense Authorization Bill," and sponsored by John McCain (AZ-R) and Carl Levin (MI-D). And once again Ron Paul attempts to stave off "progressive" tyranny, leading to totalitarianism. It may be called the Levin-McCain anti-Citizen, anti-due-process, authoritarian amendment to bill S. 1867. As The Hill points … [Read more...]

Occupy Wall Street and the Constitutional Convention

"Democracies have ever been spectacles of turbulence and contention; have ever been found incompatible with personal security, or the rights of property; and have, in general, been as short in their lives as they have been violent in their deaths." --James Madison, Federalist No. 10, 1787 "Remember democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There never was a democracy yet that did … [Read more...]

Tom Tancredo Speaks up for Arizona’s Recalled Russell Pearce

You may recall seeing heroic Arizona State Senator Russell Pearce on television, during the passage of the their legislation to uphold the rule of law in that border state, against America's strategic invasion by illegal immigrants. Representing Arizona's 18th senatorial district, he has since become the President of the Arizona State Senate -- and he is being recalled. His recall vote was passed in July of 2011 … [Read more...]