Matthew Boyle of Breitbart recently reported that conservative activist and author Trevor Loudon riled up the crowd to kick off the South Carolina Tea Party convention with a speech in which he offered a "Dream Team" to “put the federal government back in its place.” Trevor, author of "Barack Obama and the Enemies Within", is currently on a national speaking tour promoting his latest book: "The Enemies … [Read more...]
Archives for January 2014
Is It Really Possible to Remove John Boehner as Speaker of the House?
Are you like me? Are you sick and tired of seeing one article after another regarding the firing of the Speaker of the House but never see anyone take action to make it happen? How many times have you seen a political advocacy group with the caption, “The Speaker of the House must be fired! Sign the Petition now!-?” This effort has been circulating around since 2011, shortly after John Boehner was first elected … [Read more...]
Dinesh D’Souza vs. Bill Ayers Live Streaming Tonight 7:30pm ET
TONIGHT at 7:30 p.m EASTERN you can LIVE STREAM the debate between Dinesh D'Souza and domestic TERRORIST and author of Barack Obama's book "Dreams from My Father" at this link. Related from via Gulag: D’Souza to Debate Bill Ayers: What’s So Great About America? Bill Ayers is known for his 1960s radical … [Read more...]
Are You a Potential Plaintiff in an Anti-Obamacare Lawsuit? Please Respond by January 31, 2014
Nationwide Alert The Illinois Policy Institute has teamed up with the Liberty Justice Center to seek plaintiffs for a lawsuit against the PPACA – Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act – a.k.a. “Obamacare”. It will take every legal and legislative avenue at their disposal to stop Obamacare. Your information will be totally confidential, and there is no cost … [Read more...]
Telos Group: The Taking of Our Children by the Progressive Left
So, it’s another Monday. Fresh off of going to church on Sunday, if you are Christian, and off to another busy work week. Taking the kids to school, dashing off to work, figuring out how to pay the bills while juggling who has to take little Susie to the doctor and when little Johnnie has to be picked up from school in order to make his soccer tryouts on time. Then its head down after work helping the kids do … [Read more...]
‘Myth Making’: Political Parties & Synergy of the Good/Bad
By: Brent Parrish The Right Planet (Credits: LT. Powell, Pacific Freedom Foundation) I’m honored to announce a collaborative effort with LT. Robert Powell of the Pacific Freedom Foundation. LT. Robert Powell is a military instructor, Retired Chamber President, and Oregon native who has compiled some excellent materials on subjects like the UN’s sustainability initiatives (Agenda 21), Communism, Socialism, … [Read more...]
Trevor Loudon Spoke at the Richmond TEA Party & All I Can Say is WOW!
By: Tom White Virginia Right! The word I used in the title for this post, WOW, has a double meaning. The first and most important meaning is WOW! As in this guy with the cool New Zealand accent is an amazing, edge of your seat kind of speaker. The second meaning of the word is actually an acronym that speaks to how I came to know who Trevor Loudon was several years ago. We are both members of a small group … [Read more...]
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