Arab Spring? Day of Rage? Spontaneous uprisings by idealistic youth? "Civil Society?" "What democracy looks like?" The Neo-Marxist Globalist Engineers of 'Leaderless' Occupy Wall St. Originally published under this title, October 31, 2011, 11:09am A revolution against the controlling elite that thrusts off the tyranny of their central banking, the indoctrination in their schools, the lies of their media, and the … [Read more...]
Adbusters’ Marxists, Yanking the Occupy Movement Around Again, for May Day
And on the bossing around of the "leaderless" Occupy movement, this just in via and from "the man," Marxist-style, a.k.a., Adbusters: Adbusters Tactical Briefing 30: The May 2012 Insurrection Posted by Niel - O.T.R.O on 04/27/2012 in Call out, Events · 0 Comments Hey you dreamers, strikers and new left redeemers out there, For thirty-one magical days beginning this Tuesday, May 1, we … [Read more...]
Federal, D.C. and Media Complicity with Revolutionary Marxist Occupiers
Progressive Media Encourage Lawlessness and Anarchy Accuracy in Media The message of the protests in New York City and Washington, D.C. is that if you want property, private or public, take it. The anti-Wall Street demonstrators have taken over a private park in New York City and public property, Freedom Plaza and McPherson Square, in D.C. The reaction of the White House is that all of this is fine. After all, … [Read more...]
‘US Day of Rage & Occupy Wall Street’: ACORN, SEIU, Robin Hood Tax, New Constitution & George Soros
Maggie's Notebook, 9/15 In an article yesterday about this weekend’s U.S. Day of Rage or Occupy Wall Street, I asked several questions including, is George Soros involved and what is this about? The website says this is all about banking and the financial forces that shape our country, but is there more? Seems there is. Is George Soros behind this protest? I have some new information on that. I’m reading … [Read more...]
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