New Zeal There are some who believe that Zbigniew Brzezinski, adviser to America's worst ever Presidents, Jimmy Carter and Barack Obama, is some sort of anti-communist hawk. The reality is that Brzezinski is a globalist and a socialist. Check out this exchange, re-printed approvingly in Democratic Socialists of America's Democratic Left, November 1991, page 16: Then this: "Marxism … [Read more...]
Archives for May 2013
Zbig ‘the Pink’ Brzezinski
Brzezinski Cheers on Obama Chinese Premier Xi Summit

New Zeal Arch "One Worlder, life long communist appeaser and Obama adviser," Zbigniew Brzezinski, has high hopes for the upcoming summit between U.S. pro-communist President Barack Obama and new Chinese premier Xi Jinping. From the Communist Party of China website: WASHINGTON, May 23 (Xinhua) -- The upcoming summit between Chinese President Xi Jinping and U.S. President Barack Obama is "very timely" and … [Read more...]
China Cements “Ties” With Fiji

New Zeal From the Communist Party of China website: President Xi Jinping said Wednesday that China is ready to strengthen communication and cooperation with Fiji and other Pacific Island nations. Xi made the remarks while meeting with visiting Fijian Prime Minister Josaia Voreqe Bainimarama in the Great Hall of the People. Xi said China believes that all countries are equal members of the international … [Read more...]
Obama’s ‘Sword and Shield’

New Zeal From The American Spectator By Paul Kengor & Ion Mihai Pacepa Our president has a deaf ear, no thanks to the KGB. Call us crazy anti-communists. Tell us we’re conspiracy-minded. Insist that maybe we’ve spent too much time living and studying the Cold War. Either way, this is our business, and we can’t help but notice such things. In watching President Obama speak on terrorism last … [Read more...]
Dishonoring America’s Veterans

Accuracy in Media Fox News’ Jennifer Griffin called it “arguably the biggest scandal the Obama Administration is facing in Washington right now—the Department of Veterans’ Affairs disability claims backlog.” The average wait time, she reported, is 273 days. “Despite a half-a-billion dollar new computer system designed to improve efficiency at the VA, 97 percent of all the claims are still filed on … [Read more...]
New York’s Socialist Politicians 3: Christine C. (for Communist?) Quinn

New Zeal While under pressure from disgraced former Congressman Anthony Weiner, New York City Council Speaker Christine C. Quinn, is still favored to win the Democratic nomination for NYC Mayor. Incredibly, of the main Democratic contenders, Quinn is regarded as furthest to the "right." Even the Communist Party USA has been pushing that line. According to the Communist Party member Danny Rubin, writing … [Read more...]
Teaser!!! Some of What You’ll Find in “The Enemies Within: Communists, Socialists and Progressives in the U.S. Congress”

New Zeal Trevor Loudon's soon to be released "The Enemies Within: Communists, Socialists and Progressives in the U.S. Congress," is like no other book on U.S. politics. Most Americans don't know that U.S. communists still exist, let alone that they have managed to infiltrate their allies into the highest reaches of the Senate and the House of Representatives. More than 60 representatives are … [Read more...]
Surprise, Surprise!!!! China Has Plans of Major U.S. Weapon’s Systems

New Zeal This is no joke folks. This puts millions of lives at risk. Maybe even U.S. national survival. From Russia Today: The designs for more than two dozen major weapons systems used by the United States military have fallen into the hands of the Chinese, US Department of Defense officials say. Blueprints for the Pentagon’s most advanced weaponry, including the Black Hawk helicopter and the brand … [Read more...]
Clinical Mental Health Therapist on Common Core Techniques

Sher Zieve's article, "Behind Common Core: Forcing Marxism/Nazism on America’s Children" has gained significant attention and deserves much more. In it, she interviews Christina Michas, an exemplary activist. Ms. Michas in turn, alludes to a new Web site by like minded patriots, concerned for America's children and future, Their Twitter account is @CUREnat. There, on their Twitter page, I've just … [Read more...]
Big Media Lobby for Immigration Bill

Accuracy in Media Big media corporations are lobbying for passage of the Gang of Eight’s 844-page immigration bill, S. 744. Critics call it amnesty. In addition to Rupert Murdoch’s News Corporation (the parent of Fox News), the companies include: Walt Disney Co. (owns ABC News) Hearst Corp. (owns 15 daily newspapers, including the Houston Chronicle, San Francisco Chronicle, Albany Times … [Read more...]
Memorial Day. What Did You Do Today? What About Tomorrow?

While this full page ad from a World War II era magazine has a propagandistic tilt that some may find objectionable, let it serve as the reminder it is, this Memorial Day. Thank you Father in Heaven, for those who have given their lives to pass truly empowered popular #sovereignty, accountable to You, on to us, so we may devote our lives to do the same. That is where freedom comes from. … [Read more...]
Left Tries to Redefine IRS Scandal

Accuracy in Media The liberal media, liberal non-profits, and Congressional Democrats are urging the public to look the other way from the IRS targeting scandal. The problem, they argue, is the presence of 501(c)(4)s that engage in political activity—instead of being “exclusively” social welfare organizations. What, exactly, do they mean by social welfare? These liberals assert that a regulation by the … [Read more...]
Iran Deploys Long-Range Missile Launchers – The Hawk is Set to Take Flight Iran: A Hawk surface-to-air missile (AFP Photo / Amin Khoroshahi) Iran is upping the war ante with a supposedly "massive" deployment of missile launchers just in time for their presidential elections next week. In an unsurprising, testosterone fueled show of claimed strength, these launchers are being dispersed to parts unknown and in numbers unknown. Two dozen trucks have been spotted without … [Read more...]
Weekly Featured Profile – Frank Smizik Frank I. Smizik is a stealth socialist State Representative from Massachusetts. He has represented the 15th Norfolk District in the Massachusetts House of Representatives since 2001. He is the current Chair of the House Committee on Global Warming and Climate Change. Smizik is married to Julie Johnson, a lobbyist for the Massachusetts Teachers Association and a leading member of Boston … [Read more...]
Testimonial: The Enemies Within: Communists, Socialists and Progressives in the U.S. Congress

New Zeal Terresa Monroe-Hamilton posts a pre-release review of Trevor Loudon's soon to be released: “The Enemies Within: Communists, Socialists and Progressives in the U.S. Congress.” Trevor Loudon’s new book “The Enemies Within: Communists, Socialists and Progressives in the U.S. Congress,” clarified for me just how much trouble we are in as a nation and how completely infiltrated our halls of power have … [Read more...]
Obama and Putin’s Secret Correspondence

New Zeal More on the Obama/Putin letter exchanges. This is very dangerous stuff folks. America's pro-Moscow communist affiliated President Obama, doing secret deals with Russia's KGB President Putin. Which country do you think is going to get screwed out of this? From Russia Today: US President Barack Obama has received a personal response to his letter to Russian President Vladimir Putin: Moscow … [Read more...]
Colombian Communist Party Conference, 2012

New Zeal Now this is a REAL Communist party. Kids and all. Quite horrifying in a way. Thanks to Andre. … [Read more...]
Rockin’ With the Communist Party

New Zeal Communist Party USA supporters burn up the dance floor in Chicago's Unity Center, at a May 19th People's World Party potluck and fundraiser, celebrating international labor solidarity and the fight for immigrant rights. If I didn't know better, I wouldn't much worry about these people. … [Read more...]
Obama’s Leak Obsession Leads to Privacy and Free Speech Abuses

Accuracy in Media The Obama Administration is obsessed with leaks. Not the information it carefully leaks on its own, but the leaked stories which prove inconvenient for the Administration’s carefully crafted narratives. This serves as an extension of the White House’s emphatic desire to control all media accounts of itself, and craft a positive image before the public. Thus, even in the case of national … [Read more...]
Become A KeyWiki Sustainer, Receive a Free Book!

New Zeal Our sister site KeyWiki is a hugely valuable resource. One that is being increasingly utilized by researchers all over the world. With more than 60,000 files and 30 million page views and improving every month, KeyWiki is becoming a key resource for those wishing to understand and counter the unfolding socialist takeover of America. Deliberately hosted offshore in New Zealand, KeyWiki needs … [Read more...]
Waking Up America? – Arlen Notes

Love And Death - The Abandoning I remember thinking and talking of America, circa 2008/9, as a patient in a light coma, held in an operating room on the table, unable to wake up, beginning to be drained of her life blood, her organs there to be harvested. Now, trickling into her hazy consciousness despite the Marxstream media anesthesia, are all the putative president's "scandals," and the patient adds … [Read more...]
Now Fact: All Aspects ObamaGov Completely Corrupt/Criminal

No, folks. The Obama syndicate was never incompetent. It was and is, however, the most corrupt, criminal and openly tyrannical US government, which is now openly attacking the USA and its people, that has existed in US history. It has also, until recently, been able to keep all aspects of its tyranny under wraps…with the assistance and collaboration of the equally corrupt US media. Even today, many media outlets … [Read more...]
Help to Choose Trevor Loudon’s New Book Cover!

New Zeal I can't decide, can you? I've been sent some cover design roughs for my new book. I'm down to these two basic options. The book exposes more than 60 U.S. Senators and Congressmen who have ties to the Communist Party USA, Democratic Socialists of America or other Marxist organizations. The book tells who they are, who they work with, what there agendas are and how they work against America every … [Read more...]
The Smoking Gun in the IRS Scandal, Part Two

Accuracy in Media Republicans are getting tripped up by the media when challenged about evidence of President Obama’s personal involvement in the IRS scandal. Rep. Dave Camp of Michigan, who chairs the House committee looking into the IRS, “admitted there was no evidence” linking Obama to the IRS scandal, as MSNBC described his appearance on NBC’s “Meet the Press.” Camp said, “We don’t have anything to say … [Read more...]
The Real National Scandal: Putin’s Letter to Obama

New Zeal Appalling as the Benghazi, AP and IRS scandals are, this dwarfs them all. This puts U.S. national survival and hundreds of millions of lives at stake. From Russia Today: The head of Russia’s National Security Council has arrived in the US on a two-day visit for top-level talks on key stumbling blocks in bilateral relations. He will also deliver President Putin’s response to a letter President … [Read more...]
IRS Scandal Reaches the White House

Accuracy in Media The Washington Post narrative surrounding the IRS’ targeting of conservative groups is that it began as a scandal involving low-level employees at a Cincinnati office, the “Determinations Unit,” a natural outgrowth of an increase in political activity by these groups. This belies other reporting by the Post’s Fact-Checker, which indicates that there was little growth in the number of groups … [Read more...]
Must See! New Larry Grathwohl Interview

New Zeal Larry Grathwohl went undercover for the FBI in the terrorist group the Weather Underground. He is interviewed on WNDB radio by Marc Bernier. Grathwohl talks about his personal experiences with Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn as they planned and executed terrorist bombings in the United States and their ties to Barack Obama and Michelle Obama. To order Larry's fascinating book, go here. … [Read more...]
The Smoking Gun in the IRS Scandal, Part One

Accuracy in Media Jeffrey Lord’s story in the American Spectator about a “smoking gun” in the IRS scandal has backfired. He implied that the head of the IRS union had personally met with President Obama to plot against the Tea Party when there is no evidence of such a meeting or such plotting. Instead, as the Daily Caller and U.S. News & World Report have reported, the union chief had been part of a “Workplace … [Read more...]
Wind Power Sucks Subsidies, Instead of Turning Turbines

New Zeal From my friends in Australia at the Carbon Sense Coalition: Media Statement by Viv Forbes Chairman, The Carbon Sense Coalition. The Carbon Sense Coalition today called on the Australian federal government and the opposition to abolish all renewable energy targets, certificates and subsidies. The Chairman of Carbon Sense, Mr Viv Forbes, said that it was time for those who worship wind turbines … [Read more...]
Virginia’s Cuccinelli Battles Democrats, Media

Accuracy in Media The Washington Post apparently doesn’t care how ridiculous it looks as it embarks on the process of destroying Ken Cuccinelli and other Republican candidates for top statewide offices in Virginia. After Cuccinelli won the gubernatorial nomination, the Post stories looked like press releases from the Democratic Party. The front-page online Washington Post headline proclaimed, “Virginia GOP … [Read more...]
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