Diana Larkin publishes in Twitter: @JournalDiana11, Gab @journal, CloutHub @JournalDiana11, and search “Diana Larkin” in Xapit.com. While planning a video update with Diana Larkin we were once again pre-empted, to relay God's alerts about terrorism, including what is being wrought through the intentional border crisis. Now, this crisis has been expanded to include false-flag assassination contingencies for … [Read more...]
CRITICAL UPDATE: False-Flag Terrorism Planned, Border and Afghani, per Diana Larkin, Robin D. Bullock, Amanda Grace, Veronika West
Diana Larkin publishes in Twitter: @JournalDiana11, Gab @journal, CloutHub @JournalDiana11, and search “Diana Larkin” in Xapit.com. UPDATED 8/27: See my entries in "Comments" below this article for further items by Diana Larkin, Robin D. Bullock, and Veronika West, which both confirm and expand upon the urgency of this prophetic intervention. It is a call for intercession -- and for raising attention, … [Read more...]
Weekly Profile – Patrick Morales
KeyWiki.org Patrick Morales Patrick Morales is a member of the Tempe School Board in Arizona. Morales’ political and community work has included: President of the Hispanic & Native American Caucus at Arizona School Boards AssociationChair of the Tri-District Finance Committee at Tempe Elementary School DistrictStatewide Organizing Director at Progressive … [Read more...]
ACORN for Illegal Aliens – Meet the Southwest Key Programs
NoisyRoom.net Are you curious who has been facilitating the transport of illegal alien children throughout the country? Look no more... meet La Raza connected Southwest Key Programs. This organization is the pipeline for the children into US refugee camps and homes across the nation. They provide immigrant youth shelters. It is a well-oiled machine that was set up to educate and reintegrate youth into American … [Read more...]
Kyrsten Sinema: Communist Connected Arizona State Senator to Run For Congress
New Zeal From Big Government, Trevor Loudon First term Phoenix area Arizona State Senator Kyrsten Sinema has thrown her hat in the ring to stand for the US House of Representatives from the newly created 9th Congressional District Kyrsten Sinema is widely known as leftist and a "progressive," however, there has been virtually no media scrutiny of Sinema's documented ties to the Arizona Communist Party - … [Read more...]
Tom Tancredo Speaks up for Arizona’s Recalled Russell Pearce
You may recall seeing heroic Arizona State Senator Russell Pearce on television, during the passage of the their legislation to uphold the rule of law in that border state, against America's strategic invasion by illegal immigrants. Representing Arizona's 18th senatorial district, he has since become the President of the Arizona State Senate -- and he is being recalled. His recall vote was passed in July of 2011 … [Read more...]
Trevor Loudon To Speak in Free Arizona
New Zeal … [Read more...]
Red Reps 14: Scoop! Arizona Rep. Raul Grijalva’s Communist Party Connections
New Zeal Red Reps 13 here. Most Arizona voters are probably aware that the 7th district Rep. Raul Grijalva leans pretty far to the left. After all, he is co-chair of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, the nearly 80 strong bloc of mainly socialist connected Democrats. Some might know too, that while studying at the University of Arizona in the early 1970s, Grijalva was a member of MEChA, the infamous … [Read more...]
SPECIAL REPORT: Symptoms of Tyranny, Oathkeepers in Arizona
NoisyRoom Hat Tip: RTR.org By: lonelantern Remember your oath... Honor and protect the Constitution. … [Read more...]
Oath Keepers Rally to Honor Jose Guerena and Oppose SWAT Searches
NoisyRoom By: OathKeepersOK … [Read more...]
Shocking Excerpts Read at Tucson School Board Meeting From A Book In The Ethnic Studies
NoisyRoom By: NakedEmperorNews This is what is being taught to our kids. When will it be enough? This is disgusting. We are being overthown from within. … [Read more...]
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