Founders Code Let’s begin with the 39th Congress, shall we? 1865-1867, it was a time of reconstruction. For context, scan this summary of the activity of Congress. On the matter of ratification of the 14th Amendment, a year-long study was completed by a 15 member committee. Much of the debate was on citizenship for slaves. For reference, the Joint Resolution was H.R. 127. Of particular note is the … [Read more...]
Archives for October 2018
Asymmetrical Warfare And 4GW: How Militia Groups Are America’s Domestic Viet Cong
By: Sam Jacobs | “It is interesting to hear certain kinds of people insist that the citizen cannot fight the government. This would have been news to the men of Lexington and Concord, as well as the Mujahideen in Afghanistan. The citizen most certainly can fight the government, and usually wins when he tries. Organized national armies are useful primarily for fighting against other organized national … [Read more...]
Time for Christians to Politically Follow Jesus
By: Lloyd Marcus I have black and white Christian relatives who are extremely involved in their churches, faithfully attending every Sunday. They sit in their favorite pew, singing, “I Have Decided To Follow Jesus.” Why do most of these Christian relatives choose to ignore Democrats’, fake news media’s, public education’s, and Hollywood’s war on marriage, God’s sex distinctions, innocent life, and … [Read more...]
Is It Time To Dump “Conservatism?”
By: Thomas Wigand | New Zeal Fear not – I am not referring to "dumping" the foundational precepts of Conservatism or, for that matter, any Conservative precepts! Our Conservative beliefs are the direct descendants of the most learned of Western Civilization, our Founding Fathers and, ultimately, the Divine inspiration underlying our Founding.* What I am advocating is to relegate the terms “Conservatism” … [Read more...]
WATCH: Chaos as ‘Migrants’ Destroy Gate at Mexico’s Southern Border
By: Renee Nal | New Zeal Mexican television cable news channel Milenio Televisión posted a Facebook live video yesterday with the description (translated): "Central American migrants break gate on the border bridge with Mexico." The truly terrifying scene consists of young men who appear to be auditioning for Antifa - many have scarves obscuring their faces as they throw rocks and use their bodies to tear down … [Read more...]
Dead Jews – What Else is New?
By: Joan Swirsky | Dr. Rich Swier This past Saturday morning, 11 Jews were shot to death in a Pittsburgh synagogue by one of the millions of Jew haters who contaminate our world. To Jews like me, who know and appreciate Jewish history as I do, this is no surprise. Tragic, yes; shocking, no. We are a tiny, indeed microscopic, people, only 15 million in a world of nearly eight billion. That ratio equals … [Read more...]
Diverse and Divided
By: Tabitha Korol The Association of American Colleges and Universities (AAC&U) Board of Directors issued a comprehensive statement in 2006, whose combined language included helping students to connect their education to societal issues, change inequities, and to promote cultural empathy, pluralism, and diversity in a liberal education. The key words for determining the value of today’s education, which are … [Read more...]
HELPFUL MAP: Your Road to the Polls
Doug Ross @ Journal Feel free to copy, repost and otherwise share. Can't read the fine print at the bottom? It reads: Make them cry on Tuesday night! Remember election night, 2016? Seeing the stunned looks, the crying, the hysteria, the panic, and the angst among the elites, the media, and the Beltway establishment? We can do this again. We can do it with your help and energy. Take a few friends to … [Read more...]
When Will The US Begin To Sanction China?
Founders Code Last week, Defense Secretary Mattis said: Defense Secretary Jim Mattis this week voiced new U.S. opposition to China’s continued militarization of islands in the South China Sea. “We remain highly concerned with continued militarization of features in the South China Sea,” Mattis told reporters on Monday as he traveled to Vietnam. Mattis also said China is using predatory economics to seek … [Read more...]
The Truth About Brazil’s Coming President Jair Bolsinaro
New Zeal All going well, the very impressive Jair Bolisanaro should be elected president of Brazil today. Bolisanaro is a dedicated anti-communist and a Brazilian patriot. He will be a great ally for President Trump. If Bolsinaro wins, he will be vilified by the international left. This interview gives a great background on Bolsinaro and Latin American politics. … [Read more...]
GOP Patsy Arrested for Democrat-Staged Fake Bombs
Daily Headlines We were wondering what the October Surprise would be. This is it. Authorities have made an arrest in Florida regarding the string of mail bombs targeting Democrats that have been discovered over the last few days. The suspect has been identified as Cesar Sayoc, a man with an extensive record, including a bomb threat and a bankruptcy filing, who registered Republican in 2016. Early reports … [Read more...]
PART TWO: Trevor Loudon Releases Mini-Doc on Florida’s Andrew Gillum #EnemiesWithin
By: Renee Nal | New Zeal This week, Trevor Loudon presents Part Two (See Part One) of a series exposing the radical ties of Florida Gubernatorial candidate Andrew Gillum. Gillum, the current mayor of Tallahassee, Florida, has a long history with hard-core socialist activists. Andrew Gillum is a threat to national security. WATCH THE VIDEO BELOW!! In 2016, New Zealand author and film-maker Trevor … [Read more...]
This Latino Marine Veteran’s Life’s Work Destroyed by Zuckerberg’s Censorship Agenda
By: Faye Higbee | Uncle Sam's Misguided Children You are probably wondering, where’s your favorite Uncle Sam’s Misguided Children Facebook page? One of the largest Veteran-owned patriotic brands and Facebook Pages was censored by Zuckerberg and the silence is deafening from well known Conservatives. That’s right, Facebook took down our 2.2 million follower page. It is owned by Latino Marine Veteran Rick … [Read more...]
Resettle with Caution: Hidden Costs to Social Programs
Capital Research Center Resettle with Caution (complete series) National Security Concerns | State and Local Obstacles | Hidden Costs to Social Programs [Editor’s Note: This is the second part of an in-depth investigation into America’s refugee resettlement program. You can read the first part here.] Summary: A vast network of foundations, non-profits, government entities, and political organizations … [Read more...]
Resettle with Caution: State and Local Obstacles
Capital Research Center Resettle with Caution (complete series) National Security Concerns | State and Local Obstacles | Hidden Costs to Social Programs [Editor’s Note: This is the second part of an in-depth investigation into America’s refugee resettlement program. You can read the first part here.] Summary: A vast network of foundations, non-profits, government entities and political organizations … [Read more...]
Resettle With Caution: National Security Concerns
Capital Research Center Resettle with Caution (complete series) National Security Concerns | State and Local Obstacles | Hidden Costs to Social Programs [Editor’s Note: This is the second part of an in-depth investigation into America’s refugee resettlement program. You can read the first part here.] Summary: A vast network of foundations, non-profits, government entities, and political organizations … [Read more...]
Marxist Kyrsten Sinema has Endorsement Revoked by the Arizona State Troopers Association What's a bi-sexual, brazen commie like Kyrsten Sinama to do when she loses the support of a union? Specifically, the Arizona State Troopers Association who represents state public safety employees. For the life of me, I don't understand why they endorsed her in the first place. The woman is 100% Marxist and a dishonest one at that. Evidently, the executive board went rogue and endorsed … [Read more...]
Bomb Threats: A False Flag Op By Desperate Democrats
Daily Headlines “Hoaxocrats” might be a good nickname for Democrats. The multiple bomb threats against Soros, the Clintons, Obama, Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, Eric Holder, and now apparently Rep. Maxine Waters, are just that. The Democrats have no legitimate agenda and have taken increasingly desperate measures to turn the November elections in their favor. This is just the latest in their insane kabuki theater … [Read more...]
Exposing “The Lies Of The Left” In Canada
America's Survival Canada’s Liberal Party leader and Obama acolyte, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, is corrupting Canada through drugs, sexual perversion, and a Muslim invasion, says Tanya Gaw of the Canadian Coalition for Responsible Government. Former drama teacher Trudeau, an admitted pothead, legalized marijuana nationwide on October 17, opening up Canada to drug cartels, and has facilitated the transgender … [Read more...]
Calling All Christians from the Road to the Midterms!
By: Lloyd Marcus Hello Folks. Lloyd Marcus here checking in from Nevada. Weeks ago, my wife Mary and I flew to the midwest to join the Conservative Campaign Committee to campaign for various Republican house and senate candidates. Our team spends tons of hours on the road traveling in an SUV. After eight hours on the road, we had to pull over on the side of the highway because our SUV malfunctioned an hour … [Read more...]
Another Newspaper Announces Censorship
Daily Headlines I wrote the following letter today to the Hudson, Wisconsin Star Observer following its publication of a column titled “We will not be the vehicle for hate.” Like Facebook, Google, Twitter, Media Matters for America and many other blatantly Left-biased organizations, they have decided to take a principled stand against “hate.” Not really. Instead, they are simply announcing their excuse for … [Read more...]
Massive Trump-Cruz Rally in Texas is a Preview of the 2020 Election After watching the rally put on by President Trump for Ted Cruz in Texas, the left should be afraid... very afraid. The massive MAGA event looks to me like a preview of the upcoming election in 2020 and if it is indeed an indication of that, it will be a landslide victory for Trump. Tens of thousands of enthusiastic Trump and Cruz supporters descended on the Toyota Center in Houston last … [Read more...]
This is just freaking awesome: … [Read more...]
Not Guilty: The Tea Party and Violence
By: Lloyd Marcus Trying to sound nonpartisan on TV, some conservatives and Republicans begin their comments by saying there is too much vitriol and incivility on both sides of the political aisle. Folks, that is simply not true. As a veteran of the Tea Party movement, I can testify that Tea Party people are a class act -- salt-of-the-earth, decent, hardworking, respectful and law-abiding Americans. We do not … [Read more...]
Michigan’s Red-Green Axis
Center for Security Policy Michigan has something of a split personality. The political landscape is a study in contrasts. For most of its post-Civil War history, Michigan politics has been dominated by Republicans. Yet at the same time, Michigan has spawned some of the most virulent leftist politicians and organizations in the U.S., and they have had a disproportionate impact on Michigan and the nation as a … [Read more...]
The Radical Democrats of the Senate Judiciary Committee
By: Trevor Loudon | New Zeal | The Epoch Times The Kavanaugh Supreme Court Senate hearings both transfixed and horrified America. Over the last few weeks, many have watched in increasing disbelief at the theatrics, grandstanding, walk-outs, and complete lack of goodwill exhibited by the Democratic contingent of the Senate Judiciary Committee. Most Americans who follow politics superficially, or not at all, … [Read more...]
Communist Party Backs Sinema in Race for Flake’s US Senate Seat
By: Trevor Loudon | New Zeal | The Epoch Times The Communist Party USA is involved in campaigning on behalf of U.S. Senate candidate Kyrsten Sinema, a Democrat from Arizona. According to Joelle Fishman, head of the Communist Party’s powerful Political Action Commission, the party has injected itself into races “in two states where a Republican seat can be flipped: AZ (Flake open), TX (Cruz).” While … [Read more...]
Gay Cultural Supremacy And The Purple Uniparty
America's Survival Dr. Scott Lively is the co-author of The Pink Swastika: Homosexuality in the Nazi Party, and was sued by the George Soros-funded Center for Constitutional Rights for “crimes against humanity” for criticizing homosexuality during a trip to Uganda. In this interview with Cliff Kincaid, he talks about a secret CIA report on Hitler's homosexuality, the infiltration of the American conservative … [Read more...]
Montanans You Meet at a Matt Rosendale Sign-Wave
By: Lloyd Marcus I'm in Montana with the Conservative Campaign Committee, campaigning for Republican Senate candidate Matt Rosendale. Along with standard campaigning techniques like TV and radio ads, social media, and phone-from-home, our executive director, Joe Wierzbicki, is a strong believer in the low-tech activity of sign-waving. Joe believes that live bodies on street corners enthusiastically waving … [Read more...]
#EnemiesWithin: Trevor Loudon Releases Mini-Doc On Florida’s Andrew Gillum
By: Renee Nal | New Zeal This week, Trevor Loudon presents Part One of a series exposing the radical ties of Florida Gubernatorial candidate Andrew Gillum. Gillum, the current mayor of Tallahassee, Florida, has a long history with hard-core socialist activists. Andrew Gillum is a threat to national security. WATCH THE VIDEO BELOW!! In 2016, New Zealand author and film-maker Trevor Loudon released his … [Read more...]
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