Video and text of Diana Larkin's relayed words from the broadcast Diana publishes in Twitter: @JournalDiana11, Gab @journal, CloutHub @JournalDiana11, and “Diana Larkin” in and in YouTube. Links to videos excerpted or referred in this video are listed at bottom. See the video at:Bitchute | Brighteon | Odysee | Rumble | YouTube THE … [Read more...]
Fall of the Fall: Our Marching Orders for the Showdown in DC, Turning America’s Page
U.S. Gov. Raids Servers for Election Fraud Evidence? in Germany? Scytl Denies, Sources’ Claims Remain, Sidney Powell Almost Confirms?
Last Update of this article - 11/20 Sidney Powell confirms, to Glenn Beck, on 11/20, the day after the Trump legal team press conference. Fifteen minutes well spent. This is perhaps the greatest time so far in world history after the events recorded in The Bible. This entry serves numerous purposes. It introduces an article covering the latest to date on the somewhat substantiated report by Rep. … [Read more...]
Election 2020 Emergency: Operation Scorecard, Election Fraud by Voting Machine Alleged (Updated 11-11: Howse’s McInerney, Fanning Interview)
Yet another update: see the video at Comment #1, for Brannon Howse's interview for perhaps the most thorough synopsis. Then, I suggest looking for any further work by Mary Fanning at American Report -- and The Globe & Malevolence. About the Deep State that remains in U.S. Intelligence working with Obama, Biden, and Jarrett on Operation Scorecard and The Hammer, to falsify election results in key states, there … [Read more...]
Trump Should Call Rallies ‘Protests’ to Show COVID-Shaming Hypocrisy
By: Daniel John Sobieski Liberal-progressive types were overjoyed that the Chinese Wuhan virus plague and fears of mass gatherings were keeping President Trump off the campaign trail where he couldn’t shout over the media filter and Joe Biden in the basement where his senior moments were relatively unseen. Now that is about to end with a Trump rally in Tulsa that has garnered over a million ticket … [Read more...]
What’s Wrong with These Pictures, O our Facebook Censor?
Roughly three years ago, Facebook utterly banned and "disappeared," the page there for Gulag Bound's cousin, the site, Noisy Room, run by Terresa Monroe-Hamilton. Gone. There one moment, utterly nothing the next, all history of it tossed down the memory hole. Do you think you read something there that was important for keeping you free? Prove it! And now for complaining, we're going to store your own mobile … [Read more...]
NIH Director Francis Collins in the Middle of China Virus Scandal
By: Cliff Kincaid Most of the media were too busy covering the phony Russia-gate story to notice how China has been directly involved in controversial coronavirus research funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH). Since the media ignored the threat, they are now charging President Trump with ignoring the threat and peddling “conspiracy theories” about it. This is how the fake news media deceive the … [Read more...]
CMP’s Full Video Released: Planned Parenthood’s Sales of Baby Parts, for Experimentation in Mice
The video and excerpted text below comes through and Steven Ertelt. Farrell made it clear that Planned Parenthood had been involved in the selling of aborted baby parts for some time and was very familiar with the use of fetal remains in the production of humanized mice. [...] She emphasized repeatedly that she creates a written line-item budget for compensation that effectively … [Read more...]
How ‘Independent’ was the ‘Net Neutrality’ Decision? While the Obama administration appears to have used its power once again to force the issue of net neutrality, the FCC has been rebuked in the courts twice before, and is likely to lose on this one as well. On Feb. 26, the five FCC commissioners voted 3-2 to place the Internet under strict common-carrier rules of Title II of the Communications Act of 1934. It was a party line vote, with the … [Read more...]
Ice Bucket Challenge’s ALS Assn. Does (Fruitless) Embryonic Stem Cell Research
Three items are presented in order of publication on the 'net, the third with video 1. Ice Bucket Challenge Donation Sponsor ALSA Funds Embryonic Stem Cell Research 2. ALS Ice Bucket Challenge creates chilly conflict with pro-life values 3. Pro-life daily vid: Pro-lifer responds to ALS ice bucket challenge 3.a. video ------GB------ … [Read more...]
Destruction of U.S. Healthcare by FDA & Obamacare, Dr. Bob Christensen, C. Steven Tucker (archived)
Current Radio Podcasts at Blog Talk Radio with PRNRadioNetwork on BlogTalkRadio ------GB------ Tonight, our guests on Sovereignty Unbound are two: 1. Dr. Robert Christensen, author of FDA You Were Wrong! Dr Christensen will tell us his story and how it fits into a long pattern of harsh abuse of the U.S. medical industry, preventing sound treatment and driving efforts overseas. 2. C. Steven Tucker, of … [Read more...]
‘Gamechanger Salon,’ Brother of Journolist, Secretive Leftwing Network Redux Well, it looks like the Progressive lapdog media has been colluding again. Media Trackers, a site that tracks media stories and works for transparency in government, uncovered a group with over 1,000 members that is literally a who's who of the Progressive Left in media. And I would wager, it is only the tip of the iceberg out there -- I am sure that the collaboration is widespread and … [Read more...]
Sen. Ted Cruz: Keep the Internet Tax Free … [Read more...]
3 ‘Conspiracy Theorists’ Departed 50 Years Ago Today: Aldous Huxley, C.S. Lewis & John F. Kennedy
In the order of their births: Aldous Huxley (July 26, 1894 – November 22, 1963) C.S. Lewis (November 29, 1898 – November 22, 1963) John F. Kennedy (May 29, 1917 – November 22, 1963) Each of these three men made an extraordinary mark on Planet Earth, the world of men, an impression felt even now in our brave new world, far from Camelot, farther still from Aslan's realm. Rather than going quietly into the … [Read more...]
Caught on Video: Gov 2.0, Big-Data Despotism for Obamacare (& NSA, Smart Meter Data?)
"Cross-pollinate...." "Someone did that...." Directly from Project Veritas; James O'Keefe & company: Enroll America Director Conspires to Release Private Health Care Data Nov 20, 2013 Do you know where your personal data is going? After meeting with several Obamacare Navigators who openly encouraged our undercover reporters to lie about income status, health history and more, it became clear … [Read more...]
Obama’s Kathleen Sebelius Tells How They are Fascists, in 17 Seconds
Q: What is Fascism? A: It is what Fascists do. Listen to Kathleen Sebelius, Barack Obama and the Democrats' Director of the Department of Health and Human Services give us a textbook example of Fascism, in seventeen seconds. Presented at YouTube by "codefilms" with its caption: Sebelius: We Are Bringing Western Civilization to its Knees with Obamacare Published on Oct 8, 2013 In a bizarre statement, US … [Read more...]
US High Technology Gulag Redux
Here is the video: Video, "US High Technology Gulag Redux" Here is more about it: "Rep. James Sensenbrenner Eyes the Technology War: America in Gulag" H/T: @EternalRightWing … [Read more...]
Warrantless Wiretaps of FISA, Up for Reauthorization
Our federal government used to investigate matters of national security. Now it is what such investigation must be about. From the Electronic Frontier Foundation July 24, 2012 | By Trevor Timm Congress Must Act After US Government Admits To Unconstitutional Warrantless Wiretapping For the First Time As Congress and the President rush to re-authorize the dangerous FISA Amendments Act (FAA)—the law shamefully … [Read more...]
On Agenda 21, Arlen Williams Guest on ‘Bards Logic Political Talk’ Tonight
It will be Arlen's privilege to join Robert L. Jetter, Jr. on his BlogTalkRadio program, tonight. The "Bards Logic Political Talk" netcast begins at 8pm ET, 5pm PT. (If one uses phone instead of streaming and/or Skype, the call in Number is 347-945-7428.) They will be keeping tabs on Agenda 21, from the basics to the latest, including the Rio +20 summit just concluded. Also to be discussed is the Sovereignty … [Read more...]
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