Diana Larkin publishes in Twitter: @JournalDiana11, Gab @journal, CloutHub @JournalDiana11, and search “Diana Larkin” in Xapit.com. UPDATED 8/27: See my entries in "Comments" below this article for further items by Diana Larkin, Robin D. Bullock, and Veronika West, which both confirm and expand upon the urgency of this prophetic intervention. It is a call for intercession -- and for raising attention, … [Read more...]
Fear the Walking COVID-19
VirtualWright | COVID-19 | "Fear" The picture at the top of this page is what the average person in my little suburb just outside of Chicago looks like these days. And who can blame them? 24/7 we are bombarded from every corner of government, the internet and media with constant stories of the virus is going to kill us all. Every time the government tries to protect us, it get’s worse, even as the … [Read more...]
Living and Dying in Bill Gates’ Fish Bowl
By: Cliff Kincaid As the virus takes its toll, those of us still in good health and with the ability to think clearly have the duty to explain to our fellow citizens what is really going on. We are living in a global experiment in which “health experts” such as Bill Gates, previously known for software development, have decided to treat us as specimens in a giant fishbowl for study and observation. Many of … [Read more...]
It is Bigger than Burisma and the Bidens, Trump Knows
By: Denise Simon | Founders Code Speaker Pelosi held a press conference after the first day of the open impeachment inquiry hearing declaring that she is the smartest when it comes to intelligence and she will defend and protect the whistle-blower with all her might. HPSCI Chairman Adam Schiff said at least twice that he does not know nor has he spoken to the whistle-blower. Sheesh really? REALLY? Pelosi … [Read more...]
Glenn Beck Explains the Ukraine Scandal and Impeachment
[AW]: These Glenn Beck videos do a masterful and essential job of presenting the evidence of the broader and deeper workings of the Deep State and Shadow Government in our overall "#SpyGate," "#UkraineGate," and "#TrumpImpeachment" crisis. They come not merely recommended; they are must see, especially the third, "The Democrats' Hydra," netcast November 13. For those who have not watched, I suggest starting … [Read more...]
Conserve What? Where’s the Outreach? in Comics? Graphic Novels? at Comic-Con?
From Judson Phillips, Tea Party Nation: Do you wonder why conservatives are losing the culture wars as well as the political wars? Conservatives are losing wars on both fronts. Because conservatives lose the culture war, political wars are lost as a matter of course. The late Andrew Breitbart explained why this happened and what conservatives needed to do. What was Breitbart’s advice and how is the left … [Read more...]
BREAKING: Amended Suit to Stop Additional Entry of Illegals & Ebola into USA
Gulag note: From my observations of the work of Orly Taitz since 2008, I agree with my colleague that she should be carefully observed in this hearing. She clearly seems to have a track record of getting to important crises before others to take them to court, or in getting involved in the cases of others. Then, problems have all too often occurred. Spoiled litigation can also cause grave ramifications. Much … [Read more...]
Will Obama Order US Military to Fight Ebola in Liberia Clinics? (Diana West)
By: Diana West DVIDS screen-grab of US Marine Ospreys landing in the Ebola hot zone last week. --- Do you get the feeling the United States government is trying to get us all killed? OK, not all of us. Some of us. I almost don’t know how else to interpret the headlines, whether it’s the 167,000 convicted criminal aliens who, despite deportation orders, remain “currently at large,” or it’s the U.S. … [Read more...]
Diana West: On Ken Burns’ ‘The Roosevelts’ Blinding History
Blinding History By: Diana West For logic-minded Americans still genuinely puzzled as to how it could be that our presidents and secretaries of state and generals and pundits keep hammering home the big lie that Islam has nothing to do with jihad, that the religion of conquest is a "religion of peace," I have a special warning. Such widespread, politics- and mass-media-driven brainwashing is nothing new. Just … [Read more...]
What the Broad Crisis Behind the White House Fence Jumper Implies about ‘Federal’ Government
Chelsea Schilling at WorldNetDaily.com has written an excellent article revealing the background of Friday's White House fence jumper and his self-alleged motivation. Title: "Fence-jumper: Another victim of 'psych crisis' at Fort Hood?" How it begins: Only five months after a senior neuropsychologist in charge of Fort Hood’s outpatient psychiatry clinic revealed to WND a crisis in psychological testing and … [Read more...]
Remember John P. O’Neill on 9-11, ‘The Man Who Knew’
What was going on in the halls of power that apparently brought the Clinton/Reno "Department of Justice" to apply subterfuge to set-up and fire their own, contrastingly effective, FBI agent assigned to al Qaeda and Bin Laden? Set up for his all to ironic death at the WTC on 9-11-2001. For being too effective? For knowing too much? This video and associated reporting is must see information for perusal and … [Read more...]
Holder’s DOJ Punishes Employer for Verifying Against Illegal Hires
Forgery of documents is rampant in the illegal immigration racket. That is why an employer which truly cares about its business integrity and the virtues of our republic may be prone to request more than the minimum documentation from potential employees. For example, if an apparent residence and work authorization an employee produces has expired, it may ask for the new document. That could produce difficulty … [Read more...]
Cold War History Recovered — M. Stanton Evans
By: Brent Parrish The Right Planet This is a great discussion with journalist and author M. Stanton Evans who wrote the book Blacklisted by History, which examines the history of the McCarthy hearings, and the infiltration of known communists into the highest levels of the U.S. government. I often plug the book because I have found it to be one of the most complete and thorough investigations into the whole … [Read more...]
Unaccompanied Alien Children ‘Crisis’ Exposed as Fraud
Check for updates at DC Independent Examiner The Conservative Treehouse has done yeoman's work exposing the Obama administration's many machinations over the manufactured border crisis. In a report published at Accuracy in Media earlier this month, I described how the Unaccompanied Alien Children (UAC) program of the Department of Health and Human Services has exploded, spending almost $700 million so far this … [Read more...]
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