I am only going to scratch the surface here because this is a deep subject. However, I think it is important to understand Marxist ideology and its evolution, when analyzing the current political climate, and where we stand today. Marxism refers to the world view and ideology of Karl Marx. I guess you could say he wrote the book on communism. The Communist Manifesto was published on February … [Read more...]
Neo-Marxism: Cultural Marxism, Postmodernism, and Identity Politics
Pritzker’s Tyranny with Churches in COVID-19 Illinois
VirtualWright | COVID-19 | "Tyranny" Coronated Virulent Pritzker The self-proclaimed king of the pandemic in Illinois, a.k.a, Governor J.B. Pritzker, has graciously allowed churches to reopen! But no more than 10 people. Right. The following is from the latest proclamation on the subject, 2020-32, issued April 30, 2020. Here is what he says about “essential” businesses: And here is what he … [Read more...]
Listen to Dick Morris. Really. ‘(Why) Bush Says Work More Hours’
Dick Morris' past is checkered. Not having scoured his autobiographical works, I would hope he's admitted that and, being a master at public relations, has not attempted to defend his former life as a chief political advisor to Bill Clinton. So... everybody past that? Good. Currently, he's not perfect, but I listen to him often for some of the most clear-eyed political analyses (and anti-globalist, … [Read more...]
Whittle & Klavan Video: Showing-up Neo-Marxist Race-baiting Well
"Critical Theory" -- excellent! someone said it -- at 6:42, to be exact. Well done, Mr. Whittle and Mr. Klavan too. Two more observations: There really is still an unsettling residue of racism in America, among numerous whites and numerous blacks, and many of whatever shade one decides to notice -- also among many "progressive" collectivists, in the Planned Plantation Parenthood (and … [Read more...]
Beheading: Bloody Jihad Comes to Moore, Oklahoma: Alton Nolen
Bloody Jihad Comes to Oklahoma NoisyRoom.net Right in my back yard! The religion of pieces has struck in Moore, Oklahoma yesterday. Alton Alexander Nolen, 30 years old and an ardent Muslim, got fired from his job yesterday at a food processing plant. He had been actively recruiting fellow workers to Islam. When the infidels fired his sorry ass, he decided to cut off a woman co-worker's head and stab another. … [Read more...]
ISIS Barbarians at Our Gates
NoisyRoom.net According to a release by Judicial Watch, ISIS is operating in Ciudad Juarez, located in Mexico along the US border just across from El Paso, Texas: Islamic terrorist groups are operating in the Mexican border city of Ciudad Juarez and planning to attack the United States with car bombs or other vehicle born improvised explosive devices (VBIED). High-level federal law enforcement, intelligence … [Read more...]
Communists Inciting Violence in Ferguson
By: Brent Parrish The Right Planet Rebel Pundit Local protestors in Ferguson, Missouri, have had enough of the commie agitators. (Credit Rebel Pundit) If ever there was an anachronistic boogeyman, communism is it. Since its heyday in the 50’s, the fear of communism has steadily lost most of its McCarthy era bite. For many, the fall of the Soviet Union closed the case on communism as a failed ideology. But … [Read more...]
ISIS Sweeps the Middle East in a Method Reminiscent of Genghis Khan
NoisyRoom.net *** Warning: This post contains graphic pictures and video. Due to the barbaric and brutal nature of the material, please be advised this content is not for those with a weak stomach. I am going to take you into hell today... not because I revel in the horror of it all (like you, I would rather turn away), but because I believe you cannot fight true evil unless you know what you are up … [Read more...]
Lloyd Marcus: Joe Biden is a Vile Little Man
By: Lloyd Marcus Words can not express my disdain for the reprehensible behavior of VP Joe Biden and his Democrat co-conspirators. At a gathering of mostly black civil rights leaders Biden strategically launched a nasty false narrative for the sole propose of ginning up racial hate and division. Republicans are requesting that Americans show an ID to vote, which is only common sense. This vile little man, Joe … [Read more...]
Wild Bill: When I Meet a Democrat
NoisyRoom.net The article to which Wild Bill refers: By Lloyd Marcus, "Joe Biden is a Vile Little Man." … [Read more...]
Environmental Justice: HHS and EPA’s Catchall for Societal Transformation and Redistribution
NoisyRoom.net Hat Tip: Bob Sowdon Several days ago, I wrote an article entitled: The Office Of Refugee Resettlement – Facilitators For A ‘Manufactured Human Crisis.’ ORR is directly connected to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). HHS has become the ultimate transformational entity for the US in the Obama Administration. They are doing this under the guise of Environmental … [Read more...]
UPDATE: Christian Ministries Shut-Out by Obama & DHS from Aiding Alien Minors Pushed into America
The Obamunists hardly want actual Christian relief organizations interfering with their planned and executed, Marxofascist disruption, at these hideously abused children's expense. An "Army" of Christians on the Border Prepared to Respond to "Heart-Breaking" Child Immigrant Crisis UPDATE - the CBN video featured in the Charisma Magazine article linked through the above (too bad the CBN staff is regurgitating … [Read more...]
ICE Overreaching to Welcome not Prevent Illegal Immigration?
Stand for Truth I attended the Murrieta, Calif. City Hall meeting on July 3, 2014, in which various government officials were present to address issues regarding the influx of illegal immigrants to its small town of approximately 106,000. Prior to the city hall meeting, residents of Murrieta, had forced buses bringing illegal immigrants from Texas, to turnaround and head south to the border city of San … [Read more...]
ACORN for Illegal Aliens – Meet the Southwest Key Programs
NoisyRoom.net Are you curious who has been facilitating the transport of illegal alien children throughout the country? Look no more... meet La Raza connected Southwest Key Programs. This organization is the pipeline for the children into US refugee camps and homes across the nation. They provide immigrant youth shelters. It is a well-oiled machine that was set up to educate and reintegrate youth into American … [Read more...]
Media Reporting on Governor Scott Walker a Cacophony of Lies
Accuracy in Media The news was filled last week with breathless headlines: “Scott Walker part of ‘criminal scheme,’” declared The Washington Post. The Milwaukee (Wisconsin) Journal Sentinel, which is intimately familiar with the facts of this case, nonetheless headlined “John Doe prosecutors allege Scott Walker at center of ‘criminal scheme.’” The New York Times, all the networks, CNN, MSNBC, Time.com and … [Read more...]
Islam: Some Religions are More Equal than Others
NoisyRoom.net Subjugating Tulsa to Islam since 2010... Obeying the Da’wah. “Inviting to the Way of submission and surrender to Allah.” Justice for all, but some more than others evidently -- welcome to DhimmiTulsa. Religious freedom is obviously not for Christians or others... it's for Muslims and if you are a cop in Tulsa, you will obey and submit or be punished. So sayeth a panel of federal judges in … [Read more...]
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