Diana Larkin publishes in Twitter: @JournalDiana11, Gab @journal, CloutHub @JournalDiana11, and search “Diana Larkin” in Xapit.com. While planning a video update with Diana Larkin we were once again pre-empted, to relay God's alerts about terrorism, including what is being wrought through the intentional border crisis. Now, this crisis has been expanded to include false-flag assassination contingencies for … [Read more...]
Full Faith and Credit: What God and Amanda Say about those Guiding the Sheep; What Johnny, Elizabeth, and Steve Say about the Oppressively Corrupt
For it is time for judgment to begin at the household of God; and if it begins with us, what will be the outcome for those who do not obey the gospel of God?- I Peter 4:17 (ESV)"From the least to the greatest, all are greedy for gain: prophets and priests alike, all practice deceit. They dress the wound of my people as though it were not serious. 'Peace, peace,' they say, when there is no peace. Are they ashamed of … [Read more...]
Adjust to Our New Era in History, Prepare a Highway for Our God this 2021; Yes with President Trump
First in a series on preparing a highway for our God, immediately A voice cries:'In the wilderness prepare the way of the Lord; make straight in the desert a highway for our God!Every valley shall be lifted up, and every mountain and hill be made low;the uneven ground shall become level, and the rough places a plain!And the glory of … [Read more...]
Praying for President Trump? A Dream and Vision to Share, 2021 Q1-__
Published on our National Day of Prayer, 2021 I've been hoping to get to a point where I'm comfortable sharing some matters that come as spiritual gifts from the Lord. I hope this comes sufficiently to you, maybe you'd like to let me know in a comment. Official portrait of President Donald J. Trump, Oct 6, 2017 Here is something that came up on the weekend before the fictitious Biden inauguration. I was sure … [Read more...]
Less Veiled Faces after a Year of COVID-19
Dear Fellow Christian, Perhaps one of the new things occurring in this time is that God is making us more easily seen for who and how we are. Our most outer layers, the social facades we've gotten used to wearing, at work or school, at church, events, and so on are now less fed by use. Thinning and becoming more transparent, perhaps they are falling off like spent leaves. Even as we have become more pressured … [Read more...]
Jesus’ Covenant with America, Therefore Redemption; Prophetic Words to and of Robin D. Bullock, 3-14-21, Transcription (Draft)
ESSENTIAL DRAFT: In the next few hours and days, I intend to give this another proofing and communicate with the Bullocks' ministry, to see if they have any preferences as to how it is treated. Afterward, I wholeheartedly suggest this be kept in essential American history both sacred and secular. I may also publish this in a new entry and/or location with a very brief description of key points of how God's … [Read more...]
Huge Dose of Reality Coming, Antidote to Cabal’s Snake Venom
I think my keyboard is slightly smoking...”A HUGE DOSE OF REALITY” pic.twitter.com/FBMFpOTJqd— Diana Larkin (@JournalDiana11) March 16, 2021 God's agenda and Satan's can not pervade and prevail in the same nation at the same time. Something is going to break. To be of use on the victorious side, let us discern and gain the actual news, from trustworthy sources and ignore the hiss of the enemy. As we do, and … [Read more...]
Christian, Look to the Lord about 2021 Events (and Trump) Not to Speculations, Nor Naysaying
There are three notable items I've come across online today, that with your indulgence, I'll share right away. One is a set of very apt words from the Lord in prophecy at the church fellowship led by Robin and Robin Bullock, in Alabama. I intend to transcribe that and put it in another entry. Another is a clear direction from the Lord about looking to Him, not to man, via Diana Larkin in Twitter. Another is a … [Read more...]
Trump Love and God’s Word on It
"Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor."- Romans 12:10, ESV We are entering a new era, of increased presence and power of the Lord for the conveyance of his love, which is himself, and a crescendo of history to the fulfillment of his Great Commission. His Holy Spirit is now more manifest to those who are seeking him and even to some who are not. I join with many Christians … [Read more...]
Massive Video Evidence of False-Flag Instigation of Capitol Rampage, January 6; Too Bad for the Cabal
The "special operations" war rages, over the Capitol break-in (let-in?) on January 6. Brave souls such as Trump impeachment defense attorney Michael van der Veen and Sen. Ron Johnson have suffered media attacks by the globalist and Democratic Party cabal, for referring to its carefully planned and organized, false-flag instigation of watered down mayhem as being staged by Antifa. Hereafter, "globalist and … [Read more...]
G&M: Friday 1-15 Before Inauguration, Please See First
Happy Friday. Before publishing this issue of The Globe & Malevolence, I waited for Elijah Streams to come online, with Steve Schultz interviewing Christian prophet Jeff Jansen. But they immediately had technical difficulty and are postponed. Reminds me of a key interview program that friends and I set up on a BlogTalkRadio.com channel during Deepwater Horizon's spill. It featured experts with better clean-up … [Read more...]
‘CAN YOU NOT STAND! and not turn to the left and give yourself as a partner to the evil that wants to take this land?’ Trump’s 2nd Term
The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.- Jesus of Nazareth, John 10:10 Two wise women used to remind me of something. They would say, Satan cannot truly create a thing of his own. He can only counterfeit in a defiling way, what the word of God has already established. Since childhood I've heard occultists promote their idea of a … [Read more...]
Christian Prophets Proclaiming Trump’s Consecutive Term? Really? Still? Yes.
A recent prophecy of Pastor Kent Christmas, presented in a video episode of Dutch Sheets' highly recommended "Give Him 15" Worship of the God of the Bible has increased in recent generations through the spiritual gifts, as they are called in the Scriptures. One of these gifts is that of prophecy. More and more Christians have become notable as prophets, more than at any other time in recent history. Numerous … [Read more...]
Jonathan Cahn’s Call for Prayer and Fasting on Election Day May Need Extending
Perhaps the most pivotal moment for America this year came on Saturday, September 26, when something the Bible calls a "Solemn Assembly" (also called Sacred Assembly) was conducted on The Mall in Washington D.C. Believers interceded in repentance for our nation's sins, as they confessed their own, according to Scripture. Johnathan Cahn, Messianic pastor and author of The Harbinger delivered the keystone message, … [Read more...]
Yet Another Stunning Revelation about the True Origin of COVID-19
By: Col. Lawrence Sellin (Ret.) | CCNS In 2013, Zheng-Li Shi, the “bat woman,” and her team from the Wuhan Institute of Virology were asked to investigate the virus profile of a mine shaft in Yunnan Province after six miners contracted pneumonia with symptoms similar to Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS). After sampling the mine shaft for a year, the researchers identified a diverse group of … [Read more...]
Waiting and Waiting for the Great COVID-19 Social Undistancing Spike
Peek-a-boo. Still no peak. - AW, Ed. Richard J. Wright | "Still Waiting," Virtual Wright Monday, June 29, 2020 It’s now been 4-1/2 weeks since the start of the riots in which tens of thousands of people violated the “science-based” and “data-driven” decrees of our feudal lords running our states and cities, and who themselves violated their own orders. These orders stated that groups of more than 10 people … [Read more...]
Lloyd Marcus: Trump’s July 4th Birthday Gift to America [Speech Video Included]
By: Lloyd Marcus President Trump’s Mount Rushmore speech was extremely important for two reasons: 1. Trump gave terrified corporations permission to stop groveling to BLM. Fake news media are masters of illusion. Their celebratory reporting deceived corporations into believing that a majority of Americans support Black Lives Matter’s absurd demands. Therefore, corporations … [Read more...]
Update on My Husband’s Cancer Treatment – Not What We Expected
By: Terresa Monroe-Hamilton (June 22, 2020, emphasis added by AW, GB) Garry goes in to have the bile duct stent removed tomorrow morning and we foresee no issues with that procedure. The PET scan, however, was another matter. Here are the results and they are the opposite of what we expected: 1. Bilateral pulmonary metastases are larger and more numerous since January 2020, consistent with disease … [Read more...]
Jeffrey Epstein and the Deep Dark Secrets of the Rich, Famous, and Powerful
By: Cliff Kincaid What I find interesting about the spurt of Jeffrey Epstein shows and programs over the last few weeks is the failure to expose his high-level connections in really high society. We learn some old news, such as that Bill Clinton and Donald J. Trump were once considered his friends. But holding Clinton responsible for his associations with Epstein may not be possible anymore, with Epstein six … [Read more...]
Melinda Gates: (Perilous) COVID-19 Vaccines Must Go to Blacks and People of Color Before Whites
Witness Time's article of June 4, "Melinda Gates Lays Out Her Biggest Concern for the Next Phase of the COVID-19 Pandemic" and this excerpt, emphasis applied. (G) The first people that need this vaccine are the 60 million health care workers around the world. They deserve to get it before anybody else. Then you start tiering.(T) Who needs it after health care workers?(G) In the U.S., that would be black people … [Read more...]
What’s Wrong with These Pictures, O our Facebook Censor?
Roughly three years ago, Facebook utterly banned and "disappeared," the page there for Gulag Bound's cousin, the site, Noisy Room, run by Terresa Monroe-Hamilton. Gone. There one moment, utterly nothing the next, all history of it tossed down the memory hole. Do you think you read something there that was important for keeping you free? Prove it! And now for complaining, we're going to store your own mobile … [Read more...]
Pritzker’s Tyranny with Churches in COVID-19 Illinois
VirtualWright | COVID-19 | "Tyranny" Coronated Virulent Pritzker The self-proclaimed king of the pandemic in Illinois, a.k.a, Governor J.B. Pritzker, has graciously allowed churches to reopen! But no more than 10 people. Right. The following is from the latest proclamation on the subject, 2020-32, issued April 30, 2020. Here is what he says about “essential” businesses: And here is what he … [Read more...]
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