Project Veritas Caught on hidden camera, Deputy Veterans Administration Chief of Patient Services (for the entire VA) Maureen McCarthy, MD, said many of our military veterans "have drug problems, some of which are caused by us and our prescribing." In the undercover video, she admitted that the combination of "opiates, like morphine and benzodiazepine like Ativan and Klonopin" are like "candy" for a … [Read more...]
Will Obama Order US Military to Fight Ebola in Liberia Clinics? (Diana West)
By: Diana West DVIDS screen-grab of US Marine Ospreys landing in the Ebola hot zone last week. --- Do you get the feeling the United States government is trying to get us all killed? OK, not all of us. Some of us. I almost don’t know how else to interpret the headlines, whether it’s the 167,000 convicted criminal aliens who, despite deportation orders, remain “currently at large,” or it’s the U.S. … [Read more...]
Dick Morris & Cliff Kincaid Expose Leon Panetta’s Obama Exposé, ‘Worthy Fights’
In a nation steeped in the fifth column media's selling of and protecting of the collectivist revolution and its neo-Marxist messiah, suddenly much is being made of Leon Panetta's revelations in his Worthy Fights. Why are a few smaller chinks in Obama's constantly patched-up armor now being pointed out in Panetta's "tell all" (no, tell just enough for some people's purposes) book? Veteran ex-Clintonista political … [Read more...]
China Conducts Provocative Aerial Buzz on U.S. Military Aircraft
By: Terresa Monroe-Hamilton Hat Tip: Nevin Gussack Amid the horrific beheading of journalist James Foley last week by ISIS, comes the news that our old battle buddies, the Chinese, decided that it was must see news for the good citizens of Beijing. On a massive television screen displayed in downtown Beijing, an endless loop of bad news for America depicting her as weak and ineffectual was … [Read more...]
ISIS Sweeps the Middle East in a Method Reminiscent of Genghis Khan *** Warning: This post contains graphic pictures and video. Due to the barbaric and brutal nature of the material, please be advised this content is not for those with a weak stomach. I am going to take you into hell today... not because I revel in the horror of it all (like you, I would rather turn away), but because I believe you cannot fight true evil unless you know what you are up … [Read more...]
Obama and the US Army Open the Door to the UN Gen. Markus Laubenthal is the first German officer to be assigned to US Army Europe. He is the command's new chief of staff. (US Army Europe)A headline blipped by this morning that I'm sure very few took note of, but it caught my attention big time. As Weasel Zippers astutely put it: "Nein, this could open the door for a UN blue beanie." Indeed this does, because my friends, if they can put a … [Read more...]
Obama: No Consequences for Treason and America’s Final Destruction
This is a column I had hoped I’d never have to write. But, the USA has failed itself…totally. It‘s elected leaders offer nothing but, the most limited of lip-service to chastise the traitor occupying the people’s White House and, certainly, have done nothing--whatsoever--to stop him. Our true military leaders have been replaced with a new batch who will pledge their allegiance to Obama and the United … [Read more...]
Yancy and Tahmooressi, California’s Treatment of Veterans and Military: The Next Scandal?
Human Events; Stand for Truth Our U.S. Veterans have made the news lately following allegations that the Veterans Administration (VA) in at least several states have allowed veterans to die while waiting to be seen for medical treatment. Veterans were allegedly placed on “secret lists” that gave the illusion they were being treated by physicians within the required 30 day time period. The VA has denied the … [Read more...]
White House Calls Bergdahl’s Fellow Soldiers Liars
There are no depths to which the Obama syndicate will not sink, in order to suppress and destroy the truth. And there is no tactic too demeaning for them to use against their enemies. Now, it appears the soldiers who daily protect Americans have been targeted by the Obama White House collective as its adversaries. These creatures who serve the dictator-in-chief and their master are anathema. The White House … [Read more...]
Barack Hussein Obama Legacy: Enemy to Humankind
In essence, Obama didn’t release 5 Islamic terrorists. It appears that he freed 6. There are so many crimes committed by Obama and his syndicate that choosing a few for any column is--almost--a monumental task. For example, Obama does not uphold many US laws…if he doesn’t like them. In most Presidential Administrations this--in itself--would be considered a crime. In the Obama syndicate, however, it isn’t … [Read more...]
Sarah Palin 100% Right on Obama and Bergdahl or Not Seeing Enough?
Excellent as usual. Except, Barack Obama didn't blow it. He and his left-siders of the ?NWO? are with the Jihadi terrorists. Or, if he blew it, it will be because Americans learn from this and come to understand. The New World Order, especially it's leftist side, wants military morale to tank -- that of the true patriots in the military, that is. They want them out, marginalized, and suspected as terrorists, so … [Read more...]
Hillary Clinton Should be Worried as Benghazi Coverup Unravels Cross-posted in full and with permission from my long time friend, Kenneth Timmerman. By: Kenneth R. Timmerman The New York Post Hillary Rodham Clinton -- Photo: AP Make it go away! That was the message of the Obama administration and their friends in the media for the past two years, and now we know why: Benghazi is the scandal they always denied it was. Thanks to a lawsuit by watchdog … [Read more...]
A Deadly Recipe for War with China Not only has America under the faux-leadership of Barack Obama lost their marbles, it would appear the EU has as well. The world seems to be skipping merrily down the bloody apocalyptic path to war with China, with nary a care -- except for lining their pockets of course. America is busy displaying their military weakness and gaps for all to see and the EU is busy arming China so they can get … [Read more...]
War Games as Putin Covets Eastern Ukraine and Beyond Today, US Army paratroopers arrive in Poland. They are the first wave of a contingent of American soldiers dispersed to four nations across Europe to support America's Eastern European allies from the Russian menace. Only 600 soldiers will initially land, which seems to be merely a token move on Obama's part. Approximately 150 soldiers will arrive in Poland. The others will be spread out among … [Read more...]
The Chinese Dragon Flexes Its Military Muscle China is breathing nuclear fire and threatening Japan and US military bases with nuclear weapons. This just came out on the pro-communist news source: Want China Times. Who's afraid of the big, bad dragon? Everyone should be, because the Chinese will eventually act on their threats when they deem the time right and probably, when we aren't looking: The People's Liberation Army's H-6K strategic … [Read more...]
The TSA’s Truth in Parody: they’re a Joke no matter how you look at it The Chief of Security for Israeli airports stated to TheBlaze what all of us have known about the TSA from the beginning - they suck. In fact, what they do doesn't prevent an attack at all; it invites one. The TSA is incompetent, hugely wasteful and although I'm sure there a few good individuals there, they have more than their share of wannabe fascists who have a power complex and severe … [Read more...]
28 Pages Later: Shrouding an Act of War Cross-Posted at Right Side News A scandal that spans three presidencies and more is coming to light. In a non-defined conflict against terrorism, we have lost over 6,750 U.S. service members who have died in Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom. American blood spilled in wars that do not attack those who attacked us on 9-11. To put this in perspective, fewer died in Pearl … [Read more...]
Russia Is Making Nuclear Moves Photo By REUTERS/Gleb Garanich While Obama guts the American military... as we disarm and as we dismantle our nuclear capabilities, Russia is upping the ante. The 'flexibility' that Obama was whispering to Russia not long ago, was a reassurance that he would neuter us militarily. Russia busily began strengthening their nuclear arsenals. Russia is preparing to dance with Europe: Poland … [Read more...]
Russia Ups the Ante
New Zeal As America disarms, war with Russia and their Chinese, Iranian, communist and Islamic allies gets closer by the day. From MSNNZ: Poland and three Baltic states have voiced their alarm over plans by Russia to move nuclear-capable missiles close to their borders. "Plans to deploy Iskander-M missiles in the Kaliningrad district are disturbing and Poland has said so many times," its foreign … [Read more...]
Inside the Empire of Horror North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un (L), accompanied by his wife Ri Sol-Ju (R), visiting a wading pool at the Rungna People's Pleasure Ground in Pyongyang. | Photo: AFP For those who pooh-pooh North Korea and their new tyrant, Kim Jong-Un... you might want to rethink that. And you might want to add into the equation his monstrous wife and aunt. It's an episode of All in the Family from … [Read more...]
The Big Picture
New Zeal Jeff Nyquist is one of the few commentators today who actually sees the big picture. Jeff explains that the Cold War never ended and that today the West is very much on the losing side. By J.R. Nyquist During the Cold War the stated strategic goal of Russian and Chinese Communist leaders, and the primary objective of Communist international strategy, was to neutralize the United States as a … [Read more...]
Communists Happy About the Obama/Castro Handshake
New Zeal The Communist Party USA is very happy about the Barack Obama/Raul Castro handshake at he funeral of a third communist leader Nelson Mandela. The communists see this as a symbolic event on the way to a long term revolutionary goal - the "normalization" of US-Cuba relations. From the People's World: A handshake that shook the world In the spirit of Nelson Mandela, President Obama stopped and … [Read more...]
America is No Longer a Sanctuary So sayeth Gen. Martin Dempsey, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. The battlefield has morphed into something akin to herding terrorist cats, with about as much risk of a catastrophic oopsie moment. Our military leaders are beginning to see that one of the myriad uses of the Internet is to launch a vast array of terrorist attacks. With a keyboard and a connection, anyone can reach out and … [Read more...]
Lead Smelters and Leftist Lunacy
American Thinker It was recently announced that our nation's last primary lead smelter, in business since 1892, the Doe Run facility in Herculaneum, Missouri, is closing its doors at the end of this year rather than meet costly new EPA regulations. On the heels of that announcement, there was widespread speculation that the closure would dry up the supply of lead needed for the manufacture of ammunition. The … [Read more...]
China Threatens Military Action Against Japan With no major world power posing any kind of a threat to them, China is donning their war paint and swaggering towards conflict. On the eve of Joe Biden visiting Japan, China ratcheted up the rhetoric of war and militarily threatened Japan over China's newly declared air defense zone. They boldly state they will 'enforce' new aircraft controls in a maneuver that amounts to a dare to Japan to step … [Read more...]
Missile Warheads in Jamaica Warhead: The term warhead refers to the explosive and/or toxic material that is delivered by a missile, rocket, or torpedo. Jamaica is an island country situated in the Caribbean Sea, comprising the third-largest island of the Greater Antilles. The island lies about 90 miles south of Cuba and 119 miles west of Hispaniola, the island containing the nation-states of Haiti and the Dominican … [Read more...]
America’s Enemies are Actively Preparing for Nuclear War While Kerry was taking a giant leap towards war for America over the last few months (and the White House over the last year and longer), guess who were busy little evil bees? Yep, an Iranian missile group delegation visited Pyongyang as Geneva nuclear talks were actively taking place. As we gave Iran everything they wanted with nothing in return, they were in North Korea secretly developing … [Read more...]
Obama’s Dance with Iran; One Giant Leap Towards War My good friends, this is the second time in our history that there has come back from Germany to Downing Street peace with honour. I believe it is peace for our time. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts. And now I recommend you to go home and sleep quietly in your beds. - Neville Chamberlain Today, that diplomacy opened up a new path toward a world that is more secure — a future in which … [Read more...]
Brazil’s President Shows Communist Colors
New Zeal Brazil is generally regarded as a moderate, pro-Western country. In fact, it has been under communist leadership and has been since 1994, when Luis Ignacio Lula da Silva first came to power - with the help of Democratic Socialists of America and the AFL-CIO. Democratic Socialists of America member Stanley Gacek was a labor attorney and AFL-CIO International Affairs Assistant Director, responsible … [Read more...]
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