Those that succumb to the desire to conform, will never be part of any solution, they will only perpetuate the status quo. Conformity does not lead one to attempt to make the world a better place, it only solidifies one’s mundane existence in the world’s current, static state. Progress and innovation cannot happen in the process of following the rules while living in a small box. The human race has seen its greatest … [Read more...]
Oppression Through Social Control
Neo-Marxism: Cultural Marxism, Postmodernism, and Identity Politics
I am only going to scratch the surface here because this is a deep subject. However, I think it is important to understand Marxist ideology and its evolution, when analyzing the current political climate, and where we stand today. Marxism refers to the world view and ideology of Karl Marx. I guess you could say he wrote the book on communism. The Communist Manifesto was published on February … [Read more...]
What COVID-19’s Pandemic Revealed: a Morally Bankrupt Culture
Charles Hugh Smith | Of Two Minds Monopolies, quasi-monopolies and cartels are inherently exploitive and thus evil. Bill Gates, Francis Collins, Anthony Fauci What was "normal" for the past two decades was to turn a blind eye to the moral and financial bankruptcy of the American culture, the rot at the heart of its social, political and economic orders. The pandemic has shredded the putrid facade and … [Read more...]
War is the Thunder… Plague is the Lightning There's a fantastic post at The Washington Free Beacon: The Case for Panic, by Matthew Continetti. When I read it, it hit a chord within me and I found myself agreeing with Continetti over and and over again. My head spins at the number of emergencies currently being foisted on America. Let's begin with an unstable man, who has been caught before, near the White House. He not only jumps the … [Read more...]
Obama’s New ‘Memorandum of Understanding’ with Mexico, Civil Rights for Whom?
With an unemployment rate of lets say 37.2% (estimates from January 2014) and many Americans unable to find work forcing them to seek some sort of government assistance, Obama thought this would be a good time for a "Memorandum of Understanding" with Mexico... well of course.... The US Equal Employment Opportunity Employment Commission, And The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of The United Mexican States [...] The … [Read more...]
Obama Syndicate Assaulting Americans from Every Angle
In order to effectively--and with as much certainty as is possible--decimate and destroy a country, its Middle Class must be thoroughly eradicated. The infamous Soviet-style Communist Saul Alinsky--mentor to Hillary Clinton who wrote her Senior thesis on him “There is Only the Fight…” at Wellesley College--wrote extensively about it in his book Rules for Radicals. Barack Hussein Obama is also an admirer of Alinsky … [Read more...]
Michelle Obama’s Dogs are More Special than You
How infuriated would we like to be? There are so many words that may be brought, to describe the unprecedented decadence of Barack and Michelle Obama and the Obamunists, in the face of the suffering and ongoing, intentional devastation amidst the Sovereign People of our own America, plus Egypt's, Libya's, Syria's, Iraq's, Afghanistan's, Iran's, Israel's, etc.... I will simply present Michelle Obama's tweet … [Read more...]
Obama, Dems and Media: No Jobs and Poverty are Good for You!
While Obama’s personal US Attorney General Eric Holder continues with his latest assault on US States’ laws and Constitutional rights--he’s decided gay marriages must be recognized in all States…regardless of what States’ laws contain--his partner in multiple crimes, Obama and his syndicate, has come up with the new Democrat talking points which extol poverty and lack of work and/or work hours; but, only for the … [Read more...]
‘Agenda: Grinding America Down’ Still Showing in Full
Trevor Loudon and James M. Simpson, Gulag Bound dissident authors, are featured in this excellent documentary. Here is the trailer: AGENDA: Grinding America Down (Trailer) from Curtis Bowers on Vimeo. Here is the official URL for viewing it in full, at this time: … [Read more...]
Special Message to Obama Voters (quick vid, ‘The End of the Beginning’)
"The End of the Beginning" An epic indictment of the lying fraud that is currently disgracing our White House and his disastrous health care law by Bill Whittle. … [Read more...]
ON FOX NEWS? Will Big Media & Congress Defend Elliott & Tucker? + Likely Reason Obama IRS Audited Them
TAG-TEAMING FOX NEWS SOON? LATEST UPDATES beginning at SLIDE 14, below Original post, Monday Dec. 2, 6:47am CT Part 1: Will our heroes do something? Part 2: How Elliott and Tucker represent the smoking gun of Obamacare sabotage -----GB----- [View the story "Intrigue: Will Big Media & Congress Defend Elliott & Tucker? + Most Likely Reason Obama IRS Audited Them" on Storify] We will update in … [Read more...]
Trust a Collectivist Saboteur Regime? ‘No Security Ever Built into Obamacare Site: Hacker’
What is just cause for non-compliance? What is moral mandate for it? We who have shown that Barack Obama is a neo-Marxist (and pro-Islamist), globalist saboteur of authentic America must warn that the the entirety of Obamacare is appearing more and more pervasively to be an acute form of Cloward-Piven destruction. This is only one of its built-in threats. "When you develop a website, you develop it with … [Read more...]
Interview: C. Steven Tucker After the IRS Audit Hit Job on Bill Elliott & Himself
This administration is canceling health insurance plans all over the nation that they designed under the PPACA regulations in order to force these existing policy holders to subsidize the high cost of the “Medal” plans which will be available inside and outside the new ‘Health Insurance Marketplace” beginning 1/1/14. This is a deliberate action the administration new about for more than 3 years. Cancer and Obamacare … [Read more...]
The TRUTH about Preexisting Conditions
We're honored to be publish our compatriot comrade, C. Steven Tucker. Please share his potentially life saving information with any who may be losing their health care coverage. - AW ------------- On Thursday November 7, 2013 my new friend Bill Elliott appeared on “The Kelly File” with Megyn Kelly on the Fox News channel. I say “new friend” because immediately after I … [Read more...]
Attention Main Stream Media. Regarding Obamacare. I Told You So!
C. Steven Tucker Back on August 3rd, 2013 I wrote a piece exposing what I stated then will soon happen to millions of Americans if we do not support the Tea Party and Republican lead effort to defund Obamacare. In that piece, I stated when President Obama promised – “If you like your plan, you can keep your plan and no one will take it away from you, period” he was not telling the truth. Watch President Obama … [Read more...]
How Obamacare and the Welfare State are Immoral, in 6 Minutes
Hat tip to @PolitiJim for passing this video along. It becomes tempting to write an essay here, on Godly aid vs. Pharisaical coercion and control, which Jesus cursed, in Matthew 23. There are many Scriptural references and lessons to cite. But, to keep it short and not distract from the video, here is just one more, of Jesus Himself again, speaking to his disciples about ministry as He assigned it: "Freely you have … [Read more...]
Graphic of the Moment: Tea or Kool-Aid, Which One are You Drinking?
Here is an anti-syllogism for you. A syllogism is a tool of logic organized: first premise, second premise, conclusion. A logical syllogism does not go like this: 1. Obamacare is being shown more and more, to be the (fascist) train wreck it is, devastating to Americans trying to become self-sufficient. 2. Tea Party patriots, intent upon saving America from its devastation and unconstitutional, socialist … [Read more...]
EBT Looting Day: The Aggression of Hunger, Fear, and Entitlement Mentality Cross-Posted at Right Wing News The politics of hunger showed it's desperate face over the weekend. For a few hours, America was treated to a preview of the coming hunger riots when our economy eventually collapses. KSLA News 12 Shreveport, Louisiana News Weather The videos show incidences in Louisiana, but the outages on EBT cards occurred in 17 states. They say the people who could … [Read more...]
Beware a New ‘Third Way’ via Corrupt Democrats, Aided by Robert Reich’s ‘Inequality for All’
They will be trying to pull a Clinton again, with Robert Reich's help, it seems. From the looks of his Inequality for All campaign, Reich is working on the new attempt to preserve collectivist control of America, via the hopelessly despotic Democratic Party and its central bank complex's puppet strings, despite the devastation of its more obviously neo-Marxist Obamunists. In so doing, they will be trying to … [Read more...]
How & Why US Incomes Have Dropped Since ‘Great Recession’s End’
These excerpts are from Mail Online, a British news site similar to the Guardian, which is handling the brunt of the Ed Snowden reporting from outside of the United States' controlled media. The average American household is now earning LESS income than it did at the end of the Great Recession Race, age, and geographic location all factor into how badly households have been hit by post-recession money … [Read more...]
Communists in the Thick of the Immigration ‘Reform’ Movement
New Zeal According to the Communist Party USA, "the struggle for immigrant rights is a key component of the struggle for working class unity in our country today." The Communists believe that the months ahead provide a great opportunity to extract big immigration changes from the Party's "friend" Barack Obama. The coming months are crucial. This is a call for all progressive forces to become fully … [Read more...]
ObamaGov: Story of a Tyrant and a Collaborative Congress
It’s becoming harder and harder for a great number of people to make sense of what the government is doing. So, instead of actually looking to and accepting the obvious and logical reasons (aka Occam’s Razor) for what it occurring, media personnel (it has become increasingly difficult to call them journalists or reporters) continue to scratch their heads and ask ‘what is Obama doing’? The answer is obvious to all, … [Read more...]
Left Pushes Illegal Immigration ‘Reform’ as Step to Permanent Democrat Control, Socialism
New Zeal The left, led by the US' largest Marxist organization, Democratic Socialists of America, is about to start a huge push, starting with organized labor, to grant amnesty and citizenship to more than 12,000,000 illegal immigrants. They hope to make enough noise to allow their long time ally President Obama to claim a public mandate for an illegal immigrant amnesty. Unions, before they were taken over … [Read more...]
“Tax The Rich” Thrown Out In Socialist France – “It’s Unfair”
NoisyRoom Will Smith Stunned At Proposed French Tax Rate After Praising Taxes France’s Socialist President, Francois Hollande, had his hat handed to him when France’s highest court revoked his 75% tax on the rich, saying that “it’s unfair.” The court took issue with the way it discriminated between households of one versus two earners. France’s budget deficit is approximately 85 billion euro and the … [Read more...]
Living Under the Obama Hordes: Unprosecuted & Ignored Treason
Today’s “leaders” of the [former] United States of America consist of an increasingly motley crew of Agenda 21 land-grabbers, confiscators of citizens’ money, anti-Judaism/Christian and pro-Islam adherents and deviants in myriad ways who are headed up by the most perverse person to ever inhabit what was once our White House: Dictator-in-Chief Barack Hussein Obama. And the equally corrupt and collaborative members … [Read more...]
Obama’s & Bush’s EO’s Demand Transformation: US into UN Agenda 21 State
“Isn’t the only hope for this planet that the industrialized civilization collapse? Isn’t it our responsibility to bring that about?” - Maurice Strong, at the U.N. Rio Summit, 1992 Let us go back a bit and look at the Obama Executive Order 13514, which was signed on October 5, 2009, "Federal Leadership in Environmental, Energy and Economic Performance." This sets sustainability goals for federal … [Read more...]
Fact Checking, In & Around the ‘7.8%’ Unemployment Report
Honesty is not an option - Jobs are at stake! - Obama's and the regime's NoisyRoom Hat Tip: BB Many of you may have heard that the unemployment rate which was expected to go to 8.2% this morning (but in reality is closer to 22% in my opinion), dropped to 7.8%. May I just say, bull crap. Millions have dropped out because they cannot find a job, still more millions are employed part time. No one believes … [Read more...]
Neo-Marxism Means Big Business in South Africa – and it’s Bombing
The article below, "South Africa: Only a Matter of Time Before the Bomb Explodes," was written by Moeletsi Mbeki, the brother of the former Post-Apartheid President of South Africa, Thabo Mbeki, and son of an African National Congress (ANC) leader. Read my commentary below in light of this article and its author. If you still can't buy the message after that, then I must conclude your mind is fatally shut! South … [Read more...]
Time to Storm Obama and Washington D.C.?
I am in extremely fine company. On 18 June 2012 I wrote in my column “Obama Dictatorship Now Overtly Lawless…Congress Largely Yawns”: “We have almost completely lost our country to the Marxist/Islamic ruler currently ensconced in our White House, folks. It’s inordinately clear that Congress will do nothing. Only We-the-People can stop this. Isn’t it time for a REAL Million Patriot + march on Washington D.C.? If we … [Read more...]
Over CNBC: ‘Do We All Work for the Central Bankers?’
This is hardly the first time the truth has slipped out via CNBC and one hopes it won't be the last. Investors have some reason after all, to seek and speak the truth. Money often rides on it. Yet, in this case they are lamenting how the bulk of our money and our lives with it, are riding on a central banking complex consistently moving from manipulation of the truth toward direct tyranny. Foisted on the free and … [Read more...]
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