By: Lloyd Marcus As a black American, Democrats and fake news media demand that I agree with the George Floyd protests. I say the protests are unnecessary and are totally politically motivated. The American people of all races including President Trump have expressed their outrage over the wrongful death of Mr. Floyd. The officer who killed Mr. Floyd has been charged with murder. The three officers who … [Read more...]
Shut Down for COVID-19? Locked Up for Demonstrating? Habeas Corpus and a Good Judge May Set You Free
What does someone mean when they talk about American exceptionalism? The realization that government is not inherently good, and that governments will overreach and will oppress the masses if given an opportunity to do so. America’s founding fathers crafted the US Constitution with these truths in mind, and for the first time, rule of law meant restricting the acts of government, not the citizenry. In … [Read more...]
Video: RNC Convention Assurance from Hillsborough Co’s Sheriff & Tampa Police Chief
This video, "Tampa RNC 2012 Arrest Video - Public Service Announcement" is posted at YouTube and the caption of user "centrallaw" is posted below it. It is an informational and instructional announcement chiefly to department staff, those deputized, and those security personnel temporarily hired to protect people, property and the People's peaceful intercourse of travel, communications, and doings at Tampa's … [Read more...]
Riots in Spain
New Zeal Kremlin propaganda channel Russia Today covers riots in Spain. At least 76 people have been injured in Madrid as clashes flared up between protesters and police, the latter using rubber bullets. Thousands of Spanish anarchists, communists and labor unionists turned out against new austerity measures introduced by the Socialist government. … [Read more...]
‘Infidel’ Christian Stoned In Dearborn, MI Speaks Out
The Religion of Peace displays its 'peaceful' nature once again in Dearborn, Michigan, as Evangelical Christians are stoned with rocks and concrete, among other weapons of mass destruction, by 'tolerant' Muslims at the June 15-18, 2012 Arab International Festival. See at, "Stoned Dearborn Christian Speaks," July 2, for the interview and videos including this incident. The Wayne County Sheriff's … [Read more...]
The New York Times’ War on Police
Accuracy in Media At The New York Times annual meeting on April 25, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Arthur Sulzberger Jr. denied that his paper was waging a war on the New York City Police Department and its commissioner, Ray Kelly. The denials are not convincing. As I arrived in New York City for the annual meeting, the reason for the recent intensity of this campaign became apparent. Other papers … [Read more...]
Protestors throw urine bombs at Denver Police
NoisyRoom Read more at Fox31... … [Read more...]
Obama and his Syndicate: Some Good (Obama Eligibility Hearing) and some Chillingly Bad News
First the good news. Yesterday--26 January--I watched live feed of an extraordinary event. The setting was a courtroom in Georgia and the presiding jurist was Deputy Chief Judge Michael Malihi. The case centered around and on Barack Hussein Obama’s eligibility to be placed on the Georgia ballot in the upcoming 2012 General Election(s). During the hearing, 3 attorneys--Orly Taitz, Van Irion and J. Mark … [Read more...]
New Police Precrime Technique – Light Based Intervention System
NoisyRoom Hat Tip: BB … [Read more...]
O.W.S. Activist: ‘Police Rank and File are Professional Class Traitors, but We Should Attempt to Use them Against the 1%ers’
New Zeal From Big Government, by Trevor Loudon An Occupy Wall Street activist and veteran of the Trotskyist International Socialist Organization, Pham Binh, has written a widely circulated article, which explains how socialists should attempt to manipulate rank and file police officers against society’s so called rulers – the “1%ers.” According to Pham Binh: Occupy is a once in a lifetime opportunity to … [Read more...]
Stop NWO at County Level, Lawman Richard Mack to Sheriffs
in American Free Press / AFP Lawman Richard Mack Tells Sheriffs: You Can Fight NWO at County Level By Pat Shannan Sheriffs from all over America are being invited to gather on Jan. 30, 2012 in Las Vegas, Nevada, for what could be the most important meeting “since the Constitutional Convention of 1787,” according to Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association (CSPOA) founder Richard … [Read more...]
New Video Proof of Media Lies About UC Davis Protests
By: Cliff Kincaid Accuracy in Media UC Davis Republicans have released a new video showing what actually transpired on the campus before some protesters were pepper-sprayed. The almost nine-minute video shows that the UC Davis campus police were encircled by the demonstrators, who tell the police to free some of their arrested comrades. “If you let them go,” the protesters say, “we will let you leave.” Later, … [Read more...]
The War on Police
Accuracy in Media Rather than being victims of police brutality, a new video shows that Occupiers at UC Davis knew they were going to be pepper sprayed and didn’t mind it. Indeed, the new video evidence indicates that the entire confrontation with the police was staged for the benefit of the media, which took the bait and ran with it, making police out to be cruel and heartless villains. The new video evidence … [Read more...]
Why Do Media Hate the Police?
Accuracy in Media Brian Williams of NBC Nightly News attacked the police at UC Davis on his Monday night broadcast. He said the demonstrators were just “sitting on a sidewalk peacefully protesting” when they were pepper-sprayed. Inviting members of his viewing audience to take the side of the protesters, he said, “Imagine those are your kids sitting on the sidewalk.” In fact, some of those “kids” were … [Read more...]
Media Distort UC Davis Pepper Spray Incident
By: Rick Hahn Accuracy in Media Exclusive to Accuracy in Media The saddest thing about the UC Davis pepper spray incident is that the press is not reporting the incident in its entirety, nor is the press considering what other things may have occurred. First, there’s the question of why the police were there. Presumably, they had been dispatched by some campus authority to disperse the demonstrators. … [Read more...]
Thug Rule in California via ‘Nuisance Abatement Teams’
What Happened to the Constitution? to listen click here Constitution Day is September 17th, the day many citizens celebrate the foundation upon which all American law is supposed to rest. New laws are emerging every day, however, that rest not upon the U.S. Constitution, but on a newer document called Agenda 21. The Fourth Amendment says: "The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers … [Read more...]
DHS Causing Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office to go Dark?
Gulag Tales & Rumor Trails One who has tracked the movements of the Department of Homeland Security recalls that during both the Bush and Obama administrations they have tended to set up localized experiments in encroachment and tyranny, then they observe whatever blow-back they get. They could get some concerted attention about this. According to this report (not thoroughly vetted by GulagBound) … [Read more...]
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