Those that succumb to the desire to conform, will never be part of any solution, they will only perpetuate the status quo. Conformity does not lead one to attempt to make the world a better place, it only solidifies one’s mundane existence in the world’s current, static state. Progress and innovation cannot happen in the process of following the rules while living in a small box. The human race has seen its greatest … [Read more...]
Huge Dose of Reality Coming, Antidote to Cabal’s Snake Venom
I think my keyboard is slightly smoking...”A HUGE DOSE OF REALITY”— Diana Larkin (@JournalDiana11) March 16, 2021 God's agenda and Satan's can not pervade and prevail in the same nation at the same time. Something is going to break. To be of use on the victorious side, let us discern and gain the actual news, from trustworthy sources and ignore the hiss of the enemy. As we do, and … [Read more...]
CNN Host Don Lemon’s Bigoted Blasphemy: “Jesus Christ Was Not Perfect”
By: Daniel John Sobieski Oh, yes, He was, and as Jesus would pray on the cross on which He was crucified and died for our sins, something which also applies to the Don Lemons of the world, he intoned, “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.” Or say. In defending the destruction of tax-payer funded property, the rioters do not own or honor, even including the Founders and the preservers of our … [Read more...]
Trump Should Call Rallies ‘Protests’ to Show COVID-Shaming Hypocrisy
By: Daniel John Sobieski Liberal-progressive types were overjoyed that the Chinese Wuhan virus plague and fears of mass gatherings were keeping President Trump off the campaign trail where he couldn’t shout over the media filter and Joe Biden in the basement where his senior moments were relatively unseen. Now that is about to end with a Trump rally in Tulsa that has garnered over a million ticket … [Read more...]
Fear the Walking COVID-19
VirtualWright | COVID-19 | "Fear" The picture at the top of this page is what the average person in my little suburb just outside of Chicago looks like these days. And who can blame them? 24/7 we are bombarded from every corner of government, the internet and media with constant stories of the virus is going to kill us all. Every time the government tries to protect us, it get’s worse, even as the … [Read more...]
China Goes Gaga Over Pro-UN WHO ‘One World Together at Home’
By: Cliff Kincaid In cooperation with the World Health Organization (WHO), the U.N. agency that paved the way for the coronavirus global pandemic, a group calling itself Global Citizen sponsored a bizarre “international broadcast” on Saturday in collaboration with a singer named Lady Gaga that featured “the world’s leading musicians, comedians, and humanitarians.” This was a classic case of … [Read more...]
Eulogy: Vladimir Bukovsky - Thursday, October 31, 2019 Last night, at the 42nd Annual Pumpkin Papers Irregulars Dinner, I delivered the following remarks to honor the memory of Vladimir Bukovsky. I never had the joy of meeting Vladimir Bukovsky in person. We connected over attacks against my book American Betrayal because they were so similar to attacks against his own work. He and his colleague Pavel Stroilov co-wrote two … [Read more...]
El Paso Shooter and Anti-Trump Media Do their Evil Work Together
Time after time, we've seen shootings (or attempted shootings) by insolent, racist progressivists, who hate society being based on personal freedom with responsibility to God's moral authority and who along with it, hate Donald Trump's presidency. Immediately, the "progressive" hive mind jumps to the mass murderer's beck and call, joining his effort by the psychological projection of blaming their fictitious … [Read more...]
‘I Hope You Can Let This Go,’ Updated Links
“'I hope you can see your way clear to letting this go, to letting Flynn go,' Mr. Trump told Mr. Comey, according to the memo. 'He is a good guy. I hope you can let this go.'” - New York Times, 5/16/2017 New York Times, cant live with it, pass the beer nuts. For further reading: "Comey Under Oath: ‘Have Not Experienced Any Requests to Stop FBI Investigations’," Breitbart "Legal Expert Jon … [Read more...]
‘Why Isn’t Communism as Hated as Nazism?’ Dennis Prager Wants to Know
While I sometimes disagree with Dennis Prager's perceptions of certain principles and solutions, I recommend his and any honest examination of this question. Such a study reveals very harmful strategies and tactics by global collectivists (they like to say "communitarian") elites for generations. For more on this intentional distortion of current events, history, and political philosophy, I … [Read more...]
Democrats Lied, People Died: Massive WMD Stockpiles Existed in Iraq
The New York Times is now admitting that WMD always existed in Iraq, they were discovered many times, even injuring our soldiers, but the despicable leftists would crucify anyone who told the truth. So people lied to save their own skins. "Bush lied, people died," as the slogan went. But the liars are, were and have always been the Left. Chief among them was presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, … [Read more...]
Provoke, Provocative: ISIS’ Beheadings Biz: Why Don’t Media Use the Words?
We know that ISIS devotes world class talent in public relations to its overall efforts. PR is very important to them. The media made a point, at first, of demonstrating this by exhibiting their "annual report" style manifesto, or perhaps a better phrase would be propaganda portfolio. (ISIS then proceeded to change their name to ISIL, to include "the Levant," very much signaling Israel as central to their … [Read more...]
Qatar Awareness Campaign – Letter to CNN Dear Mr. Zucker: This letter is being sent to you on behalf of the Qatar Awareness Campaign Coalition. The purpose is to inform you and the public of the activities of the state of Qatar. CNN regularly solicits the opinion of policy experts and fellows from Brookings Doha, which receives millions of dollars in funding from Qatar. also featured a prominent ad for the Qatar … [Read more...]
‘Gamechanger Salon,’ Brother of Journolist, Secretive Leftwing Network Redux Well, it looks like the Progressive lapdog media has been colluding again. Media Trackers, a site that tracks media stories and works for transparency in government, uncovered a group with over 1,000 members that is literally a who's who of the Progressive Left in media. And I would wager, it is only the tip of the iceberg out there -- I am sure that the collaboration is widespread and … [Read more...]
Media Reporting on Governor Scott Walker a Cacophony of Lies
Accuracy in Media The news was filled last week with breathless headlines: “Scott Walker part of ‘criminal scheme,’” declared The Washington Post. The Milwaukee (Wisconsin) Journal Sentinel, which is intimately familiar with the facts of this case, nonetheless headlined “John Doe prosecutors allege Scott Walker at center of ‘criminal scheme.’” The New York Times, all the networks, CNN, MSNBC, and … [Read more...]
Charlotte Observer Lies then Covers its Tracks
DC Independent Examiner Today's Left-biased media is emblematic of our liberal-dominated degenerate culture. They lie, make up stories about political enemies, publish slander without blinking then issue retractions buried inside the paper well after the damage has already been done. It is evidence of a political strategy, not mere incompetence or careless reporting. They lie with purpose. The Charlotte … [Read more...]
Watch Russia Today Anchor Boldly Quit Her Job on the Air: ‘I Am Proud to Be an American’
By: Brent Parrish The Right Planet Well, this is something you don’t see every day. An American anchor for Russia Today resigned live on the air. Via The Blaze: American news anchor Liz Wahl quit her job at the state-owned TV network Russia Today live on the air Wednesday, saying she is “proud to be an American” and could no longer “be a part of a network that whitewashes the actions of Putin.” Wahl said … [Read more...]
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