Jeffrey Epstein Celebrates Gay Pride from the Grave

By: Cliff Kincaid Jeffrey Epstein’s deep and dark secret is out. He was a gay deceiver. Let’s remember this fact on Stonewall Day, June 26, as Barack Hussein Obama emerges from the shadows to celebrate the anti-police riots at the Mafia-run Stonewall Inn back in 1969. The latest and best Jeffrey Epstein book, A Convenient Death, by Alana Goodman and Daniel Halper, strongly suggests that Epstein was a … [Read more...]

Mayor Pete and Jeffrey Epstein: Spawn of the Sexual Revolution

The Culture Wars are mostly over, and the sexual revolutionaries have won. But they are not proclaiming total victory. They want a gay president in the White House, in order to complete Barack Hussein Obama’s “fundamental transformation” of America. With their eyes on the prize, they want to mandate through executive order a risky HIV/AIDS vaccine.  But such a vaccine could backfire and spread the disease to … [Read more...]

Kim Davis, Civil Disobedience, Defying the Powers-that-Be for Christian Beliefs There comes a time in every person's life where they have to decide what they stand for and what they believe in. What is the line that you just won't cross, no matter the consequence? Many people never consider that question until they are forced to. For Christians, it is an easy choice. They answer to a higher power than the government or the courts. For Kim Davis, that day came a while back … [Read more...]

Targeted Houston Pastors Join ‘I Stand Sunday’ Webcasts Sunday 11/2, 4pm & 6pm CT

The Sovereignty Campaign   Live press conference to be shown here, Sunday, 4pm CT, as well as at organizers' site:   Live Webcast feed to be shown here, Sunday, 6pm CT, as well as at organizers' site:   Video promoting the event shown below press release Site for further information: Press release as follows (emphasis added): Mike Huckabee, Houston 5, Tony Perkins, Pastor … [Read more...]

Twitter’s Homofascist Crackdown & a Tale of 2 Hashtags: #4Huston5 #HustonWeHaveAProblem

Follow-up to "Pastors Ordered to Submit Sermons to Government in Houston; Degeneracy Brings Authoritarianism" The hashtag #4Huston5 is what some of us are using now in Twitter and #HustonWeHaveAProblem is what Twitter was blocking, something exposed in the following D.C. Caller article (linked). San Francisco's own Twitter seems to be dressing up in the flamiers' black leather (flamers' as in the new media … [Read more...]

Dylan Wesolowski: The Making of Another Justina Pelletier Case?

Stand for Truth Justina Pelletier was returned to her family in Connecticut after more than 16 months away from them due to being removed by the Department of Children and Families (DCF) in Massachusetts (for more of Justina’s story click here). What I believe was instrumental in helping to return Justina to her family was her father, Lou Pelletier’s refusal to sit down and shut up, when a gag order was put in … [Read more...]

Four Stages of National Decline; Two Prophetic Offers of Redemption in America

A friend, PolitiJim, familiar to longstanding readers of the Bound, just referred this brief, newly released message from Christian apologist Ravi Zacharias. He describes the four successive conditions cited by God for judging His nation of Israel, resulting in its invasion by Babylon. You may wish to listen to "Four Stages of a Nation in Decline," but to whet the hearing, they are: ancestral disappointments … [Read more...]

Silencing American Christians: HGTV vs. Jason & David Benham I am bitterly disappointed in HGTV. They are arguably one of my very favorite channels. That they would bow to censorship, especially of Christians, boggles my mind. Twin brothers, Jason and David Benham, were preparing to launch a show on HGTV this fall entitled: “Flip It Forward.” In the show, the brothers would be helping families in need to renovate their homes. But when their staunch … [Read more...]


By: Trevor Loudon New Zeal The brilliant Karen Straughan gives a very blunt, honest and cogent defense of traditional marriage, patriarchy and the traditional family. … [Read more...]

Obama, Dems and Media: No Jobs and Poverty are Good for You!

While Obama’s personal US Attorney General Eric Holder continues with his latest assault on US States’ laws and Constitutional rights--he’s decided gay marriages must be recognized in all States…regardless of what States’ laws contain--his partner in multiple crimes, Obama and his syndicate, has come up with the new Democrat talking points which extol poverty and lack of work and/or work hours; but, only for the … [Read more...]

Sing About Getting Obamacare, Go Flaming Gay

Sequel to, "Talk About Getting Obamacare, Go Gay" Thank you CJ in TX for sharing... ...this, via Canada Free Press... "Phil Robertson can’t cite Scripture, but these prancing dudes are brought to you by ObamaCare!" ...which exposes this video... "Get Enrolled" ...yeah. No. … [Read more...]

New Larry Sinclair Interview on Obama & the Murder of Donald Young

Video, "Choir Director Murdered To Conceal Obama's Homosexuality/Drug Use?" (photo of younger Sinclair with Obama is a photo artist's mock-up) Also see: "Did Obama Assassinate Clinton Delegates?" March 20, 2012, in Gulag Bound "Openly Gay Men at Wright's Church KILLED the Very Month Obama's Ascent to the Nomination Began?" November 15, 2011, in and The Reaganite Republican "Mom of Murdered … [Read more...]

My Black Dad and Chick-fil-A

NoisyRoom By: Lloyd Marcus I jump on every opportunity to respectfully challenge my 84 year-old black dad's loyalty to Obama. Dad has been a Christian pastor for over 50 years. He lives in Maryland and I live in Florida. I called Dad to ask if he participated in Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day. He said, no, he had not heard about it. Then, he added, “All I know is Chick-fil-A discriminates against … [Read more...]

Will Huckabee Take on Panetta Over Gay Rights?

Accuracy in Media In a major display of respect for traditional values, hundreds of thousands turned out for Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day. Fox News Channel host Mike Huckabee, who sparked the event, said that the success went beyond “anything I could have imagined” and that stores across the country reported “record, historic sales.” Huckabee could now turn his attention to a more important fight—how … [Read more...]

Media, Homosexuals Threaten Christian Minister

Accuracy in Media The New York Times, a paper supposedly devoted to freedom of speech, is giving sympathetic coverage to a frivolous lawsuit designed to silence an American Christian minister. Scott Lively is being sued by the George Soros-funded Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR) for “crimes against humanity” for criticizing homosexuality during a trip to Uganda. The suit represents the most extreme … [Read more...]

Ron Paul Fingered, Attacking Gingrich & Santorum for Romney

Weekly calls between the Paul and Romney campaigns This entire stream, uploaded this Thursday from Mark Levin, is very important, but be sure to catch what he plays at the 7:04 mark. It is from a recent "Morning Joe," telecast. at YouTube, "Mark Levin Helps the American People more than Ron Paul could ever hope for" "There is a de facto alliance between Ron Paul and Mitt Romney; there's no question about it. … [Read more...]

Follow Ron Paul’s Money too: Peter Thiel, Globalist, Bilderberger, GOProud Activist

Since this item in BuzzFeed Politics is short, we show it in its entirety: Ron Paul's Biggest Supporter Is A Bilderberger, International Financier World's collide.The gay libertarian tech investor Peter Thiel, enthusiast of post-national ocean states, backed the SuperPAC. Posted Jan 31, 2012 9:21pm EST The largest donor to a SuperPAC supporting Ron Paul is Peter Thiel, the sort of ultra-wealthy, … [Read more...]

Sothern Poverty Law Center Attacks for the Radical Homosexual Agenda

From the Communists of 1917 Russia and before, the global Marxist Revolution has been in part, a sexual revolution. Its objectives include the removal of morality and godliness from sexuality, sexuality from marital boundaries, and children from parent led families. Looks pretty evil, does it not? When individuals naturally organize in families that do not need the state to meet their basic needs, they must be … [Read more...]

Salute Her while She Sinks

"College professors have felt the heat of this repressive new order; researchers and scientists have encountered its ire; ministers have found themselves muzzled; teachers have been intimidated; employees have lost their jobs; even parents have been told that they cannot exercise their rights.  Queer has become something to fear, and gay is beginning to rule the day." - Dr. Michael L. Brown "A Queer Thing … [Read more...]

Homosexuals Support Gay Soldier in Treason Trial

Accuracy in Media Homosexual Army soldier Bradley Manning’s bizarre behavior, which included calling himself “Breanna” and dressing in women’s clothes, might be expected to lead some in the media to question whether Congress should have repealed the policy banning open homosexuality in the military. Instead, however, many stories about Manning’s preliminary hearing are focusing on charges from his attorneys … [Read more...]

What Do We Really Know about Obama?

Bound: Despite the fifth column "news media," more and more people compare notes about the putative president and the more we ask, the less it seems we know. Donald Trump, continues to ask. Does anyone in Congress have a voice to represent the public's concern? And the Marxtream media continue to cover-up, shuck, and jive. Doug Hagmann says they are systematically intimidated by the powers that be. All the water … [Read more...]

Senate Defense Authorization Bill Legalizes Sodomy, oh and Bestiality

Why do you suppose sexual depravity is such an essential a part of the New World (Dis)Order? Senate Approves Bill that Legalizes Sodomy and Bestiality in U.S. Military By Pete Winn December 1, 2011 ( – (Updated) The Senate on Thursday evening voted 93-7 to approve a defense authorization bill that includes a provision which not only repeals the military law on sodomy, it also repeals … [Read more...]

Obama’s ‘Body Man,’ Reggie Love Resigning, Scandal Indicated

There is much more background about Barack Obama and the broader subject matter of this news item, including attestations of hidden homosexuality, perhaps stemming from Obama's days in Muslim school. For now, we suggest looking into this, at Fellowship of the Minds (warning, obscene image at article's source). Why Is Obama’s “Body-Man” Reggie Love Leaving? Posted on November 16, 2011 by Dr. Eowyn | 55 … [Read more...]

Barack Obama Accused: Selling Cocaine, Homosexual Sex while IL Senator

Where was the media in 2008? Where are they now? by Charles Kerchner CDR Kerchner's Blog   Rush Limbaugh Contrasts Politico’s Intense Reporting on Anonymous Charges against Herman Cain with Politico’s Sparse Reporting of Charges by Larry Sinclair against Barack Obama – Gay Sex, Cocaine Use, and Murder Scandal; Media Coverup | @   Obama Accused of Gay Sex, Drugs, and Complicity to … [Read more...]

While We Are Being Occupied America Gets Screwed

Most times we learn that big noisy events are merely cover for the sinister destruction of very important aspects of what it means to be America.  I'm talking about evil, immoral, vile and disgusting quashing of liberty.  But this is often difficult to explain to those who are mesmerized by the shiny, blinding lights of a media beating the drum so loud that we can't even think, much less recognize those whose only … [Read more...]

Islam, Sex, & Atrocity: the Video Presentation by Ann Barnhardt

Caution: this presentation and the related information we present are disturbing and tragic. Gulag Bound has examined what Ms. Barnhardt purports. She and we provide links for substantiation below her videos. Caution #2: this information must be examined, understood, and the word must be spread, for the sake of America, the free world, and of so very many trapped in the devastating, totalitarian, religiopolitical … [Read more...]

Michele Bachmann

“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his … [Read more...]

Obama’s Slick Shift on Gay Marriage

In November 2008, while a candidate for president, Barack Obama was unequivocal in his rejection of gay marriage. At the time, Obama told even the gay-friendly MTV audience that he believed marriage to be exclusively "between a man and a woman" and that he was "not in favor of gay marriage." Just a few months later, in response to a question, Miss California Carrie Prejean said the very same thing, “I believe that … [Read more...]

New Disclosures in Brian Ross Hatchet Job on Bachmann

ABC News investigative reporter Brian Ross conveniently failed to mention in his Monday night hit piece on Michele Bachmann that his leading authority for the view that homosexual orientation cannot be changed is an ardent advocate for acceptance of the homosexual lifestyle. The omission takes on added significance in view of a 2007 report on the website of the National Lesbian and Gay Journalists Association … [Read more...]