#ObamaFraud There's the hashtag. Further explanation is not necessary for many. #Obama II is the #Gosnell #Infanticide #President. Why does "conservative" media persist in covering up his fraud? #tcot #Ccot | @jillstanek — Arlen Williams (@ArlenWms) April 13, 2013 Obama is the #Gosnell #President. Why does "conservative" media persist in covering up his fraud? @michellemalkin … [Read more...]
Obama is the #Gosnell President – Tweeting: #ObamaFraud
The Most Important Press Conference Ever Held at Any Time in U.S. History: Part II

NoisyRoom By: James Simpson Right Side News This is the sequel to the Part I exclusive published by Right Side News on Wednesday, August 1st. In Part I, Trevor Loudon, who was among the first to expose Obama's radicalism, exposes the relationship between President Obama and a high level, pro-Soviet operative, Alice Palmer, actively involved with known Soviet and communist front organizations at the height of … [Read more...]
New Conservative Film Downplays Obama’s Marxism

Accuracy in Media The new conservative film, “Obama’s America: 2016,” offers a lot of good information but muddies the waters as Americans, during this critical election year, look outside the major media for information about their President. Instead of educating people about the communist influence over Barack Obama, an unprecedented and shocking development for an American president, filmmaker Dinesh … [Read more...]
Was Obama’s Communist Mentor His Father?

Accuracy in Media Arizona’s Joe Arpaio, known as “America’s Toughest Sheriff” for his treatment of criminals, has been sued by the Obama Administration but is running for re-election this year. He may already have had the last laugh, as his investigators probing President Obama’s birth certificate have come up with sure-fire proof that the document has been tampered with. The evidence shows that the … [Read more...]
Roberts Rules on Presidential Eligibility! New Election Announced!

=====================BRAKING=NEWS!! The long sought Supreme Court verdict on Article 2 of the U.S. Constitution has just been announced. Eligibility activists have finally forced the SCOTUS to tell us how U.S. Presidents are to be elected. Experts declare this a landmark ruling. Never before have the words in Article 2 ever been defined - not even to their authors. The Supremes voted 1-8, with … [Read more...]
Federal Judge Performs a John Roberts Act to Avoid Evidence on Obama Eligibility

Riddle: When is the Federal judiciary like a local sleight-of-hand magician? (answer below) From The Western Center for Journalism: Outrageous: Judge Decides Law Doesn’t Apply To Obama July 5, 2012 By Doug Book A Circuit Court has decided that Florida election law applies to everyone but Barack Hussein Obama. In response to a suit brought by Florida resident and Democrat Party member Michael Voeltz … [Read more...]
Barack Obama, the CIA… AND the Communists

This is that really memorable moment of truth in the movie, Chinatown, where Barack Obama is revealed. In this scene, Washington D.C. is being brutally interrogated by an outraged John Q. Public, P.I. No time to eat popcorn though. It goes by fast. http://youtu.be/0IBZocFkXGY "He's CIA." (Slap!) "I said I want the truth!" "He's Communist." (Slap!) "He's CIA." (Slap!) "He's Communist, he's CIA." … [Read more...]
Rep. Jeff Flake of AZ Confronted, Denies Facts of Obama’s Fraud

This report, from The Western Center for Journalism, is republished in its entirety due to its brevity: Exclusive Video: Republican Congressman “Supports Obama” Regarding His Eligibility April 5, 2012 By Daniel Noe [GBound: Video, "Congressman Asked About Investigation Into Obama's Forgeries"] Cameraman: Gabe Zolna Western Journalism contributor Tom Ballantyne Jr., author of “Oh Really, O’Reilly?“, went … [Read more...]
National Campaign to Vet Obama: Republicans, Investigate or Else

by Lawrence Sellin The Post & Email Our vote is the only leverage we have left No American should vote for any Presidential candidate, who will not adhere to the Presidential oath of office to “preserve, protect and defend” the Constitution. Barack Hussein Obama has not done so from the moment he raised his right hand, placed his left on the Bible and swore that oath on January 20, 2009. Article II, … [Read more...]
Corsi & ASK Interview Viviano on Testimony of Obama’s Criminal 2008 Campaign

In WND.com: WND EXCLUSIVE Hollywood producer heard Bill Clinton say Obama ineligible Insider in Hillary's 2008 campaign points to 'original birthers' A successful Hollywood producer who had an insider’s view of Hillary Clinton’s 2008 presidential campaign claims she heard Bill Clinton say that Barack Obama is not eligible to be president. Bettina Viviano – who started her own film production … [Read more...]
Jerome Corsi’s Interview with Thomas Ayers’ Mailman

Jack Cashill's account of postman Allen Hulton's encounter with presidency-targeted Barack Obama, circa 1988, in front of Bill Ayers' red utilityman daddy's house, has been entered into Gulag records: "What the Mailman Knows about Ayers and Obama." Now we excerpt the beginning of Jerome Corsi's, WND article on Hulton and show the attached video: WND EXCLUSIVE Postman: Ayers family put 'foreigner' Obama through … [Read more...]
What the Mailman Knows about Ayers and Obama

Doorbell! American Thinker March 19, 2012 A few days ago I got a call asking whether I knew anything about the Ayers family mailman. I had heard of him, I said. I remembered liberal blogger Steven Diamond having interviewed the fellow a few years back but paid it little mind as the information seemed too limited to pursue. The caller then sent me a video interview with the mailman by WND sleuth Jerome … [Read more...]
Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s Obama Report Livestreamed at WND

Link to the livestream, due at 1pm MST (3pm EST, 2pm CST, Noon PST): http://www.wnd.com/arpaio-report Article in WND describing Arpaio's investigation and presentation: WND EXCLUSIVE Media finally paying attention to eligibility? See which major networks plan on covering Cold Case Posse results PHOENIX, Ariz. – Poll after poll in recent months has indicated that Americans have a high level of … [Read more...]
Interference in Sheriff Arpaio’s Obama Investigation; Orly Taitz a Saboteur?

Gulag Preface: We continue to monitor the pursuit of truth regarding Barack Obama's alleged ineligibility per the "natural born Citizen" requirement for the Presidency of the U.S.A., as an element of the larger investigation into his life and liaisons. As we ponder the coordinated assault upon sovereign America, of which players such as Barack Obama and George Soros are a part, were have gained from those who study … [Read more...]
When Will the Post & Email Return?

Web host shuts down site twice, promises to migrate, then leaves customer in the lurch By Sharon Rondeau The Post & Email (site is under maintenance at time of publishing) (Jan. 30, 2012) – Due to high traffic on both January 20 and 26 after Atty. Orly Taitz announced breaking news regarding the Georgia ballot challenges, The Post & Email’s web host, GoDaddy LLC, shut the site down without … [Read more...]
Why Did Obama Not Attend Thursday’s Hearing in Atlanta?

White House Schedule Shows No Entries Until 1:00 PM By Sharon Rondeau The Post & Email (site is under maintenance at time of publishing) (Jan. 29, 2012) – Barack Hussein Obama’s Georgia counsel, Michael Jablonski, had stated that it was “unreasonable1” to expect Obama to attend the ballot challenge hearing in Atlanta on January 26 at 9:00 a.m. ET. The White House has been posting Obama’s activities … [Read more...]
Update: Obama Georgia Ballot Eligibility Hearing

There seems to be some confusion regarding what happened after the 26 January Obama-eligibility Georgia ballot hearings conducted in Deputy Chief Judge Michael Malihi’s court. Part of the reason for the confusion may be that a seeming mountain of evidence was presented in Sand to the court, along with answers given by expert witnesses as to Mr. Obama’s original and current ineligibility to hold the Office of … [Read more...]
Dishonest Republicans, Gutless Conservative Media & the Collapse of a Corrupt Political System – PE

While the Democratic Party is On Track to Commit Suicide by Obama By Lawrence Sellin The Post & Email (site is under maintenance at time of publishing) Be assured that the far left-controlled Democratic Party, its anti-American financiers like George Soros and its partners in the biased, liberal mainstream media will use any tactic, tell any lie, violate any law and support any, even violent movement to … [Read more...]
Presidential Eligibility: Sovereign Voters Should have Standing as Electors – PE

By L.L. Wilkinson The Post & Email (site is under maintenance at time of publishing; see The Post & Email for further details on this and other Obama eligibility cases, documentation, and history) Individual Voters are Presidential Electors; a Political Question of Terry v Handel (Jan. 27, 2012) - As a citizen of the United States and a registered Democratic voter franchise owner and thus a Presidential … [Read more...]
Obama and his Syndicate: Some Good (Obama Eligibility Hearing) and some Chillingly Bad News

First the good news. Yesterday--26 January--I watched live feed of an extraordinary event. The setting was a courtroom in Georgia and the presiding jurist was Deputy Chief Judge Michael Malihi. The case centered around and on Barack Hussein Obama’s eligibility to be placed on the Georgia ballot in the upcoming 2012 General Election(s). During the hearing, 3 attorneys--Orly Taitz, Van Irion and J. Mark … [Read more...]
Orly Taitz Briefs The Post & Email on Ballot Challenge Hearing – PE

By Sharon Rondeau The Post & Email (site is under maintenance at time of publishing; see The Post & Email for further details on this and other Obama eligibility cases, documentation, and history) All Attorneys to Submit Summaries by February 5 (Jan. 26, 2012) – Atty. Orly Taitz was one of three lawyers who argued in front of Judge Michael Malihi in Atlanta, GA today as a result of challenges claiming that … [Read more...]
Courtroom Details of Obama’s 1/26 Eligibility Hearing, Georgia – PE

Details from this morning's eligibility hearing in Georgia, to accompany the Breaking News, "Default Judgment Against Obama Discussed: Today’s Eligibility Hearing in Georgia." By Sharon Rondeau The Post & Email (site is under maintenance at time of publishing; see The Post & Email for further details on this and other Obama eligibility cases, documentation, and history) (Jan. 26, 2012) — The court … [Read more...]
Default Judgment Against Obama Discussed: Today’s Eligibility Hearing in Georgia

Coverage by Charles Kerchner in his CDR Kerchner's Blog Obama Challenge Hearing – Gavel to Gavel Live Video Stream Coverage from Atlanta GA See live coverage at 9 a.m. EST 26 Jan 2012 here: http://www.art2superpac.com/ Update 12:45 pm : Based on watching the live feed. Obama’s attorney was a no show. Hearing was conducted without him. At least one of the attorney’s pointed out to the judge that Obama’s … [Read more...]
Obama’s Transparent Hypocrisy in Harassing Arizona’s Sheriff Arpaio

As part of the Obama administration’s lawsuit against Arizona’s new law, SB 1070, President Obama’s lawyers had an Immigration and Custom’s Enforcement bureaucrat, Daniel Ragsdale, file a brief to the court against the state of Arizona. What Ragsdale said about immigration law enforcement gives the lie both to the Obama lawsuit and to their current attacks on Sheriff Joe Arpaio. ICE bureaucrat Ragsdale argued that … [Read more...]
Georgia’s Obama Eligibility Challenge on Atlanta’s TV News

Video: "WXIA Obama Ballot Challenge 5 Jan 2012" Stay Tuned. For more, see "Court to Hear Obama Eligibility Challenge on Merits, First Time Ever, Jan. 26," in Gulag Bound, January 4, 2012. … [Read more...]
Court to Hear Obama Eligibility Challenge on Merits, First Time Ever, Jan. 26

Contribuotr: CJ in TX @TellTheTruth1 "This will be the first time ever, since this whole thing began, that it will be looked on, on merit." Those are the words of Carl Swensson, Republican Party Chairman of Clayton County, Georgia. "This" refers to an actual judicial hearing of the case against the eligibility of Barack Hussein Obama, Jr. to be, according to the United States Constitution, "Commander in Chief" … [Read more...]
Judge Rules Georgia Ballot Challenge vs. Obama May Proceed – Updated

Contributor: CJ in TX, @TelltheTruth1 Barack Obama's lawyers attempted to have this challenge to Obama's eligibility in Georgia dismissed. Today, that motion was denied, by Georgia Judge, Michael M. Malihi. We intend to update this story with an article early Wednesday morning. Meanwhile, there is some coverage at ObamaReleaseYourRecords and a Bob Unruh ariticle at WND.com, to read. Judge Malihi's Order on … [Read more...]
Ron Paul in a Landslide?

Before anyone gets their knickers in a knot, let me hasten to say that the headline for this article is in reference to a "USA Today" poll that I took recently -- and yes, Ron Paul did indeed win my poll in a landslide. The results took me by surprise. Link The online poll weighed your answers to various questions against the answers given by the different 2012 Presidential candidates and tabulated the results. … [Read more...]
ASK Radio Treats Obama Ballot Challenges

Would you like to know the current state of affairs in the quest to hold Barack Obama (and the entire, relevant set of governments of the United States of America) accountable as to the question of his eligibility to be United States President -- in the next term? From the desk of Third Wave Dave... Friday, December 16, 2011 THE ANDREA SHEA KING SHOW: THE OBAMA ELIGIBILITY WITH GEORGE MILLER AND GARY … [Read more...]
Ramifications: Indiana’s 2008 Governor Disclaims Signature on Obama Nominating Petition

The effort to achieve due process and justice regarding Barack Obama's presidential eligibility or lack thereof appears to be lighting a fire and fires produce both light and heat, as the political proverb goes. It has been nearly tragic for numerous "conservatives" to ignore or even diss and repudiate this highly relevant effort and the determined heroes of our republic who have been engaged in it. Just what … [Read more...]
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