The Progressive/Communist movement in the United States is doubling down in their efforts to catapult America into full-blown Marxism, led by such luminaries as these at The New Populism Conference: Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN) Larry Cohen - President, Communications Workers of America Rep. Jan Schakowsky … [Read more...]
Archives for May 2014
Islam: Some Religions are More Equal than Others Subjugating Tulsa to Islam since 2010... Obeying the Da’wah. “Inviting to the Way of submission and surrender to Allah.” Justice for all, but some more than others evidently -- welcome to DhimmiTulsa. Religious freedom is obviously not for Christians or others... it's for Muslims and if you are a cop in Tulsa, you will obey and submit or be punished. So sayeth a panel of federal judges in … [Read more...]
Nuclear Risk and the Denial of the Obvious In a nuclear tit for tat, U.S. Strategic Command, which is in charge of waging nuclear war, will hold large-scale bomber exercises this week. This follows on the heels of Russia conducting “massive” war games simulating a U.S. and NATO nuclear attack a few days ago. Both sides are denying this has anything to do with war -- that the drills were coincidentally scheduled late last year. Are you … [Read more...]
Blatantly Partisan Wisconsin Investigation Stopped Dead
DC Independent Examiner Wisconsin Democrats have gone to the mats to destroy Governor Scott Walker and anyone associated with him. There was the occupation of the capital for a month by "paid volunteers" of Wisconsin public employee unions in an attempt to stop Walker's union reforms, while state senate Democrats fled the state to deny the chamber a quorum for a vote. Then there was the recall, fraught with … [Read more...]
Socialist Author and Propagandist, on the Looming Banking Collapse
New Zeal This has been going around the net. Financial writer Nomi Prins with Greg Hunter of America Watchdog. Prins gives an interesting run down over the corruption and looming collapse of the American banking system and says little that most conservatives would disagree with - except for the "JFK opposed the bankers" meme, which is routinely used by leftists to divert blame for Kennedy's murder towards … [Read more...]
Obama’s Socialist Friends Re-Admit Convicted Communist Spy to Their Ranks
New Zeal Democratic Socialists of America has a bona fide traitor in its ranks. The US' largest Marxist organization, and the one most closely allied to President Barack Obama, has re-admitted one of America's worst communist spies to its membership roster. Not long after completing a 17 year sentence for espionage, life long socialist activist Kurt Stand, has joined the Metro Washington DC local of … [Read more...]
Manning Johnson: Color, Communism and Common Sense
By: Brent Parrish The Right Planet I would venture to say that not too many people these days have ever heard of Manning Johnson. I would also venture to say that plenty of people would prefer it stayed that way—at least on the far-left-side of the political spectrum. Manning Johnson was a full-fledged Communist for 10 years. Johnson admits he was “sold this ‘bill of goods’ by a Negro graduate of the Lenin … [Read more...]
Charlotte Observer Lies then Covers its Tracks
DC Independent Examiner Today's Left-biased media is emblematic of our liberal-dominated degenerate culture. They lie, make up stories about political enemies, publish slander without blinking then issue retractions buried inside the paper well after the damage has already been done. It is evidence of a political strategy, not mere incompetence or careless reporting. They lie with purpose. The Charlotte … [Read more...]
Harry Reid & Public-Private Profiteering in Nevada: Names & Numbers
Harry Reid – Standing Between a Politician and His Millions Questions, questions... I have a whole lot of them for Harry Reid. I know that his salary as a Senator, is about 200k per year. And I know that he made a substantial amount as an attorney. What I want to know, is how much he has made off land in Nevada. Specifically BLM land and mining/mineral rights. Open Secrets states Reid's … [Read more...]
Execrable Harry Reid is No Joe McCarthy (Diana West)
By: Diana West Dear Victor Davis Hanson, You suggest in your syndicated column, “Harry Reid: A McCarthy for Our Time,” that we “ask Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., the same question once posed to Sen. Joseph McCarthy by U.S. Army head-counsel Robert [sic] N. Welch: ‘Have you no sense of decency, sir? At long last, have you left no sense of decency?’” First of all -- that would be Joseph N. Welch, … [Read more...]
Arlington Heights (IL) TEA Party Welcomes ‘The Enemies Within’ Author, Trevor Loudon, May 27
Pacific Freedom Foundation Start: 27 May 2014 7:00 pm Meet modern-day Paul Revere, Trevor Loudon — author, political researcher and activist, who will inspire you to take back America. Trevor has just returned to America for his Summer 2014 Book and Speaking Tour — Don’t miss him! “The Enemies Within: Communists, Socialists and Progressives in the U.S. Congress” is like no other book written on … [Read more...]
Anti-Communist Author Trevor Loudon, to speak at Grace Gospel Fellowship (Chicagoland) Sun. May 25
Pacific Freedom Foundation Start: 25 May 2014 9:30 am Venue: Grace Gospel Fellowship “The Enemies Within: Communists, Socialists and Progressives in the U.S. Congress” is like no other book written on American politics. The book exposes, in layman’s terms, the comprehensive communist, socialist and extreme progressive infiltration of the U.S. House of Representatives and the Senate. The book profiles … [Read more...]
NZ Author Trevor Loudon Returns to Speak to Fort Wayne 9.12 + DeKalb 9.12 Projects Tue. May 20
Pacific Freedom Foundation Start: 20 May 2014 5:30 pm Venue: St. Andrews Evangelical Presbyterian Church “The Enemies Within: Communists, Socialists and Progressives in the U.S. Congress” is like no other book written on American politics. The book exposes, in layman’s terms, the comprehensive communist, socialist and extreme progressive infiltration of the U.S. House of Representatives … [Read more...]
Ted Cruz — Leading A Grassroots Tsunami Ted Cruz is simply brilliant. His Tortilla Coast meetings are driving the RINOs insane -- they are practically wetting themselves over it. When I saw the writeup at The Hill, it definitely gave me a happy. Irony is a lost art form wasted on these bastards. They have labeled Cruz an 'agitator,' because he's against John Boehner. Who isn't these days? That's not a Progressive that is. Au contraire … [Read more...]
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