NoisyRoom By: T F Stern T F Stern's Rantings This past November, as recorded by countless news briefs, talk radio and internet forums, the Senate passed the National Defense Authorization Act, (S.1867). President Obama demanded a provision be included which would “permit the federal government to indefinitely detain American citizens on American soil, without charge or trial, at the discretion of the … [Read more...]
Assault Weapons Belong on the Battlefield
The Reasonableness of Bill O’Reilly
NoisyRoom I tuned into Fox News this morning just in time to catch Bill O'Reilly calling the Tea Party and Constitutional Conservatives "unreasonable" for not striking a compromise with the Left over the debt ceiling. Really Bill? You really want to go there, fine... Let's dance. How is it 'unreasonable' to want to Cut, Cap and Balance? You say you are for reducing our debt and lowering the income tax … [Read more...]
Panetta’s War on Reagan’s Defense Policies – A Time for Choosing
Call your Senator at 202-224-3121. VS. Senate conservatives proudly call themselves “Reagan Republicans” because of Reagan’s “Peace Through Strength” military policies. But in Leon Panetta, whose nomination comes up for a full Senate vote for Secretary of Defense on Tuesday, they are being asked to endorse a man whose Congressional career was dedicated to fighting Reagan’s defense build-up … [Read more...]
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