Video and text of Diana Larkin's relayed words from the broadcast Diana publishes in Twitter: @JournalDiana11, Gab @journal, CloutHub @JournalDiana11, and “Diana Larkin” in and in YouTube. Links to videos excerpted or referred in this video are listed at bottom. See the video at:Bitchute | Brighteon | Odysee | Rumble | YouTube THE … [Read more...]
Fall of the Fall: Our Marching Orders for the Showdown in DC, Turning America’s Page
Deep Christian Persecution in America on the 2020 Ballot, Democrat Side
URGENT: The twisted "Equality Act" is on the ballot with Harris-Biden and Democrats at large For Christians and those seeking truth This is some of the bad stuff, the stuff we don't want to hear about. It is the heartbreaking eventuality if the momentum of the vehicle in which we ride takes us down the wrong side of the fork in the road. Some know the name of a Kentucky Assemblies of God pastor named … [Read more...]
Pritzker’s Tyranny with Churches in COVID-19 Illinois
VirtualWright | COVID-19 | "Tyranny" Coronated Virulent Pritzker The self-proclaimed king of the pandemic in Illinois, a.k.a, Governor J.B. Pritzker, has graciously allowed churches to reopen! But no more than 10 people. Right. The following is from the latest proclamation on the subject, 2020-32, issued April 30, 2020. Here is what he says about “essential” businesses: And here is what he … [Read more...]
We Have a Safe Way to Restart the Economy NOW
By: Jim Simpson An exciting new tool has been created to assist decision-makers in the effort to restart the economy in stages, quickly and safely, right down to the county level. It provides a myriad of information regarding the economic, social, and health impacts of the virus itself but more importantly, those same impacts accruing from the shutdown itself. Currently available … [Read more...]
Advice for the Church: Better Call Saul
By: Cliff Kincaid A local pastor is walking dozens of miles to raise funds for the poor and hungry, many of whom have been created by the government’s COVID-19 economic lockdown. That’s a nice thing to do. But his own church in the Washington, D.C. area remains essentially closed, except for “private” displays of Christianity. Some of his parishioners entered the church to fill the pews with pictures of the … [Read more...]
Twitter’s Homofascist Crackdown & a Tale of 2 Hashtags: #4Huston5 #HustonWeHaveAProblem
Follow-up to "Pastors Ordered to Submit Sermons to Government in Houston; Degeneracy Brings Authoritarianism" The hashtag #4Huston5 is what some of us are using now in Twitter and #HustonWeHaveAProblem is what Twitter was blocking, something exposed in the following D.C. Caller article (linked). San Francisco's own Twitter seems to be dressing up in the flamiers' black leather (flamers' as in the new media … [Read more...]
Pastors Ordered to Submit Sermons to Government in Houston; Degeneracy Brings Authoritarianism
As America's charter, our Declaration of Independence does declare, our nation is founded upon self-evident truth. That is a necessary condition for a people sovereign under God in their own nation. Do we now think adopting the oxymoron of "same-sex marriage" is about our society maturing rather than embracing the dementia and depravity brought on by denying natural law's natural reality? About love and … [Read more...]
Pope Rehabilitates Marxist Priest
Accuracy in Media An advocate of Marxist-oriented “liberation theology” and recipient of a Lenin Peace Prize has returned to his duties as a priest in the Roman Catholic Church, after a 29-year suspension. Miguel D’Escoto, who served as President of the U.N. General Assembly from September 2008 until September 2009, had been suspended from his priestly functions by the anti-communist Pope John Paul II in … [Read more...]
Baptist Child and Family Services: An Entity in Bed with the Obama Regime (& Catholic Bishops)
By: Andrea Shea King The Radio Patriot The Conservative Treehouse’s “Sundance” has done his homework on the international organization known as “Baptist Child and Family Services” that is in cahoots with our federal government, AKA the Obama Regime. Knowledge is power. Read this. Share it with your circle. Then send it to your Congressional reps. Reposted here: Soccer Balls, Sanctimony and A Billion Dollar … [Read more...]
Obama Violating Military’s First Amendment Rights? Playing Games with Church Closure?
Cross-posted at Stand for the Truth By now, most Americans are familiar with the recent government shutdown. Who is to blame for the shutdown is hotly debated by the mainstream media and both the Republicans and Democrats in Congress. It has been impossible to turn on the television without witnessing the “mudslinging” between the parties as to who is at fault. As a result of the government shutdown, there … [Read more...]
Possible New Pope Shares Platform With Institute for Policy Studies Radical
New Zeal The man many have picked to be the next Pope is set to share a platform with a representative of one of America's most radical left "think tanks." Cardinal Peter Turkson of Ghana, radical actor/activist Martin Sheen and Emira Woods of - the Washington DC based Institute for Policy Studies, are all invited guest speakers at the leftist Africa Faith And Justice's 30th Anniversary, March 1, 2013 … [Read more...]
Pope’s Possible Successor Promotes Marxist for Sainthood
Accuracy in Media American Catholic Cardinal Timothy Dolan, reported to be in the running to replace Pope Benedict XVI as the head of the Roman Catholic Church, is usually described as a “conservative” because he has strongly criticized President Obama’s attacks on religious liberty and federal intrusions into church affairs. But Dolan is also the leader of the campaign to promote Marxist Dorothy Day for … [Read more...]
Hate Speech
Most crimes are objective in nature, as they can be observed or measured. For instance, murder means someone is dead. Theft means something was taken (can be electronic as well as physical, but there is a record). Speeding means that there is a limit to the maximum speed and it can be accurately measured. Assault means someone was physically attacked, or verbally threatened with physical attack. When it comes to … [Read more...]
Egyptian Presidential Election: Leading Egypt to Democracy or Disaster?
NoisyRoom By: Ashraf Ramelah Voice of the Copts A wall sprayed with graffiti near Tahrir Square in downtown Cairo. Reuters As reported in the Egyptian press last week, American senator and chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, John Kerry, asserted that Egypt’s recent parliamentary elections were conducted honestly and without fraud (, 5/25/12). Masrawy further recorded that … [Read more...]
Was Jesus a Communist?
New Zeal Leading Chicago Communist Party USA member Roberta Wood and Communist Party Religion Commission members Pat Flagg and the Rev. Tim Yeager discuss the burning question of our time - Was Jesus a Communist? Unbelievable! cpusa on Broadcast Live Free … [Read more...]
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