Since Barack Hussein Obama and his criminal Syndicate took over the US White House in January 2009, black on white crime has escalated dramatically. With the exception of World Net Daily's Colin Flaherty (White Girl Bleed A Lot) and some of us in the real media, few to none in the US “mainstream” and increasingly—if that's even possible--leftist media have reported this growing, violent, and markedly disturbing … [Read more...]
Enemy DHS & Ebola: Border Patrol Agent Zach Taylor, After His Viral Video
DC Independent Examiner Border Patrol Agent Zachary Taylor & Jim Simpson on Dave Levine Show Video: "Zach Taylor, Retired US Border Patrol Agent and NAFBPO Chairman, Part 1" Wednesday evening at 9 pm Eastern time, the Dave Levine Show interviewed former Border Patrol agent Zachary Taylor. This is the agent featured in an article on these pages in late July. Levine cited an article on Drudge … [Read more...]
The Intensive TSA Groping of Dana Loesch, Again
Take just a scoop of what happened to Lara Logan in Egypt and you have what happens to people every day, at airports. Dana Loesch was the subject and husband, Chris Loesch videoed, yesterday. Their report on the YouTube page is shown below the video, there and here. Video, "TSA Tyranny: #Ladyparts Petting" Published on Oct 14, 2012 by Dana Loesch On the afternoon of October 14th, 2012, TSA … [Read more...]
Congressional Investigation of DHS Fusion Centers Begs: What are they For?
One does not have to believe that President George W. Bush planned the 9-11-01 attacks, to understand that the Department of Homeland Security is developing among us according to a plan to do something more, something different than to protect Americans from legitimate terrorist threats. (BTW, in the days of the bipartisan, PC propaganda mob attacks of Rep. Todd Akin, may I write "legitimate terrorist … [Read more...]
InfoWars Exposes Army Cover-up of US Re-education Camps (Video)
We will have more context for this soon, following up our report, "CORROBORATION, Context & Analysis, Internment Camps & Re-education Report," May 7, 2012, 11:11 am But for the moment, we'll take this directly from TheAlexJonesChannel at YouTube. If you are prone to discount by reacting to other claims made by Alex Jones and his enterprises, for the moment I'll just ask: focus now... focus. And click … [Read more...]
Obama and his Syndicate: Some Good (Obama Eligibility Hearing) and some Chillingly Bad News
First the good news. Yesterday--26 January--I watched live feed of an extraordinary event. The setting was a courtroom in Georgia and the presiding jurist was Deputy Chief Judge Michael Malihi. The case centered around and on Barack Hussein Obama’s eligibility to be placed on the Georgia ballot in the upcoming 2012 General Election(s). During the hearing, 3 attorneys--Orly Taitz, Van Irion and J. Mark … [Read more...]
Al Garza on the Minutemen, FEMA Camps and Who Should be Our Next President
One of the more extraordinary people of our time is a gentleman by the name of Al Garza. I recently had the distinct pleasure of interviewing this interesting man about what he has done, what he is doing now and who he plans to support in the upcoming US presidential race. A portion of Al’s Bio reads: “Al Garza stands out as a national expert on the issues surrounding Homeland security, border security, … [Read more...]
HR 1505: Giant Land Grab for the Police State
Article published in and elsewhere HR 1505: giant land grab for the police state By Chuck Baldwin Montana Republican Congressman Denny Rehberg lent his support for ceding more power and authority to the federal government's emerging police state by supporting HR 1505, the "National Security and Federal Lands Protection Act." This monstrous bill empowers the Department of Homeland … [Read more...]
DHS Causing Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office to go Dark?
Gulag Tales & Rumor Trails One who has tracked the movements of the Department of Homeland Security recalls that during both the Bush and Obama administrations they have tended to set up localized experiments in encroachment and tyranny, then they observe whatever blow-back they get. They could get some concerted attention about this. According to this report (not thoroughly vetted by GulagBound) … [Read more...]
Entering Police State (for your own good)
NoisyRoom By: T F Stern T F Stern's Rantings There’s a story out of New York by Taylor Hatmaker, Secret Service raids Apple store artist for snapping 1000 spy photos, that caught my attention the other day. The secondary title was a bit more accurate, “A young digital artist secretly recorded shoppers peering into computers at New York Apple stores.” Too late, I was already looking for James Bond behind … [Read more...]
Who Are the Real Law Enforcers, the Police or We-the-People?
Ideally, if we are to resist the federal government’s attempts to modify our social behavior as a profession, as well as control our local law enforcement activities, we must refuse to ascribe to them a level of importance they have not earned. G u l a g B o u n d Some time ago, I interviewed Captain Jim Wilmeth, who was then running for Sheriff of Lea County NM. Jim has not only a refreshing stance on enforcing … [Read more...]
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