White Lives Don’t Matter

Since Barack Hussein Obama and his criminal Syndicate took over the US White House in January 2009, black on white crime has escalated dramatically. With the exception of World Net Daily's Colin Flaherty (White Girl Bleed A Lot) and some of us in the real media, few to none in the US “mainstream” and increasingly—if that's even possible--leftist media have reported this growing, violent, and markedly disturbing … [Read more...]

Enemy DHS & Ebola: Border Patrol Agent Zach Taylor, After His Viral Video

DC Independent Examiner Border Patrol Agent Zachary Taylor & Jim Simpson on Dave Levine Show   Video: "Zach Taylor, Retired US Border Patrol Agent and NAFBPO Chairman, Part 1"  Wednesday evening at 9 pm Eastern time, the Dave Levine Show interviewed former Border Patrol agent Zachary Taylor. This is the agent featured in an article on these pages in late July. Levine cited an article on Drudge … [Read more...]

Brown Shirts: Enforcing the Secrecy of Obama’s Refugee Camps

NoisyRoom.net   I never thought I'd see the day that there would be refugee camps in America, but they are here on our border with Mexico. And not just there, thanks to the flying and busing in of 10's of thousands of illegal aliens, these camps are popping up in every state. And the Governors and Congressmen and women of those states were not notified they were even coming to their respective states. Now … [Read more...]

US Republic Now Gone – Fully Replaced by Dictatorship

  I have been writing about this time for, at least, the last ten years. It has now arrived. It has occurred under Barack Hussein Obama. Those who say “Obama has now lost his political power” are either not seeing what’s going on or are willfully attempting ignorance. As predicted, Obama’s power as dictator-in-chief is on the rise and growing exponentially every day. Obama and his criminal syndicate are … [Read more...]

The Orchestrated Child Incursion

Patriots' Duty Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security, Jeh Johnson is a busy man spinning the disaster at the Southern border laying blame on Congress. Although the Obama administration labels the flow of children a “humanitarian” crisis rather than an enforcement problem, Mr. Johnson said he has directed agents to go after the smuggling networks that control the traffic across the border and are … [Read more...]

Is America ‘In Good Hands’ with the TSA?

The Transportation Security Administration or TSA was created on November 19, 2001 following the tragedy of September 11, 2001.  The agency was made a part of the Aviation and Transportation Security Act which was the bi-partisan brainchild of House of Representatives, Republican Don Young from Alaska and Democrat Ernest Hollings of South Carolina, former U.S. Senator (more proof that bipartisan efforts never render … [Read more...]

The Intensive TSA Groping of Dana Loesch, Again

Take just a scoop of what happened to Lara Logan in Egypt and you have what happens to people every day, at airports. Dana Loesch was the subject and husband, Chris Loesch videoed, yesterday. Their report on the YouTube page is shown below the video, there and here. Video, "TSA Tyranny: #Ladyparts Petting"  Published on Oct 14, 2012 by Dana Loesch On the afternoon of October 14th, 2012, TSA … [Read more...]

A Patriot’s Warning about the Growing Obama Police State

Lieutenant Commander Walther Fitzpatrick III (ret.) has been bucking a corrupt military and government system for years.  He has put himself on the line and in severe jeopardy for his country and its people on multiple occasions--many of which resulted in corrupt officials bringing trumped-up charges against him followed by severe beatings at the hands of “law enforcement” members both at the time of his arrest and … [Read more...]

Congressional Investigation of DHS Fusion Centers Begs: What are they For?

One does not have to believe that President George W. Bush planned the 9-11-01 attacks, to understand that the Department of Homeland Security is developing among us according to a plan to do something more, something different than to protect Americans from legitimate terrorist threats. (BTW, in the days of the bipartisan, PC propaganda mob attacks of Rep. Todd Akin, may I write "legitimate terrorist … [Read more...]

Allegation, Attorney to Arpaio: Eric Holder Not Legally Appointed Attorney General

Gulag Tales & Rumor Trails It seems, a private attorney has presented the Maricopa County, Arizona Sheriff's office evidence by which he indicates  Eric Holder was fictitiously appointed U.S. Attorney General, plus other very pesky items, also addressing Janet Napolitano. From apparently an email of December 20, 2011, posted online, we excerpt and link: Private Attorney General discloses DOJ and … [Read more...]

InfoWars Exposes Army Cover-up of US Re-education Camps (Video)

We will have more context for this soon, following up our report, "CORROBORATION, Context & Analysis, Internment Camps & Re-education Report," May 7, 2012, 11:11 am But for the moment, we'll take this directly from TheAlexJonesChannel at YouTube. If you are prone to discount by reacting to other claims made by Alex Jones and his enterprises, for the moment I'll just ask: focus now... focus. And click … [Read more...]

Obama: ‘2012 is Make or Break for American Marxism’

Campaigning non-stop since 2008, except for his frequent golfing and vacation adventures, he has never ended his ongoing run for POTUS.  On Saturday 5 May, Obama continued along this course and gave, yet, another campaign speech on Saturday 5 May.  Although repeating one of his oft-used campaign mantras that the upcoming 2012 elections “will be a make or break moment for the middle class,” as Obama has actually been … [Read more...]

Obama: A Very Angry Outsider is Coming for You in November – PE

By Dr. Laurie Roth The Post & Email (site is under maintenance at time of publishing) The gloves come off - my claws and fangs are growing - move on out Mr. flip off America Obama. Obama is systematically and quickly putting in place a tyrannical, Communistic dictatorship. This is SO not tinfoil helmet and conspiracy theory anymore. We have already followed and watched in horror, (no thanks to mainstream … [Read more...]

Obama and his Syndicate: Some Good (Obama Eligibility Hearing) and some Chillingly Bad News

First the good news.  Yesterday--26 January--I watched live feed of an extraordinary event.  The setting was a courtroom in Georgia and the presiding jurist was Deputy Chief Judge Michael Malihi.  The case centered around and on Barack Hussein Obama’s eligibility to be placed on the Georgia ballot in the upcoming 2012 General Election(s).  During the hearing, 3 attorneys--Orly Taitz, Van Irion and J. Mark … [Read more...]

Al Garza on the Minutemen, FEMA Camps and Who Should be Our Next President

One of the more extraordinary people of our time is a gentleman by the name of Al Garza. I recently had the distinct pleasure of interviewing this interesting man about what he has done, what he is doing now and who he plans to support in the upcoming US presidential race. A portion of Al’s Bio reads: “Al Garza stands out as a national expert on the issues surrounding Homeland security, border security, … [Read more...]

US Not Headed Towards Euro-Socialism; it’s Far Worse than that

Are you as tired as am I about the talking heads--leftists, RINO and faux conservatives--advising us on an almost daily basis that “If we don’t stop it (presumably the government, Obama and maybe even Obama’s sycophant Congress) we’re heading for ‘European-style Socialism’.”  Ahhh…as if that were the only thing about which we have to worry. Of course, the truth is that the [former] USA is not heading for … [Read more...]

FEMA Camps: Seeking Contractors and Personnel to Staff and Confine

Update: Our compatriot journalist and commentator, Sher Zieve was a guest on The Roth Show, with Laurie Roth, to discuss this crisis, archived at 7pm ET, Monday 12/12. She did an excellent job of explaining and putting it all into context: therothshow.com/demos/recent/hour2Dec1211.mp3 Also, see: "Defense Authorization’s Unconstitutional Aggression upon Citizens; TruNews Radio Notes," December 6. Caution: this is an … [Read more...]

Defense Authorization’s Unconstitutional Aggression upon Citizens; TruNews Radio Notes

It was my privilege to record an interview with Rick Wiles of TruNews.com about the Disappear a Dissident (a.k.a., "Suspected Terrorist," a.k.a., "belligerent" in the "homeland") provision in the Defense Authorization Bill that passed the U.S. Senate last Thursday, by a 93-7 vote. It now awaits Congressional conference and a remedy is possible, if enough pressure is put on Congress. Here is a page that makes it easy … [Read more...]

Silent Running – The Targeting of Americans

NoisyRoom Hear that? That's the shredding of the Constitution and your rights as America sinks into a full-fledged police state. Not only are the government goons now shutting down more and more sites at an alarming rate (without due process), they are now putting their literal sights on Americans who fall under their personal definition of 'terrorist.' And the last time I read the Southern Poverty Law Center … [Read more...]

HR 1505: Giant Land Grab for the Police State

Article published in RenewAmerica.com and elsewhere HR 1505: giant land grab for the police state By Chuck Baldwin   Montana Republican Congressman Denny Rehberg lent his support for ceding more power and authority to the federal government's emerging police state by supporting HR 1505, the "National Security and Federal Lands Protection Act." This monstrous bill empowers the Department of Homeland … [Read more...]

‘Suspended Election Revolution’ by Barry & the Obamunists; Does it Play?

Presented for you now, an exercise in considering the incredible: that Barack Obama, et. conspiratorial al. would plan to suspend elections in an orchestrated national emergency, perhaps a false flag operation blamed on his opposition. I do not say this will happen, nor am I selling the idea. The point is, this should be scrutinized and in principle when such things are fully sounded out, their probability -- that … [Read more...]

DHS Causing Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office to go Dark?

Gulag Tales & Rumor Trails One who has tracked the movements of the Department of Homeland Security recalls that during both the Bush and Obama administrations they have tended to set up localized experiments in encroachment and tyranny, then they observe whatever blow-back they get. They could get some concerted attention about this. According to this report (not thoroughly vetted by GulagBound) … [Read more...]

Entering Police State (for your own good)

NoisyRoom By: T F Stern T F Stern's Rantings There’s a story out of New York by Taylor Hatmaker, Secret Service raids Apple store artist for snapping 1000 spy photos, that caught my attention the other day. The secondary title was a bit more accurate, “A young digital artist secretly recorded shoppers peering into computers at New York Apple stores.” Too late, I was already looking for James Bond behind … [Read more...]

Unconstitutional DHS Actions at New Level: VIPR Exercizes ‘Dominate, Intimidate, Control’

Update, below Immediately after we saw the new nuke-and-porn-you or feel-you-up policy of the TSA under the Obama/Napolitano DHS, we published "Airline Flight, Nude Scanning, Groping, Terrorism & Operant Conditioning."  It identified this unnecessary and constitutionally unwarranted practice as a classic B.F. Skinner-style operation of "behavior modification" on the People of the United States of … [Read more...]

Who Are the Real Law Enforcers, the Police or We-the-People?

Ideally, if we are to resist the federal government’s attempts to modify our social behavior as a profession, as well as control our local law enforcement activities, we must refuse to ascribe to them a level of importance they have not earned. G u l a g   B o u n d Some time ago, I interviewed Captain Jim Wilmeth, who was then running for Sheriff of Lea County NM.  Jim has not only a refreshing stance on enforcing … [Read more...]

Updated, Photo: Know Anything about Accomplice of Loughner? Make it Public

Update ~ from the Arizona Daily Star (hat tip: spyone) click through, to enlarge photo. Police release photo of man 'possibly associated' with suspect Police are seeking a man who was seen at the shopping center where Rep. Gabrielle Giffords was shot and may possibly be associated with the suspect who is in custody. He is described as Caucasian, 40 to 50 years old, dark hair and was wearing blue jeans … [Read more...]

TSA, Youth Corps Now Officially part of Obama Gestapo and Marxist Senators vow to Create Official Dictatorship

The problem with believing one is “safe” from the growing and increasingly ravenous Obama & Co Police State if one embraces--or pretends to embrace--the anti-God/anti-American Leftist viewpoint, is that the belief itself is fallacious. If you espouse these beliefs as your own, the Marxist/Leninist crocodiles currently occupying the power seats (that’s power over We-the-People) in Washington D.C. may eat you … [Read more...]