As reported at Educate-Yourself: Napolitano Halts Shipment of Packages from Japan as Prelude to Civilian 'Shipper' ID Lockdown by Ken Adachi For TV entertainment, we normally watch video tapes of Japanese TV sent to us by my wife's relatives living in Japan. We were just notified today from the relative in Japan who sends the box with the tapes that he couldn't send the box to the USA, but the … [Read more...]
Archives for November 2010
Mark Ritchie’s Communist Party Connection Exposed; Trevor Loudon’s Mark Ritchie File 5
Gulag Update: See announcement, bottom of article. Mark Ritchie File 4 here Minnesota Secretary of State Mark Ritchie is regarded as a "non-party friend" by the Communist Party USA. So highly does the Communist Party regard Mr. Ritchie, that he has been allowed to attend an high level "not to be publicized" Party meeting in Minneapolis. Some of the Communist Party members at this meeting, later supported … [Read more...]
FRC Invites Us to Hear: ‘Mission Compromised: How the Military is Being Used to Advance a Radical Agenda’
From the Family Research Council and Tony Perkins: Register now to watch the live webcast on Thursday, December 2nd at 1 PM EST. November 23, 2010 - Tuesday On December 2, 2010 at 1 PM ET, Family Research Council Action will host a live national video Webcast titled, "Mission Compromised: How the Military is Being Used to Advance a Radical Agenda." Veteran military commanders, Members of Congress, … [Read more...]
Fan The Fire with CJ and Tallulah ~ Doug Hagmann Answers Questions About TSA and Terrorism
Saturday 11/27/10 Show Times (click to stream with live chat or for archived show later): 9:00 pm to 11:00 pm ET 11:00 pm to 1:00 am ET Call-in (347) 215-6929 We are pleased to announce we will be speaking with Douglas Hagmann, founder & director of the Northeast Intelligence Network, and a multi-state licensed private investigative agency. Doug uses his investigative skills and training to … [Read more...]
Power to the People! Repeal Amendment Gaining Strength
James Simpson's original post appears at Right Side News The great fear of all dictators is provoking rebellion before they are ready to handle it. So the Democrats, our Nation’s aspiring despots, have become refined experts at offering soothing, even encouraging, but always deceptive rhetoric about their sleazy, underhanded power grabs. Supported by a largely complicit mass media, they have brought our country to … [Read more...]
God, the Eagle, & the Turkey; a Thanksgiving Reflection
By “Sen. Bob” Smith. Although the exact date is in dispute, it is generally assumed that in the Fall of 1621 in the vicinity of Plymouth Plantation, a group of very grateful colonists set down to a bountiful feast. They had much to be thankful for. They had recently survived a transatlantic voyage, had made friends with the local Indian tribes and were excited to begin a new life, free of the persecutions … [Read more...]
Russia and China Will ‘Never Become Each Other’s Enemy’ – No More Dollars Between Them
For more than 40 years US foreign and military policy has been based on the premise that Moscow and Beijing are rivals to be played off against each other. But what happens if America's main adversaries form an alliance? Where does America turn, when two of the worlds major military powers unite? My premise is that Moscow and Beijing have been allies all along. Whether I'm right or wrong, there can be no doubt … [Read more...]
CAIR: Radical Islamic Terrorist Apologists List Local Chapters Across America
I came across this map of the locations of CAIR Chapters in America. I invite you to take a long look at this website as the main goal of this group is to replace our Constitution with Sharia Law, our religious freedom with Islam and they are determined to fight our liberty with jihad and fatwa. "CAIR's goal is to spread "Islamic hegemony the world over by hook or by crook."[9] Kamal Nawash, head of Free Muslims … [Read more...]
U.S. Department of Defense War Gaming for Actions Against U.S. Citizens (CNBC Video Report)
This, for a long, long time, has been illegal in the United States of America -- and for very, very good reason. Video posted November 22, 2010 Question 1: If the United States finds itself in worldwide crices of debt, finance, and monetary policy so grave that the Department of Defense is preparing for "sovereign state" economic warfare against us, then why have the Bush (i.e., Henry Paulson) administration. … [Read more...]
Don’t Touch My Junk Update: Video & Profile Image
Be sure to contact your members... of Congress DTMJ Update-1: The Gulag didn't produce this, but we'll propagate and promulgate, nevertheless. Listen at your pleasure or peril. A little snarl of a smile is permitted in an outrage. Update-2: Below, we gave you the "Don't Touch My Junk" flag. Now it is our pleasure to present the DTMJ square, so suitable for social networking profile images. Original … [Read more...]
Truth is Getting Out on SB-510 & Globalist Food Control – from the Gulag; Continue to Spread the Word
We are glad to see some push-back against SB-510 in the U. S. Senate, last week, but there needs to be much more, now. Last Wednesday's cloture vote passed, 74 to 25. This shows us how much work we have before us, to winnow out Congress, especially achieving the achievable, by cleansing the ranks of the GOP in Congress. Here are the Republican senators who issued "Yes" votes, for debate and final vote on this … [Read more...]
George Soros’ Links to Roman Catholic ‘Charities’
With malice toward all, with charity for none, George Soros and... Catholic Campaign for Human Development Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good Alinskyite Marxist Gamaliel Foundation etc. ..,as featured in New Zeal blog and Trevor Loudon, who helped us put George Soros into perspective in the global Marxofascist movement, during last Thursday's, Gulag Night netcast (archived - link): Soros Links to … [Read more...]
Those Pesky Lines Between News and Commentary
Bias can be by omission just as easily as by commission. And it can be based on carefully selecting quotes to support one’s position, and by heaping ridicule or scorn on those with different views. It can be by mischaracterizing and mislabeling the intentions of groups or leaders like Fidel Castro and Yasser Arafat, and treating them as revolutionary heroes or liberators. In a commentary in The … [Read more...]
Update: Obama Tweets DREAM. Reid Promises to Bring DREAM Act to a Vote as Stand Alone Bill
A tweet from the man Nancy Pelosi certified to be president, Barack Obama: Send a message that you support giving students and service men and women a path to citizenship through the DREAM Act: http://OFA.BO/kAu5MU. about 8 hours ago via HootSuite Retweeted by 100+ people BarackObama . Barack Obama . . (Original post, 11/17) Tweets from the left directing readers to this at … [Read more...]
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