Founders Code Kremlin Hackers Take Aim at the Swiss Lab That’s Working the Skirpal Poisoning Case The group that attacked Ukraine’s power grid is phishing a chemical-weapons lab critical to the Skripal case. A state-backed Russian hacking group has is targeting a Swiss laboratory that’s helping investigators solve the March poisoning of Sergei Skripal and his daughter in London. Called Sandworm, the … [Read more...]
Archives for July 2018
Legislation Proposed on Foreign Investment in U.S. Real Estate via Front Company
Founders Code Frankly, Britain has a much worse issue, but big hat tip to Senator Rubio. There are cities in America which are pockets of some nasty dark money in real estate. There needs to be some real reform to CFIUS, Committee for Foreign Investment in the United States. Crackdown on dirty money shook Miami real estate. Now, Rubio wants to take it national Washington – In a move with significant … [Read more...]
Chinese Regime Recruits American Communists
Epoch Times | New Zeal Beijing opens new chapter, seeking to take the lead among world's communist parties. News Analysis With little fanfare and no mainstream media publicity, two of the world’s most important communist parties have begun rebuilding relations after five decades of minimal contact. At the invitation of the Communist Party of China (CCP), a two-member delegation from the Communist … [Read more...]
55 Remains From N. Korea, Identification Underway
Founders Code The Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency (DPAA) stated on its Korean War website that “on several occasions in the past, [North Korean] officials have indicated they possess as many as 200 sets of remains they had recovered over the years. The commitment established within the Joint Statement between President Trump and Chairman Kim would repatriate these.” WASHINGTON — All Americans welcome the … [Read more...]
Facebook Announces Foreign Intrusion Again, 290,000 Accounts
Founders Code The details “About two weeks ago we identified the first of eight Pages and 17 profiles on Facebook, as well as seven Instagram accounts, that violate our ban on coordinated inauthentic behavior,” said Nathaniel Gleicher, the company’s head of cybersecurity policy, in blog post. Those pages and accounts have been removed. “In total, more than 290,000 accounts followed at least one of … [Read more...]
Senate Democrats are Circulating Fascist Plans for an Unconstitutional Government Takeover of the Internet I have railed against Facebook, Twitter, Google and YouTube for censoring conservatives and their voices on the Internet. I also don't like the fact that the Russians, Chinese, Iranians and the North Koreans are all messing with our accounts and spreading massive propaganda out on the Internet. But calling for the regulation of the Internet hands the oversight of it over to big government... or … [Read more...]
Incredible Read: New Michigan mosque: A Not-so-open ‘Open House’?
The United West By: Leo Hohmann Unexpected guest welcomes chance to engage in real interfaith dialogue Editor’s note. “Interfaith dialogue” is a big thing right now in the West, as churches seek to understand the Muslim population growing up around them due to immigration. But much of what passes for real dialogue is nothing more than a contrived discussion about a “common word” and the “same god” … [Read more...]
London’s Crime Is Surging And 80 Terrorists to be Released
Founders Code London’s Mayor, Sadiq Khan is under fire for the growing crime rate in his city. How can the murder rate be higher than in New York? As of March, London accounted for 17 percent of all recorded crime in England and Wales in the year prior, as well as 42 percent of all recorded robberies. A third of all knife crime took place in London as well. London temporarily overtook New York in the … [Read more...]
Great Ad from Florida Gubernatorial Candidate Ron De Santis
New Zeal Florida Gubernatorial Candidate Ron DeSantis is the real deal. He'll make a great governor for the Sunshine State. This ad is very clever. Kudos to whoever dreamed it up. … [Read more...]
Trump/Pompeo Mission Against Iran Regime Working
Founders Code Iran’s currency hit a new record low on Sunday, dropping past 100,000 rials to the U.S. dollar as Iranians brace for Aug. 7 when Washington is due to reimpose a first lot of economic sanctions. The rial has lost about half of its value since April because of a weak economy, financial difficulties at local banks and heavy demand for dollars among Iranians who fear the effects of … [Read more...]
DNI: Threat Report: China, Russia, Iran
Founders Code … [Read more...]
Militarizing Space; Asian Pivot and Latin America’s Failure, China Owns
Founders Code Remember just a few weeks ago when President Trump announced a new ‘space command‘? The House Armed Services Committee has a fiscal item in the 2018 NDAA for something called ‘Management and Organization of Space Programs’. The Air Force is not too happy. Redundancy maybe or no? Air Force Space Command, activated Sept. 1, 1982, is a major command with headquarters at Peterson Air Force … [Read more...]
Here’s What It’s Like For A Trump Supporter To Be A ‘Commie Camp’ Counselor When I was a kid, it was cool to go to a summer camp and fun. You went to be with your friends, to swim, hike, fish, canoe and roast marshmallows. Politics never entered into it... we didn't even know what that was. The counselors tended to be teenagers looking for extra money and a fun time. My, how things have changed it would seem and not for the better. This is the sort of thing you expect … [Read more...]
On Immigration: A Simple Question That Stops The Conversation
By: Renee Nal | New Zeal The practice of "catch and release" amounts to "open borders." According the White House, "only 3.5 percent of UACs [unauthorized alien children] who are apprehended are eventually removed from the U.S." For leftists, there is evidently no longer a difference between "legal" and "illegal" immigration. That is why the simple question is impossible for so-called immigration activists to … [Read more...]
‘Ultimate Form Of Civilization Jihad’ Planned For This Michigan City
By: by Leo Hohmann | The United West Iraqi Christian refugees on edge following earlier mosque battle that divided community. With wounds still fresh from a divisive plan to build a massive mosque in a residential area of Sterling Heights, Michigan, a group of Pakistanis are moving forward with plans for another project, and this one involves the conversion of a church into a house of Islamic … [Read more...]
REVEALED: Endless Examples of Twitter Bias
By: Renee Nal | New Zeal Despite denials from the New York Times, conservatives can see what is happening on social media with their own two eyes. Twitter is "shadow banning" credible and thoughtful conservatives who have taken to placing an "X" on their names to illustrate that they have been shadow-banned in some form or another. While at the same time, Twitter is propping up oftentimes obscure Socialists by … [Read more...]
Foreign Espionage In Silicon Valley And Presidio
Founders Code One of the more corrupt locations in the country is San Francisco. Within the Bay Area is a former military base now turned all elite real estate known as Presidio. Within Presidio is the Presidio Trust. Yikes, taxpayer dollars pay out big bonuses there. The largest federal bonus was paid to Bart Ferrell, a human resources manager, who processes the payroll for the Presidio Trust. What the … [Read more...]
Russia/China Owning The Arctic, U.S., Allies Behind
Founders Code Hat tip to Senator Sullivan of Alaska for recognizing the mission and threat of Russia so much that he brought legislative attention to Russia’s military activity in the Arctic. As a side note, this activity is not without China participating with Russia. As noted below from the NDAA 2019: Icebreakers and Arctic Policy: Senator Sullivan included a number of provisions in the FY2019 NDAA to … [Read more...]
CA Rep. Dana Rohrabacher Dines With Alleged Russian Spy In DC I am not a fan of Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA). He is far too cozy with the Russians and Vladimir Putin and I certainly don't trust him. Not only did he have dealings with the last set of Russian spies kicked out of the United States, he seems to have been chummy with Maria Butina, the Russian woman who is now being indicted on charges of acting as an unregistered foreign agent of Moscow, … [Read more...]
Pages and Pages about Page in the FISA Application
Political Vanguard Who is Carter Page and why does he matter? In 2016, the Trump campaign operation named Carter Page as a policy advisor. Prior to that, Carter Page had no connection to Donald Trump other than to have voluntarily sent policy papers to his campaign – although who his initial contact within the campaign was remains a mystery. The FBI, on the other hand, certainly knew who Carter Page … [Read more...]
Putin’s Threat During the Press Conference with President Trump
Founders Code London – The Moscow lawyer said to have promised Donald Trump’s presidential campaign dirt on his Democratic opponent worked more closely with senior Russian government officials than she previously let on, according to documents reviewed by The Associated Press. Scores of emails, transcripts and legal documents paint a portrait of Natalia Veselnitskaya as a well-connected attorney who served as a … [Read more...]
Mass Graves Covered-up in Iran
Founders Code Iran: Road to be built over individual and mass graves The families of political dissidents who were forcibly disappeared and extrajudicially killed in Ahvaz, southern Iran, in the 1980s are suffering untold mental anguish and distress as the authorities are destroying the individual and mass graves of their loved ones. They are afraid of facing further persecution if they speak … [Read more...]
The Rainbow Conspiracy Part 15: Stealth Socialist Steve Phillips Works with TOP Radicals to Turn Texas Blue
New Zeal The Rainbow Conspiracy Part 14 here. Steve Phillips and the Texas Organizing Project understand that turning Texas blue is a mammoth undertaking. But the prize is huge - the destruction of the GOP as a national force and the imposition of permanent Democrat/socialist rule. It won't happen this election cycle, or the next, but unless these forces are exposed and countered, Texas will eventually go … [Read more...]
Lauren Southern: ‘The Problem with Libertarians’
New Zeal I use to call myself a libertarian. Not now. And for all the reasons outlined so brilliantly here by Lauren Southern. … [Read more...]
The U.S. had Maria Butina, The EU had Bela Kovacs
Founders Code Primer: The Jobbik Party is/was a movement for a better Hungary. It is the strongest ‘right-wing’ party in Europe. (Right-wing in Europe is not so much what it is in the United States.) Bela Kovacs is an agent of influence... those Russian agents are everywhere… Moscow’s Man in Europe’s Parliament on Trial as a Spy The espionage trial of Bela Kovacs is another milestone in the … [Read more...]
About that Time Obama Gave an Al Qaeda Affiliate Our Federal Grant Money
Founders Code There has been lots of chatter about removing the security clearance access of John Brennan and a few others. No one has asked about Hillary’s or…..Obama’s. There has been lots of chatter of impeachment, traitor and treason… but when it comes to aiding and supporting the enemy… check this out. Grant money is a gift… by the way. Story and photo, more detail here. The Middle East Forum … [Read more...]
Pompeo Put Crimea Back in the Headlines
Founders Code And rightly so. Primer: U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said Wednesday the United States would never recognize Russia’s annexation in 2014 of Ukraine’s Crimea. “As we did in the Welles Declaration in 1940, the United States reaffirms as policy its refusal to recognize the Kremlin’s claim of sovereignty over territory seized by force in contravention of international law … [T]he United … [Read more...]
United Front, China’s Weapon Against the West/Allies
Founders Code “United Front Work is an important magic weapon for the victory of the party’s cause.” – Xi Jinping, October 2017 Related reading: A Weapon Without War: China’s United Front Strategy Senators Cruz and Rubio have been sounding the alarms on the Confucius Institution that has found homes on U.S. college campuses. They have both done the same with regard … [Read more...]
Feds Say Anti-ICE Protesters Hurled Racist Slurs and Called for their Deaths During Protest It would seem that the anti-ICE protesters in Portland, Oregon are not only leftists, but racists as well. They are also communists and radical revolutionaries. The federal officers, who were given the sad duty of handling the protesters on the lawn of Portland's Immigration and Customs Enforcement offices, were subjected to a "barrage of hateful and at times racially-charged invective" during … [Read more...]
Maxine Waters Takes to the Pulpit and Gives a Wild Sermon on the Evils of President Trump Wacky Congresswoman Maxine Waters is at it again. This time, she's taken to the pulpit at the First African Methodist Episcopal Church in Los Angeles. Waters is on a mission from God! She gave a screeching hot sermon on the evils of President Trump and declared much to the delight of those in the congregation that she is "in this fight" against the president. I thought the left was opposed to … [Read more...]
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