As incredible as it may seem, the giant labor federation, the AFL-CIO, used to be run by a staunch anti-communist. George Meany had his disagreements with conservatives on domestic issues but he mostly agreed with them on foreign policy. Indeed, Meany was so anti-communist that he was dubbed a “right-winger” by liberals in the media. He criticized détente with the Soviet Union. He didn’t like communists and refused … [Read more...]
Archives for September 2010
Only You Can Prevent Voter Fraud
Missing among the misbehaviors that the government warns us against—smoking, littering, texting while driving, driving without seat belts, driving drunk, starting forest fires—is one that is arguably more significant: voting while illegal. The reason for the government’s reticence is obvious. For the last century or more, one party has depended on illegal votes to secure power. Without those votes, Lyndon … [Read more...]
Feds Accused of Renting from Radical Mosque
The Federal Government's U.S. Census is currently (Aug. 16) leasing a 6,600 square-foot corner of an old, back-road building in Virginia. Land records that Channel Two obtained confirmed that this location is owned by the Dar Al-Hijrah Islamic Center and rented by the Census Bureau, reports WSBTV "Imam Johari Abdul-Malik showed McFarlane around the worship area and even acknowledged that Dal Al-Hijrah is not a … [Read more...]
Gov. Christie Announces Sweeping N.J. Education Reform
After going up against New Jersey's Teachers Union all summer, Gov. Chris Christie (N.J.-D) is proposing a complete overhaul of how N.J. students learn and teachers teach. It's all open for reform, including tenure, seniority, and union rules which may be hindering the success of the students. The full article is at CBSNewYork. Tonight Gov. Christie unveiled his plans at the Old Bridge Town Hall and was … [Read more...]
Booming Job Opportunity: Investigating the Marxofascists
Just Count the Jobs
How many investigations of subversives and other corrupt actors does America need? Well, if you count those to be done, you may run out of both fingers and toes. How about one massive, coordinated investigation, very much including crime and punishment? From Floyd Reports An Avalanche of Obama Investigations Announced Posted on September 28, 2010 by Ben Johnson by Ben Johnson The last 24 … [Read more...]
If You Can’t Beat Them Pretend to Be One of Them: Attempted Union Corruption of PA Governor Race Revealed
Vote fraud is revealed in the Election Journal. From the AP John Krupa, a self-proclaimed “tea party” candidate for governor, has withdrawn from the race in the face of a challenge of his petition signatures. Krupa’s lawyer, David Montgomery, said he signed the withdrawal papers on Sunday. He filed them Monday, just before a hearing on a challenge to Krupa’s candidacy was to begin in … [Read more...]
Communists, Danny Glover, Invited to “Progressive March”
The indefatigable Cliff Kincaid of Accuracy in Media draws our attention to the “One Nation Working Together” protest which is scheduled for October 2, 2010 in Washington, D.C. “I’m proud and excited to be a part of One Nation Working Together," says prominent leftist actor, Danny Glover. "Exciting news! We're thrilled that Mr. Glover will be participating," say the organizers. Hardly surprising when you take a look … [Read more...]
Newest Net Neutrality Bill Cuts FCC out of Internet Authority
at Emerging Corruption September 27, 2010 By Warner Todd Huston It looks like House Energy and Commerce Chairman Henry Waxman, (D-Calif) is so desperate to get a Net Neutrality bill out of the House before the recess that he was willing to strip the FCC authority from it this week. For months he Federal Communications Commission has been angling to take power over the Internet and left-wing Net Neutrality … [Read more...]
Elections: Chavez Government Mirrors U.S. Democrats
Conservative Examiner's Jim Kouri has predicted President Hugo Chavez's political agenda would be in jeopardy in its congressional elections and says his diminished power is mirroring the dissolution of confidence experienced by the controlling U.S. Democratic Congress. According to Jim's article in The Conservative Examiner: The opposition party members, who had refused to participate in the 2005 elections, believe … [Read more...]
Will the Truth Catch Up to Bill Ayers and his Comrades?
Christopher G. Kennedy, chairman of the University of Illinois Board of Trustees, led the effort to deny Bill Ayers the title of professor emeritus because Ayers had written a book dedicated in part to the killer of his father, Robert F. Kennedy. But this “book,” titled, Prairie Fire: The Politics of Revolutionary Anti-Imperialism, had been written back in 1974. Let’s hope that Christopher Kennedy’s expression of … [Read more...]
Citing National Security Concerns, The Pentagon Buys & Destroys 9,500 Books
Concerned that information published in a book by Lt. Colonel Anthony Schaffer contained classified information deemed a threat to national security, the Pentagon purchased the 9,500 books — only to destroy them. Titled "Operation Dark Heart," the book recounts Lt. Col. Schaffer's life in Afghanistan while working for the Defense Intelligence Agency. The publisher was contacted by the Pentagon in August when they … [Read more...]
Interview with Sally Pipes on ObamaCare at Six Months
AIM recently interviewed Sally Pipes, President and CEO of the Pacific Research Institute (PRI), a San Francisco-based think tank—and the author of the new book The Truth About ObamaCare. Ms. Pipes has been president of PRI since 1991. The Institute promotes free market solutions to issues such as the environment, education, and health care. She is a renowned expert on health care and economic issues. In 2005, she … [Read more...]
Will Somali Pirates Hijack the Election?
Former Naval fighter pilot Will Royster asks a good question, “If we won’t allow Somali pirates to hijack our ships, why do we allow them to hijack our elections?” Royster has experienced this paradox up close. It was his election that was hijacked, specifically the August 3 Democratic primary for the 40 th district Missouri State House seat. With no Republican in the race, the winner of the Democratic primary … [Read more...]
Chris Christie Ends New Jersey Taxpayer Funding of Planned Parenthood Abortions
In a corner of National Review Online Christie Veto Shuts Down Abortion Clinics in NJ September 23, 2010 1:18 A.M. By Daniel Foster … [Read more...]
Is GOP the New Black? A Stampede in Houston Heads Your Way has done it again. Under the direction of Apostle Claver Kamau-Imani, another successful billboard campaign will have it's unveiling in Houston on October 11th, 2010, on Houston's South Loop. Apostle Claver Kamau-Imani is the Chairman and Executive Director of Claver is a dynamic speaker who has traveled the country giving workshops on voter education and citizen … [Read more...]
Progressive Women, Rape Targets in Palestine
It's got to be tough being young, pretty, and foolish. From NewsReelBlog Female Troubles on the West Bank 2010 September 22 . by Phyllis Chesler . It’s the 1960s all over again, and I am talking about the dark side, not the glamorous, glorious side. What is happening on the West Bank reminds me of the American 1960s, when idealistic young white and Jewish women, who thought they were … [Read more...]
Communists to Be Welcomed at Progressive March in DC
The “peace director” of the October 2 “One Nation Working Together” rally says that the U.S. should immediately withdraw from Iraq and Afghanistan, military aid to Israel should be ended, and that Iran has the right to develop nuclear weapons as long as the U.S. has them. He also says that Marxists are invited to participate at his upcoming rally. Michael McPhearson, one of the key organizers of the event and … [Read more...]
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