Denise Simon | Sen. Cruz Questions DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson About Administration’s Willful Blindness to Radical Islamic Terrorism Highlights Obama administration’s dangerous practice of scrubbing anti-terror materials WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) continued pushing back against the Obama administration’s willful blindness to radical Islamic … [Read more...]
Archives for June 2016
Who’s Behind the Bloodbath in Turkey?
By: Cliff Kincaid | Accuracy in Media Apologists for Vladimir Putin, including his propaganda channel Russia Today (RT), have been telling us for months that Turkey has been facilitating and even funding the global Islamic terrorist group ISIS. But the carnage at the Istanbul, Turkey, airport, apparently carried out by ISIS, demonstrates this is a big lie. ISIS is doing Russia’s dirty work in targeting the … [Read more...]
Leftist Nightmare: Black Conservatives Running for Office
By: Lloyd Marcus Someone passed on to me the latest video commentary by black conservative AlfonZo Rachel. Awesome! The brother boldly speaks the truth with humor, passion and intelligence. I first met Zo about 7 years ago. His video caused me to reminisce about how we black conservatives have been out there on the front lines for many years; trying to wake up fellow blacks, … [Read more...]
Hillary: Savant of Washington Insider Corruption
By: Lloyd Marcus One of my brothers concluded, “Being in Washington as long as she has, Hillary Clinton has to have learned something. Therefore, she is probably the most qualified to be president.” From his low-info voter perspective, his assumption sounds reasonable. As the informed political activist that I am, I wanted to scream, “Are you nuts? Hillary is the Devil!” I was stunned that my brother whom I … [Read more...]
Why Does Obama Hate Britain?
Accuracy in Media Coming to the end of the Obama administration, with the wreckage of its foreign policy all around us, the naïve conservatives running the editorial page of The Wall Street Journal are begging President Obama to offer “A New American Deal for Europe.” “It’s time for the U.S. to get back in the game because America needs a confident, prosperous Europe as a partner to defend the West against … [Read more...]
Violent Radicals Prepare for Cleveland and the Republican Convention Over 40 groups are preparing to protest the Republican Nation Convention in Cleveland next month. It should be no surprise that radical communists are leading the way. The massive move on Cleveland is being promoted by the leftist website Fight Back! News. It is being labeled as the “Coalition to Stop Trump and March on the RNC” rally and is scheduled for July 18th which is the first day of … [Read more...]
Corporal Klinger Reporting for Duty
By: Cliff Kincaid | Accuracy in Media President Obama’s determination to eliminate any notion of sexual deviance or perversion in American society continues at a rapid pace. He just released a video announcement of his designation of a gay bar, the Stonewall Inn in New York City, as a national monument. Obama’s video made it seem as if the homosexuals at the formerly Mafia-controlled facility were giving … [Read more...]
How the Media Sided with the Democrats on Gun Control Sit-in
By: Roger Aronoff | Accuracy in Media Last week, when Democrats staged a sit-in in the House of Representatives over gun control legislation, the mainstream media were all-too-willing to allow the participants to claim the mantle of being involved in a historic civil rights movement. For example, ABC News carried an article discussing the civil rights activities of Congressmen John Lewis (D-GA), labeling him … [Read more...]
Ted Cruz: ‘Supreme Court Sided with Abortion Extremists’
By: Renee Nal | New Zeal On Monday, Ted Cruz loudly denounced the Supreme Court decision to strike down Texas House Bill 2 from 2013 "that required all Texas facilities performing abortions to meet hospital-like standards — which include minimum sizes for rooms and doorways, pipelines for anesthesia..." Cruz stated that the SCOTUS decision is political, "Unfortunately, the Supreme Court sided with … [Read more...]
‘Interstellar Migration:’ FDR Explored Sending ‘Surplus’ People to Outer Space
By: Renee Nal | New Zeal President Franklin Delano Roosevelt explored the possibility of sending refugees from WWII to the planets Mars or Venus. The highly secretive research was titled the “M” project for FDR: studies on migration and settlement and was headed by anthropologist Henry Fields. The 66-volume study of population problems was eventually declassified and re-discovered by Mother Jones reporters … [Read more...]
Red Democrats: Meet the Communists and Socialists on the Dems Platform Drafting Committee
By: Trevor Loudon | New Zeal Several communists and radical anti-American socialists now serve on the influential Democratic Party Platform Drafting Committee. None of them covertly infiltrated their way onto this important body. All were appointed at the request of Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton or at the discretion of DNC chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz. Many of those appointed have been involved with … [Read more...]
The American Left is Evil: Orlando Shooting
By: Lloyd Marcus The American Left is just plain evil. Not only do they not seek truth, they suppress it. Everything the Left does, including shamefully exploiting the slaughter of Americans in a nightclub, is to further their deception and power to force their unpopular agenda down our throats. Leftists are the minority. However, they own the federal government, social media, public education, Hollywood … [Read more...]
Leftists Find a Socialist They Don’t Like
By: Cliff Kincaid | Accuracy in Media Fresh from their attendance at the Left Forum gathering of socialists and communists in New York, officials of the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) have finally found a socialist they can hate: Brexit murder suspect Thomas Mair, the alleged killer of British MP Jo Cox. The SPLC says Mair has been linked to the “once-prominent American neo-Nazi group” known as the … [Read more...]
Obama’s Father’s Day Fraud
By: Cliff Kincaid | Accuracy in Media Two years ago I had the pleasure to review some of the National History Day presentations made by high school students in Maryland. A young lady had presented an exhibit on the Fatherhood Leadership Crisis in America and cited Barack Obama as a successful person who grew up without a father’s leadership. But the evidence suggests that in fact Obama did grow up with a … [Read more...]
Trump’s Latest… The Art of Losing Hat Tip: The New Americana Either Donald Trump is the most incompetent politician I have ever seen, or he is throwing this election. Yesterday started off badly for the Trump campaign and got progressively worse. Trump's strategy and tactics during this election have made absolutely no sense. In the primaries, as he swept from state to state winning, he let his people go. He left virtually no … [Read more...]
Obama’s Red/Green Cover-up Begins to Unravel
By: Cliff Kincaid | Accuracy in Media Seven years into Barack Obama’s presidency, the scales may slowly be falling from the eyes of The New York Times. Could the truth about America’s red diaper baby President be starting to emerge? In a story about papers of his reported father, Barack Hussein Obama Sr., the Times said that President Obama has shown no interest in “the newly discovered documents, which … [Read more...]
Media Mislead about Mateen’s Motives
By: Roger Aronoff | Accuracy in Media The mainstream media are desperate to distract from the facts of the Orlando shootings, choosing instead to blame Republicans and conservatives for the deaths of 49 individuals at a gay bar called Pulse. In reality, the attacks were perpetrated by an American-born Islamic jihadist who pledged allegiance to the Islamic State during the attack, and had in the past “boasted … [Read more...]
Weekly Featured Profile – Tim Wheeler Tim Wheeler is a dairy farmer, journalist and veteran Communist Party USA activist. He is the son of the late Don Wheeler, a Soviet spy in the FDR administration. Tim Wheeler is the national political correspondent of the People's World website. He has been a reporter and editor for the working-class press for well over 40 years. He lives in Baltimore, MD and in Sequim, WA with his … [Read more...]
We Need More Islamophobia, Not Less
By: Cliff Kincaid | Accuracy in Media The media say President Obama is good at sharing condolences with victims of terrorism. It would be better for him to apologize to the victims and their families. He should start by saying, “I’m sorry that my FBI failed to stop this radical Islamic killer. I bear responsibility for this failure of intelligence.” Orlando is where we really need an Obama apology tour to … [Read more...]
The Denise Simon Experience – 06/16/16 – Trevor Loudon / Pete Turner
The Denise Simon Experience Hosted by DENISE SIMON, the Senior Research / Intelligence Analyst for Foreign and Domestic Policy for numerous flag officers and intelligence organizations. HOUR 1: TREVOR LOUDON Trevor Loudon spoke about his upcoming movie, the Enemies Within, spoke about Russian propaganda influence in media, government and policy and predictions for the near future for America. HOUR 2: … [Read more...]
Ted Cruz: Gun Control Filibuster ‘Ridiculous’ Response to Terror Attack (Video)
By: Renee Nal | New Zeal Senator Ted Cruz took time on the Senate floor Thursday to criticize democrats who took part in a "ridiculous" gun control filibuster in the wake of an act of Islamic terrorism. Cruz said in part: "Yesterday we saw a political show on the Senate floor." He also says, "This is political distraction. This is political gamesmanship. And I think the American people find it ridiculous … [Read more...]
Gun Store Reported ‘Known Wolf’ Omar Mateen Two Weeks Ago
By: Renee Nal | New Zeal The radical Islamic terrorist and "Known Wolf" Omar Mateen, 29, attempted to purchase "body armor" and "bulk ammunition" from a gun shop in Jensen Beach, Florida but was "turned away" two weeks before Mateen murdered 49 innocent souls and wounded more than 50 in a nightclub in Orlando. Store employees were suspicious and reported him to police. ABC News reported that the local … [Read more...]
Southern Poverty Law Center in Bed with Extremists
Accuracy in Media Why is the FBI missing the extremists in our midst? Perhaps it has something to do with the fact that the organization consulted by the Department of Justice for information on extremists is in bed with them. Evelyn Schlatter, the deputy director of research of the Intelligence Project at the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), was listed as a participant in the recent Left Forum … [Read more...]
Guccifer 2.0, The Hacked Trump Files from the DNC The intrusions at the DNC are noteworthy for the sophistication of the groups behind it. One of the intrusions, by a well-known cyberespionage group called Cozy Bear, appears to have happened in the summer of 2015, according to Crowdstrike‘s CTO and co-founder Dmitri Alperovitch. The second breach, involving another Russian group, Fancy Bear, happened in April this year. Cozy Bear has been … [Read more...]
Why Obama Gets Emotional Talking About Islam
By: Cliff Kincaid | Accuracy in Media What difference does it make to use the phrase “radical Islam?” It means in the Orlando case that the terrorist is identified through his affiliation with a particular religion that sanctions death for homosexuals. It also means in the Orlando case that law enforcement authorities may get the idea or impression from the President of the United States that the religion of a … [Read more...]
Blaming Conservatives for Muslim Terrorism
By: Cliff Kincaid | Accuracy in Media Admitting that “the full facts” were still unknown, the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) nevertheless issued a statement on Sunday afternoon on “the senseless act of domestic terrorism in Orlando,” saying that “it is not surprising that the LGBT community was targeted” because “This community has long been vilified by those opposed to LGBT rights and is too often the … [Read more...]
Has FBI Director Comey Waited Too Long on Clinton Scandals?
By: Roger Aronoff | Accuracy in Media The media continue their focus on accusing presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump of racist rhetoric, and facilitating the circular firing squad that some in the Republican Party and conservative movement are only too happy to take part in. Reporters continue to publish story after story damaging to Republicans, salivating over whatever Republican … [Read more...]
Ted Cruz On Orlando Atrocity: ‘OUR NATION IS AT WAR…’ Hat Tip: The Right Scoop From Ted Cruz: “Our nation is at war. From 9/11 to the Boston Marathon, from Fort Hood to Chattanooga, from San Bernardino to last night’s horrific attack in Orlando, radical Islamic terrorism has declared jihad on America,” Sen. Cruz said. “Early reports indicate the Orlando terrorist had pledged his allegiance to ISIS, and he had previously been investigated by the … [Read more...]
Terror in Orlando – War Comes to America Yesterday, I wrote at length on the Orlando massacre here and here. Despite Obama, Clinton and Sanders seizing on the gun issue, this was an act of war by ISIS. It was radical Islam at play. It cost us scores of lives and is the deadliest attack since 9/11. Terror has struck in Orlando, Florida at the city’s trendiest gay party spot, the Pulse nightclub. A shooter with Islamic leanings came … [Read more...]
Trump Seen as Vehicle to Destroy GOP
By: Cliff Kincaid | Accuracy in Media While showing an image of Donald Trump as a wrecking ball, veteran leftist operative Webster Tarpley told the recent Left Forum in New York City, “If we play this right, he can destroy the Republican Party.” The comments, delivered at the major left-wing gathering of the year, reflect the belief among “progressive” activists that the Donald J. Trump candidacy can be used … [Read more...]
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