[AW]: These Glenn Beck videos do a masterful and essential job of presenting the evidence of the broader and deeper workings of the Deep State and Shadow Government in our overall "#SpyGate," "#UkraineGate," and "#TrumpImpeachment" crisis. They come not merely recommended; they are must see, especially the third, "The Democrats' Hydra," netcast November 13. For those who have not watched, I suggest starting … [Read more...]
Glenn Beck Explains the Ukraine Scandal and Impeachment
Beyond Bizarre! CDC has a Zombie Apocalypse Training Manual, UPDATED

By: James Simpson DC Independent Examiner White House Lame Ebola Response UPDATE: A Carnival cruise ship with 4,633 on board was refused docking in Belize to offload a married couple, one with possible Ebola symptoms for emergency transport. The wife, a nurse, had treated Ebola patient Thomas Duncan. The ship has departed Belizian waters and is headed for Texas. ------------- You simply … [Read more...]
Tie-Dyed Tyranny; Ecofascism in the USA

NoisyRoom.net … [Read more...]
Vladimir Bukovsky: EU = USSR

By: Brent Parrish The Right Planet Former Soviet dissident Vladimir Bukovsky spent a total of 12 years in Soviet psychiatric prisons and labor camps. Upon his first release from the camps, he asked a journalist to set up some cameras to record his testimony about what was really going on within the Soviet penal system. Bukovsky knew he would be arrested again for spilling the beans. But he wanted the world … [Read more...]
The FEC Embraces Fascism – Implements Conservative Book Banning

NoisyRoom.net Who says fascism is out of style? Evidently the FEC is making it chic again. The Chairman of the Federal Election Commission berated Democratic colleagues who imposed rules on the publisher of Rep. Paul Ryan's new book, The Way Forward. In essence, they opened the door to future book regulations or even the banning of books. The meeting got heated to say the least and in the end, the FEC declined … [Read more...]
Constitutional Scholar Warns Obama Threatening to Remake US Government

NoisyRoom.net Turley To Testify In House Hearing On Authorization Of Congressional Lawsuit … [Read more...]
The Biggest Threat to Obamacare Yet is Right Around the Corner: Halbig v. Burwell

TruthAboutObamacare.com A case about to be decided by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit could stop Obamacare dead in its tracks in 34 states. Halbig v. Burwell is based on an illegal action taken by the Internal Revenue Service in 2012. Below I will outline that illegal action and the two sections of the PPACA (Obamacare) that are relevant in this case. State-based exchanges and federally … [Read more...]
Fast Food Marxism Supersized

NoisyRoom.net Marxist food workers of the US unite! Correct me if I'm wrong here, but when I was a kid, fast-food jobs were viewed as jobs for teenagers or beginners' jobs. It is a testament to just how bad the economy under Obama is that these are now considered not only career moves, but worth fighting, dying and being fired for. My how things have changed. In an effort to strong-arm McDonald's, … [Read more...]
Attention Main Stream Media. Regarding Obamacare. I Told You So!

C. Steven Tucker Back on August 3rd, 2013 I wrote a piece exposing what I stated then will soon happen to millions of Americans if we do not support the Tea Party and Republican lead effort to defund Obamacare. In that piece, I stated when President Obama promised – “If you like your plan, you can keep your plan and no one will take it away from you, period” he was not telling the truth. Watch President Obama … [Read more...]
Seattle Makes a Gesture to the Citizenry

NoisyRoom.net Cross-Posted at Right Wing News Behold the American Gestapo enabled by small white boxes that create a surveillance network that would have done the Stasi proud. Adorned with antennas and attached to utility poles, these boxes are about to make privacy a thing of the past and Seattle is certainly the testing ground for the surveillance state on steroids. But the citizenry are not quite the … [Read more...]
Obama Says No More Healthcare… No More Choice

It has been an out in the open, an open “secret” for years. Except for the now-reported disclosures of the inveigling lies issuing forth from the deceitful mouth of Barack Hussein Obama, it might never have been apparent to those who have worshiped this patent usurper. But, now more and more who believed in and voted for Dictator-in-Chief Obama are finally experiencing a harsh awakening to truth. He has lied to … [Read more...]
How Obamacare and the Welfare State are Immoral, in 6 Minutes

Hat tip to @PolitiJim for passing this video along. It becomes tempting to write an essay here, on Godly aid vs. Pharisaical coercion and control, which Jesus cursed, in Matthew 23. There are many Scriptural references and lessons to cite. But, to keep it short and not distract from the video, here is just one more, of Jesus Himself again, speaking to his disciples about ministry as He assigned it: "Freely you have … [Read more...]
How Smart Meters are Extremist Antiamerican Surveillance in 4.5 Minutes

I'm not worried about Ed Snowden, unless he is actually giving away the secrets vital to U.S. security that those who cannot possibly know assert he has. And even if so, what damage does it do to give away U.S. security information, if the U.S.A. becomes a totalitarian state in the growing global empire? If this U.S. regime goes much farther in that direction, it would be our "duty," in the Declaration's parlance, … [Read more...]
Graphic of the Moment: Tea or Kool-Aid, Which One are You Drinking?

Here is an anti-syllogism for you. A syllogism is a tool of logic organized: first premise, second premise, conclusion. A logical syllogism does not go like this: 1. Obamacare is being shown more and more, to be the (fascist) train wreck it is, devastating to Americans trying to become self-sufficient. 2. Tea Party patriots, intent upon saving America from its devastation and unconstitutional, socialist … [Read more...]
Quiz Time! What is: Corporatism?

Put it in a sentence! Please place your answer(s) in comments, below! Also, any links to resources that describe it accurately! Hint 1! People say it's bad and it is! But it doesn't mean what people are told by the Marxstream media! - and by many of the Marxoids in education! Feel free to look it up before responding or not! Gulag prizes offered (no value stated)! Hint 2! Obamacare is a classic example of … [Read more...]
Beware a New ‘Third Way’ via Corrupt Democrats, Aided by Robert Reich’s ‘Inequality for All’

They will be trying to pull a Clinton again, with Robert Reich's help, it seems. From the looks of his Inequality for All campaign, Reich is working on the new attempt to preserve collectivist control of America, via the hopelessly despotic Democratic Party and its central bank complex's puppet strings, despite the devastation of its more obviously neo-Marxist Obamunists. In so doing, they will be trying to … [Read more...]
The Idolatry of the Modern Progressive

American Thinker, originally: "The Easter Mythology of Modern Progressivism" Modern progressivism, belief in human progress, various brands of socialism, and even communism itself are all steeped in a modern philosophy of history that is rooted in the Judeo-Christian apocalyptic tradition. Unlike the Greco-Roman world, which believed that history was either strictly secular or inextricably bound up with pagan … [Read more...]
Video: How the 1% of 1% of 1% of 1% is Taking Over, Town by Town

The occupy movement is indoctrinating and training revolutionaries against the "1%" but will they really come to understand who the very wealthiest and most controlling people are, in this world, and how they are using false-flag operations of many kinds, in order to achieve global hegemony? Will the rest of us? Video, "U.N. Taking Over City Councils Across America!" To know more (and we all must know … [Read more...]
How Energy is Being Used to Enslave Us: Technocracy

Witholding energy is a tool set for coersion and control. Perhaps this is why the Technocrats are so intent on preventing cheap, abundant, national energy flowing via pipelines and American drilling. Video, "Technocracy - Patrick Wood " And is this not why Barack Obama promised us that under his policy energy prices would "necessarily skyrocket?" Technocracy has never died; it has always been taught … [Read more...]
EPA Expanding Control, Tightening Grip Ahead of Rio+20 and 2012 Elections

Freedom fighters, be sure to see this new report. For more on "sustainable development," a.k.a., "smart growth," a.k.a., "going green," a.k.a., "high-road capitlaism," a.k.a., many other euphemisms and all, U.N. Agenda 21, see the appropriate tags below the this entry. This is the "federal" push, to go along with the U.N. Marxist assault directly into the localities and "regions" of America and the world, … [Read more...]
US Not Headed Towards Euro-Socialism; it’s Far Worse than that

Are you as tired as am I about the talking heads--leftists, RINO and faux conservatives--advising us on an almost daily basis that “If we don’t stop it (presumably the government, Obama and maybe even Obama’s sycophant Congress) we’re heading for ‘European-style Socialism’.” Ahhh…as if that were the only thing about which we have to worry. Of course, the truth is that the [former] USA is not heading for … [Read more...]
FEMA Camps: Seeking Contractors and Personnel to Staff and Confine

Update: Our compatriot journalist and commentator, Sher Zieve was a guest on The Roth Show, with Laurie Roth, to discuss this crisis, archived at 7pm ET, Monday 12/12. She did an excellent job of explaining and putting it all into context: therothshow.com/demos/recent/hour2Dec1211.mp3 Also, see: "Defense Authorization’s Unconstitutional Aggression upon Citizens; TruNews Radio Notes," December 6. Caution: this is an … [Read more...]
The Nazification of America

In The Constitution Times The Nazification Of America Posted on Wednesday, December 7, 2011 by Stillie Mason The fact that someone would claim that the Holocaust was “a big deception” is absurd. Yet, Iran’s Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has made that statement, as well as saying that Israel should be, in his words, “wiped off the map.” Countless wars haven’t stemmed the tide of man’s hatred, any more than the … [Read more...]
Brain Surgeon Briefed: Obamacare Death Panels to Refuse Surgeries that Save Patients over 70

From The Right Scoop SHOCK – Brain surgeon confirms ObamaCare rations care, has death panels! Posted by The Right Scoop on Nov 23, 2011 in Politics | 69 Comments Sarah Palin was exactly right about death panels as this caller attests. Tonight, a brain surgeon called into Mark Levin’s radio show and said that he had just recently visited Washington DC to review Obama’s new health care plan for advanced … [Read more...]
OccupyWallStreet Robocalls Appeal to Federal Reserve Authority! Against America’s Banks (Updated)

Original Item, 11/21, 12:30pm At my home, I have been getting a series of robocalls supporting the orchestrated Occupy Wall Street protests. The first three or so were notable as I recall, because they made no specific requests! They just sold. But just this midday, I received another Occupy Wall Street call, with language couched in patriotism. Unfortunately, I answered the phone, so I do not have a … [Read more...]
The Funny Things to Know, Surrounding the New Fix for Greece

So Greece now has a new Prime Minister and its solution is supposedly coming down. But what kind of solution? Let us examine some facts, plus some items purported as fact which we need to track down. Lucas Papademos was educated at MIT, was the governor of Greece's central bank and was vice president of the European Central Bank (ECB). And now it is rumored that the International Monetary Fund (IMF) may … [Read more...]
A Brief Note on the End of America as We have Known it

Oh, hello. I'm thinking I need to write a take-off from this August article, explaining why I suspect the leading GOP presidential candidates of being ready to be globalist traitors, if elected president. (And yes, that includes, even if he is only a well intentioned dupe, the Federal Reserve's own Herman Cain, who wishes to involve national government in our lives on a transaction-by-transaction basis, … [Read more...]
‘The Occupation Manifesto,’ But Do You Want the Whole Story?

What do you think? Is this what you come to Gulag Bound, to see? - - the obvious already happening before the world's noses? Should we say, "We told you so?" since we apparently broke the story of this movement on the Internet, on August 10th (a half-hour before the site was brought down again) and revealed these people as the globalist, Marxist enemy of America? Yes, that is what these "occupiers" are, … [Read more...]
‘Suspended Election Revolution’ by Barry & the Obamunists; Does it Play?

Presented for you now, an exercise in considering the incredible: that Barack Obama, et. conspiratorial al. would plan to suspend elections in an orchestrated national emergency, perhaps a false flag operation blamed on his opposition. I do not say this will happen, nor am I selling the idea. The point is, this should be scrutinized and in principle when such things are fully sounded out, their probability -- that … [Read more...]
TRAIN Bill, H.R. 2401, Big EPA & Agenda-21 Vote in U.S. House Today

Frankly, this is something to which we few and not necessarily proud of the Bound should have been paying much more attention. One may find out about it at opencongress.gov and in the video below, "July 8, 2011 - Energy and Power Subcommittee Markup on H.R. 2401 (TRAIN Act)." That is what it is called to this date. And one may still have time to contact one's U.S. Representative. The bill seeks to generate … [Read more...]
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