Maoist Thugs Target Christians with Support from Justice Roberts

By: Cliff Kincaid With all that’s happening in the United States and the world, you may have missed the ruling from our “conservative” Supreme Court on May 29. The “conservative” Supreme Court Chief Justice, John Roberts, joined the four liberals in ruling that churches are not entitled to First Amendment protections and that they have to obey the dictates of liberal governors. Two days later, St. … [Read more...]

Is Neil Gorsuch a ‘Stealth Nominee?’

Accuracy in Media When the first President Bush nominated David Souter for a seat on the Supreme Court, the nominee was sold to conservatives as a fellow conservative but turned out to be a solid member of the court's liberal bloc. As such, Souter was labeled a "stealth nominee" to advance the liberal agenda. Could Judge Neil Gorsuch be another Souter? On the surface, such a question seems absurd. Gorsuch … [Read more...]

Why Did Justice Sotomayor Give an 11th Hour Reprieve?

If you are like me you are wondering what the Obama Administration has in store for 2014. If it’s anything like what we’ve seen in the past we will need to sit down and buckle up.  It’s most likely going to be another bumpy ride for those of us who would rather see the ride end and have our country returned to us in one piece. Included in the Obama Administration and what we need to watch for in 2014, at least in my … [Read more...]

US Government Overthrown, Police State Explodes: Solidification of the Obama Dictatorship, Part II

Never in the history of the USA has it been in so much trouble as it finds itself today.  There is neither point nor gain in attempting to soft-soap anyone about this.  Its demise now seems imminent, as no one is doing anything to stop the now proven-to-be criminal and would-be POTUS illegally occupying what was once--but is no more--our White House.  The end of America as the world’s “shining city on a hill” is in … [Read more...]

Constitutional Standoff: Obama Syndicate vs. the People

It’s no secret to anyone who watches any newscast--even once a week--that the Obama syndicate (aka Executive Branch of the US government) has been flexing its muscles, in order to take over all governmental power, since Obama and his Marxist entourage we installed in the White House in 2009.   Obama has successfully cowed the US Supreme Court, as well as an increasingly wimpy and supplicant (until--perhaps--recently) … [Read more...]

John Roberts’ Move to the Dark Side

Justice Replaced Constitutionalism with Politics  In the days following the shocking John Roberts ruling on Obamacare, we have seen many attempts to explain and justify the chief justice’s decision. That debate is interesting and worthwhile. But there is another lesson that may be even more important than the political struggle to repeal Obama’s Affordable Care Act. Respected conservative pundits … [Read more...]

Scientists Disprove the John Roberts Particle

BREAKING: heck, smashing, from Iowahawk... DNC Scientists Disprove Existence of Roberts' Taxon WASHINGTON DC - Jubilant scientists at the DNC's High Speed Word Collider (HSWC) announced today they have conclusively disproven the existence of Roberts' Taxon, the theoretical radioactive Facton particle that some had worried would lead to the implosion of the entire Universal Health Care System. "I think it's … [Read more...]

Progressive CJ John Roberts Solidifies Socialism in U.S.

With full and enthusiastic support from SCOTUS Chief Justice John Roberts, Usurper and Dictator-in-Chief Barack Hussein Obama has now effectively “transformed” America into his personal empire if dying cash-cow. Supplanting the US Constitution and Republic with what some pundits are calling “political correctness” (a view of Roberts’ behavior to which I do not subscribe), Roberts has now placed the United States of … [Read more...]

John Robert: Another Stealth Leftist

It appears that We-the-People, the US Constitution and the USA are now sunk. CJ Roberts has now shown his true stripes as a leftist. In order to do away with the true argument that the Congressional ruling establishing ObamaCare would be charged as a fee for being born and living in the USA, Roberts changed ObamaCare to a tax--which Obama had argued previously and intensely stated was not a tax--in order to mollify … [Read more...]

The Constitution & Justice John Roberts’ Liberalism; Can Romney Man-up?

Maggie Thornton Maggie's Notebook Today, the Supreme Court shows itself to be Liberal 5 to 3 with one Justice considered a swing vote. Unfortunately, the future of this country now depends on SCOTUS justices – not the vision of the Founders! Assuming Obama is out in January 2013, Romney may have three Court appointments to make (Ginsburg, Breyer, Kennedy). It will be imperative – a sobering task that will … [Read more...]

Obama Demands SCOTUS become Rubber Stamp for his Policies

Like the MCP (Master Control Program) in TRON 1, Obama has already sucked the life out of Congressional members.  That once co-equal (per the US Constitution) branch of the US Government is no longer viable and has become little more that a “me too” for Dictator-in-Chief Obama’s destructive and malevolent policies and behaviors.  Whether its members were threatened with harm or coerced with very-large bribes, they … [Read more...]

Is the Constitution Partisan?

All public officials, elected or appointed, federal, state and local, take an oath to preserve and defend the Constitution. This is supposed to remind them and us that the Constitution stands above politics, and our primary loyalty is to the rule of law itself, not to any party, program or political agenda. But the dirty little secret of American politics is that the American left thinks this oath and this loyalty is … [Read more...]

‘Natural Born Citizen for Dummies’ v. Dummy v. the United States of America

Constitutionalist activist, Dean Haskins provides a lesson instructing that a "natural born Citizen," according to the United States Constitution, Article 2, Section 1, is an individual born in United States territory, to parents who are both U.S. Citizens. Further, he introduces the viewer to the Supreme Court case of Minor v. Happersett, which recognized this and thus established binding precedent, it appears, … [Read more...]