A recent prophecy of Pastor Kent Christmas, presented in a video episode of Dutch Sheets' highly recommended "Give Him 15" Worship of the God of the Bible has increased in recent generations through the spiritual gifts, as they are called in the Scriptures. One of these gifts is that of prophecy. More and more Christians have become notable as prophets, more than at any other time in recent history. Numerous … [Read more...]
Christian Prophets Proclaiming Trump’s Consecutive Term? Really? Still? Yes.
Globalists Using COVID-19 to Usher UN Agenda 2030 ‘Brave New World’ Ten Years Ahead of Schedule
Leo Hohmann | LeoHohmann.com Bill Gates, left, NIH director Dr. Francis Collins and NIAID director Dr. Anthony Fauci at a 2017 Gates Foundation global health workshop on topics that included vaccine research It’s time for all true patriots to take a stand,or risk being led blindly into a new dark age. When Rep. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, also known as AOC, rewrote the United Nations’ Sustainable … [Read more...]
Erdogan of Turkey to Visit Trump White House
By: Denise Simon | Founders Code This visit is on and off and maybe on again. The meeting is scheduled the same day as the open impeachment inquiry hearings begin. President Erdogan is angry with the United States due to Congress moving legislation to apply sanctions that would affect Turkey as a result of the invasion into Syria. Turkey has been threatening Europe, especially Germany with more migrants … [Read more...]
Security Risks: Why President Trump is Right Not to Trust Adam Schiff or the House Intelligence Committee
By: Trevor Loudon | The Epoch Times WASHINGTON, DC - OCTOBER 30: U.S. President Donald Trump delivers remarks during the Medal of Honor ceremony for Army Master Sgt. Matthew Williams in the East Room of the White House October 30, 2019 in Washington, DC. Serving with Special Forces Operational Detachment Alpha in Afghanistan's Shok Valley in 2008, Williams repeatedly risked his life to evacuate four wounded … [Read more...]
Will Trump Quit the Race?
Even his most ardent foes agree that Trump is not stupid and that he is a relentless fighter. Based on what flimsy evidence? His own repeated and vociferous reassurances, of course. Yet, when we apply the cold instruments of psychology to both boasts, they appear to be decidedly shaky. (I will dispense with his claim that he is intelligent by referring the reader to the incredible transcripts of his recent … [Read more...]
Scott Ott Says Why Not Donald Trump, in 7 Minutes
Can you handle it? … [Read more...]
Request for Prayer, Reflection, and Sober Voting, by Dutch Sheets
A call to prayer and accordant action, from Christian intercessory leader, Dutch Sheets: … [Read more...]
John Oliver Takes Donald Trump Apart
This may get through to some people. Some people? It's gotten over two million views in the first day or so. Numerous laughs, at least if it weren't so gravely sober... some untoward comments... actually, many critically important facts and observations. Lemur gotta Drumpf. … [Read more...]
See What’s Important: the Houston Republican Debate in its Entirety
In this last debate, Donald Trump became so exposed that on the next day he had to cover it up by changing the media narrative. His fig leaf? The endorsement of the governor who doesn't like staying in his state, Chris Christie, who earlier had chastised Trump for his ignorance and clownishness. An expansive fig leaf that is, to cover Trump's accumulated liberal iniquity where he would now bill himself a … [Read more...]
What’s Real: Trump vs. Cruz Comparison Chart, Referenced
Note: Updated Here Doug Ross @ Journal Presented without comment for your consideration. Simply click each policy or issue to read the back-story. Policy or Issue Trump Cruz In 2013, supported Amnesty for all 20 million illegal aliens in the U.S. Yes No In 2000, supported an Assault Weapons Ban Yes No In 2015, supported "touchback" Amnesty for every illegal … [Read more...]
Ben Carson Begins Shedding Conservatism Even Before Primaries?
Before my fellow conservatives jump immediately to defend Candidate Carson, I would ask that they read the following short column. Some years ago, I became aware of the extraordinary and remarkable career of Dr. Benjamin Carson via the 2009 movie “Gifted Hands”...a film in which Cuba Gooding, Jr. portrayed the doctor. I even talked about him to my friend and colleague Laurie Roth who, subsequently, interviewed him … [Read more...]
Listen to Dick Morris. Really. ‘(Why) Bush Says Work More Hours’
Dick Morris' past is checkered. Not having scoured his autobiographical works, I would hope he's admitted that and, being a master at public relations, has not attempted to defend his former life as a chief political advisor to Bill Clinton. So... everybody past that? Good. Currently, he's not perfect, but I listen to him often for some of the most clear-eyed political analyses (and anti-globalist, … [Read more...]
#RememberMississippi: Rick Perry and his Dodgy Campaign Staff
By: Renee Nal New Zeal Republican presidential candidate Rick Perry seems to have largely escaped the scrutiny recently directed toward Scott Walker for hiring establishment operative Brad Dayspring who aggressively lied about the Tea Party during the hotly contested Mississippi primary last year. While Scott Walker, who this author has long suspected of having establishment sympathies, has been … [Read more...]
Here’s How Ted Cruz could Win the GOP Nomination for President
Glenn Beck Cruz Coalition on Facebook Cruz Coalition on Twitter Last night, author Trevor Loudon joined Glenn for an in-depth discussion on the growth of the progressive movement. In the interview, Loudon said that he believed Ted Cruz could be the leader America needs to lead it away from progressivism and back towards freedom. To secure his nomination, and eventually the presidency, Loudon suggested an … [Read more...]
Ted Cruz — Leading A Grassroots Tsunami
NoisyRoom.net Ted Cruz is simply brilliant. His Tortilla Coast meetings are driving the RINOs insane -- they are practically wetting themselves over it. When I saw the writeup at The Hill, it definitely gave me a happy. Irony is a lost art form wasted on these bastards. They have labeled Cruz an 'agitator,' because he's against John Boehner. Who isn't these days? That's not a Progressive that is. Au contraire … [Read more...]
Catherine Engelbrecht, Jay Sekulow, etc. House IRS Hearing: Full 2-6 C-SPAN Video
Thursday, February 6, 2014 Full coverage of the hearing, if one calls C-SPAN "full coverage" … [Read more...]
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