Accuracy in Media The FBI has released photos, videos, and documents in the case of 10 Russian secret agents arrested—and quickly deported—in 2010. The documents are mostly heavily redacted and of no practical value to those interested in the details about on-going Russian operations against the U.S. What is perhaps more interesting and significant is what the Russians are doing in plain sight by using … [Read more...]
Archives for October 2011
Halloween Burka
New Zeal Pat Condell tells it like it is for Halloween. … [Read more...]
Anti-US “Russia Today” Continues to Support and Encourage “Occupy” Movement
New Zeal Moscow funded, anti-US propaganda station Russia Today continues to support and encourage the communist/anarchist led 'Occcupy" movement. Imagine the Kremlin's reaction if a US station did this in Russia. … [Read more...]
Media Coverage of China is Overlooking Significant Stories
By: Roger Aronoff Accuracy in Media China has been increasing its influence and presence in recent months, though it’s not getting a lot of attention in our media. One topic that was covered extensively was the issue of Congress attempting to pass a law to combat China’s currency regulation. It has passed in the Senate, and is being held up in the House. There is concern that the bill could start a trade war, … [Read more...]
Web Seminar November 4 on Electoral College Crisis
Attention to this article and alert has been dramatic: Warning! Progressives’ NPV Plan for White House Control, 2012 & Permanently October 21, 2011 by Jacquerie of Wake Up America While the lamestream media holds public attention on GOP candidate rivalries, a "progressive" strategy is underway to eliminate the role of the states in electing a U.S. President. By transferring electoral votes to a "national … [Read more...]
Rioting Across America – The Great Depression and Beyond
NoisyRoom These clips are not just of the Great Depression, but time frames surrounding that period. Do you have any doubts that the Communists and Progressives have been with us for 100 years or better? Well, they have been under many guises. Many times it is in the form of unions and organizers who claim they want to help the worker, when in reality, the ultimate goal is bringing 'change' to our form … [Read more...]
Eighty-One UK ‘Rebels’ in Parliament Buck EU Hegemony; Glenn Beck’s Letter to them
Noisy Room Read more at The Blaze… … [Read more...]
Government Kidnapping of Swedish Home-Schooled Boy: Prayers & Letters Urgently Needed reported back in September of 2009 that a home-schooled Swedish boy Domenic Johansson was snatched by police in a gestapo-like commando assault on an airliner they had boarded to travel to India, where the Johansson couple had decided to live: Home schooled boy grabbed by police on plane in Sweden [revised version] Help reunite this persecuted family! By Don Hank Christer and Annie … [Read more...]
Measuring Liberal Media Bias: An Interview with Tim Groseclose
By: Roger Aronoff Accuracy in Media Liberal media bias is a subject we at Accuracy in Media confront on a daily basis. We identify examples, explain the significance, and present facts, figures and informed opinions that the media usually choose to ignore. In a recent interview with AIM, Tim Groseclose discussed his recent book, Left Turn: How Liberal Media Bias Distorts the American Mind. Groseclose is a … [Read more...]
New Video Reveals: New York Times Reporter Natasha Lennard Is #OccupyWallStreet Activist, Supporter
New Zeal Crossposted from Big Government: By Lee Stranahan A newly-discovered video–filmed by Occupy Wall Street supporters themselves–reveals that New York Times reporter Natasha Lennard is not merely covering the protests, but is also apparently taking part in planning and executing them. In the video, Lennard is seen participating as a featured speaker in a discussion among anarchists, … [Read more...]
Treason? Senior Communist Lobbies ‘Super Committee’ for Defense Cuts
New Zeal A senior Communist Party USA activist is leading a nationwide effort to lobby the Congressional Super Committee of 12 to propose deep cuts to US defense spending. Judith LeBlanc is a leader of the Communist Party's Peace and Solidarity Commission, the party body charged with directing the US peace movement and liaising with foreign "peace' and radical organizations. LeBlanc is also national … [Read more...]
Born Again Bunny
Unlike the latest television perversion entitled, The Playboy Club, I can actually tell you the truth about being a Bunny and working in the Chicago Playboy Club in the 60s. If you're wondering why I bring this up 45 years after the fact, it's simple. One of my readers took exception with my article on GOP presidential candidate Richard Perry, and decided to go after the messenger rather than the message. I find … [Read more...]
Warning! Progressives’ NPV Plan for White House Control, 2012 & Permanently
By Jacquerie Wake Up America While the lamestream media holds public attention on GOP candidate rivalries, a "progressive" strategy is underway to eliminate the role of the states in electing a U.S. President. By transferring electoral votes to a "national popular vote" this "Compact" would usurp the role of the states as safeguarded by our Constitution. In doing so, it could also neutralize Obama's critics … [Read more...]
North Koreans Praise ‘Biggest Protest Against Capitalism in 300 Years’
New Zeal Communist North Korea is very excited about the international "Occupation" movement. Surprised? From Pyongyang based Korea Central News Agency, October 18: The working masses' struggle against capitalism was staged all at once across the world on Oct. 15 and 16. This was the biggest organized one ever in history of capitalism spanning more than 300 years. Taking part in it were millions of … [Read more...]
The AFL-CIO’s Revolutionary Activist
Accuracy in Media The AFL-CIO is making headlines by running ads promoting “Occupy Wall Street.” One seriously doubts that members of the working class have much in common with the left-wing professional agitators running these protests and the tent cities they are erecting illegally in private and public parks in New York, Washington, D.C. and other cities. The most interesting part of this story, however, is … [Read more...]
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