7/31/10 - 9:00 to 11:00 pm ET, then 11:00pm to 1:00am ET Call-in (347) 215-6929 Listen Live or Archived: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/patriotsheartnetwork Project Gulf Impact We will be speaking with Matt Smith, a Representative of Project Gulf Impact. Project Gulf Impact is reporting in a press release, “area residents have begun to show up at clinics and hospitals with mysterious scabs and pustules … [Read more...]
Archives for July 2010
Fan The Fire w/ CJ & Tallulah ~ Project Gulf Impact, Doug Hagmann & Anthony G. Martin
Leftist ‘Historian’ Howard Zinn Lied About Red Ties
The prominent “progressive” historian Howard Zinn, whose books are force-fed to young people on many college campuses, was not only a member of the Moscow-controlled and Soviet-funded Communist Party USA (CPUSA) but lied about it, according to an FBI file released on Friday. The file, consisting of three sections totaling 423 pages, was made available on the FBI’s website and released in response to a … [Read more...]
Battles Looming Over First Amendment Rights
With all of the takeovers of various aspects of society by the Obama administration, none are as perilous as the one takeover we could be on the brink of—namely the First Amendment. It is under assault in so many very real ways, and the media are largely silent about it. That is because they are aware of the goals, and they share them. The goal is to silence conservative and Republican voices, to regulate the … [Read more...]
HBO TKOs Muhammad Ali
First published in WorldNetDaily.com Although it debuted last year, I just this week happened to catch the HBO documentary “Thriller in Manila.” As fate would have it, I was staying in the town in which the documentary’s antagonist, Muhammad Ali, was born and raised—Louisville, Kentucky. You read that right, “antagonist.” Stunningly, John Dower’s documentary shows the Ali of his glory years for the cruel, … [Read more...]
Liberal Scientist: Man-Made Global Warming Theory ‘…Can Only be about Powerful Financiers…’
"They look for comfortable lies...." "I've spoken to activists around the world. The activists in the developing world who need to directly defend their own neighborhoods; they understand this global warming thing is an invention of the privileged world." According to Mark Morano, Executive Editor of ClimateDepot.com, these are the words of physicist Dennis Radcourt [sp?] former Professor of Environmental … [Read more...]
What’s Your Mood, America? We’ll Check Your Tweets
Mashable.com has published a story about how tweets are being compiled to instantly measure the mood of the nation. Teams of scientists from Northeastern and Harvard University have put the study together and it's already reaping big research rewards. Here's a bit about it from Mashable: Not only did they analyze the sentiments we collectively expressed in 300 million tweets, over three years, against a scholarly … [Read more...]
‘Red Charlie’ Rangel Revealed
New York Democratic Congressman Charles B. Rangel has been in the news recently over alleged ethics violations and his Universal National Service Bill, which - if enacted would reinstate a compulsory military draft, or alternative national service, during times of war, for men and women, aged 18 to 42, who are citizens or permanent residents of the United States. The Bill is actually an anti War stunt. Rangel … [Read more...]
USCIS Memo Details Administration’s Plan to Provide Mass Amnesty Through Administrative Actions
Originally posted in NumbersUSA A newly revealed memo, obtained by Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) who is leading the fight against amnesty, shows Obama Administration officials offering a detailed plan that would offer actual or de facto amnesty to millions of illegal aliens without Congress ever taking a vote. The 11-page memo, drafted by Chief of Policy and Strategy for U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services … [Read more...]
New Financial Regulation Act Allows SEC Corruption
"Satan in a Sunday hat," says Adam Shapiro with Fox Business. SEC states they no longer have to comply with Freedom of Information Act requests -- which have been instrumental in forcing the SEC to grudgingly reveal fraud and corruption -- and their own "deep capture" failure to enforce regulations of mega-crimes and mega-criminals the likes of Bernie Madoff. Remind you of how America is being mushroom managed by … [Read more...]
Who Says We Can’t Sing The National Anthem?
On June 25th, 2010, in DC, the student leaders of YAF/Young America's Foundation were visiting the Lincoln Memorial and marking the anniversary of the Korean War. When the students began to sing "The Star Spangled Banner" in unison, a police officer warned them to be quiet. "This is America," said one young woman,"We sing the National Anthem." So, when complaints swirl about the destruction of our youth, I'll … [Read more...]
Chelsea Clinton Wedding Tents Go Up at Soros’ Daughter’s Astor Courts?
According to The Hudson Valley News, tents have gone up at Astor Courts in Rhinebeck, New York, the likely location of Chelsea Clinton's wedding this weekend to financier Mark Mezvinsky of Goldman Sachs. The newspaper has also filled in questions about where the Clintons will supposedly be staying. Former President Bill Clinton and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton will be accommodated at Glenburn, … [Read more...]
BP’s Hayward’s Golden Fascist Parachute Landing in Russia
From BBC News, excerpt: BP boss Hayward to get immediate £600,000 pension BP chief executive Tony Hayward will get an immediate annual pension worth about £600,000 ($930,000) when he leaves in October, the BBC has learned. Mr Hayward is to stand down after sustained criticism of his handling of the Gulf of Mexico oil leak. However, a BP source said he would be nominated for a non-executive position … [Read more...]
Michael Moriarity on Marxist Movie Making
Big Gulag took a dip into Big Hollywood and found Mr. Moriarity telling it as it is, about Oliver Stone's friends and rivals in tinsel town. I always liked Moriarity's compellingly realistic acting, but his present acting out about political realities is more to be praised. Take a read at "Hollywood's Soviet Story." Have you had enough of their stuff? It seems Double-M has and he doesn't Mickey Mouse around. … [Read more...]
Lawrence O’Donnell: Not Ready for Primetime?
Lawrence O’Donnell is in dire need of a fact checker. O’Donnell, the former aide to New York Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan, and a producer and writer for part of the run of “West Wing” on NBC, is getting his own show on MSNBC this fall. He has been a frequent guest host for Keith Olbermann, and unfortunately for him, it seems like he must be using Olbermann’s fact checkers. Last week, for example, … [Read more...]
BREAKING: Another Spill in the Gulf of Mexico
FoxNews is reporting that early this morning an unnamed work boat or barge hit an oil well near Bayou St. Denis, Louisiana. The boat/barge reportedly sheered a valve, causing the pressurized gas and "a fair bit of oil" to spill. Information is sketchy but "The U.S. Coast Guard, Jefferson Parish police and fire officials, as well as Vessels of Opportunity boats have all been dispatched to the scene." Gulag … [Read more...]
Without Truth Freedom Dies
We ghosts of the Gulag arise, With chilling words on gulag winds; "Without truth....Freedom dies!" Read the entire poem. "Ghosts of the Gulag," by Marsha Burks McGeehee … [Read more...]
Cartoon Ridicules Combat-Wounded Veteran Congressional Candidate
Originally published, July 17th, at the DC Independent Examiner site. A few months back I wrote a story about Veterans for Congress, focusing in particular on Marine Gunnery Sgt. Nick Popaditch, who is running for Congress in San Diego’s 51st district. “Gunny Pop” as he was affectionately known in the Corps, was grievously wounded in the first battle for Fallujah, Iraq, when he was hit in the head by an enemy … [Read more...]
Laredo, Texas & Zeta Gun Battle Rumors
Update at Bottom The Cypress Times, Digger, Michelle Iamnotabirther Malkin, and many others are tracking these rumors (Digger is a significant source of them). We will likely update this very post with more, soon. See these stories for more: BREAKING: MULTIPLE RANCHES IN LAREDO, TX TAKEN OVER BY LOS ZETAS Published 07/24/2010 - 2:30 p.m. CST and updated Why The Los Zetas Ranch Story Matters - Confirmation … [Read more...]
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