Video and text of Diana Larkin's relayed words from the broadcast Diana publishes in Twitter: @JournalDiana11, Gab @journal, CloutHub @JournalDiana11, and “Diana Larkin” in and in YouTube. Links to videos excerpted or referred in this video are listed at bottom. See the video at:Bitchute | Brighteon | Odysee | Rumble | YouTube THE … [Read more...]
Fall of the Fall: Our Marching Orders for the Showdown in DC, Turning America’s Page
Jesus’ Covenant with America, Therefore Redemption; Prophetic Words to and of Robin D. Bullock, 3-14-21, Transcription (Draft)
ESSENTIAL DRAFT: In the next few hours and days, I intend to give this another proofing and communicate with the Bullocks' ministry, to see if they have any preferences as to how it is treated. Afterward, I wholeheartedly suggest this be kept in essential American history both sacred and secular. I may also publish this in a new entry and/or location with a very brief description of key points of how God's … [Read more...]
Shut Down for COVID-19? Locked Up for Demonstrating? Habeas Corpus and a Good Judge May Set You Free
What does someone mean when they talk about American exceptionalism? The realization that government is not inherently good, and that governments will overreach and will oppress the masses if given an opportunity to do so. America’s founding fathers crafted the US Constitution with these truths in mind, and for the first time, rule of law meant restricting the acts of government, not the citizenry. In … [Read more...]
Pritzker’s Tyranny with Churches in COVID-19 Illinois
VirtualWright | COVID-19 | "Tyranny" Coronated Virulent Pritzker The self-proclaimed king of the pandemic in Illinois, a.k.a, Governor J.B. Pritzker, has graciously allowed churches to reopen! But no more than 10 people. Right. The following is from the latest proclamation on the subject, 2020-32, issued April 30, 2020. Here is what he says about “essential” businesses: And here is what he … [Read more...]
The USMCA ‘Trade Agreement’ Violates Our Constitution and Sets up Global Government
By Publius Hulda | Noisy Room On November 30, 2018, President Trump, along with the Prime Minister of Canada and the President of Mexico, signed the United States-Mexico-Canada (USMCA) “Trade Agreement.” “Trade” is in quotes, because the document is not about trade – it is about setting up global government. “Agreement” is in quotes because the document is a treaty – which invokes the two-thirds ratification … [Read more...]
Black Democratic Politics Under Attack, by Blacks, for Preying on Them
The Sovereignty Campaign (SovCam) Black Chicago activists who have escaped and risen above the prison cycle are drawing lines on the pavement and pointing at the chief oppressors in their neighborhoods, the progressive plantation masters of the Democratic Party. Good. Damn the neo-Marxist "political correctness." It's time to get real. Let's get real. The democracy of the Democratic Party and the falsely … [Read more...]
Is America’s Solution Found by Republicans Learning from Young Libertarians?
The Sovereignty Campaign ( Do Republicans need to listen to more libertarian-oriented millennials? Definitely. Everyone who makes sense needs to listen to everyone else who does. But have libertarians learned something new, missing in America's founding and history, something ignored by our founders, or for that matter those original Republicans who met in that little white schoolhouse in Ripon, … [Read more...]
Today is Constitution Day! And What is it All For?
Why do we have one of those? Today is Constitution Day! And What is it All For? :: The Sovereignty Campaign … [Read more...]
Islam’s Rich ‘Part of America’s History’
It is not often one feels compelled to post an anonymous email in Gulag Bound. Today is an exception. Barack Obama, during his Cairo speech, said: "I know, too, that Islam has always been a part of America's history." An American Citizen's Response Dear Mr. Obama: Were those Muslims that were in America when the Pilgrims first landed? Funny, I thought they were Native American Indians. Were those … [Read more...]
Ferguson: Ochlocracy (Mob Rule) in Action
By: Brent Parrish The Right Planet Our Founders called it “mobocracy.” And mobocracy is synonymous with democracy. But isn’t democracy synonymous with freedom? No! Not unless one defines “freedom” as mob rule. It might surprise some to learn the United States is not a democracy. Article 4, Section 4, of the U.S. Constitution clearly states the United States “shall have a republican form … [Read more...]
The ‘America’ (Movie) Challenge … [Read more...]
Happy Independence Day! Let’s Make it Happier
The Sovereignty Campaign ( Happy Independence day indeed. Let's celebrate! But we also have a very sober job to do right now. I know I do. The Sovereignty Campaign 2014 is beginning in earnest, today. It is our mission to objectively assess, score, and grade all significant candidates in at least the key races for the United States Senate, at November 4th's General Election. We are doing that … [Read more...]
Four Stages of National Decline; Two Prophetic Offers of Redemption in America
A friend, PolitiJim, familiar to longstanding readers of the Bound, just referred this brief, newly released message from Christian apologist Ravi Zacharias. He describes the four successive conditions cited by God for judging His nation of Israel, resulting in its invasion by Babylon. You may wish to listen to "Four Stages of a Nation in Decline," but to whet the hearing, they are: ancestral disappointments … [Read more...]
Part of an Argument with a Duped Welfare State Christian
Here is my characterization of just a little bit of a recurring argument (wait, recurring bad dream, no, argument, darn) that I've had with a fellow Christian, who enjoys tuning into MSNBC like one of the Borg hive stepping into his regeneration chamber. XX: My politics are from the Bible. We're supposed to take care of the poor. AW: Care for the poor is one reason government is supposed to protect our freedom and … [Read more...]
Madison vs. Obama, in Four Quotes
Just fashioned a new Twitter background image for myself (@ArlenWms) from what some others had already produced. Just thought you may wish to see the quotations. Of our nation's founders, James Madison is the one most credited in a special set of heroes, in the framing of the United States Constitution. And Barack Obama is the one presently most central in its attempted dissolution. Please do pay attention to … [Read more...]
Obama Violating Military’s First Amendment Rights? Playing Games with Church Closure?
Cross-posted at Stand for the Truth By now, most Americans are familiar with the recent government shutdown. Who is to blame for the shutdown is hotly debated by the mainstream media and both the Republicans and Democrats in Congress. It has been impossible to turn on the television without witnessing the “mudslinging” between the parties as to who is at fault. As a result of the government shutdown, there … [Read more...]
Senator Ted Cruz: a Man for the People and a Country in Extreme Jeopardy
Ted Cruz, "Congress Works for the People: #MakeDCListen" The fear and hatred of Ted Cruz now exploding from the Left for this singularly brilliant and courageous man in the US Congress is matched and exceeded only by the patent disdain and loathing from the fearful, dull and testicularly-challenged Republican “leadership.” The good senator is now being vilified both in Congress and by those who hold … [Read more...]
Christians, Where do You Stand on Freedom?
The reader may not be a Christian, but he or she may wish to share this with Americans who are. For one thing, it shouldn't scare some away, like many of our articles might. For another, though these factors hang in the balance, they remain true for our nation: 1. We the People are responsible to God as its Sovereigns and, 2. "politics is a numbers game." The ninety page book is well worth it, too, though its tone … [Read more...]
KrisAnne Hall on the Constitution
New Zeal Even if you think you understand where the Constitution came from, you should still watch this. … [Read more...]
Franklin Graham & Richard Land: WRONG on National Background Checks for Gun Buyers
In's "Evangelical Leaders Back Universal Background Checks for Gun Buyers": Rev. Franklin Graham, president of Samaritan’s Purse, and Dr. Richard Land from the Southern Baptist Convention told TIME Magazine they supported the proposal. Their favoring universal (central, national) background checks for gun purchases is a classic example of those who should be patriots compromising themselves (and … [Read more...]
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