Is America ‘In Good Hands’ with the TSA?

The Transportation Security Administration or TSA was created on November 19, 2001 following the tragedy of September 11, 2001.  The agency was made a part of the Aviation and Transportation Security Act which was the bi-partisan brainchild of House of Representatives, Republican Don Young from Alaska and Democrat Ernest Hollings of South Carolina, former U.S. Senator (more proof that bipartisan efforts never render … [Read more...]

The Intensive TSA Groping of Dana Loesch, Again

Take just a scoop of what happened to Lara Logan in Egypt and you have what happens to people every day, at airports. Dana Loesch was the subject and husband, Chris Loesch videoed, yesterday. Their report on the YouTube page is shown below the video, there and here. Video, "TSA Tyranny: #Ladyparts Petting"  Published on Oct 14, 2012 by Dana Loesch On the afternoon of October 14th, 2012, TSA … [Read more...]

Congressional Investigation of DHS Fusion Centers Begs: What are they For?

One does not have to believe that President George W. Bush planned the 9-11-01 attacks, to understand that the Department of Homeland Security is developing among us according to a plan to do something more, something different than to protect Americans from legitimate terrorist threats. (BTW, in the days of the bipartisan, PC propaganda mob attacks of Rep. Todd Akin, may I write "legitimate terrorist … [Read more...]

Defense Authorization’s Unconstitutional Aggression upon Citizens; TruNews Radio Notes

It was my privilege to record an interview with Rick Wiles of about the Disappear a Dissident (a.k.a., "Suspected Terrorist," a.k.a., "belligerent" in the "homeland") provision in the Defense Authorization Bill that passed the U.S. Senate last Thursday, by a 93-7 vote. It now awaits Congressional conference and a remedy is possible, if enough pressure is put on Congress. Here is a page that makes it easy … [Read more...]

Welcome to the OSA (formerly USA) Fellow Slaves!

Today, it all changes.  Everything we have known is being transformed.  The Obama States of America is officially being established by the former Democrat and Republican parties.  Today, we are all Obama-Stalinists and will now happily give everything we own over to the Obama government.  In other words, we will embrace our slavery with smiles on our faces--or else. Despite our efforts to stop it, both Republicans … [Read more...]

Unconstitutional DHS Actions at New Level: VIPR Exercizes ‘Dominate, Intimidate, Control’

Update, below Immediately after we saw the new nuke-and-porn-you or feel-you-up policy of the TSA under the Obama/Napolitano DHS, we published "Airline Flight, Nude Scanning, Groping, Terrorism & Operant Conditioning."  It identified this unnecessary and constitutionally unwarranted practice as a classic B.F. Skinner-style operation of "behavior modification" on the People of the United States of … [Read more...]

American Stalin Obama Seizes Control of Food and Energy Production

While growing up, the last thing I would have considered or been worried about is that my country would end in my lifetime.  But, that is precisely what is occurring and, recently, with more and more alacrity at the hands of US Dictator Barack Hussein Obama, his masters, his minions and the always malleable and corrupt Marxist-Leninist media who support the demise of our United States of America. Beginning by … [Read more...]

The Phony Right-Wing, Part 5: James Richard ‘Rick’ Perry

A society of sheep must in time beget a government of wolves. - Bertrand de Jouvenel des Ursins, usually known only as Bertrand de Jouvenel (31 October 1903, Paris – 1 March 1987) was a French philosopher, political economist, and futurist. G u l a g    B o u n d Video, "Gov. Rick Perry’s amazing speech to RLC 2011" at James Richard "Rick" Perry assumed the governorship of Texas in 2000 when … [Read more...]

Obama Nullifies and Ends US Constitution

Sometime in May 2011, the United States Constitution was rendered null and void by then “President” Barack Hussein Obama.   Although it was later accepted that Mr. Obama was ineligible to be President of the United States, due to his not meeting the US Constitution’s requirement of “natural born citizen,” (and some speculated this was the primary reason he had to destroy the former USA’s original requisite legal … [Read more...]

US Police State Begins Exponential Expansion

The recent Indiana Supreme Court ruling against the US Constitution, rendering the Fourth Amendment null and void in that State by patently leftist activist judges, is only the latest unconscionable step in a series of actions designed to unravel each and every portion of the Bill of Rights.  It is also one of the latest actions designed to compliment and enhance the already jack-booted Obama police State march into … [Read more...]

Witnesses Claim Airplane Underwear Bomber a U.S. Plant

Gulag Tales & Rumor Trails The Bound have dealt with the issue of the Chertoff/Soros naked body scanners of the TSA and their fatal alternative of feel downs.  Our consensus: this is an example of manipulation of the People and is not justified. The following news report has recemtly been released showing two apparently on the spot witnesses, who claim Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, "the underwear bomber" cited … [Read more...]

TSA, Youth Corps Now Officially part of Obama Gestapo and Marxist Senators vow to Create Official Dictatorship

The problem with believing one is “safe” from the growing and increasingly ravenous Obama & Co Police State if one embraces--or pretends to embrace--the anti-God/anti-American Leftist viewpoint, is that the belief itself is fallacious. If you espouse these beliefs as your own, the Marxist/Leninist crocodiles currently occupying the power seats (that’s power over We-the-People) in Washington D.C. may eat you … [Read more...]

Fan The Fire with CJ and Tallulah ~ Doug Hagmann Answers Questions About TSA and Terrorism

Saturday 11/27/10 Show Times (click to stream with live chat or for archived show later): 9:00 pm to 11:00 pm ET 11:00 pm to 1:00 am ET Call-in (347) 215-6929 We are pleased to announce we will be speaking with Douglas Hagmann, founder & director of the Northeast Intelligence Network, and a multi-state licensed private investigative agency. Doug uses his investigative skills and training to … [Read more...]

The TSA, Nude Scanning, Groping, Terrorism & Operant Conditioning

by Arlen Williams and Janet Smiles Nearly a decade after 9/11, airline flight is still a major theater of the War on Terror. After nearly a decade, we should ask, who are the functional terrorists? You have an alternative, if you wish to travel by airline.  You may either experience voyeurism of a sort  no neighborhood peeping Tom can accomplish, that which actually sees through your clothing, or, if you prefer, … [Read more...]