Nothing new here. Just another good American life thrown away to bolster world government. [ed., Janet Smiles] Kevin Will, a Houston area traffic cop, was run down and killed yesterday in the Houston area for the sake of the North American Union. That’s right. In plain words, his life was sacrificed so that the US, Mexico and Canada can all be integrated into a single nation for the purposes of “security” … [Read more...]
Archives for May 2011
Texas Police Officer Sacrificed on the Altar of Transnational ‘Integration’
Neo-Marxist Fraud: Deconstructing Obama in 7.5 Minutes

...thanks to Jack Cashill... ...and William Charles Ayers. For further information -- Deconstructing Obama, by Jack Cashill, available in better bookstores, online, and in libraries (and if you don't see it in your local library, ask if they take book donations). So who's your daddy, BHO? … [Read more...]
Greek Communists Organize Demonstrations “Like Those Which Are Taking Place in Spain”

New Zeal From the Greek Communist Party (KKE) website: A Planned People’s Struggle is Necessary “The large majority of the workers, of the people must declare this to the power of capital: We do not believe whatever you tell us. We are regrouping to win small and big battles and ultimately the war.” Aleka Papariga stressed this amongst other things when speaking to a mass and dynamic rally of the KKE on … [Read more...]
Obama Nullifies and Ends US Constitution

Sometime in May 2011, the United States Constitution was rendered null and void by then “President” Barack Hussein Obama. Although it was later accepted that Mr. Obama was ineligible to be President of the United States, due to his not meeting the US Constitution’s requirement of “natural born citizen,” (and some speculated this was the primary reason he had to destroy the former USA’s original requisite legal … [Read more...]
The Egyptian Disease Spreads to Europe

New Zeal From Cuba’s Prensa Latina: Greece witnessed on Monday another day of protests against further cuts that the Government intends to implement in exchange for the rescue package of the European Union and the IMF. Convened by the unions, hundreds of workers from the OTE telecommunications company took to the streets on Monday to reject the privatization plans that the adjustment … [Read more...]
Mene, Mene, Tekel, Upharsin

NoisyRoom By: Bookworm - From: Bookworm Room I’ve often heard people use the expression “he saw the handwriting on the wall.” I wonder, though, how many know that it originates in the Book of Daniel, which is a part of the Old Testament. I’m reasonably sure that most of my readers are familiar with the story of Daniel, but for those who aren’t, here is the briefest summary possible: Daniel lived in Babylon … [Read more...]
Terrorist, Dying America is a Tremendous Opportunity for U.S. Revolution: Bernardine Dohrn

NoisyRoom By: NakedEmperorNews - Bernardine Dohrn … [Read more...]
Progressive Republican Traitors Have Spoken

NoisyRoom By: AJ When Paul Ryan’s budget bill failed to pass in the Senate and there were reports that five Republican Senators joined the Democrats and voted against it, it only took a few seconds to guess three of the five. All I had to do was think of the Progressive (Socialist) Democrats who are posing as Republicans. The two Maine(iac) Progressive Senators, Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins, were at … [Read more...]
Left West, Right West, and Other Matters of Balance

"I'm up on the tightrope, one side's hate and one is hope But the top-hat on my head is all you see.... I'm up on the tightwire, linked by life and the funeral pyre Putting on a show for you to see" -- Leon Russell "Tight Rope” One-time Obama supporter and Princeton professor, Cornel West, has come under scathing attacks by the liberal media for daring to criticize Obama. They do so hate it when one of … [Read more...]
American Citizens as Guinea Pigs, Part 9: Health Care Harm

Health care mistakes are the 3rd leading cause of death in the United States. A landmark 1999 report by the Institute of Medicine showed that 100,000 deaths occur in the US each year as a result of health care harm. A 2007 CDC Control report said that an additional 99,000 people die annually from hospital-acquired infections. There have been more than 80 reported deaths in the United States linked to the use of … [Read more...]
Socialists Confer in Los Angeles

New Zeal On May 21, the Marxist-Leninist Party for Socialism and Liberation hosted a Southern California Regional Socialism Conference at Los Angeles City College. Over 200 students, labor organizers, teachers, veterans, workers and others attended. The event’s theme was “Organize and Fight Back.” From Liberation: The “multinational and working-class community college matched the character of the … [Read more...]
Is the U.S. Losing its Culture to Islam?

New Zeal This absolutely must-see video, which was produced by Americans for Peace and Tolerance and the Tennessee Freedom Coalition, concerns the encroachment of radical Islam in Tennessee. It debuted last week in Nashville and was featured during Thursday night’s event along with Geert Wilders and other speakers. The film reveals the infiltration of local institutions by Muslim Brotherhood front groups, … [Read more...]
Oath Keepers Rally to Honor Jose Guerena and Oppose SWAT Searches

NoisyRoom By: OathKeepersOK … [Read more...]
SPECIAL REPORT: Indiana Citizens Take Back 4th Amendment

NoisyRoom By: lonelantern … [Read more...]
The Last Nail – Floor Speech May 25 2011

NoisyRoom By: Ron Paul … [Read more...]
Senate Showdown: Terrorists vs. Patriots

NoisyRoom Watch the latest video at Read more at Fox Business... … [Read more...]
Let them Eat Cake

NoisyRoom By: T F Stern - T F Stern's Rantings Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said something the other day which identified one of the many problems in government - pay raises for the elite during recessionary times. Reid got his nose out of joint; it seems Interior Secretary Ken Salazar had his $20,000 raise held up by Senator David Vitter, a pro-drilling Republican from Louisiana. “It is wrong … [Read more...]
You Will Respect My Authoritah!

NoisyRoom So demandeth the DOJ and TSA in regards to Texas' efforts to pass HB 1937, a bill that would have made invasive pat downs by TSA agents a felony. But never fear, Texas was forced to kill the bill because they did not have enough votes to pass it. And the Chicago-style thuggery and extortion goes on and on... But it wasn't just the lack of votes at play here. Oh no... The DOJ threatened to stop all … [Read more...]
US Police State Begins Exponential Expansion

The recent Indiana Supreme Court ruling against the US Constitution, rendering the Fourth Amendment null and void in that State by patently leftist activist judges, is only the latest unconscionable step in a series of actions designed to unravel each and every portion of the Bill of Rights. It is also one of the latest actions designed to compliment and enhance the already jack-booted Obama police State march into … [Read more...]
Russians Work to Destroy Israel through Palestinian Statehood – Moscow Meddles as She has Always Done

New Zeal The leaders of Fatah and Hamas, as well as of the People's and Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine, and the Palestinian People's Party, Al-Shaabare, meet with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, in Moscow. Russia is still manipulating anti-Israeli forces in the Middle East, just as the Soviet Union did before it. Note that Palestinian People’s Party, … [Read more...]
The Mad Marine of Matareva: A Cautionary Tale

Since the Obama Administration and Congress keep pressuring the US military to “queer-up,” a story from James Michener’s autobiographical “The World Is My Home,” may be in order. Link The late James Michener spent two tours (four years) of duty as a US Naval officer in the Pacific theater during WW II. It was his experiences, and the stories he heard during that period, that formed the basis for his book “Tales of … [Read more...]
Why the Left has Re-newed Calls for Scottish Independence

New Zeal Recently the Scottish left has been re-newing calls for Scottish independence – effectively the destruction of the centuries old United Kingdom. Why? Surely the left is all about amalgamations and internationalism? Not always. It depends on the existing reality. Tactics are determined by reality. Whatever is determined to be in the best long term interests of socialism, will … [Read more...]
Spain Ripe for Revolt?

New Zeal From the Irish Socialist Workers Party website: Protests against Spain’s economic crisis gained fresh momentum, as social networking fueled demonstrators to take to the streets of Puerto del Sol plaza with the local elections just days away. The nature of this peaceful protest, echoes the pro–democracy rallies that have revolutionized Egypt. The rallies have been instigated by the major economic … [Read more...]
Revolution Spreads to Europe

New Zeal As predicted by Glenn Beck and others, the revolutions that began in Tunisia and Egypt are being exported to Europe. Greece and Spain are already feeling the first effects. From the New Zealand’s Socialist Aotearoa website: A beautiful video of solidarity from the Egyptian revolutionary people to the youth of Spain, defying their failed political class to bring the Arab Spring to Europe. Now … [Read more...]
Waging War by Decree

NoisyRoom Hat Tip: Nancy Jacques From: Solid Principles Blog Barack Obama basically stomped on the War Powers Act last week in a hissy fit proclaiming that it did not apply to his Libyan War/Conflict kinetic military action. Showing clear disdain for the Act and America in general, Obama claimed that it was not applicable since the Libyan debacle was not actually a full-blown war. Under the War Powers … [Read more...]
How Western Powers Abet Christian Persecution

Blatantly anti-Christian Western foreign policy: support of anti-Christian dictators, war against Christian supporters Recently, it was reported that Chinese Catholics will defy their government’s ban on observing the International Day of Prayer. But how can there be a government ban on this, since prayer is speech, which is, to quote Barack Obama, a “universal right.” Obama said that in a speech … [Read more...]
How the Media Falsify Obama’s Origins Story

In her new biography of Ann Dunham, A Singular Woman, New York Times reporter Janny Scott corrupts Barack Obama's nativity story even more than a cynic might have thought possible. In so doing, Scott follows an ignoble media tradition that deserves exposure as does the story that it corrupts. At the very first moment of his national acclaim, the 2004 keynote speech at the Democratic National Convention, Barack … [Read more...]
‘Today I Speak From My Heart’ Obama’s Guarantee To Never Divide Jerusalem

NoisyRoom Obama is a hypocrite and a liar extraordinaire... By: NakedEmperorNews Obama's abandonment of America … [Read more...]
Progressives Urge Obama to Dump Israel

Unofficial Obama adviser Medea Benjamin, founder of Code Pink, organized a small demonstration in Washington, D.C. this week to demand that the U.S. terminate military aid to Israel. “Not one nickel. Not one dime. We won’t pay for Israel’s crimes,” Benjamin led the demonstration in the anti-Israel chants. One protester from the Washington, D.C. Green Party said the U.S. and Israel were terrorist … [Read more...]
Beware the Peacemaker

NoisyRoom I watched in horror Obama's speech yesterday where he literally threw Israel to the Middle Eastern wolves encircling her. Brazenly traitorous, smug and arrogant, the evil of this man is now fully on display. I say to you now, beware the peacemaker. In the name of peace, he will bring war, misery and death. In the name of an enforced peace plan - Responsibility to Protect (R2P), he will attempt to … [Read more...]
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