Deep Christian Persecution in America on the 2020 Ballot, Democrat Side

URGENT: The twisted "Equality Act" is on the ballot with Harris-Biden and Democrats at large For Christians and those seeking truth This is some of the bad stuff, the stuff we don't want to hear about. It is the heartbreaking eventuality if the momentum of the vehicle in which we ride takes us down the wrong side of the fork in the road. Some know the name of a Kentucky Assemblies of God pastor named … [Read more...]

Maoist Thugs Target Christians with Support from Justice Roberts

By: Cliff Kincaid With all that’s happening in the United States and the world, you may have missed the ruling from our “conservative” Supreme Court on May 29. The “conservative” Supreme Court Chief Justice, John Roberts, joined the four liberals in ruling that churches are not entitled to First Amendment protections and that they have to obey the dictates of liberal governors. Two days later, St. … [Read more...]

Great Agreement: Time to Gather in Our Churches, Pentecost Sunday, May 31st

Last I read, thousands of churches in California alone are committing to open on Sunday, May 31st. I hope to find one here in the northern Driftless Area of Wisconsin. "Driftless" means it is filled with ancient bluffs never raked down by the glacial flow of the wanes of Ice Ages. I like that stalwartness, to stand up and be what one best and truly is. It reminds me of my favorite epistle (letter) in the New … [Read more...]

Shut Down for COVID-19? Locked Up for Demonstrating? Habeas Corpus and a Good Judge May Set You Free

What does someone mean when they talk about American exceptionalism? The realization that government is not inherently good, and that governments will overreach and will oppress the masses if given an opportunity to do so. America’s founding fathers crafted the US Constitution with these truths in mind, and for the first time, rule of law meant restricting the acts of government, not the citizenry.  In … [Read more...]

We Have a Safe Way to Restart the Economy NOW

By: Jim Simpson An exciting new tool has been created to assist decision-makers in the effort to restart the economy in stages, quickly and safely, right down to the county level. It provides a myriad of information regarding the economic, social, and health impacts of the virus itself but more importantly, those same impacts accruing from the shutdown itself. Currently available … [Read more...]

Advice for the Church: Better Call Saul

By: Cliff Kincaid A local pastor is walking dozens of miles to raise funds for the poor and hungry, many of whom have been created by the government’s COVID-19 economic lockdown. That’s a nice thing to do. But his own church in the Washington, D.C. area remains essentially closed, except for “private” displays of Christianity. Some of his parishioners entered the church to fill the pews with pictures of the … [Read more...]

Calling All Rosa Parks Americans

By: Lloyd Marcus The insanity going on before our very eyes regarding the Democrats’ and fake news medias’ latest campaign to impeach Trump over nonsense is infuriating millions of Americans. It is the equivalent of Adam Schiff flooding the airwaves with the lie that Trump stole his car and must be impeached for it. Meanwhile, Schiff’s car is parked untouched in his driveway for all the world to see. Ignoring … [Read more...]

Numerous Live Streams Including Oath Keepers’ Coverage: Today’s #Berkeley Rally (a/o Violence)

  EVENING UPDATE 5:50 PM PT, TO END THIS ENTRY: The entire day was generally orderly. Early on, a few Antifa communists were arrested for attempting to bring heavy-duty M-80 firecrackers downtown. Speakers spoke. Intellectual discussions and arguments were had, and as the day wore on, slurs were thrown from gathering adolescent collectivists. At about that time, the Berkeley Police actually, for perhaps the … [Read more...]

UPDATES in COMMENTS: Oath Keepers’ Free Speech Rally, Ann Coulter’s Cancelled 4-27 Berkeley Speech, Lawsuits

Original Title: Oath Keepers' Alert for Ann Coulter's Thr. 4-27 Berkeley Speech: Come; Follow Their Lead Scroll to comments for updates An Oath Keepers' Call to Action was released on Tuesday night, April 25. It concerns the appearance of Ann Coulter at Berkeley University on the evening of this Thursday the 27th. Concerned they are, very, and they are making detailed requests of any fellow patriots planning … [Read more...]

Kim Davis, Civil Disobedience, Defying the Powers-that-Be for Christian Beliefs There comes a time in every person's life where they have to decide what they stand for and what they believe in. What is the line that you just won't cross, no matter the consequence? Many people never consider that question until they are forced to. For Christians, it is an easy choice. They answer to a higher power than the government or the courts. For Kim Davis, that day came a while back … [Read more...]

Net Neutrality: ‘Young fool… Only now, at the end, do you understand’ We keep hearing, from the saviors in Washington, DC, how government regulation is the answer and how "evil monopolies" (created, incidentally, by other government regulations) are responsible for all our trials and tribulations and the "fundamental unfairness" of the Internet as she is currently wrote. Obligatory movie quote: "No. No government. I know those people. Absolutely not." - Col. … [Read more...]

‘The Giver’ Shows Where ‘Net Neutrality’ Leads; Keeps on Giving if You Want it Too (video)

It is almost March and catching wind of the new ruling called "Net Neutrality," I am beginning to be frightened. Some may be reminded of the opening line of a story; just borrowed it. It's a story about what happens toward the end of the road down which today's ruling has just pushed us. Call it... Book Burning 2.0, with a technocracy update, in a muted, camel's-head-in-the-tent fashion, pardon the mixed … [Read more...]

Targeted Houston Pastors Join ‘I Stand Sunday’ Webcasts Sunday 11/2, 4pm & 6pm CT

The Sovereignty Campaign   Live press conference to be shown here, Sunday, 4pm CT, as well as at organizers' site:   Live Webcast feed to be shown here, Sunday, 6pm CT, as well as at organizers' site:   Video promoting the event shown below press release Site for further information: Press release as follows (emphasis added): Mike Huckabee, Houston 5, Tony Perkins, Pastor … [Read more...]

Call to Action: Sharyl Attkisson’s Evidence of Hi-Tech Government Harassment (Part 1)

Tomorrow This week After the November 4th elections! -- Lord providing and I don't get zapped with a DEW gun tonight (wink), I will enter a brief article in Gulag Bound. This is a draft of it's opening: This breaking story about our collectivist government's readily apparent eavesdropping and harassment of Sharyl Attkisson dovetails with occurrences which my closest patriotic friends and I have experienced since … [Read more...]

Robin Frazier’s Maryland Write-in Campaign Exposes Nationwide Common Core & Public Union Plotting

Gulag Preface: "Plotting." Perhaps collusion is a better word. Or, maybe it's too much of an "open secret," for that. For an explanation of our headline, see Robin Frazier's video. You may have to hear it two or three times, to catch all the institutional corruption apparently entailed. -- AW   Robin Frazier Launches Write-in Campaign Against Corrupt Unions DC Independent Examiner Robin Bartlett … [Read more...]

David Limbaugh Defends Christ

Presented on what some are honoring as Religious Freedom Day (not the U.S. President's traditionally proclaimed day of the same name, which commemorates the Virginia General Assembly's adoption of their Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom, on January 16th, 1786).  The American Family Association is producing live events today; also presenting free of charge this week, viewings of their documentary "A Time to … [Read more...]

The FEC Embraces Fascism – Implements Conservative Book Banning Who says fascism is out of style? Evidently the FEC is making it chic again. The Chairman of the Federal Election Commission berated Democratic colleagues who imposed rules on the publisher of Rep. Paul Ryan's new book, The Way Forward. In essence, they opened the door to future book regulations or even the banning of books. The meeting got heated to say the least and in the end, the FEC declined … [Read more...]

Ted Cruz on the Democrats’ New Plan to Ban Opposing Political Speech

The Democratic Party, the party of 21st Century Marxofascism in America, wishes to utilize their manufactured furor over the Supreme Court's Citizens United case. Through a newly proposed constitutional amendment, they are attempting to apply their typically fuzzy use of language to hide the body of the marauder-filled Trojan Horse behind yet another grand semiotic curtain, while claiming only its head is their gift … [Read more...]

What’s Wrong with these Photos Proves What is Wrong about Liberals

By: Nelson Abdullah Conscience of a Conservative There are always two points of view to every story. In political issues those points are usually conservative versus liberal. More often than not that equates to rational versus irrational or intelligent versus stupid. Take your pick, I prefer the latter - intelligent versus stupid. And there is no limit on the number of stupid people you will find and most of them … [Read more...]

What’s this? Legal victories for constitutional rights?

By: James Simpson -- cross-posted with permission from the author WND With “same-sex marriage” proponents winning victory after victory, free-speech rights under attack, the Constitution daily ignored by the Obama administration and fearsome agencies like the IRS, NSA and Justice Department turned against the American people, there’s precious little news these days of victories for the common man, for … [Read more...]

IRS Demanding Ron Paul’s Organization Turn In their Donors: Wrong Rec Room

Cavuto's just brought on Ron Paul over at Fox News. Apparently, the cartel collective's federal government's globalist bankster-corrupt Treasury Department's Marxofascist IRS has now gone after Ron Paul's organization(s), demanding they disclose their donors. Did they ever pick another wrong rec room.   Hm. Are they that cocky or that desperate? (Please do pardon the language in the video.) … [Read more...]

Say Merry Christmas and Mean it: 1st Amendment and Christian Traditions

Two of the most familiar and most sacred of Christian holidays are the celebrations of Christmas and Easter. Christmas is celebrated on December 25 each year by billions around the world to commemorate the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.  Easter is celebrated in the spring and denotes the death and resurrection of Christ.  If Christmas is such a holy celebration, then why has Christmas become a time in … [Read more...]

Obama Violating Military’s First Amendment Rights? Playing Games with Church Closure?

Cross-posted at Stand for the Truth By now, most Americans are  familiar with the recent government shutdown.  Who is to blame for the shutdown is hotly debated by the mainstream media and both the Republicans and Democrats in Congress.  It has been impossible to turn on the television without witnessing the “mudslinging” between the parties as to who is at fault. As a result of the government shutdown, there … [Read more...]

Hate Speech

Most crimes are objective in nature, as they can be observed or measured.  For instance, murder means someone is dead.  Theft means something was taken (can be electronic as well as physical, but there is a record).  Speeding means that there is a limit to the maximum speed and it can be accurately measured.  Assault means someone was physically attacked, or verbally threatened with physical attack.  When it comes to … [Read more...]

Infiltration, Treason, Jihad – Welcome to The Project

NoisyRoom The Blaze aired a special last week in two parts called The Project. Part 1 is here and Part 2 is here. As I have contended from the very beginning, Obama and his minions are corrupt beyond belief. It is my belief that Obama is actively facilitating the Muslim Brotherhood and radical Islam in an effort to bring America to her knees and usher in not only Sharia law, but a worldwide caliphate. This … [Read more...]

Why are they Lying? (the Obamunists, about 9-11-2012)

Gulag Alert:  also see "WEAPONS HUNTING: The Reason for the 9-11 Murders in Libya" September 20, 2012 Accuracy in Media On the Letterman show, President Barack Obama once again blamed Middle East violence on a movie, adding that he was concerned about the “shadowy character” behind it. That “shadowy character” was picked up by the police, acting on behalf of the federal government, in order to begin the … [Read more...]

Warrantless Wiretaps of FISA, Up for Reauthorization

Our federal government used to investigate matters of national security. Now it is what such investigation must be about. From the Electronic Frontier Foundation July 24, 2012 | By Trevor Timm Congress Must Act After US Government Admits To Unconstitutional Warrantless Wiretapping For the First Time As Congress and the President rush to re-authorize the dangerous FISA Amendments Act (FAA)—the law shamefully … [Read more...]

‘Infidel’ Christian Stoned In Dearborn, MI Speaks Out

The Religion of Peace displays its 'peaceful' nature once again in Dearborn, Michigan, as Evangelical Christians are stoned with rocks and concrete, among other weapons of mass destruction, by 'tolerant' Muslims at the June 15-18, 2012 Arab International Festival. See at, "Stoned Dearborn Christian Speaks," July 2, for the interview and videos including this incident. The Wayne County Sheriff's … [Read more...]

UPDATE: Stop #CISPA – Cyber Intelligence Sharing & Protection Act!

Update - This bill has passed the U.S. House of Representatives. Apparently, Speaker Boehner had the bill called a day earlier than was previously announced, as his fellow Republicans and Democrats alike were getting large-scale protests from across the political spectrum. It may have also been worsened via amendment. The White House has promised to veto it - yes, the Obama White House. This is an election year. We … [Read more...]