By: Cliff Kincaid As the virus takes its toll, those of us still in good health and with the ability to think clearly have the duty to explain to our fellow citizens what is really going on. We are living in a global experiment in which “health experts” such as Bill Gates, previously known for software development, have decided to treat us as specimens in a giant fishbowl for study and observation. Many of … [Read more...]
Planned Parenthood Baby Parts Vendor ABR Pays Off Clinics, Intact Fetuses ‘Just Fell Out’ Hat Tip: BB The Right Scoop: Ninth Undercover Video: Intact fetuses “Just fell out” … [Read more...]
CMP’s Full Video Released: Planned Parenthood’s Sales of Baby Parts, for Experimentation in Mice
The video and excerpted text below comes through and Steven Ertelt. Farrell made it clear that Planned Parenthood had been involved in the selling of aborted baby parts for some time and was very familiar with the use of fetal remains in the production of humanized mice. [...] She emphasized repeatedly that she creates a written line-item budget for compensation that effectively … [Read more...]
Sarah Palin Exposes Prog Hypocrisy: #DefundPlannedParenthood
Sarah Palin - Timeline Photos | Facebook Governor Palin is featuring this graphic, plus more associated with the hashtag #DefundPlannedParenthood, via her Facebook (and Twitter) accounts. This in turn is being featured in numerous sites. Here's one example: Sarah Palin's rebel flag scores direct hit on Planned Parenthood - BizPac Review We'll see who is getting the message as we keep delivering the … [Read more...]
Progressive Madness Causes Feminist to Murder Own Son in Own Womb
In the mindset corrupted by demons, who in most recent epochs tend to brainwash for neo-Marxist "progressivism," down becomes up and wrong becomes right. It happened with Cain in his hatred of God and of His disparate blessing upon someone He favored, his brother, Abel. The rebellious son murdered the son rewarded for his righteous work. It happened with Esau, who despised his own birthright of sovereignty in … [Read more...]
Have Sex Take Money; D for Democrats at #Election2014 (Warning: Graphic)
This is just a graphic for ya cuz I love ya. Call it a sign of the times. From what I've been able to comprehend, after all the generations of American history, it is the culmination of their message to voters (except that anyone who doesn't vote Democrat is a rich, white, racist, old man; ran out of space). Just helping to spell it out. While you're here though, click on this and move over to the … [Read more...]
Ice Bucket Challenge’s ALS Assn. Does (Fruitless) Embryonic Stem Cell Research
Three items are presented in order of publication on the 'net, the third with video 1. Ice Bucket Challenge Donation Sponsor ALSA Funds Embryonic Stem Cell Research 2. ALS Ice Bucket Challenge creates chilly conflict with pro-life values 3. Pro-life daily vid: Pro-lifer responds to ALS ice bucket challenge 3.a. video ------GB------ … [Read more...]
#FreeJustina Ordered Transferred to Foster Care until March 17 Hearing UPDATE: WHAT THIS CAN POTENTIALLY MEAN FOR THE FAMILY! ------ GB ------ (Previous): My Interview with Melissa Kerins, Friend of Pelletier Family (video) Hear my conversation with Melissa Kerins, friend of the Pelletier family and woman who [has been] leading the protest scheduled this Monday, February 24, 2014 in front of the courthouse at 24 New Chardon St., Boston, Massachusetts. … [Read more...]
Black History Month is a Good Thing
We can make fun of race mania and racial sensitivity disorder till the cows come home, but let's not diss national Black History Month. Sing it Rosetta, the godmama of rock and roll! And while we're at it, let's tell the history of ongoing, gradualist genocide still carried out in our own United States of America -- genocide the blood and gore of which "progressives" squeegee under the rug as they commit … [Read more...]
The Idolatry of the Modern Progressive
American Thinker, originally: "The Easter Mythology of Modern Progressivism" Modern progressivism, belief in human progress, various brands of socialism, and even communism itself are all steeped in a modern philosophy of history that is rooted in the Judeo-Christian apocalyptic tradition. Unlike the Greco-Roman world, which believed that history was either strictly secular or inextricably bound up with pagan … [Read more...]
NAACP Silent on ‘Ugly, Black Babies’ Abortionist
PolitiJim From: The National Black ProLife Union Abortion doctor Ashutosh Ron Virmani referred to the black children that he kills as "ugly black babies." It's all too obvious that he has a particular disgust for black babies and therefore has no problems killing them. Abortionist Ashutosh Ron Virmani said, "Let me see one of you adopt one of those ugly black babies," . The black community should be … [Read more...]
Behind Earth Day: Ecologists, Marxists, Fascists, & Demons?
Just what does Earth Day and the old and new Marxist and fascist movements have in common? Happy Vladimir Lenin's Birthday, this April 22nd. In The Ignorant Fisherman Blog Saturday, April 21, 2012 The Demonic Movement Behind Earth Day As "Earth Day" is upon us, let us look at the demonic and leftist philosophy which is driving this "Baalistic" ideology. What seems to have a strangle hold on … [Read more...]
Newt Gingrich Penetrates the Contraceptive Press, Video, 3/4/2012, Update
Update 1 Gingrich is surging in the latest polls, in non-unionista states where he is campaigning, Tennessee and his own Georgia: (No Sunday polling in other states which may fit that description is seen, at present.) When a candidate fights the propaganda of the neo-Marxist dialectic and resets the premises of debate, he wins in America. When true political leaders do … [Read more...]
Romney Evidence: Globalism, Population Control, Abortion, Tsongas Vote, Lies
Romney Faked Pro-Abortion Position? Maybe Not: Romney Voted for Tsongas Global Population Control Maggie's Notebook February 14, 2012 Mike Murphy was Mitt Romney’s top strategist during his period as Massachusetts Governor. Murphy is quoted saying in 2005, as Romney began eyeing a presidential run, that Romney “faked” being pro-choice to win the Massachusetts governor’s mansion. In other words, what so many … [Read more...]
URGENT: Call Your U.S. Senator, Repeal Abortion Pill Mandate, Immediate Vote
from Call your senator NOW: Reid to allow vote on repeal of contraceptive mandate Last week Democrat pseudo-pro-life Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid blocked a vote on a bill sponsored by Republican pro-life Senator Roy Blunt to repeal President Obama’s contraception/abortifacient/sterilization mandate. Word this afternoon is Reid will allow the measure – #1520, the Respect for Rights of … [Read more...]
The Hidden Agenda Behind the Media War on Komen
By: Lynn Woolley and Cliff Kincaid Accuracy in Media When the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure made a decision to sever its ties with America’s number one seller of abortions, Planned Parenthood, the media went to war. The media coverage was slanted in such a way that “mainstream” reporters like Andrea Mitchell and Lisa Myers of NBC News were openly advocating for a point of view—pressuring Komen to reverse … [Read more...]
Romney Forced Catholic Hospitals to Issue Abortion Pills, Obama-Style
Updated below Originally published February 2, 2012, 7:23pm CST At Romney Told Catholic Hospitals to Administer Abortion Pills By Terence P. Jeffrey February 2, 2012 A defining moment in Mitt Romney's post-pro-life-conversion political career came in his third year as governor of Massachusetts, when he decided Catholic hospitals would be required under his … [Read more...]
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