Accuracy in Media The foreign media are fascinated by the U.S. President’s war against the American press. A reporter for an Argentinian paper emailed me asking whether Donald J. Trump will attempt to do to the U.S. media what Latin American despots have done to opposition journalists in their own countries. The big difference is that we have a First Amendment that protects freedom of the press. But that … [Read more...]
Archives for January 2017
Lloyd Doggett: Texas Representative finally comes out of the socialist “closet”
New Zeal Lloyd Doggett, a long time Texas congressman from the Austin/San Antonio area, has finally come out of the socialist "closet." Dogget has held office as a legislator in the Texas State Senate and served as a justice on the Texas Supreme Court, before being elected to the U.S. House of Representatives in 1994. Now after more than 20 years in Congress, Representative Doggett has finally joined … [Read more...]
Texas Marxist Wins Community College Board Of Trustees Election: Socialism Growing Rapidly In “Lone Star” State
New Zeal One more Marxist wins office in Texas...a trickle that must be stemmed before it becomes a tide. In a surprisedown-ballot election victory, Austin Democratic Socialists of America member and Sanders campaign activist, Julie Ann Nitsch, won her runoff for Austin Community College Board of Trustees on December 13th, running as a Democrat. Nitsch started her campaign at a clear disadvantage, … [Read more...]
The Real Opposition To Trump
Accuracy in Media The foreign media are fascinated by the U.S. President’s war against the American press. A reporter for an Argentinian paper emailed me asking whether Donald J. Trump will attempt to do to the U.S. media what Latin American despots have done to opposition journalists in their own countries. The big difference is that we have a First Amendment that protects freedom of the press. But that … [Read more...]
Obama’s Disgraceful Departure
Accuracy in Media Although President Barack Obama acted friendly toward Donald Trump, aiding him in the transition and meeting with him, behind the scenes he left Trump with a number of policy landmines that our new President must confront as he pursues his agenda. “We didn’t discuss the negative, we only discussed the future and the positive. And we really get along well. Now again, he may say differently, … [Read more...]
The Media’s Embrace of “Fake News” About Drugs
Accuracy in Media DeForest Rathbone, chairman of the National Institute of Citizen Anti-drug Policy (NICAP), says one of the most notorious examples of “fake news” in the media is the notion that marijuana is medicine. He is so alarmed by the misinformation being spread by the media about marijuana and other aspects of the growing drug problem that he sponsored a full-page advertisement in Monday’s Washington … [Read more...]
Who Decides Which Facts Are “Alternative” And Which Are Real?
Accuracy in Media When White House counsel Kellyanne Conway said on NBC News that the White House Press Secretary, Sean Spicer, had presented the press with “alternative facts” about the size of Donald Trump’s inauguration crowd, the press immediately concluded that alternative facts were, in fact, lies. They’ve had a field day with it ever since. Yet Spicer argued at a January 23 press conference that if … [Read more...]
Will Trump’s CIA Investigate Itself?
Accuracy in Media When President Trump was greeted with cheers and strong applause at CIA headquarters, you knew that Obama’s CIA director John Brennan would decide to strike back. The liberal media were quick to quote Brennan as saying that he was “saddened” and “angered” by Trump’s remarks. But where did these quotes come from? Who provided them to the media? The rest of the story sheds light on how … [Read more...]
Please Mr. President, Stay Who You Are!
By: Lloyd Marcus A few days before Inauguration day, my 89 year old black preacher dad said God is responsible for Trump becoming president. I thought about the scripture in which God says, “My ways are not your ways.” Frustrated with Obama declaring America no longer a Christian nation while cramming the Left's ant-God and anti-America agenda down our throats, millions have been … [Read more...]
Van Jones Leads CNN Assault on Trump
Accuracy in Media In his blockbuster new film, “Civil War 2017,” Trevor Loudon asks why the political left is so determined to destroy the Trump presidency. Matthew Vadum of the Capital Research Center responds that Trump “doesn’t back down from a fight,” unlike previous “squishy” Republicans. What’s more, Trump has upended the “progressive coalition” by convincing millions of Democrats to abandon their union … [Read more...]
Women’s March sponsored by Communist Party USA among others
By: Renee Nal | New Zeal One of the many radical groups who sponsored the anti-Free Market, anti-Trump temper tantrum thinly disguised as a "Women's March" the day after the inauguration of President Donald Trump was the Communist Party USA, whose organization was unapologetically featured at the Women's March website as a "partner" of the march. While the New York Times asks "what's next" after the … [Read more...]
AIM Editor On Cavuto About Trump And The Media
Accuracy in Media Accuracy in Media Editor Roger Aronoff was a guest on “Cavuto Coast to Coast” on January 13 on the Fox Business Network. The topic was how the mainstream media came to the defense of CNN after their confrontation with President-elect Donald Trump during his press conference last week, yet said little when President Barack Obama repeatedly attacked Fox News. “When you saw the situation with … [Read more...]
Communist Radicals Gearing Up For The Inauguration… Go Hard And Chain The Trains [VIDEO] James O'Keefe and Project Veritas released their second video today on the radicals threatening violence for the Inauguration. This one deals with groups and activists that are acting through #DisruptJ20. As I understand it, somewhere between 75 and 100 protest groups are descending on DC. In this video, you get to see activists saying that they are going to block all checkpoints and ways to get … [Read more...]
Dangerous Documentaries To Release America Under Siege: Civil War 2017
America Under Siege: Civil War 2017 WASHINGTON, Jan. 17, 2017 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- On Thursday, Dangerous Documentaries—a project of the Capital Research Center—will release America Under Siege: Civil War 2017, a new documentary exposing the radical left-wing groups responsible for recent demonstrations against President-elect Donald Trump. The film is the first episode in a five-part "America Under Siege" … [Read more...]
Will The Real Russian Agent Please Stand Up?
Accuracy in Media The civil rights “icon,” Rep. John Lewis (D-GA), has suddenly discovered the dangers of Russian influence in the U.S. political process. He tells Chuck Todd of NBC News, “I don’t see this President-elect [Donald J. Trump] as a legitimate president. I think the Russians participated in helping this man get elected. And they helped destroy the candidacy of Hillary Clinton.” It will be … [Read more...]
All Hands on Deck: Supporting Trump Through Inauguration Day
By: Lloyd Marcus Trump's Inauguration is less than a week away. While president elect Trump appears to be extraordinarily strong dealing with the tsunami of 24/7 vitriol launched at him from the Left and Washington establishment, he is still a human being. The Bible says when Moses grew tired, “Aaron and Hur held his hands up--one on one side, one on the other--so that his hands remained steady till … [Read more...]
Pruitt Heads EPA: More Leftist Slavery Ended
By: Lloyd Marcus Leftists' hysteria and vitriol in response to Trump winning the presidency is escalating. Enraged, they vow to stop Trump at all cost. It occurred to me that what has really driven the Left insane, enraged and quaking in fear is Americans free to live their lives. Over the past 8 years, Obama transformed government agencies such as the EPA into his personal hit squads. Using these agencies, … [Read more...]
The CIA’s War on Trump, Continued
Accuracy in Media Echoing New York Democratic Senator Chuck Schumer’s warning that the intelligence community is out to “get” President-elect Trump, a Brookings Institution expert who served in the Clinton administration says that Trump’s treatment of his spies will “come back to bite him” in the form of “devastating” leaks to the media that will make him look foolish or incompetent. Leaking by intelligence … [Read more...]
The Denise Simon Experience – 01/12/17
The Denise Simon Experience Hosted by DENISE SIMON, the Senior Research / Intelligence Analyst for Foreign and Domestic Policy for numerous flag officers and intelligence organizations. SEGMENT 1: Eric Tallant, presently assigned to Kabul, Afghanistan explains in more detail Soviet Union 'Active Measures' a formal operation of disinformation and propaganda created by the KGB that continues to be applied … [Read more...]
Marxist Radicals Plan To Disrupt Trump Inauguration… Party Outside Pence’s Home [AUDIO] Once again, my long time friend and colleague, Trevor Loudon, has uncovered plans by the radical left to create mayhem. This time it is #DisruptJ20 (a bunch of Occupy Wall Street wannabes) and Trevor got audio of some of their plans for next week. Trevor does this type of research and goes into the lion's den of communists to obtain proof of what they plan and scheme. This time... he hit the … [Read more...]
Our Warmonger President And The Lapdog Press
Accuracy in Media President Obama has moved the nation toward war with Russia, up to 500,000 are dead in Syria, Libya is a disaster, and Germany is welcoming a Muslim invasion of Europe that threatens the collapse of the European Union and NATO. Two million refugees are leaving the Middle East, some of them destined for the U.S. Yet, Department of Defense News, an official Pentagon public relations outfit, … [Read more...]
Jeff Sessions, Finally A Reasonable Adult Heading the DOJ
By: Lloyd Marcus Folks, I gotta tell ya'. My heart leaped with joy hearing Jeff Sessions give his opening statement at his confirmation hearing for Attorney General. I thought, “Thank you God! Finally, an America loving adult running our DOJ. What a concept.” First Obama gave us Eric Holder, a black AG with a chip on his shoulder against whites and America. Out-of-the-box, Holder … [Read more...]
Who Was Behind CNN’s “Fake News” On Trump?
Accuracy in Media Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY) said on MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow’s January 3 show, “Let me tell you, you take on the Intelligence Community, they have six ways from Sunday to get back at you. So even for a practical, supposedly hard-nosed businessman, he is being really dumb to do this.” He was referring to President-elect Donald J. Trump’s criticism of the Intelligence Community. Asked what the … [Read more...]
The American Left: We Hope He Fails!
By: Lloyd Marcus Watching video on her phone, my wife Mary laughed hysterically at ridiculous answers to man-on-the-street questions. The young interviewees knew everything about the cast of Jersey Shore. They were clueless about who won the Civil War; who is our Vice President and who we fought to gain our independence. I didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Clearly, Leftists controlling America's public … [Read more...]
Obama’s Legacy Of Endless Wars And Transgender Soldiers
Accuracy in Media Left-wing Democrat Norman Solomon says fellow Democrats are “more interested in playing to the press gallery than speaking directly to the economic distress of voters in the Rust Belt and elsewhere who handed the presidency” to Donald J. Trump. Democrats should spend some time learning “how they’ve lost touch with working-class voters,” he says. He is referring to how Democrats are saying … [Read more...]
The Top Ten Misreported and Underreported Stories of 2016
Accuracy in Media As we look back on 2016, we would like to highlight some of the American media’s worst abuses that occurred during the past year, including coverage of the very divisive election campaign. We have picked ten stories in which the media were either derelict in their duty to report the truth, or sold a false or biased narrative to the public that furthered the left’s agenda. In other cases, the … [Read more...]
Report on Russian Hacking is a Political Hoax
America's Survival The CIA says that Russian hackers released true information about Hillary Clinton. Horrors! Cliff Kincaid and Jerry Kenney analyze the "Declassified Intelligence Community Assessment of Russian Activities and Intentions in Recent U.S. Elections," in order to show how the CIA and other intelligence agencies are trying to subvert the Trump presidency with bogus claims. The CIA report proves … [Read more...]
Obama’s Syrian Policy, Through the Looking Glass
Accuracy in Media President Obama’s assertion that the Islamic State was a “JV” team demonstrates how he arrogantly ignored the possibility that this jihadist terror group could eventually threaten the United States. But what the press will not report is that President Obama is at least partially responsible for the arming of ISIS. A recent article by Jerome Corsi of WorldNetDaily sheds further light on how … [Read more...]
Left’s Mission Accomplished: Blacks Torturing Whites
By: Lloyd Marcus Upon hearing that 4 blacks kidnapped and tortured a disabled white man, I wanted to say to the Left (Democrats, mainstream media, Hollywood and Black Lives Matter), “Mission accomplished.” The 4 pieces of pond-scum forced their white hostage to say f*** Trump and f*** white people. Folks, make no mistake about it. While some on the Left claim to be upset, this is … [Read more...]
The Denise Simon Experience – 01/05/17
The Denise Simon Experience Hosted by DENISE SIMON, the Senior Research / Intelligence Analyst for Foreign and Domestic Policy for numerous flag officers and intelligence organizations. SEGMENT 1: Andrew Kramer, New York Times, Moscow based investigative journalist explains the hacker, troll and information war conflict between the Kremlin in Russia and the West including Ukraine. Fascinating … [Read more...]
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