Living and Dying in Bill Gates’ Fish Bowl

By: Cliff Kincaid As the virus takes its toll, those of us still in good health and with the ability to think clearly have the duty to explain to our fellow citizens what is really going on. We are living in a global experiment in which “health experts” such as Bill Gates, previously known for software development, have decided to treat us as specimens in a giant fishbowl for study and observation. Many of … [Read more...]

Glenn Beck Explains the Ukraine Scandal and Impeachment

[AW]: These Glenn Beck videos do a masterful and essential job of presenting the evidence of the broader and deeper workings of the Deep State and Shadow Government in our overall "#SpyGate," "#UkraineGate," and "#TrumpImpeachment" crisis. They come not merely recommended; they are must see, especially the third, "The Democrats' Hydra," netcast November 13. For those who have not watched, I suggest starting … [Read more...]

How to Deep Six the Deep State

“The Revolution Will Not Be Televised” was a popular song by Gil Scott-Heron. By contrast, the Deep State Revolution against President Trump is being televised. Some of the plotters, such as Obama’s CIA director John Brennan, are paid to go on television and promote the coup. With a former top CIA official openly saying, “Thank God for the Deep State,” in regard to the process of impeaching … [Read more...]

Burt Rutan Explains Fallacies of the NWO’s Man-Made Global Warming Myth

This is one man with a gift for intellectual honesty and epistemological discipline, traits exactingly necessary in the field in which he displays astounding, humble excellence, aerospace engineering. Dick Rutan, expert data gatherer and data analyst, interviewed by Anthony Watts of; more than worth an hour's time, to gain true perspective in the face of titanic deceit: "Burt Rutan on … [Read more...]

ACORN for Illegal Aliens – Meet the Southwest Key Programs Are you curious who has been facilitating the transport of illegal alien children throughout the country? Look no more... meet La Raza connected Southwest Key Programs. This organization is the pipeline for the children into US refugee camps and homes across the nation. They provide immigrant youth shelters. It is a well-oiled machine that was set up to educate and reintegrate youth into American … [Read more...]

CRITICAL: Relearn the 20th Century – Three Must See Videos for All Adults (updated)

Temporary Note, 10/31: Definitely going to update, edit, and round this out, soon -- and will bring it back to the top of the Resisters' Log, a.k.a., Gulag Blog list. It will have some big stuff about American Betrayal -- and maybe that third stanza. Happy All Spooks Night. Situational Awareness in the Gardens Now, to understand where you have come, Gain command of how things came to be. Look back, see … [Read more...]

The Engineers of ‘Leaderless’ Arab Spring & Occupy Wall Street

Arab Spring? Day of Rage? Spontaneous uprisings by idealistic youth? "Civil Society?" "What democracy looks like?" The Neo-Marxist Globalist Engineers of 'Leaderless' Occupy Wall St. Originally published under this title, October 31, 2011, 11:09am A revolution against the controlling elite that thrusts off the tyranny of their central banking, the indoctrination in their schools, the lies of their media, and the … [Read more...]

Collectivism in America? Conspiracy of Left & Right? Listen to G. Edward Griffin

The world's Marxists did not vanish in 1990 (nor America's). Nor did fascists disappear in 1945 (including America's). Likewise, power-hungry, authoritarian political and financial controllers, of and in America did not poof out of existence, in 1776. A number of times we have referred to G. Edward Griffin's critically important interview of one of the Twentieth Century's greatest heroes, Norman Dodd. Do listen to … [Read more...]

The CFR’s Open Plan to Destroy America by Stealing Our Sovereignty

  Q:  What do Barack Obama and Mitt Romney have in common?A:  Way too many things, as do way too many in Congress One of those things they have in common (see here, regarding Romney) each comes to us laced with the designs of the Council on Foreign Relations, an elitist group whose goal is treason. Treason. They wish to strip the Unites States of America of its sovereignty - to undo what was done on July 4, 1776 and … [Read more...]

Mitt Romney’s Leftist, Globalist Advisor Team

We refer to the fine article in New American, by Bob Adelman, "Romney’s Advisors Are Leftist Elites," 10/10/2011, for contextual information. Below  is the list he provided of Romney's team, with comments. Gulag Bound has provided fact after fact, after analysis, after warning, after plea. This list alone, should cause the reader to take to the streets, to oppose Mitt Romney. Let us oppose him, not just … [Read more...]

ALERT: ’21 Issues for the 21st Century’ U.N. Controls of Food, Water

Since this editorial of Investors Business Daily is brief, we post it in its entirety. It refers to this United Nations document: 21 Issues for the 21st Century (.pdf) It is yet another worldwide Trojan Horse in the plans of globalist barons and their central bankster complex, to make the world their plantation. To put it another way, it is the latest from the global neo-Marxist and ecofascist movements … [Read more...]

Video: How the 1% of 1% of 1% of 1% is Taking Over, Town by Town

The occupy movement is indoctrinating and training revolutionaries against the "1%" but will they really come to understand who the very wealthiest and most controlling people are, in this world, and how they are using false-flag operations of many kinds, in order to achieve global hegemony? Will the rest of us? Video, "U.N. Taking Over City Councils Across America!"  To know more (and we all must know … [Read more...]

The Funny Things to Know, Surrounding the New Fix for Greece

So Greece now has a new Prime Minister and its solution is supposedly coming down. But what kind of solution? Let us examine some facts, plus some items purported as fact which we need to track down. Lucas Papademos was educated at MIT, was the governor of Greece's central bank and was vice president of the European Central Bank (ECB). And now it is rumored that the International Monetary Fund (IMF) may … [Read more...]

The Constitutional Convention Con

"I have also repeatedly given my opinion that there is no effective way to limit or muzzle the actions of a Constitution Convention.  The Convention could make its own rules and set its own agenda.  Congressmen might try to limit the Convention to one amendment or to one issue, but there is no way to assure that the Convention would obey it." - Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court, Warren E. … [Read more...]

‘Social Justice’ Subversion – Neo-Marxist Infiltration of the Church in Wisconsin

The following article demonstrates how neo-Marxism adulterates Christian churches and saps their funds, using many churches in Wisconsin as examples. To the other forty-nine, how does it compare to your state? One operation cited is the Gamaliel Foundation, former employer of Barack Obama in Chicago. -  G u l a g  -  B o u n d  - by Nancy Kormanik Wisconsin Christian News “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, … [Read more...]

The Tea Parties: Organizers & Operators

Kelleigh Nelson's Tea Party series, parts 3 & 4 Parts 1 & 2: "The Tea Parties and the Jealous Power and Money" dealt with attempted big-money subversion by transnationalist tycoons, including David Koch and operations in controlled opposition by the Rockefeller family. -  G u l a g  -  B o u n d  - "Government is instituted for the common good; for the protection, safety, prosperity, and happiness of the … [Read more...]

Break the False Paradigm of Haves & Have Nots

The Doom of History by Robert F. Beaudine The ancient Roman rhetoricians developed rules for their oratory. They began with “the exordium,” an emotional or ethical appeal to put the audience in a receptive mood. The “narratio” followed, a narrative of the events leading to the situation to be discussed and an explanation of their manner of treatment. The main body of their speech delivered the proof of their … [Read more...]

Obama’s Takeover of Rural America – Vetting Obama

NoisyRoom Give him an inch and he’ll take a mile… 95% of America’s land area to be exact – rural America. You might be thinking this doesn’t affect you because you don’t live in ‘rural America,’ but think again because the agenda in play is to eliminate all property rights in the U.S. The first order of business is to drive out the 16% of our population who currently live and work in rural America. The … [Read more...]

Cultural Marxism: The Doom of Language

by Robert F. Beaudine The Moral Liberal  “Every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment. For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned.” Throughout history, ideas have been used for good or for evil. They have also led to the greatest evil – war. This is reflective in a nation’s language. By the end of 1932, Germany was in … [Read more...]

Obama, Joyce Foundation Director: Spent Mega-Wealth to Disarm America

in Maggie's Notebook Had you forgotten, or perhaps never knew that Barack Obama was director of the “non-profit charitable” Joyce Foundation from 1994 to 2002? Along with “education,” one of their focuses is gun control which they charaterize as “gun violence.” Never mind that a gun can’t be “violent” without a person being violent first. Barack Obama worked diligently to take down the Second Amendment. There was … [Read more...]

Marxofascism Described and Identified

In the comments to Mark Musser's article on Martin Heidegger, the NAZI father of the green movement and its goal of authoritarian environmentalism, someone just posted a raised eyebrow at my term, Marxofascist, "Whatever 'Marxofascist' is supposed to mean." If one uses a term, he should be able to explain what it means.  That word is used often around the Gulag, so here is my reply to the Marxist commentator, … [Read more...]

Real Americans

“The Framers of the Bill of Rights did not purport to 'create' rights. Rather they designed the Bill of Rights to prohibit our Government from infringing rights and liberties presumed to be preexisting.” – Justice William J. Brennan (1906-1997) U. S. Supreme Court Justice I know that God is still on the throne and that only He is our answer through his son, the King of Glory, Jesus the Messiah.  As for this … [Read more...]

The Phony Right-Wing, Part 5: James Richard ‘Rick’ Perry

A society of sheep must in time beget a government of wolves. - Bertrand de Jouvenel des Ursins, usually known only as Bertrand de Jouvenel (31 October 1903, Paris – 1 March 1987) was a French philosopher, political economist, and futurist. G u l a g    B o u n d Video, "Gov. Rick Perry’s amazing speech to RLC 2011" at James Richard "Rick" Perry assumed the governorship of Texas in 2000 when … [Read more...]

Did China Win the War on Terror?

New Zeal John Feffer John Feffer of the far left Institute for Policy Studies, believes that China is the main winner in the “War on Terror”: But perhaps the only country in the world that has benefited from the last decade of war against al-Qaeda is China, and it has benefitted big time. Beijing has watched the United States spend more than $3 trillion on the war on terrorism, devote its military … [Read more...]

Rothschild Money has Directly & Chiefly Funded & Promoted George Soros

Please pardon me for being so ignorant. I knew that one Ed R. (Edmund Leopold de Rothschild) was a primary backer of the man-made global warm-up to Marxofascism of Maurice Strong. What I did not know was that it was another Eddie R's loot, whatever set of objectives were coupled with it, which fed George Soros' rise to power.  Ignorant, that is, till a flitting tweet presented Arnaud de Borchgrave's April 28th … [Read more...]

The Communist Party Bounces Back

New Zeal As America polarizes between freedom and socialism, the Communist Party USA is growing fast. Bear in mind that the C.P.U.S.A. is only one of more than a dozen significant Marxist organizations now planning chaos on American streets. From Illinois Communist Party leader John Bachtell, writing in today’s Peoples World: John Bachtell The First Annual Communist Party USA National Conference, … [Read more...]

IMF Bank Lords & George Soros’ INET at Bretton Woods, What’s the Diff?

The INET Bretton Woods summit, summoned by George Soros and those who alternatively hide behind, or gather around him, has now happened. But before trying to analyze whatever we may discover of what occurred there, it is critical to discern how it fits an overall picture. For context, one must also see what the IMF and World Bank "communitarian" elitists are up to. We find that before the Bretton Woods affair, … [Read more...]

Glenn Beck & G. Edward Griffin Expose the Fed, Video

By: Trevor Loudon New Zeal Glenn Beck and a personal hero of mine, G. Edward Griffin, expose the U.S. Federal Reserve. Possibly the biggest financial scam of all time very well explained. Courtesy of The Daily Beck. Gulag Note:Yes, the contributions of all three parties to this program were very good, but we suggest you pay special attention to Mr. Griffin, including how he answers Glenn Beck's … [Read more...]

Eco-Scam & the United Nations; A Twenty Year Old Video Warning

This clip is being circulated lately and we are also finding a home for it in the Gulag.  Why?  Because some twenty years ago, it describes the kind of scenario that were are nearing, now. "Eco-Scam Clip, circa 1990, United Nations & the Rich Men of the Earth" Do you remember the massive, unprecedented scale of criminality of in the attempt to generate the Chicago Climate Exchange, just one year ago?  Do you … [Read more...]

The Plan, Agenda 21: The Death Knell of Liberty

At the U.N. Summit at Rio in 1992, the Conference Secretary-General, Maurice Strong, said “Isn’t the only hope for this planet that the industrialized civilization collapse?  Isn’t it our responsibility to bring that about?” ------------- “The common enemy of humanity is man.  In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water … [Read more...]