Living and Dying in Bill Gates’ Fish Bowl

By: Cliff Kincaid As the virus takes its toll, those of us still in good health and with the ability to think clearly have the duty to explain to our fellow citizens what is really going on. We are living in a global experiment in which “health experts” such as Bill Gates, previously known for software development, have decided to treat us as specimens in a giant fishbowl for study and observation. Many of … [Read more...]

Glenn Beck Explains the Ukraine Scandal and Impeachment

[AW]: These Glenn Beck videos do a masterful and essential job of presenting the evidence of the broader and deeper workings of the Deep State and Shadow Government in our overall "#SpyGate," "#UkraineGate," and "#TrumpImpeachment" crisis. They come not merely recommended; they are must see, especially the third, "The Democrats' Hydra," netcast November 13. For those who have not watched, I suggest starting … [Read more...]

What We Must Know about Freedom’s Enemy is Shown in Frank Herbert’s Dune

  While it is unnecessary to know Frank Herbert's Dune series of science fantasy books to understand what is happening in the real world, it is critical to know the reality of what it depicts. In it, an order of being has assumed and been accredited the greatest of humanoid powers, the Spacing Guild. What makes them special? In the language of America's founders, the Spacing Guild controls the … [Read more...]

‘Cap and Trade’ is Alive and Well, Despite Having Never Passed Congress

Seton Motley PJ Tatler, PJ Media Remember “Cap and Trade?”  The anti-market allegedly “market-based” “solution” to man-faked global warming climate change? A central authority (usually a governmental body) sets a limit or cap on the amount of a pollutant that may be emitted. The limit or cap is allocated and/or sold by the central authority to firms in the form of emissions permits which represent the … [Read more...]

APUSH Attack on America via Historical Revisionism: Background

It has been said that history is written by the winners of wars. In Fabianist Marxofascist schemes, wars are won by the re-writing of history. EXCLUSIVE: Texas is 'Nation's Last Best Chance' to Block APUSH, Say Experts Norman Dodd knew first-hand and he warned us of the soft treason (video and commentary in Gulag // full transcript via So they approach the Rockefeller Foundation with a … [Read more...]

Wildlands Project, Agenda 21, and its Future Enforcers (hardly just the #BundyRanch)

  In order to understand the rational behind what has taken place at the Bundy Ranch in Clark County, Nevada, it is vital to understand some of the mindset behind it. The United Nations now has a great deal of control over what happens in United States' land, largely but not only federal ownership and/or control.  What we are seeing is an international body now governing over many parts of the U.S. It … [Read more...]

3 ‘Conspiracy Theorists’ Departed 50 Years Ago Today: Aldous Huxley, C.S. Lewis & John F. Kennedy

In the order of their births: Aldous Huxley (July 26, 1894 – November 22, 1963) C.S. Lewis (November 29, 1898 – November 22, 1963) John F. Kennedy (May 29, 1917 – November 22, 1963) Each of these three men made an extraordinary mark on Planet Earth, the world of men, an impression felt even now in our brave new world, far from Camelot, farther still from Aslan's realm. Rather than going quietly into the … [Read more...]

CRITICAL: Relearn the 20th Century – Three Must See Videos for All Adults (updated)

Temporary Note, 10/31: Definitely going to update, edit, and round this out, soon -- and will bring it back to the top of the Resisters' Log, a.k.a., Gulag Blog list. It will have some big stuff about American Betrayal -- and maybe that third stanza. Happy All Spooks Night. Situational Awareness in the Gardens Now, to understand where you have come, Gain command of how things came to be. Look back, see … [Read more...]

Economically – That Ain’t The Way To Have Fun, Son… Cross-Posted at Right Wing News TheBlaze TV - David Buckner   Oh, how I can relate... Can you say Wiemar Republic? Tripping through economic news this morning, I came upon a Financial Times piece entitled: Global economy in ‘epic scale’ change, says IMF’s Lagarde. Basically, it states that the whole global landscape is in upheaval, but not to worry... Since the US has decided not … [Read more...]

Essential: Barack Obama and the Strategy of Manufactured Crisis (9-28-2008)

Five years ago, Jim Simpson informed America of the grand conspiratorial sabotage presenting Barack Obama for the United States Presidency. That is, he presented much more than we already knew, to those who were already awake, aware, alarmed, and looking for more. And we have all continued to tell those who have not been willfully, unrepentantly, and fatally ignorant.  This article also introduced to many the very … [Read more...]

The Never Ending Fiscal Lie Cross-Posted at Right Wing News The audacity of deception. If Obama's lips are moving, you know he is lying. This morning's was a whopper. From CNS News: In a speech at the Business Roundtable headquarters in Washington, D.C., Obama dismissed concerns about raising the debt ceiling by noting that it'd been done so many times in the past: "Now, this debt ceiling -- I just want to … [Read more...]

And the Pump Goes On… Cross-Posted at Right Wing News Crossing the line into 'infamous person of the decade.' The stock market surged today to new highs on the announcement by Fed Chair Ben Bernanke that the Fed would delay tapering. They will continue pumping money into an economy that is in a depression -- bolstering a make-believe stock market and bogus employment and debt numbers that no one in America believes … [Read more...]

Connecting the Dots of the Obama Story: Chicago Backdrop

Sixty-one pages that shouldn't be missed Before the general election four years ago, I decided to contribute to the cause by gathering onto just one page, the evidence of Barack Obama's numerous, significant involvements with ACORN. At about the same time a one megaton article was published at American Thinker, written by James M. Simpson. Actually it was the second in a series. It brought to light the … [Read more...]

Big Oil Underwrites Anti-Israel Conference

Accuracy in Media Chas Freeman, President Obama’s controversial pick for National Intelligence Council chairman, was the keynote speaker at the 21st Arab-US Policymakers Conference, or AUSPC, organized by the National Council on U.S.-Arab Relations, and held on October 25-26 in Washington, D.C. Freeman withdrew his nomination when critics noted his connections to a Chinese state-run oil company and his backing … [Read more...]

Public Broadcasting Mobilizes Against Romney

Accuracy in Media As Mitt Romney says, it doesn’t make sense to borrow money from China to pay for public TV or radio. But terminating the funding is easier said than done. The reason: there are more than 900 local public radio stations and more than 350 local public television stations which receive support from the taxpayer-financed Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB) and lobby for the money. These … [Read more...]

Where We Stand vs. Agenda 21 per Michael Shaw, Last Night

Following is from Bobbi's blog, Eyes in the Northwest. Bobbi co-hosts a net-radio program with Denise Simon, Tuesday evenings. September 25 Michael Shaw Visits Uncommon Knowledge and Details Status of Agenda 21   Michael Shaw of Freedom Advocates stopped by Uncommon Knowledge and spoke for the entire two hour show this evening. And what a great show it was as Michael, detailed with eloquence the past, … [Read more...]

The Engineers of ‘Leaderless’ Arab Spring & Occupy Wall Street

Arab Spring? Day of Rage? Spontaneous uprisings by idealistic youth? "Civil Society?" "What democracy looks like?" The Neo-Marxist Globalist Engineers of 'Leaderless' Occupy Wall St. Originally published under this title, October 31, 2011, 11:09am A revolution against the controlling elite that thrusts off the tyranny of their central banking, the indoctrination in their schools, the lies of their media, and the … [Read more...]

Collectivism in America? Conspiracy of Left & Right? Listen to G. Edward Griffin

The world's Marxists did not vanish in 1990 (nor America's). Nor did fascists disappear in 1945 (including America's). Likewise, power-hungry, authoritarian political and financial controllers, of and in America did not poof out of existence, in 1776. A number of times we have referred to G. Edward Griffin's critically important interview of one of the Twentieth Century's greatest heroes, Norman Dodd. Do listen to … [Read more...]

Dick Cheney’s Demeaning of Sarah Palin, ‘Adequately Explained’

And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness... rather expose them. - Paul's Letter to Ephesians, 5:11 The bizarre and destructive behavior of Democrats such as the Obama regime and its most virulent accomplices in Congress is inexplicable to mankind, until one sees it in the context of his being a saboteur of the American way of life and a globalist neo-Marxist. When one understands that, the … [Read more...]

Nations will be Nations: ‘Euro Zone Fragmenting Faster than EU can Act’

Spain is likely to do the trick. The jolt from that nation's banking collapse is about to "tilt" the rickety EU pinball game, as the score of debt is racked up higher and higher. This is no time to be in debt, personally. Prepare for the tsunami from the seismic shift across the Atlantic. And here we've been told (at least since 1913) that central banking prevents collapses -- well, for the central banksters, that … [Read more...]

Over CNBC: ‘Do We All Work for the Central Bankers?’

This is hardly the first time the truth has slipped out via CNBC and one hopes it won't be the last. Investors have some reason after all, to seek and speak the truth. Money often rides on it. Yet, in this case they are lamenting how the bulk of our money and our lives with it, are riding on a central banking complex consistently moving from manipulation of the truth toward direct tyranny. Foisted on the free and … [Read more...]

Americans’ Net Worth Drops 40% in 3 Years; Soros & Strong’s ‘Velvet Revolution’ in Process

1. The article in the Washington Post with excerpt: Fed: Americans’ wealth dropped 40 percent The biggest drops occurred among middle-income Americans, whose wealth was inextricably linked to the housing market boom and bust. 2. The goal as expressed at the 1992 Rio Summit for Agenda 21 by Maurice Strong, funded in turn by Edmund Leopold de Rothschild: Isn’t the only hope for this planet that the industrialized … [Read more...]

Warning in Canada of the Financial Sabotage of Europe & America

Sabotage is our word, since we recognize the intentionality of the neo-Marxist, globalist, central bankster plan. Listen, please listen, to the words of Pierre Poilievre.   Caption at YouTube for "Pierre Poilievre - Economic Freedom Speech - Enhanced Version": On April 4, 2012, Pierre Poilievre, MP for Nepean-Carleton, spoke on behalf of the Government on Budget 2012 and stood up to defend Economic … [Read more...]

Economic Collapse, Gingrich, Romney, Obama & Pat Robertson’s New Year’s Word

Fear of man vs. Fear of God The following is from CBN's program, "The 700 Club," on New Year's Day 2012, or very shortly thereafter. The visitor may have seen scoffing treatments of it, at leftist Web sites. Here it is, from the source. I have observed some past occasions of Mr. Robertson's words and senses, ostensibly of the Holy Spirit (something shown a gift of God in our age, in the book 1 Corinthians, ch. … [Read more...]

Federal Money into Salt Lake City Olympics, then Romney SuperPAC?

Former Title: How Romney’s Salt Lake City Olympics was an Obama-Style Treasury Scam  Crony Capitalism Run Amok How over a billion dollars of our tax money was taken. How it went to private fortunes. How it seems to fund the Restore our Future SuperPAC that gains Romney his Republican ransacking, TV-ad psyopped, primary victories. How can those who are against the public union scam cycle be for this … [Read more...]

Did Obama Assassinate Clinton Delegates?

"George Soros met with Hillary and Obama. Soros said his agenda was to tear this economy down to the ground. Obama said, 'no problem.' Hillary said, 'no way.'"PolitiJim's Rants PolitJim I’m going to take you on a little journey that – even I’m not sure I believe. But it is newsworthy, in my opinion. One of my key True The Vote heroes was asked to be on the blogtalkradio station Red Right & Blue this past … [Read more...]

Daily Kos’ Markos Moulitsas, Neo-Marxist, Big-Time Capitalist

Markos Moulitsas is making big Wall Street moves with his Vox Media. Excerpted from, emphasis, the Bound's: Online media publisher extraordinaire Vox Media, which owns and operates fast-growing tech news site The Verge, sports blog network SB Nation and an upcoming game industry news outlet tentatively named Vox Games, has secured $17 million in a financing round that could end up totaling just … [Read more...]

Saying No to Additional IMF Bailout Money Should Be a Minimum Test for the GOP

International Liberty Dan Mitchell In a grand Washington tradition, I periodically make imperious demands. In the past year or two, I’ve issued the following ultimatums to the GOP. No tax increases, since more money for Washington will encourage a bigger burden of government and undermine prosperity. Reform the biased number-crunching methodology at the Congressional Budget Office and Joint Committee … [Read more...]

Romney Funded by ‘Green’ Kleptocrats for Cap & Trade

We have thus far established that Mitt Romney is: funded by the same international mega-banks which fund Barack Obama, one step removed from corrupt, globalist central banks, themselves an aggressive implementer of the ground war on American sovereignty and liberty, the United Nations Agenda 21 Rio Accords (treaty signed by President George H.W. Bush in 1992, a man of a family with extensive fascistic banking … [Read more...]

Ron Paul Fingered, Attacking Gingrich & Santorum for Romney

Weekly calls between the Paul and Romney campaigns This entire stream, uploaded this Thursday from Mark Levin, is very important, but be sure to catch what he plays at the 7:04 mark. It is from a recent "Morning Joe," telecast. at YouTube, "Mark Levin Helps the American People more than Ron Paul could ever hope for" "There is a de facto alliance between Ron Paul and Mitt Romney; there's no question about it. … [Read more...]