I have been taking in all of the news the last few days and I have been able to come up with some points that I find interesting or questionable. First of all, the media is not telling us the whole story and they even have me wondering if the whole story has eluded them up to this point. Mainstream investigative journalism is dead. You have a few like James O’Keefe (Project Veritas), and John Solomon, … [Read more...]
George Floyd, Riots, Soros, Ferguson 2.0, Here We Go Again
It is Bigger than Burisma and the Bidens, Trump Knows

By: Denise Simon | Founders Code Speaker Pelosi held a press conference after the first day of the open impeachment inquiry hearing declaring that she is the smartest when it comes to intelligence and she will defend and protect the whistle-blower with all her might. HPSCI Chairman Adam Schiff said at least twice that he does not know nor has he spoken to the whistle-blower. Sheesh really? REALLY? Pelosi … [Read more...]
Glenn Beck Explains the Ukraine Scandal and Impeachment

[AW]: These Glenn Beck videos do a masterful and essential job of presenting the evidence of the broader and deeper workings of the Deep State and Shadow Government in our overall "#SpyGate," "#UkraineGate," and "#TrumpImpeachment" crisis. They come not merely recommended; they are must see, especially the third, "The Democrats' Hydra," netcast November 13. For those who have not watched, I suggest starting … [Read more...]
Video: Brazilians about to Boot Marxist President Rousseff, Jeer Her at FIFA World Cup

This is what we hear from the could-be-great nation of Brazil, currently hosting the 2014 FIFA World Cup soccer tournament. The good news: Brazilians don't like their New World Order neo-Marxist president, Dilma Rousseff all so very much. The bad news: She will probably be replaced by New World Order Fabianist-socialist, Aécio Neves, who is lining up someone from the payroll of George Soros (think … [Read more...]
George Soros Laments EU’s Demise, Projects his Fascism onto Sovereigntists

A few weeks ago, a geopolitical tectonic shift was announced in an interview between George Soros and Fareed Zakaria on CNN, and since I suspected that the vast majority of the audience had missed its import, I decided to alert my readers. George Soros, a geopolitical analyst whose opinion is respected on the Left, all but admitted outright that the European Union (EU) was finished. If you missed Part I of my … [Read more...]
Video: Susan Knowles on the Child Psyops of Telos Group & Common Core

On the threat to America's children, starting with what it is about us that allows it to go on... Read about it in her article, "Telos Group: The Taking of Our Children by the Progressive Left." -- AW … [Read more...]
Telos Group: The Taking of Our Children by the Progressive Left

So, it’s another Monday. Fresh off of going to church on Sunday, if you are Christian, and off to another busy work week. Taking the kids to school, dashing off to work, figuring out how to pay the bills while juggling who has to take little Susie to the doctor and when little Johnnie has to be picked up from school in order to make his soccer tryouts on time. Then its head down after work helping the kids do … [Read more...]
The Iran Project – America’s Enemies Within

NoisyRoom.net It's no secret that the Obama Administration is against new sanctions for Iran. Obama wants Iran to go nuclear. It's as simple as that. He is staying true to his Islamic roots and keeping his promise to the Mullahs. It's all part of his plan to help with the destruction of Israel and America. Enter The Iran Project. A cabal of pro-Iranian advocates who just happen to be a who’s who of liberal … [Read more...]
Protesters in Kiev – ‘Hang the Commie!’

NoisyRoom.net Madness, mayhem and commies... Need I say more? Oh, but you know I will as this is where I believe we are heading. The Ukrainian people, cheering loudly, pulled down their Lenin statue and took a hammer to it that Thor would have been proud of. Good times: KIEV, Ukraine — Public protests thundered into a full-throttle civil uprising in Ukraine on Sunday, as hundreds of thousands of … [Read more...]
Fast Food Marxism Supersized

NoisyRoom.net Marxist food workers of the US unite! Correct me if I'm wrong here, but when I was a kid, fast-food jobs were viewed as jobs for teenagers or beginners' jobs. It is a testament to just how bad the economy under Obama is that these are now considered not only career moves, but worth fighting, dying and being fired for. My how things have changed. In an effort to strong-arm McDonald's, … [Read more...]
Intimidation Tactics of Secret Investigations and Vague Laws

NoisyRoom.net Cross-Posted at Right Wing News In blatant fascistic form, homes were raided and subpoenas were issued targeting conservative groups and allies of Scott Walker in a secret investigation. Meet Special Prosecutor Francis Schmitz who is the Marxist attack dog who was set loose upon 29 conservative groups in Wisconsin connected to Scott Walker and the failed recall that tried to oust him from office for … [Read more...]
WatchDog Wire: How Do We Stop the Runaway Locomotive?

By: Dick Manasseri WatchDog Wire Even Bill O’Reilly is shouting, “Here comes Socialism!” O’Reilly’s Talking Points recently used the words Socialism and Communism to describe the out-of-control federal government which, like a runaway locomotive, is thundering down the track of soft tyranny on the way to complete control of our lives. Can the runaway locomotive be stopped by the movement to define and … [Read more...]
The Big Shove Towards Amnesty (with big help from George Soros)

NoisyRoom.net Cross-Posted at Right Wing News and Gateway Pundit George Soros And the war rages on... Next stop -- illegal immigration and Amnesty for 33 million, solidifying Marxist control of the US and the fall of the Republic. The George Soros-funded National Immigration Forum (NIF) is organizing a “fly-in” of Progressive conservatives from across the country aimed at lobbying House Republicans for the … [Read more...]
Obama: I Won’t Violate The Constitution, Unless You Make Me…

NoisyRoom.net Cross-Posted at Right Wing News Political bridge-building is usually considered a good thing, but when the "bridge" you are building is the abridgement of the separation of powers, not so much. More Obama Domestic Abuse: Now Look What You Made Me Do… on tap. In an alarming development, word comes from Mark Levin and others in Congress that the President is prepping to raise the debt ceiling … [Read more...]
Essential: Barack Obama and the Strategy of Manufactured Crisis (9-28-2008)

Five years ago, Jim Simpson informed America of the grand conspiratorial sabotage presenting Barack Obama for the United States Presidency. That is, he presented much more than we already knew, to those who were already awake, aware, alarmed, and looking for more. And we have all continued to tell those who have not been willfully, unrepentantly, and fatally ignorant. This article also introduced to many the very … [Read more...]
Obama Tosses Syrian Hot Potato into Republicans’ Laps

American Thinker Since first being elected, President Obama has made much of his determination to "go it alone" when he can't get his way from Congress. This has resulted in an endless chain of unprecedented, unconstitutional and illegal actions to advance his self-serving political agenda. At every turn, Obama has sought to make Congress irrelevant. Unfortunately the gutless GOP political leadership aided and … [Read more...]
Weekly Featured Profile: Joel Rogers

KeyWiki Joel Rogers is a prominent U.S. academic and far left activist. He is professor of law, political science and sociology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and a long-time "government and campaign adviser and Democratic activist." A contributing Editor of The Nation and Boston Review, Rogers has received many academic honors and a MacArthur Foundation “genius” fellowship. Newsweek identified him … [Read more...]
Larry Grathwohl – RIP American Hero

PJ Media America is a smaller place today. Larry Grathwohl, one of America’s truly unsung heroes, has died. He will be missed. Readers may recognize Larry’s name as the only informant to successfully penetrate Bill Ayers’ communist Weather Underground Organization (WUO). He wrote a book about his experiences, Bringing America Down: An FBI Informer with the Weathermen, re-released this spring. During the run up to … [Read more...]
The Sandbagging of America

NoisyRoom.net Hat Tip: BB I was wrong. When I first heard that Edward Snowden was exposing the NSA on PRISM, I thought, good... let it all come out. After all the scandals and crap Obama has been getting away with, like most of America, I wanted something to come out. To get some exposure for the bad guys. I was played. Then I sat down, listened to my gut and thought about it for a bit. My first inkling … [Read more...]
Samantha Power: The Hand that Rocks a Nation

NoisyRoom.net I have written on Samantha Power before and you can see our research on her here at KeyWiki.org. Power, who is married to Barack Obama's long-time friend and ex-Regulatory Czar, Cass Sunstein, is an intense enemy to Israel as is her husband. She seeks constantly to apologize for America's imagined transgressions and shares with Obama a desire to see America cut down to size. I want to start off by … [Read more...]
The Smoking Gun in the IRS Scandal, Part One

Accuracy in Media Jeffrey Lord’s story in the American Spectator about a “smoking gun” in the IRS scandal has backfired. He implied that the head of the IRS union had personally met with President Obama to plot against the Tea Party when there is no evidence of such a meeting or such plotting. Instead, as the Daily Caller and U.S. News & World Report have reported, the union chief had been part of a “Workplace … [Read more...]
Media Cross the Line Against Glenn Beck

Accuracy in Media “Beck Crosses the Line Again” was the headline over a Jonathan Tobin Commentary article about Glenn Beck’s attack on Michael Bloomberg at the NRA convention. Tobin insisted that Beck “spoke in front of a large backdrop that photo-shopped Bloomberg’s face into what appears to be a famous photo of Adolf Hitler.” Commentary describes itself as “the bold, influential voice of conservative … [Read more...]
How to Find a Most Wanted Terrorist

Accuracy in Media We have seen in the Boston bombings case how terrorists depend on a network of sympathizers. But the Russian connection remains a mystery. The press should follow up on the Russian angle to the Islamic terrorist bombers story before President Obama gets carried away with cooperating with Russian President Vladimir Putin. The assumption by the media that the former KGB officer is genuinely … [Read more...]
Weekly Featured Profile – Joseph Stiglitz

KeyWiki.org Joseph Stiglitz Joseph Stiglitz is Professor of Economics at Columbia University, New York. He is also a member of the Committee on Global Thought and Co-Founder and Executive Director of the Initiative for Political Dialogue at Columbia. He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Economics in 2001 for his analysis of markets with asymmetric information and is a former Chief Economist and Senior Vice … [Read more...]
Progressives Now Want ‘Psychedelic Medicine’

Accuracy in Media So-called “medical marijuana” apparently doesn’t cure all of their ailments. Now the progressives want easy access to “psychedelic medicine,” including LSD and Ecstasy. Working with the George Soros-funded marijuana movement, which has achieved enormous “progress” in the various states, especially Colorado, a group called the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS) is … [Read more...]
Backlash to Soros’ Drugging of America

Accuracy in Media The most successful campaign initiated by billionaire hedge-fund operator George Soros has been the legalization of marijuana. California has been the focus of most of his efforts. But there are indications that the campaign has gone too far, too fast in Colorado, prompting a backlash from the black Democratic mayor of Denver, who fears his city is becoming a new capital for the marijuana … [Read more...]
Marxism in Education: Infiltration of Our School Systems by the Common Core Standards

NoisyRoom Today, I caught Glenn Beck on The Blaze and his excellent showcasing of Obama's Common Core Standards that are now in 45 states, including my state of Idaho. Common Core is Marxism for children. It is state run propaganda and is meant to dumb down and control our little ones. It is evil and it has been a long time coming. Obama pushed it through slyly and quickly after coming into office, but I can … [Read more...]
Obama’s Green Money Scheme Exposed – Part One

NoisyRoom By: Sharon Sebastian Few realize that the "green movement" is about building large personal fortunes for an elite few. As with all robber barons, it is about the money. It is why President Barack Obama laid out his threat to again bypass Congress and ignore the American people during his 2013 State of the Union address. Mr. Obama will attempt to force his ill-conceived green energy plans into … [Read more...]
Obama and the Leftist Infiltration of Israeli Media

NoisyRoom In case anyone had any doubt, the Leftists have been busy little Marxists in Israel -- that includes Obama. NGO Monitor just released its latest report on foreign government funding of radical political Israeli NGOs which are working in earnest to undermine Israel's international standing and subvert Israeli society. Most people assume that the financiers of anti-Jew propaganda are Europeans. Well, … [Read more...]
Year of the Political Snake

NoisyRoom I would wish everyone a happy Chinese New Year, but the prospects for it being a 'happy' year are rather bleak. Traditional astronomers warn that this coming year could bring economic upheaval and geopolitical strife. Ya think? In Chinese symbology, snakes are regarded as intelligent, but with a tendency to be somewhat unscrupulous. Sounds a lot like our President, doesn't it? Although I would like … [Read more...]
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