Until January 2009, we had never seen the likes of Barack Hussein Obama from anyone in leadership positions...let alone the president of the United States. I daresay, we have likely never seen anyone in the world like him. During his initial campaign for the presidency in 2008 he said he would “transform” the country from its very foundation. People who had graduated high school no later than the 1960s knew full well … [Read more...]
Conserve What? Where’s the Outreach? in Comics? Graphic Novels? at Comic-Con?
From Judson Phillips, Tea Party Nation: Do you wonder why conservatives are losing the culture wars as well as the political wars? Conservatives are losing wars on both fronts. Because conservatives lose the culture war, political wars are lost as a matter of course. The late Andrew Breitbart explained why this happened and what conservatives needed to do. What was Breitbart’s advice and how is the left … [Read more...]
Destroying and Killing the USA was Way Too Easy
The destruction of the USA and its takeover by domestic traitor and foreign forces has been in the works for many decades. In recent history, Roger Nash Baldwin (founder of the ACLU and 'father' of many other leftist organizations) was one of the prime “leg men” in establishing the foundation for the overthrow of the USA. Of the ACLU, he said: "Communism, of course, is the goal." Although he is said to have … [Read more...]
Whittle & Klavan Video: Showing-up Neo-Marxist Race-baiting Well
"Critical Theory" -- excellent! someone said it -- at 6:42, to be exact. Well done, Mr. Whittle and Mr. Klavan too. Two more observations: There really is still an unsettling residue of racism in America, among numerous whites and numerous blacks, and many of whatever shade one decides to notice -- also among many "progressive" collectivists, in the Planned Plantation Parenthood (and … [Read more...]
Allah in the Classroom — the ABC’s of Forced Conversion
NoisyRoom.net Our children are our world as parents. They are the future of our nation. Most of us would gladly sacrifice all we have and our lives for our little ones. So, why do we so readily hand their learning and their care over to those that would abuse them and trick them into being part of the greatest evil the world has ever known? It figures that the young, innocent ones would be a prime target for … [Read more...]
APUSH Attack on America via Historical Revisionism: Background
It has been said that history is written by the winners of wars. In Fabianist Marxofascist schemes, wars are won by the re-writing of history. EXCLUSIVE: Texas is 'Nation's Last Best Chance' to Block APUSH, Say Experts Norman Dodd knew first-hand and he warned us of the soft treason (video and commentary in Gulag // full transcript via supremelaw.org): So they approach the Rockefeller Foundation with a … [Read more...]
Islam’s Rich ‘Part of America’s History’
It is not often one feels compelled to post an anonymous email in Gulag Bound. Today is an exception. Barack Obama, during his Cairo speech, said: "I know, too, that Islam has always been a part of America's history." An American Citizen's Response Dear Mr. Obama: Were those Muslims that were in America when the Pilgrims first landed? Funny, I thought they were Native American Indians. Were those … [Read more...]
‘Gamechanger Salon,’ Brother of Journolist, Secretive Leftwing Network Redux
NoisyRoom.net Well, it looks like the Progressive lapdog media has been colluding again. Media Trackers, a site that tracks media stories and works for transparency in government, uncovered a group with over 1,000 members that is literally a who's who of the Progressive Left in media. And I would wager, it is only the tip of the iceberg out there -- I am sure that the collaboration is widespread and … [Read more...]
Two Black Americans with Sense in a Sea of Senselessness
I have heard it said we are a nation in "civil war." That misses the point. We are a nation oppressively warred against by those opposed to the American Revolution. It is an anti-revolution waged by sinfully foolish people who are, lead by their demons, trying to return us to the status of a colony of subjects to global empire, this time carrying forward the evil ideologies sprung from the last, atrocious … [Read more...]
UPDATE: Christian Ministries Shut-Out by Obama & DHS from Aiding Alien Minors Pushed into America
The Obamunists hardly want actual Christian relief organizations interfering with their planned and executed, Marxofascist disruption, at these hideously abused children's expense. An "Army" of Christians on the Border Prepared to Respond to "Heart-Breaking" Child Immigrant Crisis UPDATE - the CBN video featured in the Charisma Magazine article linked through the above (too bad the CBN staff is regurgitating … [Read more...]
Orchestrated Illegal Immigration in NWO Context; My Talk with Terresa Monroe-Hamilton
We did a net-radio program last night. We covered what this title describes. Plus I asked listeners what is wrong with the American public, that they're not catching on more quickly to what is really going on in the soft warfare of "fundamentally transforming the United States of America." That quotes Barack Obama. He just didn't finish the sentence by saying... into a colony of subjects again, this time of a global, … [Read more...]
ACORN for Illegal Aliens – Meet the Southwest Key Programs
NoisyRoom.net Are you curious who has been facilitating the transport of illegal alien children throughout the country? Look no more... meet La Raza connected Southwest Key Programs. This organization is the pipeline for the children into US refugee camps and homes across the nation. They provide immigrant youth shelters. It is a well-oiled machine that was set up to educate and reintegrate youth into American … [Read more...]
Islam: Some Religions are More Equal than Others
NoisyRoom.net Subjugating Tulsa to Islam since 2010... Obeying the Da’wah. “Inviting to the Way of submission and surrender to Allah.” Justice for all, but some more than others evidently -- welcome to DhimmiTulsa. Religious freedom is obviously not for Christians or others... it's for Muslims and if you are a cop in Tulsa, you will obey and submit or be punished. So sayeth a panel of federal judges in … [Read more...]
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