Hang in there, all you freedom lovers. We're coming in from the cold.... In the meantime, get your hot email here: The Globe & Malevolence. … [Read more...]
Susan Knowles: Parent & Child Rights vs. Govt. Usurpation, on Sovereignty Unbound
UPDATE- Player for streaming the recorded program: New Radio Podcasts with PRNRadioNetwork on BlogTalkRadio Tonight, we are interviewing Susan Knowles, of her blog Stand for Truth, and of Human Events and Gulag Bound. He has a particular interest in the rights of parents and children. [View the story "Susan Knowles on Parent & Child Rights vs. Govt. Usurpation, on Sovereignty … [Read more...]
Wild Bill: When I Meet a Democrat
NoisyRoom.net The article to which Wild Bill refers: By Lloyd Marcus, "Joe Biden is a Vile Little Man." … [Read more...]
7-29 UPDATE: Someone in Theater Opened Door, James Holmes Entered; 2nd Gas Canister Thrown from 2nd Spot
Well, the police have told us they stopped looking for any accomplices. The Aurora, CO Chief of Police called the idea inconceivable. Never mind that the Oklahoma City bombing was prepared by two (or three) people. Never mind Colorado's own Dylan and Klebold. "Inconceivable." Western Journalism has looked into the absurdity of "inconceivable": Witnesses: Colorado Massacre Shooter Had Accomplice July 29, 2012 … [Read more...]
Ulsterman Hospitalized, Food Poisoning, Unknown Cause
In The Ulsterman Report “Food Poisoning” by Ulsterman on July 18, 2012 with 29 Comments in News Received a personal call this morning from the Old Man (who is apparently following comments being left at theulstermanreport.com) demanding I give readers a quick update as speculation has been growing regarding my condition. Today was the first day in just over 48 hours I have been available to respond to any … [Read more...]
On Agenda 21, Arlen Williams Guest on ‘Bards Logic Political Talk’ Tonight
It will be Arlen's privilege to join Robert L. Jetter, Jr. on his BlogTalkRadio program, tonight. The "Bards Logic Political Talk" netcast begins at 8pm ET, 5pm PT. (If one uses phone instead of streaming and/or Skype, the call in Number is 347-945-7428.) They will be keeping tabs on Agenda 21, from the basics to the latest, including the Rio +20 summit just concluded. Also to be discussed is the Sovereignty … [Read more...]
Scientists Disprove the John Roberts Particle
BREAKING: heck, smashing, from Iowahawk... DNC Scientists Disprove Existence of Roberts' Taxon WASHINGTON DC - Jubilant scientists at the DNC's High Speed Word Collider (HSWC) announced today they have conclusively disproven the existence of Roberts' Taxon, the theoretical radioactive Facton particle that some had worried would lead to the implosion of the entire Universal Health Care System. "I think it's … [Read more...]
The Sovereignty Campaign
Here is some of it, to click into. There will be more. … [Read more...]
Behind Earth Day: Ecologists, Marxists, Fascists, & Demons?
Just what does Earth Day and the old and new Marxist and fascist movements have in common? Happy Vladimir Lenin's Birthday, this April 22nd. In The Ignorant Fisherman Blog Saturday, April 21, 2012 The Demonic Movement Behind Earth Day As "Earth Day" is upon us, let us look at the demonic and leftist philosophy which is driving this "Baalistic" ideology. What seems to have a strangle hold on … [Read more...]
Somewhere, Overton Window, Romney Lies
1st in the series: Overton Window, Dialectic Revolution & Obama; Does Mitt Fit the Plan? It’s not the horse, but the plow. Not the hog, but the sow, Nor the bull, but the cow that carries. Can you reflect? You know how. Look! See through it! Start now. We winnow, it's your eye that tarries. But how does that all transmit? By each view and each … [Read more...]
Federal Money into Salt Lake City Olympics, then Romney SuperPAC?
Former Title: How Romney’s Salt Lake City Olympics was an Obama-Style Treasury Scam Crony Capitalism Run Amok How over a billion dollars of our tax money was taken. How it went to private fortunes. How it seems to fund the Restore our Future SuperPAC that gains Romney his Republican ransacking, TV-ad psyopped, primary victories. How can those who are against the public union scam cycle be for this … [Read more...]
Mitt Romney, Rick Santorum Drop Out; Portland, Oregon Debate Canceled
The Republican voting population remains unsettled in its understanding of the presidential candidates and the facts which may either commend or indict them. Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum just voted to maintain the confusion. Once again, Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum have refused to attend a presidential debate. They’re clearly running scared because they fear debating Newt Gingrich. Their inaction proves the … [Read more...]
STREAMING: Alabama Gingrich-Santorum Forum, Archived on C-SPAN
on C-SPAN, Main Channel The link for online streaming, also shown in the excerpt below: 6:30 pm ET Approx. 1 hr. Republican Party | Alabama LIVE Alabama Republican Party Forum with Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum Newton Gingrich; Richard Santorum ...an Alabama Republican Party event... Another excerpt: Republican Candidates Campaign in Birmingham, Alabama Birmingham, AL Monday, March 12, … [Read more...]
Mark Musser: Marxism, Eschatology & Black Liberation Theology, Live-Streaming
Gulag Bound's dissident author, Mark Musser is a participant in live-streamed conference, “Role of the Christian in the National Entity.” His presentation, "Marxism and Eschatology," will include the white hot topic, black liberation theology. It will take place, Wednesday, March 14 at 3:10pm CDST. Link for live-streaming: deanbible.org Other presentations should also be of interest to those who run with the … [Read more...]
Unreported! Wachovia Wells Fargo Launders Venezuelan, Mexican Drug Money
David Janda reports and relates from DaveJanda.com and Operation Freedom. Janda also presents critically important information from American sovereignty patriot, Michael Shaw of Freedom Advocates, about the war on America in your neighborhood, Agenda 21. Operation Freedom Every Sunday from 3-5 P.M., WAAM Talk 1600 turns on the bright lights and fires up its own Operating Room. Dr. Dave Janda, an orthopedic … [Read more...]
What Are You Doing Today?
Working with us? We work hard to save the sovereign United States of America. Please circulate our reports, via email, your favorite forums, and social media -- and how about putting some of our most pertinent information, including titles and links, in screen doors; it's campaign season after all. Are you interested in researching, or writing, or assistant editing for us? … [Read more...]
URGENT: Call Your U.S. Senator, Repeal Abortion Pill Mandate, Immediate Vote
from JillStanek.com Call your senator NOW: Reid to allow vote on repeal of contraceptive mandate Last week Democrat pseudo-pro-life Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid blocked a vote on a bill sponsored by Republican pro-life Senator Roy Blunt to repeal President Obama’s contraception/abortifacient/sterilization mandate. Word this afternoon is Reid will allow the measure – #1520, the Respect for Rights of … [Read more...]
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