Chelsea Schilling at has written an excellent article revealing the background of Friday's White House fence jumper and his self-alleged motivation. Title: "Fence-jumper: Another victim of 'psych crisis' at Fort Hood?" How it begins: Only five months after a senior neuropsychologist in charge of Fort Hood’s outpatient psychiatry clinic revealed to WND a crisis in psychological testing and … [Read more...]
What the Broad Crisis Behind the White House Fence Jumper Implies about ‘Federal’ Government
Photos, Conspiracy Logic, Evidence, on the Boston Marathon Bombing
It would be inappropriate and I believe, unjust and potentially delinquent, to idly sit on the side of withholding the knowledge and perspectives of experienced conspiracy researchers and theorists, when they tend to come to agreement about critically important, breaking events, based at least in large part, on valid information. Here is Tuesday's synopsis and commentary, from a Lt. Col. Roy Potter. The above … [Read more...]
Reporting or Blogging CPAC now? Ask These Two Questions: Militarism
Are you a blogger or paid media pressman attending CPAC in Washington DC right now? If so, we have a suggestion for you, a rather stern one. When you meet members of Congress (and other leaders there) whether in the media room, or elsewhere, ask one or both of the following questions. Then let us know, so we can publish the results, or if you prefer, just link to your chosen venue. We have given them to two … [Read more...]
InfoWars Exposes Army Cover-up of US Re-education Camps (Video)
We will have more context for this soon, following up our report, "CORROBORATION, Context & Analysis, Internment Camps & Re-education Report," May 7, 2012, 11:11 am But for the moment, we'll take this directly from TheAlexJonesChannel at YouTube. If you are prone to discount by reacting to other claims made by Alex Jones and his enterprises, for the moment I'll just ask: focus now... focus. And click … [Read more...]
BREAKING: Leaked Documents, Internal US Internment & Re-Education
Gulag Bulletin - see: CORROBORATION, Context & Analysis, Internment Camps & Re-education Report, May 7, 2012 In the morning, editorial "we" will relate perspective, background information, and perhaps further new information - that after some study, reflection, and speaking for myself, after continuing with tasks required for the Sovereignty Campaign - something of utmost pertinence - @SovCam. For … [Read more...]
Summarizing the National Defense Authorization Act: Rendition, Detaining Americans, the Reality?
Maggie's Notebook December 26 The huge 1000-page National Defense Authorization Act of 2012 (NDAA) passed handily after being submitted late, with little time for Congress to read it. The bill funds all facets of the military. The bill was late being submitted. There was little time to read it. I remember hearing Senator Rand Paul say he would not sign it, even if he agreed with it, because he was not given the … [Read more...]
The Nazification of America
In The Constitution Times The Nazification Of America Posted on Wednesday, December 7, 2011 by Stillie Mason The fact that someone would claim that the Holocaust was “a big deception” is absurd. Yet, Iran’s Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has made that statement, as well as saying that Israel should be, in his words, “wiped off the map.” Countless wars haven’t stemmed the tide of man’s hatred, any more than the … [Read more...]
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