Making Heroes out of Dope Dealers and Stoners

By: Cliff Kincaid The new “Heroes” bill offered by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is the latest version of the Green New Deal. It makes “heroes” out of dope dealers, with the “green” being marijuana and money. The $3 trillion bill, considered DOA (Dead on Arrival) in the Senate, is an example of the power of Big Marijuana, which owes its very existence to billionaire George Soros, the founder of the modern drug … [Read more...]

A Chinese Pattern Emerges: First Fentanyl, Now Coronavirus

By: Cliff Kincaid There are people in China and America, some with connections to the Wuhan Institute of Virology, who are upset with reports that the coronavirus is linked to the lab. They want to blame President Trump for a plague unleashed by China. But it turns out there are many controversial labs in Wuhan. Some “study” viruses. Some produce fentanyl. A fascinating article in the Los Angeles … [Read more...]

DORNER UPDATE: Evidence Mounts in Mass Shootings: Sociopathic Progressivism & Drugs

UPDATE:  Fugitive, alleged cop killer, Chris Dorner's Manifesto with progressive, pro-Obama, pro-Clinton rants redacted - also reportedly full text for comparison - see comments below article Original date of Gulag Blog entry, February 5 (edited as marked) Gulag Tales & Rumor Trails Not completely confirmed [edit: see comments,as well as the text of this short article.] If you have further information, … [Read more...]

Ron Paul Fingered, Attacking Gingrich & Santorum for Romney

Weekly calls between the Paul and Romney campaigns This entire stream, uploaded this Thursday from Mark Levin, is very important, but be sure to catch what he plays at the 7:04 mark. It is from a recent "Morning Joe," telecast. at YouTube, "Mark Levin Helps the American People more than Ron Paul could ever hope for" "There is a de facto alliance between Ron Paul and Mitt Romney; there's no question about it. … [Read more...]

Unreported! Wachovia Wells Fargo Launders Venezuelan, Mexican Drug Money

David Janda reports and relates from and Operation Freedom. Janda also presents critically important information from American sovereignty patriot, Michael Shaw of Freedom Advocates, about the war on America in your neighborhood, Agenda 21. Operation Freedom Every Sunday from 3-5 P.M., WAAM Talk 1600 turns on the bright lights and fires up its own Operating Room. Dr. Dave Janda, an orthopedic … [Read more...]

Barack Obama Accused: Selling Cocaine, Homosexual Sex while IL Senator

Where was the media in 2008? Where are they now? by Charles Kerchner CDR Kerchner's Blog   Rush Limbaugh Contrasts Politico’s Intense Reporting on Anonymous Charges against Herman Cain with Politico’s Sparse Reporting of Charges by Larry Sinclair against Barack Obama – Gay Sex, Cocaine Use, and Murder Scandal; Media Coverup | @   Obama Accused of Gay Sex, Drugs, and Complicity to … [Read more...]

Updated 10/12: Special Moments of the ‘Occupy’ Movement

Caution: disturbed content 10/10 @ 1:55pm CT Spread the what? Oh, "filth!" I thought the man said "wealth." Repeat after your commissar: No! Say "repeat after your commissar." Much better, thank you. With the photo above as our banner, we the Bound assign this post, to the chronicling of the more tender moments, of the "occupy movement," pardon the expression. Occasionally, let this log, pardon … [Read more...]

Obama Has Done his Job Well: USA All But Destroyed

By now, I assume everyone who isn’t comatose has heard about the Standard & Poors downgrading of the USA’s economic stability from AAA to AA+.   Despite the White House feverishly working to spin the news for we-the-proletariat -- and hinting that "it really means nothing" -- I suspect there is much celebrating going on behind the scenes.  Since ratings were established, this is the first time in History that the … [Read more...]

When the Dictator Speaks We Must Listen or Else & Congress Establishing the US’ First Politburo

To anyone with a functional mind. it is inarguable that Obama has established a dictatorship--replacing the USA’s former Republic--with his own brand of totalitarian dictates (“executive orders and commandments”) that bypass and replace US Constitutional law.   For example, Obama could not get his Cap & Trade through Congress, so he bypassed Congress and issued an order declaring the EPA as the regulator for his … [Read more...]

EU Failing on All Fronts

If the latest report by Debkafile is true, then the Libyan war is unofficially over, Obama has made Russia the peacemaker, and NATO has ended its air strikes. A reasonable layperson’s analysis of this report might be this: The EU has overextended itself politically, economically and militarily. 1–Politically: It has always been a de facto dictatorship. It was originally touted as a strictly economic scheme and … [Read more...]

Ideology Bound Libertarians Look a Lot Like Leftists

Libertarians on Drugs #2 Mark Thornton, writing for the libertarian Mises Daily, points out that “drug reform” is a hot issue. By drug reform, he means decriminalization or legalization of drug use. He writes: Political candidates, politicians, former presidents, interest groups, and even the Global Commission on Drug Policy are all calling for drug-policy reform He rhetorically asks “why the interest in this … [Read more...]

Cato Institute’s Portugal Drug Study Based on False/Distorted Government Data?

Libertarians on Drugs, first in a series The libertarian Cato Institute recently ran a study of the drug situation in Portugal, which legalized drugs de facto in 2001. It published some figures showing how deaths among drug users and some other parameters went down, apparently signaling positive results for the legalization experiment. Scientific American published details on this study and now it is being quoted … [Read more...]

Agenda Behind Fast & Furious Gunrunner Program

NoisyRoom By: AJ While clear-thinking Americans can agree that Obama and Holder’s Justice Department made a fatal error in instituting “Operation Fast and Furious,” whereby thousands of weapons were knowingly placed in the hands of straw buyers who illegally crossed our southern border, few are asking why such a dangerous program was created. There was a definite agenda and we need to go back to 2009, … [Read more...]