Archives for March 2012

Can Justice Survive Media Lynch Mob?

Accuracy in Media As more facts have come out about the tragic death of young Trayvon Martin, the news media have been confronted with the consequences of their rush to judgment when news of this story first broke nationally. The first week or 10 days of national coverage turned out to be more of a lynch mob than a sober take on an unfolding story. It had all the makings of “First the hanging, then the trial.” … [Read more...]

Loudon in San Francisco, Friday

New Zeal I will be in the Bay Area to speak on Friday March 30th at 11:30 am at Sharon Heights Golf & Country Club, Menlo Park, California., sponsored by the Peninsula Republican Women Federated. For information, please contact Elsie Gufler: I also plan to be in California in mid-May and again during my Fall tour, August to October. … [Read more...]

George Zimmerman’s Father: Obama’s Hate; Death Threat by Trayvon Martin

The neo-Marxist psyops machine, coordinating journos and politicos alike, has overreached again.  Move over, fictitious legends of:  Tawana Brawley, Mumia Abu Jamal, O. J. Simpson, Duke Lacrosse case, and White House Beer Summit.  How much mock Jim Crow is there to eat, by all the propagandists? This time, it will be rubbed in even more deeply and even more African-Americans will see how the global neo-Marxist … [Read more...]

In Trayvon Martin Case, Life Imitates Art

In Tom Wolfe’s bestselling novel “Bonfire of the Vanities,” a liberal New York prosecutor who yearned for a “Great White Defendant” got his wish when a wealthy stockbroker named Sherman McCoy ran over a black teenager in a case of questionable self-defense. The prosecutor, left-wing racial activists and a sensationalist media fed off each other, leading to a state of pure hysteria where the facts were all swept … [Read more...]

George & Trayvon: Asking the Wrong Questions

One month ago a promising young life was snuffed out in a single moment, a shining smile on a bright young face wiped away by a crazed, gun toting, self appointed busy-body who chased down an innocent boy and killed him for no reason except that he was wearing a hoodie and walking in a "gated community," right? Now everyone is asking lots of questions; why isn't the murderer under arrest, in jail waiting for … [Read more...]

The Perving of Palin, Chapter Arlen Specter

Perhaps the day she made her first,  historic McCain campaign rally appearance, I became aware the spiritual enemy would try to defile her in people's minds and hearts. That is one of their many specialties, after all. The impression was a priority for prayer. We have seen it ever since, in some of the vilest ways and by some of the most noted of the media. The latest, from a man about whom having a first name … [Read more...]

Constitution Law Epic Fail

By: Malcolm A. Kline Accuracy in Academia Art Lien/NBC News Solicitor General Donald Verrilli argued the case for the Obama administration. There is an obvious teachable moment in the Supreme Court case this week which tests the constitutionality of the Obama Administration’s health care program but most law professors will probably miss it. “The Supreme Court will hear six hours of argument over three … [Read more...]

Gingrich: ‘The talking heads… understand I represent the end of the game’

A reminder, from January 17th: Video, "Newt Gingrich Picks a Fight"  So I believe the time has come to be prepared for what'll be a big fight. Let me be quite clear. If you want peaceful, pleasant managing the decay, I'm the wrong person. Because what I stand for is such a disruption in the Washington establishment, listen.... You can see it if you watch the television, I mean the talking heads are … [Read more...]

The Strange Case of Sergeant Bales: Enemy Agent in the Ranks?

Accuracy in Media We are told that Sergeant Robert Bales navigated his way through Taliban-infested areas and killed 17 Afghan civilians, including women and toddlers. Then he took time out from shooting to stack up several of the bodies and light them on fire. One might expect that such a shooter would be running from any angry mob who identified this obvious intruder in their midst, if not be pinned down in … [Read more...]

Obama Caught on Hot Mic: Tells Russian PM He‘ll Have More ’Flexibility‘ ’After My Election’

NoisyRoom Read more at The Blaze... There is a strong case to be made that Barack Obama is a Soviet agent at least in intent. Scoff if you will, but evidence is mounting more and more. … [Read more...]

USA Under Siege: Congress Votes in Secret with Obama to End Bill of Rights

America, we have an enormous problem.  And, it’s a quickly expanding one.  Fueled by the palpable fear of We-the-People that is now observably apparent from arrogant elected members of both the Executive and Legislative branches of the US government, Orwellian bills denying the American people their Constitutionally-protected rights are now being routinely crafted and passed by an increasingly draconian “ruling--not … [Read more...]

Leveraging Racism for Chaos – Gateway to Communism

NoisyRoom By: Terresa Monroe-Hamilton The New Black Panther Party Revolution - The Beatles: You say you want a revolution Well, you know We all want to change the world You tell me that it's evolution Well, you know We all want to change the world But when you talk about destruction Don't you know that you can count me out Don't you know it's gonna be all right All right, all right You say … [Read more...]

Mitt Romney’s Anti-Republican Robocalls in Wisconsin

So far I have received two of these calls directly from the Mitt Romney campaign here in Wisconsin. One was caught by my answering machine. The expenditure of each of them was in the delivery of  informational (or disinformational) content specifically for the attacking of Rick Santorum. Neither of these robo-calls had anything good to say about their own candidate, Mitt Romney, nor gave any intrinsic reason to … [Read more...]

‘Dangerous Dick’ Lugar and the Marxist Led ‘Peace’ PAC

New Zeal Veteran Indiana GOP senator Richard Lugar, faces a serious primary challenge this election cycle. Every patriotic American should be praying that "Dangerous Dick'" is soundly defeated and is never elected, or appointed, to any form of public office again. Richard Lugar is not merely a leftist Republican - there are plenty of those. "Dangerous Dick" is in a league all of his own. What … [Read more...]

Rubber-stamping Obama’s African War Policy

Accuracy in Media As media-induced frenzy over African warlord Joseph Kony reaches a fever pitch, Democratic Senator Christopher Coons has introduced a resolution that seems to provide legal cover for President Obama’s deployment of U.S. combat troops to Africa. Obama ordered the military intervention last October, without the approval of Congress, saying he wanted the “removal” of Kony from “the battlefield,” … [Read more...]

Federal Money into Salt Lake City Olympics, then Romney SuperPAC?

Former Title: How Romney’s Salt Lake City Olympics was an Obama-Style Treasury Scam  Crony Capitalism Run Amok How over a billion dollars of our tax money was taken. How it went to private fortunes. How it seems to fund the Restore our Future SuperPAC that gains Romney his Republican ransacking, TV-ad psyopped, primary victories. How can those who are against the public union scam cycle be for this … [Read more...]

Jerome Corsi’s Interview with Thomas Ayers’ Mailman

Jack Cashill's account of postman Allen Hulton's encounter with presidency-targeted Barack Obama, circa 1988, in front of Bill Ayers' red utilityman daddy's house, has been entered into Gulag records: "What the Mailman Knows about Ayers and Obama." Now we excerpt the beginning of Jerome Corsi's, WND article on Hulton and show the attached video: WND EXCLUSIVE Postman: Ayers family put 'foreigner' Obama through … [Read more...]

Obama’s Secret War-making for the U.N.

Accuracy in Media You may not have heard of PSD-10 because it has received no significant coverage from the major media. Yet, President Obama issued “Presidential Study Directive 10” last August 4, 2011, and posted it on the White House website. It amounts to a new and potentially far-reaching exercise of American military power cloaked in humanitarian language and conducted under the auspices of the United … [Read more...]

Van Jones Launches Rebuild the Dream campaign in Hawaii

Hat Tips: Nancy Jacques / BB Van Jones: Death to the 'great white suburbs' Van Jones rallies Hawaii crowd in support of green projects, against Wall Street … [Read more...]

Trevor Loudon in Colorado – Wednesday March 21, and Friday March 23 Events

New Zeal I have more events for Wednesday March 21st and Friday March 23rd planned in Colorado. Trevor Loudon in Longmont Join the Longmont 9.12 Tea Party and The Longmont Republican Women in welcoming Trevor Loudon to Colorado. Wednesday March 21st, 2012 7 p.m. The American Legion Hall 315 South Bowen just north of Ken Pratt, Longmont (Extra parking across the street) Meet and Greet - 6:30 … [Read more...]

The Romney Rig: Remember the Maine Caucuses

We have dealt with the overwhelming money thrown into TV (and radio) psyops advertising for Mitt Romney, enough to give him the Republican superficial bloc vote and then some. We have shown where the money comes from, for this apparent Quisling for Agenda 21 tyranny and the "global governance" into which central banksters and their neo-Marxist minions invest, for their gain. We have even repeatedly shown George … [Read more...]

Loudon in California

New Zeal I will be in California from approximately March 27 to April 6 for research, interviews and some speaking engagements. I will be in the Bay Area to speak on Friday March 30th at 11:30 am at Sharon Heights Golf & Country Club, Menlo Park, California., sponsored by the Peninsula Republican Women Federated. … [Read more...]

Did Obama Assassinate Clinton Delegates?

"George Soros met with Hillary and Obama. Soros said his agenda was to tear this economy down to the ground. Obama said, 'no problem.' Hillary said, 'no way.'"PolitiJim's Rants PolitJim I’m going to take you on a little journey that – even I’m not sure I believe. But it is newsworthy, in my opinion. One of my key True The Vote heroes was asked to be on the blogtalkradio station Red Right & Blue this past … [Read more...]

MSNBC Planning to Have Matthews & Co. Host this year’s Election Coverage

Accuracy in Media Unlike in 2008, MSNBC is planning to have Chris Matthews, along with the rest of the primetime lineup of MSNBC, host the 2012 presidential election coverage. This includes the presidential debates in September and October, and election night itself. When it came up in 2008, MSNBC decided to pull their two top hosts, Matthews and Keith Olbermann, from anchoring the presidential debates and … [Read more...]

US Secret Service Says No Anti-Obama Rallies Allowed!

Over the weekend I received an email from my local TEA Party Director that Barack Hussein Obama would fly into Carlsbad, NM airport on Wednesday 21 March, in order to “make an appearance at the South Easter NM oilfields.”  However, apparently after hearing that an immediate anti-Obama rally had been planned, Obama and his entourage changed the landing location to Roswell, NM… a city 77 miles from Carlsbad. Note:  … [Read more...]

What the Mailman Knows about Ayers and Obama

Doorbell! American Thinker March 19, 2012 A few days ago I got a call asking whether I knew anything about the Ayers family mailman. I had heard of him, I said. I remembered liberal blogger Steven Diamond having interviewed the fellow a few years back but paid it little mind as the information seemed too limited to pursue. The caller then sent me a video interview with the mailman by WND sleuth Jerome … [Read more...]

World Government Lobby Frets Over Fate of Lugar

Accuracy in Media “He’s got to run against who he is.” This was the verdict on Republican Senator Richard Lugar from one of the activists attending a Citizens for Global Solutions (CGS) national conference in Washington, D.C. last week. The group used to be known as the World Federalist Association but dropped the name because of the taint associated with promoting world government. The incumbent Lugar, one … [Read more...]

Gingrich, Paul, Romney & Santorum on Agenda 21 vs. U.S. Sovereignty

Update of "GOP Presidential Candidates on Agenda 21 'Sustainable Development'" (1/12/2012) further information provided, other candidates eliminatedWill 2012 be the year America succumbs to global neo-Marxism? The Ground War in Your Neighborhood - Where do they Stand? Even those who believe themselves devoted patriots (including devout Christians) may foolishly be enticed by the powers that be, into violating … [Read more...]