With all the talk of gun control, I thought it would be a good topic to address in detail. We have always recognized that there is a group of political elites that see an advantage in disarming the public. The tactics vary, but generally this involves invoking “safety,” “compassion,” or a bolder stance, meant to tug on heart strings “save the children.” Then there is the angle that may seem a little … [Read more...]
Gun Control – Objective Analysis and Historical Context
Hillary Clinton vs. The Second Amendment
NoisyRoom.net Hat Tip: The New Americana Hillary Clinton just outright refused to say during an interview yesterday that owning a gun was a constitutionally protected right. I'm not surprised in the least, but she is certainly getting more and more brazen about it. George Stephanopoulos asked her point blank concerning the issue: "Do you believe that an individual's right to bear arms is a constitutional … [Read more...]
Obama: Time to Disarm Americans So They’ll Die Faster
Until January 2009, we had never seen the likes of Barack Hussein Obama from anyone in leadership positions...let alone the president of the United States. I daresay, we have likely never seen anyone in the world like him. During his initial campaign for the presidency in 2008 he said he would “transform” the country from its very foundation. People who had graduated high school no later than the 1960s knew full well … [Read more...]
Ted Cruz on the Democrats’ New Plan to Ban Opposing Political Speech
The Democratic Party, the party of 21st Century Marxofascism in America, wishes to utilize their manufactured furor over the Supreme Court's Citizens United case. Through a newly proposed constitutional amendment, they are attempting to apply their typically fuzzy use of language to hide the body of the marauder-filled Trojan Horse behind yet another grand semiotic curtain, while claiming only its head is their gift … [Read more...]
Obama Syndicate Assaulting Americans from Every Angle
In order to effectively--and with as much certainty as is possible--decimate and destroy a country, its Middle Class must be thoroughly eradicated. The infamous Soviet-style Communist Saul Alinsky--mentor to Hillary Clinton who wrote her Senior thesis on him “There is Only the Fight…” at Wellesley College--wrote extensively about it in his book Rules for Radicals. Barack Hussein Obama is also an admirer of Alinsky … [Read more...]
What Is It With Socialists and Violence Anyway?
NoisyRoom.net Karl Pierson (via Karl Pierson's facebook profile) The young gunman responsible for the shooting on Friday at Arapahoe High School in Colorado is described in a variety of ways by his classmates: Socialist, Communist... See a trend? Sadly, my daughter came to us today and said that students don't hold political views, so that cannot be true. Except it is and it is straight from the students … [Read more...]
Lead Smelters and Leftist Lunacy
American Thinker It was recently announced that our nation's last primary lead smelter, in business since 1892, the Doe Run facility in Herculaneum, Missouri, is closing its doors at the end of this year rather than meet costly new EPA regulations. On the heels of that announcement, there was widespread speculation that the closure would dry up the supply of lead needed for the manufacture of ammunition. The … [Read more...]
More Cats, Less Rats (2nd Amendment or Militarism for Chicago?)
Blasted Fool I’ve written numerous columns illustrating the staggering lack of logic and reason within the gun control movement among liberals at large, in the media and within the Democrat party. I found it necessary to return to the topic, because I just got a super-sized example of the impaired judgment and intellectual dishonesty of gunophobes handed to me on a Silver platter by the Governor of … [Read more...]
Living Under Tyranny: Solidification of the Obama Dictatorship, Part I
The Obama dictatorship is virtually complete. Since he began the occupation of what was once our White House, the dictator-in-chief has been busy writing one Executive Order after another designed to replace US law…with ObamaLaw. Under normal and saner times, these EOs would mean little-to-nothing because the checks and balances of co-equal branches of government would render them null and void if they flew in the … [Read more...]
Invaders Guarding the Immigration Watchtower
NoisyRoom.net The leader of the immigration enforcement agents' union claims La Raza is running U.S. immigration policy. - ICE National Council Mark Levin is a true American patriot and once again he has brought to light the ongoing Marxist takeover of America. On his show on May 9th, he interviewed Chris Crane, President of the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officers union and what was covered was … [Read more...]
April 17, 2013: A Day of American Pride in Our Freedom
By: Toddy Littman President Obama, who, exploiting former Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords and the Newtown Shooting families that he had the American People pay for as lobbyists to go to Washington D.C. to speak to Senators and Congresspersons apparently on behalf of the White House (one Newtown mother and father even replaced President Obama in his weekly radio address), then, after all this sensationalism … [Read more...]
Media Working Hand in Glove with Democrats on Gun Legislation
Accuracy in Media Why do the media consider the filibuster a strong, principled stance under Democrat leadership, but an obstructionist tool when used by Republicans? This media double standard has been used consistently during the current and past administration, and is currently being used to shame Republicans on the gun control debate. “For a party who is commonly regarded as “inflexible” and “unwilling to … [Read more...]
Communism Survivor Blasts Salem Gun Grabbers: ‘You Don’t Know What Freedom Is!’
NoisyRoom Hat Tip: Rodney Stubbs Read much, much more at Daylight Disinfectant... … [Read more...]
Sen. Feinstein You Lie! Infantry Grade Firearms are Mandated for Citizen Militias
What part of "Militia... Arms..." do they pretend not to understand? See the liar lying and getting away with it. Senator Feinstein says she is not a 6th grader and she comes from a different place than Sen. Cruz, who would honor his Oath of Office to the Constitution. She claims "weapons of war" are not to be included in our Second Amendment protections. Yet, Senator Cruz did not ask her why then … [Read more...]
Reporting or Blogging CPAC now? Ask These Two Questions: Militarism
Are you a blogger or paid media pressman attending CPAC in Washington DC right now? If so, we have a suggestion for you, a rather stern one. When you meet members of Congress (and other leaders there) whether in the media room, or elsewhere, ask one or both of the following questions. Then let us know, so we can publish the results, or if you prefer, just link to your chosen venue. We have given them to two … [Read more...]
The Obama Chronicles: Deceptions, Murders & Continuing ObamaGov Terrorism
While Obama and his syndicate continue to gut the USA economically, openly steal from and continue to subjugate we US citizens, send millions and even billions of taxpayer dollars to the real terrorists (the Muslim Brotherhood and its myriad evil spawns) and remove US citizens’ freedoms while giving more freedoms to jihadists and illegal aliens, Obama continues to work diligently to terrorize America and its people … [Read more...]
ObamaGov: Story of a Tyrant and a Collaborative Congress
It’s becoming harder and harder for a great number of people to make sense of what the government is doing. So, instead of actually looking to and accepting the obvious and logical reasons (aka Occam’s Razor) for what it occurring, media personnel (it has become increasingly difficult to call them journalists or reporters) continue to scratch their heads and ask ‘what is Obama doing’? The answer is obvious to all, … [Read more...]
‘Virtual President’ Bill Whittle Nails it on Gun Control
New Zeal "Virtual president" Bill Whittle nails it on gun control... Absolutely nails it. … [Read more...]
Thousands Oppose Governor O’Malley’s Ill-conceived Gun Bills
Accuracy in Media Exclusive to Accuracy in Media Wednesday I traveled to Annapolis to testify in opposition to SB 281, the painfully misnamed “Firearms Safety Act of 2013.” I was not alone. Media outlets counted “hundreds” but there were probably at least 5,000. According to the office of Senate Judiciary Proceedings Committee Chairman Brian Frosh, 2,444 people originally signed up to testify. Another 200 or … [Read more...]
DORNER UPDATE: Evidence Mounts in Mass Shootings: Sociopathic Progressivism & Drugs
UPDATE: Fugitive, alleged cop killer, Chris Dorner's Manifesto with progressive, pro-Obama, pro-Clinton rants redacted - also reportedly full text for comparison - see comments below article Original date of Gulag Blog entry, February 5 (edited as marked) Gulag Tales & Rumor Trails Not completely confirmed [edit: see comments,as well as the text of this short article.] If you have further information, … [Read more...]
‘You Can’t Ban Evil’
New Zeal A black woman's perspective on gun control. From Kira Davis, actress, mother, blogger and talker. … [Read more...]
It’s High Noon: We The People vs Obama
NoisyRoom By: Lloyd Marcus Dear Brother and Sister Patriots, With so many folks seeming to water down their full-bodied Conservative values into Liberal-Lite - sadly seeking to get along with Obama and win over his low-info-voters, I feel a little like Gary Cooper in the movie western, "High Noon." As sheriff, Cooper unsuccessfully sought help to tackle bad guys scheduled to arrive on the noon train. … [Read more...]
Gun Laws Didn’t Stop Pothead Killer
Accuracy in Media The liberals continue to pretend that “gun control” laws will stop “gun violence,” even while providing the fuel, in the form of potent marijuana, which can spark violence and murder. A case in point is a Florida teenage gunman, Benjamin Bishop, the subject of a Tampa Bay Times article about how he became a zombie killer through the use of pot that caused him to fear “ghosts” speaking foreign … [Read more...]
The Gun Ban Lobby and its Funders
Since 2008, when James Simpson pulled the curtain back, to expose the Cloward-Piven sabotage behind "Barack Obama and the Strategy of Manufactured Crisis," we have closely followed his revelations. Please see and pass along these key facts and connected dots of the network behind gun control - and always "follow the money." - AW ------------- By: James Simpson, Foundation Watch, February 2013 (PDF here) Capital … [Read more...]
Surprize!!! Top Communist Backs Obama ‘Gun Grab’ Plan
New Zeal A national leader of the Communist Party USA has come out in favor of Party "friend" President Barack Obama's proposed gun restrictions. In a current People's World website article Fight to end gun violence is key to defending democracy, Ohio Party leader, and Communist Party national board member Rick Nagin, openly calls for the trashing of the Second Amendment, in favor of the "fundamental … [Read more...]
Cutter Promises Obama’s Campaign Cockroach Corps vs. 2nd Amendment
The Obamunists are counting on their network of apparatchiks, collectivist dupes, government dependents, and, well... minority racists, once again. At TownHall.com, by Leah Barkoukis; it's short so we'll show the whole thing, but ask you to click over there anyway: Cutter: We Will Activate the Campaign Network to Take on the NRA We haven’t seen much of Stephanie Cutter since the election but she recently … [Read more...]
Battered America Syndrome
NoisyRoom The assault on the Constitution and our Founding Principles has accelerated. Americans seem to be assailed by Marxist/Progressive propaganda at every turn. The most serious threat to our God-given rights currently, is the attack being mounted on the Second Amendment by the Progressive Left. They worked hard to manufacture a crisis with the Fast & Furious project which, to their disappointment, was … [Read more...]
Eric Holder’s Admitted Desire to ‘Brainwash’ Americans about Guns
A picture with a few well reported words; what is it worth in consideration of Attorney General Holder and the Obama administration? Sometimes I think one could show a video of Obama and Holder biting the heads off babies, to many brainwashed Democratic voters and it would not make a difference to them. But, here is the video of Holder's spilling the beans on the topic of collectivist … [Read more...]
Assault Beer, Assault Soda, Assault Prescription…
Glimpse into the mind of the authoritarian/collectivist propagandist and "know your enemy" hard at work to "fundamentally transform the United States of America." You go into some of these small towns in Pennsylvania and like a lot of small towns in the Midwest, the jobs have gone now for 25 years and nothing's replaced them. It's not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to … [Read more...]
Home of the Enslaved
NoisyRoom Millions of Americans got a nasty surprise this week in their paychecks. Their pay was effectively reduced due to the taxation football being fumbled once again by our so-called esteemed leaders in DC. Many Americans believed these politicians on both sides of the aisle when they claimed that they had to pass Obama's mandate to raise taxes, because not to would be catastrophic. It would raise taxes … [Read more...]
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