Dick Morris' past is checkered. Not having scoured his autobiographical works, I would hope he's admitted that and, being a master at public relations, has not attempted to defend his former life as a chief political advisor to Bill Clinton. So... everybody past that? Good. Currently, he's not perfect, but I listen to him often for some of the most clear-eyed political analyses (and anti-globalist, … [Read more...]
Listen to Dick Morris. Really. ‘(Why) Bush Says Work More Hours’
Refusing to Vote for ‘the Lesser of Two Evils?’ A Thought Experiment for You
One inclined to turn up his nose against "lesser of two evils" voting might consider a thought experiment. For the sake of clarity, consider what would appear to be a more extreme case than what we are currently experiencing in America. Want to consider evils? Let's do. What if you were one of the many citizen sovereigns charged by God to rule your nation, but it deteriorated so badly that the … [Read more...]
How Republicans Project a 52-48 Senate Majority at October 1
Senate Watch: Election 2014 Horse Race at 5 Weeks to Go Sovereignty Campaign - SovCam.org If November 4th's elections turn out as all the data gatherers, electoral analysts, and yours truly presently assess, the Republican Party would most likely gain the caucusing majority in the U.S. Senate, 52-48. That possibility however is way too close to call, like calling ball or strike on a knuckler halfway to the … [Read more...]
Listen to the American People: Secure Border, No Amnesty; Innocent Blood Cries Out
By: Michael Johns “He was tortured, beaten to death, strangled and then set on fire,” Laura Wilkerson said earlier this month in McAllen, Texas. She was recalling her beloved 18-year-old son Josh, who was brutally murdered by illegal alien Hermilio Moralez in November 2010. The details of Josh Wilkerson’s murder are gruesome: Moralez, in the United States illegally from Belize, violently kicked Wilkerson in … [Read more...]
See a Cheney, Romney, etc. Globalist Sheepherding Fundraiser? Give Elsewhere!
UPDATE Saturday, June 21: Just got I believe my eighth email from this bastardized, Cheney-tainted operation thus so very beaconing, "False Flag CFR-style neo-con Globalist... False Flag CFR-style neo-con Globalist...." What was it he told his counterpart, Patrick Leahy, of the left side of the complex, to go do to himself? Mr. Cheney, examine your own priorities. -------GB------- (June 19, 2014, 1:38pm) Have you … [Read more...]
Texas Republican Primary: Tea Party Results Spell National Trouble
Think the Tea Party and the overall ranks of America's awake and aware are predominant in the GOP? Look to the besieged Republican stronghold of Texas and think again. Here are three very indicative results from yesterday's tallies, all landslides, all distinctly bad by sensible accounts, presented in a rough order of national alarm. Land Commissioner: George P. (for Nazi financier, Prescott) Bush 75% David … [Read more...]
Jerry Brown’s Destruction of California
While driving home yesterday, I made the mistake of turning on the radio. I thought it would be a relaxing way to spend the drive and it was until a local news station began talking about the increased crime rate in California. I soon remembered what I guess I had tried to forget and that was Jerry Brown’s signing into law of AB109. This Assembly Bill is Brown’s attempt to “close the revolving door” on low-level … [Read more...]
CRITICAL: Relearn the 20th Century – Three Must See Videos for All Adults (updated)
Temporary Note, 10/31: Definitely going to update, edit, and round this out, soon -- and will bring it back to the top of the Resisters' Log, a.k.a., Gulag Blog list. It will have some big stuff about American Betrayal -- and maybe that third stanza. Happy All Spooks Night. Situational Awareness in the Gardens Now, to understand where you have come, Gain command of how things came to be. Look back, see … [Read more...]
Beware a New ‘Third Way’ via Corrupt Democrats, Aided by Robert Reich’s ‘Inequality for All’
They will be trying to pull a Clinton again, with Robert Reich's help, it seems. From the looks of his Inequality for All campaign, Reich is working on the new attempt to preserve collectivist control of America, via the hopelessly despotic Democratic Party and its central bank complex's puppet strings, despite the devastation of its more obviously neo-Marxist Obamunists. In so doing, they will be trying to … [Read more...]
Eric Holder’s Violent Black Militance: How Was this Covered-Up?
In the Daily Caller As college student, Eric Holder participated in ‘armed’ takeover of former Columbia University ROTC office Published: 11:56 PM 09/30/2012 As a freshman at Columbia University in 1970, future Attorney General Eric Holder participated in a five-day occupation of an abandoned Naval Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) headquarters with a group of black students later described by the … [Read more...]
Witnesses Testify: ‘The Ayes Have it’ on the Teleprompter
UPDATE Shown, 2 minutes in: August 29, 2012, 7:52pm CT, as published: Evidence Shows RNC Rigged Vote on Rule Change at Republican Convention 2012? David Bellow Texas Conservative Republican News Witnesses say that Teleprompter scrolled "the ayes have it" even before the voice vote was taken. Also, video of the rule change vote at the Republican National Convention shows that the vote … [Read more...]
GOP Gone Marxofascist – ‘Top-Down, Bottom-Up’ Despotism at RNC
On August 28 entitled, "Final Critical Evidence to Vote Down a Romney Nomination" See also "Virginia Delegation & Morton Blackwell Taken for a Ride; Prevented from GOP Rules Participation." MUST SEE TRAVESTY Video, "Dirty Tricks, Boehner And RNC Rule Additions « Republican CONvention 2012" thank you, @OhSuzyQz Video, "Chaos On The GOP Convention Floor" just before rules were to be reported … [Read more...]
All-Out Marxist Media Assault on Romney/Ryan Begins with Gusto!
First and foremost--lest I forget--both the presidential and vice-presidential “debates” questioning of Romney, Obama, Ryan and Biden will be moderated by the most leftist “journalists” who inhabit the alphabet network stables. To top it off, the sole vice-presidential debate’ “moderator”--Martha Raddatz--was married to an Obama FCC appointee Julius Genachowski whom the Daily Caller reports was a “Genachowski and … [Read more...]
Dick Cheney’s Demeaning of Sarah Palin, ‘Adequately Explained’
And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness... rather expose them. - Paul's Letter to Ephesians, 5:11 The bizarre and destructive behavior of Democrats such as the Obama regime and its most virulent accomplices in Congress is inexplicable to mankind, until one sees it in the context of his being a saboteur of the American way of life and a globalist neo-Marxist. When one understands that, the … [Read more...]
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