Archives for August 2011

Update: Two Developments in Obama Social Security Number Investigation

 (8/30, 5:27pm CT) Two breaking stories: "Barack Obama's Illegal Alien Family's Social Security Numbers Revealed" This has to do with the blow-up regarding another illegal alien family member and his valid (but phony) social security number, though a viewer of the Marxstream media would not detect a whiff. Update - … [Read more...]

Allen West Contemplates Membership in Violence Baiting Congressional Black (Neo-Marxist) Caucus

Allen West commented today on FoxNews' "Fox & Friends," that he is "reconsidering" his membership in the Congressional Black Caucus. We have provided the context and some of Rep. West's compelling reasons in the following items: "Congressional Black Caucus’ Dangerous Violent Rhetoric: Declares ‘War’ on Racist Tea Party," August 30, 2011, by Terresa Monroe-Hamilton "ALERT: Congressional Black Caucus … [Read more...]

Who Are the Libyan Rebels – Really?

New Zeal From The Telegraph: Abdel-Hakim al-Hasidi, the Libyan rebel leader, has said jihadists who fought against allied troops in Iraq are on the front lines of the battle against Muammar Gaddafi's regime. In an interview with the Italian newspaper Il Sole 24 Ore, Mr al-Hasidi admitted that he had recruited "around 25" men from the Derna area in eastern Libya to fight against coalition troops in … [Read more...]

ALERT: Congressional Black Caucus ObamaThugs Call for Race War to Keep Obama in Power

Since usurping the US presidency, the Marxist-Leninist Obama syndicate has committed treason after treason upon the USA and its people.  Note:  See my past columns for more information. [Gulag Link] Now, however, it is moving into the next and, as predicted, extreme violence phase.  The CBC is going from city to city nationally and demanding “Beyond Zimbabwe change!”  As the TEA Party has attempted to reign in … [Read more...]

The Liberal Honolulu Elections Official who Declared Obama’s Hawaiian Birth Certificate Nonexistent

Why the Anti-Journalists Savaged Tim Adams   In early June, 2010, less than a week after anyone outside of his immediate circle ever heard of Tim Adams, MSNBC’s Keith Olbermann publicly named Adams the “Third Worst Person In The World.” Olbermann cited, halfway accurately, a WorldNetDaily article quoting Adams’ claim that “a long form hospital-generated birth certificate for Obama does not even exin the … [Read more...]

Wall Street, September 17: ‘Beginning of the Global Revolution…?’

New Zeal The "Anonymous" anarchists are joining the planned occupation of Wall Street, beginning September 17. It says, "flood into lower Manhattan, set up tents, kitchens, peaceful barricades and occupy Wall Street for a few months … Once there, we shall incessantly repeat one simple demand in a plurality of voices." The September 17 protest is not confined to Wall Street. It is part of an international … [Read more...]

Invasion of the Greenie Trolls – Whine vs. Tea

NoisyRoom As the Tea Party Express rolled into Napa, they were greeted by Greenie Trolls who didn't even bother to hide under a bridge as any other self-respecting troll would do. Don't you know your etiquette? Geez. Zombie has a fantastic photo essay post up at Pajamas Media: Green vs. Tea, Round 1: Party Battle Napa. You just have to see and read it all. The festivities were replete with Greenies whining and … [Read more...]

Media Prepare Russian Treaty Trap for the U.S.

“In a multinational race to seize the potential riches of the formerly icebound Arctic, being laid bare by global warming, Russia is the early favorite.” So says the Christian Science Monitor. “At stake is an estimated one-quarter of all the world’s untapped hydrocarbon reserves, abundant fisheries, and a freshly opened route that will cut nearly a third off the shipping time from Asia to Europe.” What the paper … [Read more...]

Pelosi: The Rich Won’t Pay Taxes Because They Want to be Immortal

NoisyRoom From: NakedEmperorNews Nancy's Crazy Class War Conspiracies: The Rich Wont Pay Taxes Because They Want To Be Immortal, GOP Hates Kids & Keeps Wages Low to Force People To Pay Bank Fees … [Read more...]

Shine a Spotlight on the Chopper Crash in Afghanistan

I am not saying that a suicide bomber was definitely the cause of the explosion, but it is certainly a possibility is it not?  -  G u l a g  -  B o u n d  - "I guess we are all going slowly through the completion of our tour of duty, i.e. death.  I look at death as a new adventure with a don't sweat it attitude.  Any footprints you may have accidentally made will be washed away with the next wave.  Life is loaned … [Read more...]

Congressional Black Caucus’ Dangerous Violent Rhetoric: Declares ‘War’ on Racist Tea Party

NoisyRoom From: Naked Emperor News  'This is WAR' Congressional Black Causes' Travels American Cities Using Dangerous Violent Rhetoric: Declares 'War' on Racist Tea Party, Says Tea Party Wants To Lynch Blacks, Calls for Bank Runs, Civil Unrest in Their Neighborhoods and Homes … [Read more...]

Bankster/Soros Ginned ‘Day of Rage’ & ‘Occupy’ Planners’ Promotional Videos

How serious is the left about disrupting America? NoisyRoom       Read more at Talk South Radio... Don't be fooled. These are not your friends or fellow patriots. They will try to lure you in as comrades. These are the Unions, Progressives, Communists, Marxists, Socialists, Anarchists - they bring the rage. They will organize and use the youth to rally. You are fodder to them and … [Read more...]

Cairo Style Occupation Planned for Washington DC, Starting October 6

New Zeal David Swanson is the Washington Director of, co-founder of the After Downing Street Coalition and creator of Meet with He serves on the steering committee of the Charlottesville Center for Peace and Justice and on a working group of United for Peace and Justice. He has worked as a newspaper reporter and as Press Secretary for the Dennis Kucinich 2004 campaign, Media … [Read more...]

Federal Spending In Simple Terms

NoisyRoom By: AJ of Hat Tip: Sophia P. It can be difficult to put the federal debt and deficit into perspective because it is so large, but Dominic “Nick” Ovella of the law firm ‘Hailey, McNamar, Hall, Larmann & Papale, L.L.P.’ (in Louisiana, Mississippi and Texas) has simplified it in a way that many can relate to. First let us look at the yearly budget for 2011 along with our total … [Read more...]

‘Battle for the California Desert: Why is the Government Driving Folks off Their Land?’

If you have been looking behind the curtain of "going green," biodiversity, smart growth, and sustainable development, then you see with us, the kind of tyranny from which America's forefathers fought to be free. And you will recognize that recurring theme in this video. Governmental control of the once free American Citizenry through rules of land use, as we have explored, is neofascism and it is neo-Marxism, … [Read more...]

Authoritarian Globalist: Barack Obama Does as Edward Mandel House Said

Barack Obama: Administrator   Edward Mandel House wrote a terrible novel titled "Philip Dru: Administrator." The book is a vision of how House believed government should operate. As Woodrow Wilson's "alter-ego," he did everything he could to bring about his vision during Wilson's Presidency, including the design and creation of the League of Nations. House could not have known that some 70 years after … [Read more...]

Behind Operation Fast & Furious – the Islamic Connection

New Zeal Dr. Terry Lovell interviews Charly Gullett, author of a new book "Beirut Arizona" on the radical Islamic connection to the "Fast & Furious" gun-running scandal. … [Read more...]

Third Muslim Brotherhood Figure in Obama White House Identified, Plus in U.S. Navy

Did Obama’s Actions Put SEAL Team Six in Danger? Muslim Brotherhood in Our White House NoisyRoom By: AJ of & Arlen Williams Contributor: Terresa Monroe-Hamilton Aug 28, 2011, 6:43pm CT Graphic from the Illinois Conservative Examiner New details and names have emerged regarding appointees that Obama brought into our White House who allegedly have ties to the Muslim Brotherhood. This … [Read more...]

The First Sighting of Barack Obama

In December 2010, during his first week in prison at Fort Leavenworth, U.S. Army Lt. Col. Terry Lakin met with his assigned civilian psychologist, who claimed to know why Lakin was in prison. As the psychologist put it, Lakin did not believe Obama to be born in America and thus constitutionally eligible to be president. Lakin corrected him. As Lakin explained, he did not know where the president was born or … [Read more...]

Obama’s Slick Shift on Gay Marriage

In November 2008, while a candidate for president, Barack Obama was unequivocal in his rejection of gay marriage. At the time, Obama told even the gay-friendly MTV audience that he believed marriage to be exclusively "between a man and a woman" and that he was "not in favor of gay marriage." Just a few months later, in response to a question, Miss California Carrie Prejean said the very same thing, “I believe that … [Read more...]

Marxists Come to the Wild, Wild West

NoisyRoom Photos Courtesy of Freedom Works Well, lookie who has infiltrated my old stomping grounds - SDS! Who's a good little commie? They are! Yep, the Marxists seem to be alive and well in Reno, Nevada along with labor unions, generic Communists and anarchists. They were out in force protesting the Tea Party Express today and generally posing for the fawning media. Who by they way, seem to be there more in … [Read more...]

Young Communist Leads Chile’s Student Revolutionaries

New Zeal Student riots and protests are rocking Chile, one of the very few remaining non-Marxist led countries remaining in Latin America. Who is leading these  actions? According to the Communist Party USA's Peoples World: Camila Vallejo Dowling, 23, a geography student at the University of Chile and president of the Student Federation of the same university (FECH), has become the most popular and … [Read more...]

Communist Leader: The Republicans Must be Defeated!

New Zeal In 2008, Communist Party USA executive vice chair Jarvis Tyner criss-crossed the United States drumming up support for his party's "friend" Barack Obama. In 2011, Comrade Tyner still loves Obama, but perhaps even more, he hates the Republicans. Boy does he hate the Republicans! Tyner makes it clear how he regards the GOP when he writes of them picking their next "fuehrer." Jarvis Tyner … [Read more...]

‘Fur Hats and Arms’ – Chavez Plans Yet Another Russia Trip

New Zeal From Russia Today:     Hugo Chavez has met with the Russian Foreign Minister and promised to personally visit Russia in the nearest future to seal more contracts, purchase weapons, and maybe a fur hat to counter the winter frost. On Tuesday, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov arrived in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, which was the last – and most emotional – leg of his … [Read more...]

France Next?

New Zeal Moscow funded propaganda station Russia Today predicts that French austerity measures may lead to British style street rioting. As Moscow's communist allies in France are busily agitating among the very communities where violence will spring from, this is a very safe bet. … [Read more...]

How the Mortgage Meltdown was Built-up in One Midwest City

Reckless Endangerment - Kansas City Style   In a new bestseller, “Reckless Endangerment,” by The New York Times’Pulitzer Prize-winning business reporter Gretchen Morgenson and Joshua Rosner, Kansas City gets a surprising amount of attention—none of it good, but much of it juicy. What makes for the juice in this account of 2008’s “economic Armageddon” is Morgenson’s willingness to name names. Juicier still is … [Read more...]

Obama’s Diversity Executive Order: Dialectical Consensus? More Than a Jobs Plan

Maggie's Notebook   I recently posted on Obama’s Diversity Executive Order and said Diversity = Social Justice. I mused that perhaps the EO, calling for more diversity in federal hiring, was actually Obama’s jobs plan. Perhaps there is more to it than that, as a commenter pointed out at Gulag Bound, where my article was cross-posted. The commenter picked-up on the word ‘diversity’ and ‘council.’ The … [Read more...]

Panetta and R2P to Usher in the American Fall

NoisyRoom Leon Panetta wasted no time once he became the US Defense Secretary advancing the Responsibility to Protect Doctrine and simultaneously moving forward with massive defense cuts meant to neuter our military defenses and leave America weak and vulnerable on the international battle field. He shares a vision with Barack Obama of our military morphing from a true defense force into more of an international … [Read more...]

Video Suggests a New Declaration of Independence

Were the grievances of the American Colonies against King George III severer than American Citizens' now, with our own government? This video, uploaded just today, cites a list of present day grievances, including the dictatorial Obama/DHS policy of an unconstitutional power of arrest, incarceration, and even assassination of United States Citizens deemed "suspects" of terrorism. The proponents of this video … [Read more...]

Video: Slain SEAL’s Canine Compatriot Mourns at Casket

Noisy Room   Watch the latest video at <a href=""></a> Read more at Fox Insider… Gulag Notes … [Read more...]