Events are moving fast toward the artificial deadline of August 2nd. President Obama has apparently given up on getting a tax hike, and thus balance, as he has called it. In his Friday morning (July 29th) announcement, he urged folks to keep the pressure on with phone calls and tweets. Speaker of the House John Boehner has revised his plan that failed to garner enough votes on Thursday night to include once again a … [Read more...]
Archives for July 2011
The Conservative Stand
NoisyRoom Watching the debt ceiling battle is like watching a horrific train crash in slow motion and knowing you can't do anything to stop it. I'll repeat myself, you are being lied to... For those of you who may have forgotten and for those of you who possibly never knew, regardless of what you are hearing in the news, there are NO spending cuts. There are only "budget" cuts. The "natural" progression of … [Read more...]
Congress Pushing McConnell Obama-as-Dictator Plan Behind the Scenes?
It’s as if all of our elected representatives in the House and Senate have either lost their collectivist minds or are being paid--under the table -- more than We-the-People would have ever dreamt. Senator McConnell -- as Senators John McCain, Lindsey Graham, Lugar etc. -- has long acted and voted as a totalitarian ruler. Therefore he, all of the Marxist-Leninist Democrats (which means all Democrats) and RINOs … [Read more...]
‘Raising the Debt Ceiling’ For Dummies
NoisyRoom Lost in all the politics of raising the debt ceiling is a simple understanding of why it is so dangerous to do so. The government-controlled media is trying to ensure that the public doesn’t have the facts, lacks a clear understanding of the problem and chooses sides based on emotion. The fact is, at the end of 2008, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) reported, “At the end of 2008, that debt … [Read more...]
Sen. Rubio: ‘Save the Whole House or It Will All Burn Down’
NoisyRoom Hat Tip: Brian B. ‘We either save this country or we do not. And to save it, we must seek solutions.’ … [Read more...]
‘Rule Titled ‘Martial Law’ to be Issued by Rules Committee for New Debt Bill’
What in blazes is this, now? Uploaded by SaveOurSovereignty3 on Jul 28, 2011. Note to Congress' Republicans as well as Democrats: Don't mess with us one inch further. Don't do one more stupid thing, infringing upon the natural rights of the Sovereign People you serve, nor violating the Constitution you are sworn to uphold and protect and the terms of which you so egregiously and constantly … [Read more...]
NASA Tests Show Warming by Greenhouse Gases a False Crisis
Man-made global warming - not so much. Man-made global Marxofascism - now there's a crisis. New NASA Data Blow Gaping Hole In Global Warming Alarmism By James Taylor | Forbes – Wed, Jul 27, 2011 NASA satellite data from the years 2000 through 2011 show the Earth's atmosphere is allowing far more heat to be released into space than alarmist computer models have predicted, reports a new study in the … [Read more...]
You Are Being Lied To
NoisyRoom For those of you who may have forgotten and for those of you who possibly never knew, regardless of what you are hearing in the news, there are NO spending cuts. There are only "budget" cuts. The "natural" progression of expenditures in Washington, having its own localized financial physics, is that every budget item everywhere in the budget, always increases every year. And any failure to increase the … [Read more...]
Birthdays, Peaceful Protests & Code Pink Loonies
NoisyRoom By: Debbie Lee America's Mighty Warriors Birthdays ... Celebrated in so many different ways. Some people go to extravagant lengths and plan explosive and fun birthday parties while others sit in solitude by themselves. Many parents try to come up with unique and different ways to celebrate with their children but as we get older, the significance changes. Birthdays were never a big thing for … [Read more...]
McCain’s Rant Empowers Even the ‘Hobbits’ Among Us
NoisyRoom By: Dave Perkins Tea Party Tribune Wednesday, John McCain took to the podium to complain about conservatives … Again. If I might borrow the nomenclature of Professor Codevilla, it was a marvelous illustration of the contempt in which the “country class” is held by the “ruling class.” I have a hard time deciding which of McCain’s remarks enraged me the most, but I will settle on these for brevity’s … [Read more...]
A strange, McMean little man
NoisyRoom By: Andrea Shea King The Radio Patriot HOBBIT Home Anyone out there think John McCain is a strange, nasty little old man? I absolutely HATED casting my vote for him in 2008, but I HATED voting for Obama more, so what choice was left for me? For all of us? We clothes pinned our noses to hold back the stench, and did what we had to do, mostly for the love of Sarah. I didn’t like this … [Read more...]
An Open Letter to All Patriots
NoisyRoom By: Benjamin Smith The Tea Party Tribune I want to introduce you guys to someone who has changed my life — in crazy ways, great ways and tormenting ways — but all for the better. Her name is Debbie Lee and her son, Marc Alan Lee, was the first Navy SEAL killed in Iraq on Aug. 2, 2006. I met Debbie at CPAC last year, listened to the heroic efforts of her son on that fateful day in Iraq and her … [Read more...]
Brazil – China, Build Relationship
New Zeal From the Communist Party of China, International Department website: A senior official of the Communist Party of China (CPC) said on Thursday the CPC is ready to enhance exchanges with parties of Brazil's 10-party ruling coalition and to jointly advance relations between the two countries. Wang Lequan, a member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and deputy secretary of the … [Read more...]
China, Iran Cosy Up
New Zeal From the Communist Party of China International Department website: China and Iran on Saturday signed several agreements on infrastructure and trade cooperation, a fact further testifying to the already strong political and economic ties between the two countries. He Guoqiang, a senior official of the Communist Party of China (CPC) who is currently on a three-day official visit to Iran, and … [Read more...]
California’s Jerry Brown Passes “Dream Act”
NoisyRoom By: AJ California Governor Jerry Brown said, “At the end of the day, if we're going to continue as a powerful, equal-opportunity society, we're going to have to invest in our people." Here’s the problem… Jerry’s not investing in those who enter our country and live in California illegally; he’s taking money from American families via taxation and giving it to people who have broken our … [Read more...]
Mystery of TWA Flight 800 Persists, 15 Years Later
Sunday, July 17th, marked the 15th anniversary of the explosion of TWA Flight 800 off the coast of Long Island, New York at approximately 8:30 p.m., 12 minutes after it left New York’s Kennedy Airport heading for Paris, killing all 230 people aboard. To commemorate this tragic event, AIM gathered a group of people who have looked into this event, each bringing his own insights and knowledge of the case to the table. … [Read more...]
What Will China Do?
New Zeal Jeff Nyquist is one of the few commentators writing today who understands China and the significance of Beijing's ongoing commitment to Marxism-Leninism. Most viewers look at China's emphasis on business and wealth creation and falsely conclude that china is abandoning communism for capitalism. As Nyquist rightly points out, Marxist-Leninists have always acknowledged the productive capabilities … [Read more...]
News Bias, Civil Disobediance, and John Adams’ Rule of Thumb
"I heartily accept the motto, ‘That government is best which governs least;’ and I should like to see it acted up to more rapidly and systematically. Carried out, it finally amounts to this, which also I believe—‘That government is best which governs not at all;’ and when men are prepared for it, that will be the kind of government which we will have.” —Henry David Thoreau(1817-1862) From his essay “On the Duty of … [Read more...]
Neo-Communism Spreads as Media Fiddle
LIBERAL AND CONSERVATIVE POLITICAL CORRECTNESS? . by Toby Westerman International News Analysis Today July 19, 2011 The trial of Casey Anthony, the budget, and the Republican primaries dominate the "news" and the chatter of the leading talk shows. Iran and Islamic fundamentalism come in as second tier interests. The ongoing crisis in the South China Sea, Russia's military expansion into the … [Read more...]
‘Hacker Finds Emails Between Palin, Murdoch & Breivik’
Just thought we would show you Monday's headlines from Media Matters, Daily Kos, and the Huffington Post. Tuesday, in the New York Times. /satire But for some salient, true-to-life viewing, you may wish to see, from Pamela Geller at Atlas Shrugs: "Who Added "Christian" and "Conservative" to Norway Shooter's Facebook Page Yesterday?" Someone is apparently committing fraud in the attempt to propagandize this … [Read more...]
Liberal and Conservative Political Correctness?
International News Analysis Today July 19, 2011 By Toby Westerman The trial of Casey Anthony, the budget, and the Republican primaries dominate the "news" and the chatter of the leading talk shows. Iran and Islamic fundamentalism come in as second tier interests. The ongoing crisis in the South China Sea, Russia's military expansion into the Arctic, the cyber war with China, and Russian/Chinese/Cuban … [Read more...]
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