Accuracy in Media Under the Graham family, the previous owners of The Washington Post, it was always a liberal Democratic Party newspaper. Everyone knew that. Under Amazon’s Jeff Bezos, it has become a left-wing rag, running stories against the Trump administration that are so extreme as to be laughable. The paper’s descent is something to see, especially in regard to Iran’s aggressive and terroristic behavior … [Read more...]
Archives for May 2017
CUNY Professor Mucahit Bilici? blames ‘Trump’s Islamophobic rhetoric’ for Bernie-supporting murderer Jeremy Christian
By: Renee Nal | New Zeal Jeremy Christian brutally murdered two men and wounded another who were allegedly protecting Muslim women on a train from Christian's "racist insults," as reported at KATU. From the article: "Multiple witnesses told KATU the suspect was hurling racial insults at two women, at least one of whom was wearing a hijab. Police wouldn't confirm their ages, but referred to them as 'girls' … [Read more...]
Rob Bonta Wanted To Legalize Communists In California Government – Has Maoist Family Background
New Zeal This article has been cross-posted from Bombthrowers. In May, anti-communist California State Assemblywoman Janet Nguyen (R-Santa Ana) pushed back hard against Assembly colleague San Francisco Democrat Rob Bonta's Assembly Bill 22. Bonta’s Bill was intended to amend an existing statute for removing a public employee who "is knowingly a member of the Communist party," or a member of an … [Read more...]
Memorial Day Prayer
BombThrowers This is the day we remember those who have fallen in battle, thereby making the supreme sacrifice in service to our great nation. Too many of us don’t fully recognize what this day symbolizes. So I am offering a Memorial Day prayer, both to give my thanks and hopefully help us all be a little more appreciative. Here it is: Dear God: I pray for the fallen, those brave souls who gave their … [Read more...]
The Real Russia-Gate Scandal
Accuracy in Media Josh Gerstein’s Politico story about the owners of a Russian bank suing BuzzFeed for publishing the “Trump Dossier” containing “unproven claims” doesn’t go far enough. These “unproven” and even disproven claims that have guided the FBI’s dead-end investigation of President Donald Trum, are one reason that former Director James Comey deserved to be fired. The real Russian disinformation has … [Read more...]
We’ve Left Montana: Georgia Here We Come!
By: Lloyd Marcus Our Conservative Campaign Committee team left Montana still basking in the after glow of We the Peoples' victory over the Democrats' Trump-resistance operative Rob Quist. Mary and I are in a van with the Conservative Campaign Committee team headed to Georgia. The Georgia Trump-resistance candidate Jon Ossoff is leading in the polls against Republican Karen Handel in the June 20th … [Read more...]
Report: 23,000 Jihadis Living in Britain
By: James Simpson | BombThrowers About 23,000 jihadis — potential terrorists — are living in Great Britain today, British intelligence recently revealed. Approximately 3,000 of these are considered active threats and are being monitored or investigated, the Times of London is reporting. The remaining 20,000 either have been monitored and dropped from the list or cannot be monitored for lack of law … [Read more...]
Dr. Carson Compassionately Spoke The Truth About Black Poverty
By: Lloyd Marcus Dr Ben Carson being under fire for saying "poverty is a state of mind" during an interview is a prime reason why black Americans should end their insane loyalty to Democrats. In essence, Dr Carson compassionately gave his fellow blacks a crucial key to personal success and overcoming poverty. And yet, Democrat and Leftist self-proclaimed advocates for black … [Read more...]
Trump: Making Us Proud Shining Abroad
By: Lloyd Marcus The elegance, wisdom and class President Trump has displayed on his first foreign policy trip continues to baffle political elitists and fake news media. 1 Corinthians 1:27 comes to mind. "But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise." Trump is a man of the people who speaks like a human being. Obama spoke like an arrogant blow hard. He spoke so high above us … [Read more...]
The Denise Simon Experience – 05/25/17
The Denise Simon Experience Hosted by DENISE SIMON, the Senior Research / Intelligence Analyst for Foreign and Domestic Policy for numerous flag officers and intelligence organizations. THIS WEEK'S SPEAKERS: NOLAN PETERSON / KEN ABRAMOWITZ / TERRESA MONROE-HAMILTON BROADCAST WORLDWIDE: THURSDAYS: 9:00PM (eastern) on: WJHC - Talk 107.5FM WDDQ - Talk 92.1FM WLBB - News Talk 1330AM And on her … [Read more...]
Late-Night Trump Hatred vs. Primetime News
Accuracy in Media The anti-Trump venom from the mainstream media has become so virulent that broadcasters and reporters alike risk becoming little more than extensions of the late-night “comedic” lineup, bashing the President without regard for truth or factual accuracy. And above all, most of these journalists realize, and sometimes admit, that they want to help the Democrats win the next election. The … [Read more...]
Special Counsel Mueller Will Get His Man
Accuracy in Media One of the big problems with the media is that journalists publish so many things that aren’t true, especially when they are writing about people in positions of power whom they want to pursue their liberal agendas. Consider this statement from a Politico article by Garrett M. Graff about the special counsel investigating Russia-gate: “Robert Mueller might just be America’s straightest … [Read more...]
James Simpson on Manchester: Beyond fed up! Time for talk is OVER!
BombThrowers Goddammit! Beyond fed up! Time for talk is OVER! God forgive me. I was enjoying a rare respite from my work yesterday, when my senses were suddenly assaulted with the news of yet another terrorist slaughter — this time of at least 22, mostly young people and little children, at the Ariana Grande concert in Manchester, England. Here we go again! How many families, how many children, how … [Read more...]
The Montana Kid
By: Lloyd Marcus Mary and I are in Montana with the Conservative Campaign Committee working to defeat Pelosi's latest impeach Trump minion, Rob Quist who is running for congress. A small incident brought a smile to my face and my spirit. At the breakfast buffet in the hotel, a kid around 7 years old asked me. "Excuse me sir, is this stuff free?" I replied, "Yes it is." His mom saw him, smiled at me and … [Read more...]
Trump Presidency Takedown Effort Is Underway
Accuracy in Media Following President Donald Trump’s generally well-received speech in Saudi Arabia to an audience that included the heads of 55 Muslim-majority countries, the concern on the part of many in the media was whether or not this would relieve some of the pressure he is under back home. Bob Schieffer of CBS News acknowledged on CNN’s “Reliable Sources” that Trump sounded “presidential” during his … [Read more...]
Best Buds Mueller and Comey Target Trump
Accuracy in Media The Washington Post, a mouthpiece for Obama holdovers in the CIA and other agencies, reports that “sources” say a current White House official is under investigation as “a significant person of interest” in Russia-gate, but that the sources “would not further identify the official.” This is a case of anonymous officials talking about an anonymous official. Interestingly, the term … [Read more...]
Russiagate Cover-up Artist Robert Mueller
By: Cliff Kincaid | America's Survival Does Russiagate Special Counsel Robert Mueller, the former FBI director, have any credibility? Kenneth J. Dillon, a former Foreign Service officer and intelligence analyst, says, "My research on the 2001 anthrax mailings case suggests that former FBI Director Robert Mueller was responsible for the suicide of the alleged, but wrongly accused mailer, Bruce Ivins, as well as … [Read more...]
2010: Remember When Obama Pulled U.S. Spies from China?
Founders Code Of course you don’t, one had to be quite the investigator of journalism to know it much less remember it. So….why you ask? Hold on….there is a pattern and story here. 2010: The White House National Security Council recently directed U.S. spy agencies to lower the priority placed on intelligence collection for China, amid opposition to the policy change from senior intelligence leaders … [Read more...]
President Trump in Saudi Arabia, Joined the Culture
Founders Code Stephen Miller, Trump’s senior adviser for policy and speechwriter, is the principal aide in charge of writing both the speech on Islam and Trump’s later speech on the future of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. The speech appeared to be well received, yet there were a few flaws. The word ‘genocide’ should have been included applying it to Jews and Christians. Another persecuted sect is the … [Read more...]
Yes Trump Did Condemn Radical Islamic Terrorism in Speech to Arab Muslims (quotes/transcript/video)
President Trump's speech before the Arab Islamic American Summit in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, Sunday did specifically condemn what he has before called "radical Islamic terrorism," despite what we have heard from reporters and pundits for days. That he did not choose to string those words together in that order is simply beside the point. Consider the following. Very clearly, he was speaking to Muslims about … [Read more...]
Yes, Trump Did Condemn Radical Islamic Terrorism in Speech to Arab Muslims (quotes/transcript/video)
President Trump's speech before the Arab Islamic American Summit in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, Sunday did specifically condemn what he has before called "radical Islamic terrorism," despite what we have heard from reporters and pundits for days. That he did not choose to string those words together in that order is simply beside the point. Consider the following. Very clearly, he was speaking to Muslims about … [Read more...]
Boots on the Ground in Montana
By: Lloyd Marcus Hi Folks. Lloyd here, checking in from Montana with Conservative Campaign Committee working to defeat extreme liberal Rob Quist for congress. Mary has fallen in love with the Prairie dogs running around everywhere with their cute babies following them. I told her to forget about it. We are not taking Prairie dogs home on the plane to add to our 8 birds, two cats and greyhound. Democrats … [Read more...]
James Simpson Flays the Manufactured Anti-Trump Psyops: ‘I Am Fed Up!’
BombThrowers Trump leaked classified information! He tweeted something stupid! He is offending our allies and encouraging our enemies! He is a threat to national security and must resign now! Such are the fanatical ravings coming from the Lords of the Press, the Democrat Party, and a rogues’ gallery of brain-dead Republicans. I am absolutely sick to death of it! Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.), that stalwart … [Read more...]
Ivanka Thinks Liberals Will Like Her Father
Accuracy in Media One of the side effects of the anti-Trump liberal media propaganda is that many conservatives automatically jump to the President’s defense, even as he continues on a suicidal course, such as a scheduled Thursday meeting with news anchors. This is like a bleeding man jumping into the water with sharks, enticing them to engage in a feeding frenzy. The only notion more naïve is that liberals … [Read more...]
RINO Coup vs. Trump Overplaying its Hand? Johnny DeStefano, Reince Priebus, Monday May 22
If what I have just read is true (well, if most of that gained from pro-Trump citizen journalist Mike Cernovich pans out and if even a third just read from the flagrantly peculiar blogger, "Lame Cherry" is accurate) then what many of us suspect is roughly true is actually stone cold reality, observable with the five senses. That is, the obvious conspiracy to subvert the presidency of Donald Trump is deeply … [Read more...]
America’s Elected Government Hangs in the Balance
Accuracy in Media Years ago I agreed to be interviewed for a film which was included in an exhibit for the national museum in Washington, D.C. known as the Newseum. It was on the use of anonymous sources. In the film, which is still playing, I cautioned about their use, saying that they can be inaccurate or even non-existent, and that they reduce trust in the news media. Today, the use of anonymous sources … [Read more...]
The Denise Simon Experience – 05/18/17
The Denise Simon Experience Hosted by DENISE SIMON, Senior Research / Intelligence Analyst for Foreign and Domestic Policy for numerous flag officers and intelligence organizations. THIS WEEK'S SPEAKERS: JAMES CARAFANO / RYAN MAURO / PAUL SUTLIFF / PHILIP HANEY BROADCAST WORLDWIDE: THURSDAYS: 9:00PM (eastern) on: WJHC - Talk 107.5FM WDDQ - Talk 92.1FM WLBB - News Talk 1330AM And on her … [Read more...]
Diana West Shows-up Robert Mueller’s NWO Snowflakedness on Islamic Terrorism
Behold the NWO* Deep State's own Robert Mueller, now the official independent counsel assigned to Donald Trump, with Democrats hoping he will become America's new Inspector Javert to President Trump's Jean Valjean. Of course, in the vast authority given him, Mueller can also investigate the misdeeds of the likes of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton and their camps, at least during or beginning with this … [Read more...]
John Guandolo Discusses The Muslim Brotherhood’s Network in America, Attacks the Media
By: Alex Nitzberg | Accuracy in Media The Muslim Brotherhood operates a nationwide network of Islamic organizations actively working to subvert America and establish an Islamic State governed by Sharia law, former FBI agent John Guandolo explained during an interview on “The Alex Nitzberg Show.” Guandolo, the founder of, said: “There are thousands of organizations whose stated … [Read more...]
Maine Marxists work with Chellie Pingree to take over Democratic Party
New Zeal Cross-Posted at Bombthrowers Marxists are working overtime to take over the Maine Democratic Party, from Congressional to local level. Since its founding in June 2016, Maine Democratic Socialists of America, the Portland-based local of this country's largest crypto-communist organization, have become a significant force in Pine Tree State politics. Members of Maine Democratic Socialists of … [Read more...]
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