Accuracy in Media We have repeatedly exposed how the mainstream media consistently ignore the “phony scandal” of the multiple terrorist attacks in Benghazi, Libya in 2012, and the unnecessary deaths of four brave Americans, including Ambassador Chris Stevens. Indeed, the mainstream media shy away from covering this scandal or, alternatively, dismiss efforts to expose the ongoing government cover-up as an … [Read more...]
Archives for February 2015
Posing for the Cameras While the Islamic Threat Grows
Accuracy in Media Rep. Michael McCaul (R-TX), chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, says the danger is great that the thousands of Syrian refugees coming into the United States will include terrorists who want to kill Americans. So what is he doing about it? He told Sean Hannity of Fox News the other night that he has sent a letter! He said, “I sent a letter to National Security Advisor Susan … [Read more...]
BWC Conference – Trevor Loudon – The Enemies Within – Jacksonville, FL
Bear Witness Central Trevor Loudon is a well-recognized freedom loving activist. He will be talking about current issues and his over 30 years research on the radical left. This is a real issue, threatening America’s national security, and indeed our very survival, right up to the present day. … [Read more...]
Progressive Madness Causes Feminist to Murder Own Son in Own Womb
In the mindset corrupted by demons, who in most recent epochs tend to brainwash for neo-Marxist "progressivism," down becomes up and wrong becomes right. It happened with Cain in his hatred of God and of His disparate blessing upon someone He favored, his brother, Abel. The rebellious son murdered the son rewarded for his righteous work. It happened with Esau, who despised his own birthright of sovereignty in … [Read more...]
Obama the Anti-American, Now Defies the Court for Amnesty & #NAU
Obama the neo-Marxist "community organizer" gets with the racists of the Hispanic world. Via CNN, "President Barack Obama addresses the National Council of La Raza annual conference Monday in Washington," AFP photo "The lawless one," in the White House. President Antithesis (it's like what Antichrist is to Jesus, but different... well, sort of different). Obama defies judge, forges ahead with amnesty As to … [Read more...]
Media Accepting Obama’s Spin on the Economy
Accuracy in Media With as many lies and distortions that proceed from this scandal-plagued administration, one might think that mainstream reporters would turn a skeptical eye toward another one of President Obama’s carefully crafted narratives. Each narrative is designed to push “progressive” policies or to cover up administration mismanagement. But our corrupt media reflexively cheer whenever the leftist … [Read more...]
Common Sense Profiling or Racial Bias by U.S. Police Departments?
By: Bethany Stotts Accuracy in Media With mainstream media figures such as Al Sharpton acting as race-hustlers, adding fuel to the conflagrations that grow up around police violence, the media establishment has given America’s political leaders cover to claim that last year’s Michael Brown and Eric Garner cases are evidence of endemic police discrimination. But FBI Director James Comey was supposed to strike … [Read more...]
The Mysterious ‘Frank’ Returns
Accuracy in Media Yesterday’s news became big news on the Fox News Channel on Thursday when former New York City Mayor Rudolph Giuliani brought up the name of President Barack Obama’s childhood mentor, Frank Marshall Davis. It was almost seven years to the day when we published our seminal piece about Davis, “Obama’s Communist Mentor.” Davis was a member of the Communist Party and a suspected Soviet … [Read more...]
The Russian Bear Moves In Next Door Guess who's meeting with our new BFF, Cuba? Russia. Moscow’s Defense Minister Sergei Shoygu had an intimate and cozy meeting with defense and military leaders in Cuba, Venezuela and Nicaragua week before last. As they caught up with their fellow comrades on all the latest commie happenings... Russia agreed to provide military training and increase military visits and exercises. The Russians are … [Read more...]
Jim Simpson: Media Intentionally Fans Flames of Racial Hatred
The article to which Jim refers: "Black Criminals, White Victims, and White Guilt" … [Read more...]
In Case You Missed Him – Trevor Loudon on the Radio
Hat Tip: Dick Manasseri In case you missed this critically important broadcast with Trevor discussing The Betrayal Papers - Under Obama: The U.S. Captured by the Muslim Brotherhood: Please share this with your friends and family and offer comments. Watch for next week's Part 2 of the Betrayal Papers. ------------------- Also, tune into … [Read more...]
No ‘Major Scandal’ in Obama Administration?
Accuracy in Media David Axelrod’s book tour is off to a rollicking start, with perceived attacks on Hillary Clinton’s upcoming presidential run, and an absurd comment about the ethics and integrity of the administration he served so loyally, and continues to do so. Axelrod, former senior advisor to President Obama, recently asserted something so patently untrue that it demands a response. “And I’m proud of … [Read more...]
Gov. Hogan’s Proposal to Abolish Rain Tax a Sign of Maryland’s ‘New Direction’ Rain tax, flush tax, Maryland’s newly elected governor hopes to make it all water under the bridge Gov. Larry Hogan made history in 2014 as only the third GOP governor elected in over 40 years. He did so based on promises to reel in the many excessive taxes imposed on the state by former Gov. Martin O’Malley and to take the state in a “new direction.” This Tuesday, he took the first step, proposing … [Read more...]
Congress Fiddles While the World Burns
Accuracy in Media The Obama administration may be on the same side as the Muslim Brotherhood, but at least we know where they stand. Congress, by contrast, sounds tough and does nothing. Consider the chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, Rep. Michael McCaul (R-TX), who has issued a “seven-point plan” to defeat Islamist terrorism that includes countering Islamist ideology. He gave a speech at … [Read more...]
Reds in Hollywood Making a Comeback
Accuracy in Media Bryan Cranston is famous for his role as meth cook “Walter White” on the AMC drama series, “Breaking Bad.” He may become infamous for something else later this year. He is playing the role of Stalinist Communist and Hitler apologist Dalton Trumbo in the new film, “Trumbo.” The film is said to be in its “post-production” phase, and Cranston may not have known what he was getting into. It’s … [Read more...]
Irreconcilable Differences: Obama’s Job Approval Ratings and Unemployment PERCEPTION VS. REALITY: A number of economic statistics not covered in official reports reveal the differences between the public’s perception of the president’s performance in handling unemployment and the reality. According to a recent poll by AP-GfK, President Obama currently has a 47 percent job approval rating, up from 41 percent in December. Fifty-one percent of Americans approve of Obama’s … [Read more...]
More Hipster Harf: ‘We Can’t Stop ISIS by Killing Them; We Need to Give Them Jobs’
By: Brent Parrish The Right Planet For many years now I have said the State Department needs to be cleaned out from top to bottom. And I’m not alone in that opinion, either. The U.S. Department of State has a long history of working against the best interests of the United States, consistently shilling for all things socialist. Those who have looked into tax-exempt foundations like the Carnegie Endowment, … [Read more...]
ISIS Parades 17 Kurdish Fighters in Cages to be Burned Alive Like Jordanian Pilot I warned everyone that despite the posturing by the Jordanians and Obama, ISIS is not on the defensive... they aren't on the run either. They are advancing and they are ratcheting up their barbarity. In a scene reminiscent of Stephen King's The Stand, ISIS just paraded 17 Kurdish fighters in cages on the back of trucks through the Iraqi city of Kirkuk. They will meet the same fate as the … [Read more...]
Media’s Lack of Curiosity About Killer of Muslims in North Carolina
Accuracy in Media Was the brutal murder of three Muslims in North Carolina this week a case of “random violence,” or were the three targeted because of their Muslim faith? And why, of all the murders committed across the country this week, did these three grab so much national media attention? The FBI has now joined the investigation. Perhaps the lessons learned from Jared Lee Loughner’s shooting of former … [Read more...]
Warring Factions Threaten Clinton White House Bid
Accuracy in Media Ongoing rivalries and dissension among Clinton loyalists have percolated up through the mainstream media, even The New York Times—whose own investigative reporting may have set off the latest salvo. It seems despite the president-in-waiting status often accorded to Mrs. Clinton, there might not be enough money to go around, evoking harsh internal criticisms. David Brock, founder of the … [Read more...]
Muslim Brotherhood’s ‘Civilization Jihad’ Next Door, Should You Be Afraid?
Muslim Brotherhood’s “Civilization Jihad” Next Door Should you be Afraid? Make up your own mind after listening to a panel of experts discuss the penetration of the Muslim Brotherhood (MB) into everyday American life. The Denise Simon Experience radio program on Thursday 2/12/15 provided the opportunity for an open, candid and sometimes chilling discussion of deception at the highest level that enables MB … [Read more...]
The Denise Simon Experience (streaming): Muslim Brotherhood Infiltration of White House & US Gov’t
Tonight, 9-11pm EST and archived The Denise Simon Experience radio program: Discussion on Muslim Brotherhood Infiltration of White House and US Government Denise Simon will host a panel of experts tonight (Thursday 2/12) to discuss the topic of the Muslim Brotherhood infiltration in the Obama Administration. The panel will address Obama and State Department advisors with direct ties to Muslim Brotherhood … [Read more...]
Net Neutrality a Looming Threat to Free Speech The Federal Communications Commission will vote on a new “net neutrality” regulatory framework for the Internet on Feb. 26. FCC has already been stopped in its tracks twice by federal courts which have ruled that the FCC has no authority to impose such regulations. Not to be thwarted, the Obama administration has doubled down, declaring the Internet a public utility subject to regulation under Title … [Read more...]
Will Saudi Prince Thwart Terror Probes?
Accuracy in Media CNN has a problem: one of its hosts, Michael Smerconish, is uncovering evidence about the Saudi role in 9/11. But a CNN analyst, Frances Townsend, has been rubbing elbows with one of the alleged Saudi financiers of al-Qaeda. Perhaps they ought to get together and compare notes. The strange story begins with Smerconish on his CNN show last Saturday interviewing attorney Sean Carter, who … [Read more...]
Say Her Name: Vaccine Victim Hannah Poling
Accuracy in Media Brian Williams’ “chopper whoppers” about his exploits as a correspondent flying into Iraq are making him look foolish. It’s not clear whether he can survive in the anchor chair. But don’t think the Williams case means that the media are now on guard for misrepresentations and false claims. The controversy over vaccines has been another media low point. We are being told they are completely … [Read more...]
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