Video and text of Diana Larkin's relayed words from the broadcast Diana publishes in Twitter: @JournalDiana11, Gab @journal, CloutHub @JournalDiana11, and “Diana Larkin” in and in YouTube. Links to videos excerpted or referred in this video are listed at bottom. See the video at:Bitchute | Brighteon | Odysee | Rumble | YouTube THE … [Read more...]
Fall of the Fall: Our Marching Orders for the Showdown in DC, Turning America’s Page
Deep Christian Persecution in America on the 2020 Ballot, Democrat Side
URGENT: The twisted "Equality Act" is on the ballot with Harris-Biden and Democrats at large For Christians and those seeking truth This is some of the bad stuff, the stuff we don't want to hear about. It is the heartbreaking eventuality if the momentum of the vehicle in which we ride takes us down the wrong side of the fork in the road. Some know the name of a Kentucky Assemblies of God pastor named … [Read more...]
Maoist Thugs Target Christians with Support from Justice Roberts
By: Cliff Kincaid With all that’s happening in the United States and the world, you may have missed the ruling from our “conservative” Supreme Court on May 29. The “conservative” Supreme Court Chief Justice, John Roberts, joined the four liberals in ruling that churches are not entitled to First Amendment protections and that they have to obey the dictates of liberal governors. Two days later, St. … [Read more...]
Kim Davis, Civil Disobedience, Defying the Powers-that-Be for Christian Beliefs There comes a time in every person's life where they have to decide what they stand for and what they believe in. What is the line that you just won't cross, no matter the consequence? Many people never consider that question until they are forced to. For Christians, it is an easy choice. They answer to a higher power than the government or the courts. For Kim Davis, that day came a while back … [Read more...]
Destroying and Killing the USA was Way Too Easy
The destruction of the USA and its takeover by domestic traitor and foreign forces has been in the works for many decades. In recent history, Roger Nash Baldwin (founder of the ACLU and 'father' of many other leftist organizations) was one of the prime “leg men” in establishing the foundation for the overthrow of the USA. Of the ACLU, he said: "Communism, of course, is the goal." Although he is said to have … [Read more...]
Allah in the Classroom — the ABC’s of Forced Conversion Our children are our world as parents. They are the future of our nation. Most of us would gladly sacrifice all we have and our lives for our little ones. So, why do we so readily hand their learning and their care over to those that would abuse them and trick them into being part of the greatest evil the world has ever known? It figures that the young, innocent ones would be a prime target for … [Read more...]
Twitter’s Homofascist Crackdown & a Tale of 2 Hashtags: #4Huston5 #HustonWeHaveAProblem
Follow-up to "Pastors Ordered to Submit Sermons to Government in Houston; Degeneracy Brings Authoritarianism" The hashtag #4Huston5 is what some of us are using now in Twitter and #HustonWeHaveAProblem is what Twitter was blocking, something exposed in the following D.C. Caller article (linked). San Francisco's own Twitter seems to be dressing up in the flamiers' black leather (flamers' as in the new media … [Read more...]
Pastors Ordered to Submit Sermons to Government in Houston; Degeneracy Brings Authoritarianism
As America's charter, our Declaration of Independence does declare, our nation is founded upon self-evident truth. That is a necessary condition for a people sovereign under God in their own nation. Do we now think adopting the oxymoron of "same-sex marriage" is about our society maturing rather than embracing the dementia and depravity brought on by denying natural law's natural reality? About love and … [Read more...]
Beheading: Bloody Jihad Comes to Moore, Oklahoma: Alton Nolen
Bloody Jihad Comes to Oklahoma Right in my back yard! The religion of pieces has struck in Moore, Oklahoma yesterday. Alton Alexander Nolen, 30 years old and an ardent Muslim, got fired from his job yesterday at a food processing plant. He had been actively recruiting fellow workers to Islam. When the infidels fired his sorry ass, he decided to cut off a woman co-worker's head and stab another. … [Read more...]
APUSH Attack on America via Historical Revisionism: Background
It has been said that history is written by the winners of wars. In Fabianist Marxofascist schemes, wars are won by the re-writing of history. EXCLUSIVE: Texas is 'Nation's Last Best Chance' to Block APUSH, Say Experts Norman Dodd knew first-hand and he warned us of the soft treason (video and commentary in Gulag // full transcript via So they approach the Rockefeller Foundation with a … [Read more...]
Communists Inciting Violence in Ferguson
By: Brent Parrish The Right Planet Rebel Pundit Local protestors in Ferguson, Missouri, have had enough of the commie agitators. (Credit Rebel Pundit) If ever there was an anachronistic boogeyman, communism is it. Since its heyday in the 50’s, the fear of communism has steadily lost most of its McCarthy era bite. For many, the fall of the Soviet Union closed the case on communism as a failed ideology. But … [Read more...]
Pope Rehabilitates Marxist Priest
Accuracy in Media An advocate of Marxist-oriented “liberation theology” and recipient of a Lenin Peace Prize has returned to his duties as a priest in the Roman Catholic Church, after a 29-year suspension. Miguel D’Escoto, who served as President of the U.N. General Assembly from September 2008 until September 2009, had been suspended from his priestly functions by the anti-communist Pope John Paul II in … [Read more...]
What’s Wrong with these Photos Proves What is Wrong about Liberals
By: Nelson Abdullah Conscience of a Conservative There are always two points of view to every story. In political issues those points are usually conservative versus liberal. More often than not that equates to rational versus irrational or intelligent versus stupid. Take your pick, I prefer the latter - intelligent versus stupid. And there is no limit on the number of stupid people you will find and most of them … [Read more...]
UPDATE: Christian Ministries Shut-Out by Obama & DHS from Aiding Alien Minors Pushed into America
The Obamunists hardly want actual Christian relief organizations interfering with their planned and executed, Marxofascist disruption, at these hideously abused children's expense. An "Army" of Christians on the Border Prepared to Respond to "Heart-Breaking" Child Immigrant Crisis UPDATE - the CBN video featured in the Charisma Magazine article linked through the above (too bad the CBN staff is regurgitating … [Read more...]
Washington: the Seat of the Caliphate
ISIS is now fighting fiercely in Iraq to establish a world Caliphate and it is killing everyone in its path without mercy. So where does that brutal Caliphate have its seat? Washington, DC. Washington is the face of the Caliphate. The GOP and the Dems are working together to overthrow Assad, even though the latter is the last ruler in the Middle East who has protected Christians. However, to put … [Read more...]
Islam: Some Religions are More Equal than Others Subjugating Tulsa to Islam since 2010... Obeying the Da’wah. “Inviting to the Way of submission and surrender to Allah.” Justice for all, but some more than others evidently -- welcome to DhimmiTulsa. Religious freedom is obviously not for Christians or others... it's for Muslims and if you are a cop in Tulsa, you will obey and submit or be punished. So sayeth a panel of federal judges in … [Read more...]
Say Merry Christmas and Mean it: 1st Amendment and Christian Traditions
Two of the most familiar and most sacred of Christian holidays are the celebrations of Christmas and Easter. Christmas is celebrated on December 25 each year by billions around the world to commemorate the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Easter is celebrated in the spring and denotes the death and resurrection of Christ. If Christmas is such a holy celebration, then why has Christmas become a time in … [Read more...]
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